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dreams becoming a reality - Josh Lewis and his new place |
Row Sprints:
15 sec @ maximal effort - high s/m
Row easy 45 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 10 times
(rest 5 min)
20 sec @ maximal effort - high s/m
Row easy 60 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 8 times
(rest 5 min)
25 sec @ maximal effort
Row easy 75 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 6 times
rest 6+ hours
For time:
5 rope ascents - 20'
10 unbroken hang squat clean - 185/120#
200 double unders
10 unbroken hang squat clean - 185/120#
5 rope ascents - 20'
(sub 7 rope chin up-knee up for 1 rope ascent - chin up-knee up is a strict chin up where head gets higher than hands on towel, and knees are brought up into chest as you raise up into towel chin up)
post watt avg per time period and time for workout 2 to comments
Awesome gym Josh!! I cant wait to puke all over those nice floors!
Previous Workout:
BP: 100/102.5/105/107.5/110kg (245#)
KBS: 2PD all unbroken
HPCx5: 90/92.5/95/97.5/100kg (220#)
C K2E + DUs: Time 7:32 w/40 du's per round
Sunday's WOD:
KBS:UB(2.5PD)/27(2.5PD)/UB(2PD)/20(2PD...lost balance momentarily)/UB(2PD)
DUs: UBx5
notes: the 2.5PD was a grip killer...next time this comes up, I'll try again though...HPC suffered a bit from KBS
Congrats Josh!
Nice work, Garage!!
Nice Backyard Shed Josh
Part 2 (no rower at home and want to hit it on the rower rather than run)
35 towel pull ups
10 Broken HSC
200 broken D/U
10 Broken HSC
35 towel pull ups
That was a heavy bar!
Was planning on a San Diego trip in January for Exercise Physiology - Assessment, but found out today that I have a torn ACL in my left knee, going in for surgery 1/4/11. Still trying to get in as much as possible (been lifting with that for the last 6 months apparently), hope to get back to 100% soon.
228 avg watts
part 2 in 13.5 hours.
Part 2:
13:55 - subbed and scaled
15 chin up knee ups on bar
10 Broken HSC @ 135# (8,2)
200 broken D/U
10 Broken HSC @ 135# (5,5)
15 chin up knee ups on bar
Part 1 later today.
Congrats on the place Josh. Your hard work paid off. Enjoy it
congrats Josh! looks freakin sweet!...
after taking 7 days off, am starting from last Monday, will slowly work back in...
Monday Nov 22nd
A- 215/ub x5 sets
B- ub/ub x5 sets
press - 115[5], 125[5], 135[10]
db ex rot - 20x10 x3, 25x10, 30x5
close grip press/ext- 115 x10 x3; x9, x6
ring HSPUs have never felt so ez... thought it would be horrible as previous PR was 6... happy with getting 10 on all sets...
Stupid question #1:
If an exercise (e.g. 400m run) is Rx'd at 75%, how is it assessed throughout the exercise? I am a floppy and sloppy fat man and "I currently struggle with" any running exercise. So, for me, a 400m run Rx'd at 75% might start at about 75% but by the end it turns into a hitting-the-wall 100%. Is this assessed as a 75% or 100% RPE? In other words, is RPE set for the beginning, middle or end of the run (or a combination thereof)? Or is it expected to fluctuate, so as to maintain 75% RPE during the entire run, thus causing my speed to change?
(I really hope this makes sense since I've been trying to figure this out for a while)
@ Delware,
75% is perceived exertion of your energy for that day. Some days it may feel easier or harder than others. Like OPT wrote in the FAQ section, don't use math; it's based on how you feel that day (or at least for me). Take the 400 repeats from Sundays WOD - I usually run around 1 min for 400, so i did 75% at about 1:30. then 90% around 1:18. That day felt a little slower but felt like I was pushing 90% of my energy. Any big dawgs out there with other input in case I'm off?
Part 2 first
Time: 13.26
35 towel pull ups as described in post
subbed Sqt Cln for 245# DL (can't rack)
200 DU - felt great. Did long sets of 40-50 each
DL again
35 towel pull ups - Broken as all hell. took roughly 5 minutes just to do these.
Rowing done as required. Each row around 2200 m
High bar back squat worked to 1rm - 410 pr by 5lbs
258 avg.
392 for 20s avg/ 99avg easy = 245 avg
405 for 25s avg/ 88avg easy = 246 avg
rowing is my nemesis, thanks OPT for exposing my weakness on day 1.
me and rory are going to hit workout 2 at 5pm. I only have a 15ft rope so we will do 7 ascents instead of 5.
Avg. watts:
15: 480
20: 456
25: 446
Good workout for me. Need to learn how to bring the intensity time and time again.
GCF, sweet setup, looks a little different than "the deer hunter" back last year! (http://optimumperformancetraining.blogspot.com/2009/09/wg-phase-3.html)
i'm gonna be a few days behind to plan wods around some other stuff i've got goin on... will post when i can
Part 1:
5 min rest
Part 2:
5 min rest between wods killed me. Unbroken hang squat cleans wasn't happening today. I'm getting better at DU but still hit about 40 and start to trip up.
