Tues, Aug 17, 2010

Big Dawg Dish Update!

A huge thank you to those who were able to put some food into the Big Dawg Dish over the past little while.
3 athletes will now benefit from the Big Dawg community over the next few months thanks to you.
Our very own "Unit" - Garry Martin will participate in "the survival of the fittest" next weekend along side some other dawgs Michael and Paul Smith.
2 other original dawgs DJ Wickham and Nathan Holiday will also get the chance to show their stuff at the 2010 CF/USAW Weight Lifting Open in Colorado alongside OPT CCP coaches and clients Colin Jenkins and Wes Kimball.
These guys with a little support from the Dish were able to see this happen, so from me and them a huge THANKS!
Onward and upward...


Pete @ CFN said...

Yesterday's PP + CTB + Run:

105 + 5 + 11:46

Michael said...

Good Luck Unit and Paul! look forward to meeting you guys!

OPT said...

Michael, Paul...if you guys need help in a place to stay let me know

Paul Smith said...


Thank you for the help, but I live about an 1 1/2 hr away so it will be a day trip for me.


Good Luck as well. I look forward to meeting you and Unit.

Hari said...

For those who may have missed it, James will be speaking at CrossFit NYC on October 2, 8:00 AM

The fee is $20, all of which will go to the Big Dawg Dish. As of today, 68 of 75 seats have been sold.

If you're interested, you can register here:


Hari said...

Link doesn't seem to work.

Just go to crossfitnyc.com and follow the links.

Martin Altemark said...


Stahl said...

It's great to see the dish being put to use so soon. Hope all the dawgs tear it up.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Dawgs!

DSC Staff said...

Best to everyone with comps coming up soon, happy to contribute and know that we'll be cheering hard for you.

Full effort is full victory

matt said...

Yesterday's wod

40,40,38,37,35 = 190

6 rds

no time for the run...I will hit it tonight.


Felt great today. PP felt light.Disappointed I ran out of time for run.

Wes Kimball said...


Thanks for the shout out, looking forward to October!


Sweeney said...

Really like the look of "the survival of the fittest"

Good luck to all Dawgs competing in this and in the CF/USAW Weight Lifting Open.

Drew said...

Yesterdays wod
CTB-4 sets (my hand started to tare so I stopped)

Angelo Fosco said...

20 min AMRAP wod today:

5 rounds as rx'd. MU's getting better.

Brent Maier said...

Good luck dawgs! I don't think i can pass up the opportunity to compete in the USAW even considering I live here. I look forward to seeing you all here on my turf.

Stephen B. said...

Been under the weather last few days...considered doing the squat clean/mu wod from a couple days back today, but have zilcho energy...will catch up over the next few days as I really want to do the last 2 wods and get back on track.

Good luck dawgs...look forward to hearin about your full effort victories on the blog over the coming weeks.

Steve said...

Did Saturday and Sundays W.O.D's today

Snatch: 111/121/135/145/155(3)
HSPU ladder: 5:21
Double Unders: 4:21

6 rounds even with 5 seconds to spare.

Will hit mondays tomorrow morning.

Steve said...

And good luck to DJ, Nathan and the other dawgs!

Mike McNaughton@CFN said...

15 min AMRAP- 2 PC/2 SC/7 MUs/15 cal on Airdyne:
3 rounds plus 2 squat cleans

15 min rest



Unknown said...

for reps:
Tabata Pistols
(alernate per set - 4 sets/leg)
rest 10 sec
for sets:
As many sets of 10 unbroken CTB chin ups in 5 min
rest 10 sec
for time:
75 reps - 36" box jump

score like this - total pistols + total sets + total time (i.e. 64+18+3:55)
Total = 40 (assisted) + 6 + 8:07

Robin Lyons said...

Hope to meet some of the Dawgs in Colorado!...I will be there competing as well...

Mike Perolio said...

Get it Collin!

Michael Perolio
CrossFit Five Cities

Michael said...

Yesterday's WOD
A. 20 for all 5 sets, held back too much
B. 5 sets (pleased with this)
C. 20 min for 2 mile run.. legs felt extremely heavy from the start of this

Dustin said...

Yesterday's WOD PP+CTB+Run

A) 24, 24, 19, 17, 19 =93

B) 6rounds+10

C) 18:26

**Chest to bar was brutal - made going into the run very difficult**

John@CFWC said...

From a few days ago
AMRAP in 20 minutes:
2 PC 185#
2 SQC 185#
7 MUs
15 cals on Airdyne (subbed rower)
-4 rounds +2+2+7
Energy level just sucks lately. Disappointing.

Brian Gregory said...

Aug 15th WOD
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
2 Power Clean - 185#/135#
2 Squat Clean - 185#/135#
7 muscle ups
15 cals on AirDyne

5 rds +2 +2 +5MU's

Notes: Mu's done without false grip and only one failure. Did in 3/2/2 first 2 rds, then 2/2/1/1/1 later rds. Sub 30secs on airdyne. Approx 50 meters to rings outside. Rested too long on cleans it felt like.

Jonathan Burns said...

Tue Aug 10th WOD:
a1. 135 155 165 175 185 195 200
all touch and go

a2. 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
all UB

a3. 135x18 155x13 165x8 175x4,5,5,6
no spotter, nursing a hurt shoulder so I took it easy on bench. shoulder felt ok after.