Heavy Front Squats first
345x3, 360x1 (fail x3)
Rows: average 1:19-1:21 pace
ran out of time after the first set of rows
will hit the metcon later with AJ...
15s: went just over 2500m, b/t 450 and 600watts
20s: 450 average
25s: 450 average
Found myself not pushing as hard as I could for all rows. My lower back was bothering me a bit and my left hand felt like it was blistering for some reason.
Ass and hamstrings ached. Glad it's over.
thanks for the best wishes. we are definatley looking forward to building an amazing community out in central ny.
mccabe- yea a touch bigger and better, haha, no rifles hanging off the wall.
@ NW:
Sounds like the perceived effort is based on how one feels throughout a given exercise, a 400m run at 75%, for example. So, if I understand correctly, the speed may change throughout the 400m run while trying to maintain the perceived effort of 75% from start to finish.
Thanks for your thoughts and directing me to to the FAQs.
Part 2 - 12:07, not as rx'd
both sets of cleans were broken, 8/2 and then 2/2/2/2/2. grip mostly on the first set, fatigue on the second. also missed a lot of double unders, frustrating.
thanks to wifey for letting me go to the affiliate she works at and use their rope set up, our garage ceiling isnt high enough for good rope climbs
Good question, I wonder the same thing on these runs, but I think I'm making some mental progress. (Also, I'm a hapless runner, so I know your plight!)
I've been doing these tempoed intervals on a tread mill which forces me to base my RPE on a constant speed. The first 100 meters always feels 50% and the last 100m always feels 95-100%...or so I thought...
This last one with the 6 intervals at the pre-established 90% speed REALLY showed me what 100% felt like. Because of the treadmill, I set each one at the same exact speed (10 mph), but the change in relative effort was RIDICULOUS for rounds 2-5; I thought I was gonna go flying off the back of the machine on the last 50 meters of each run. This workout showed me my TRUE 100%.
Sometimes I think I'm hitting a wall but its really just the initial sensation of "wanting to stop," versus the very different sensation of "can't go on."
I'm now gonna base these tempos on how I feel toward the end of the run, knowing full well that no matter how slow I go, I'm always gonna perceive SOME amount of discomfort, its just about building the tolerance to the initial "fear" of the approaching wall.
Granted this is all on a fixed speed, so it doesn't actually answer your question...just relaying the experiences of a fellow anti-runner.
Did Part 2 first... part 1 later tonight
35 rope pull ups high knees
10 Broken HSC (115# 5-3-2)
200 D/U
10 Broken HSC (105# 9-1)
35 rope pull ups high knees
For the first HSC, scaled the wight to 115# to give a shot at it unbroken, but it was way the heavy to do it unbroken. For the second sequence, scaled the weight down to 105# to do it unbroken, failed on last rep, the bar rolled down off my fingers on the last rep. Forearms were dead, had no grip at the end.
It was a very good challege to work to do it unbroken.
part II
rope is only 11.5 ft. I started each climb on my knees and touched my head to 12 foot ceiling and did 7 climbs instead of 5.
subbed 155lb HSC, very tough!
@ Delware,
OPT in a past workout said the goal is to maintain that same 90% time. So if you run it in 1.15, the goal is to maintain that 90% time. As you will notice, it increasingly gets harder as the sets go on. So the initial run would be 90% effort for that day and the goal is to keep that same time throughout the workout. Make sense or am I just messing it up more?
Part 1
15s: 598.6 avg
20s: 576 avg
25s: 517.8 avg
Part 2
23:17 - subbed rope pull/knee ups
HSC broken 7/3 both sets - tried really hard to get all 10 but grip gave out.
DUs took forever
Catching up on posting
Sunday part 1
BP: 275/285/295/295/305 (f-3)
KBS: 2 pood ub x 5
HPC: 165/175/185/195/205 (f-3)
Push: ub x 5
K2E/DU: cut to 3 rounds...fried from traveling
Part 1
1:30-1:34 on all sprints
Part 2
14:32(used 135 for SQ and they were both 6/4 and my rope is only 11.5 so did 9 ascents)
Part 2:
Cleans were broken (20 singles).
Definitely underestimated how fried my forearms would get on the rope climbs. Grip was rate limiter today. I was pleased with the technique on my cleans however.
metcon 8:59
subbed 7x 15 foot rope climbs for the 5x 20 footer
Row sprints:
1st period: 202w
2nd period: 202w
3rd period: 206w
this wattage includes the easy row portions for the overall watt avg. a little over 2500-2600m per period.
6.5hrs rest
hsc were 155 and broken 7/3 and 6/4. rope climbs were towel chin up-knee ups. grip smashed.
Dead Lift;
Set 1 @ 126kg x 3
Set 2 @ 144kg x 3
Set 3 @ 162kg x 3+ (+3)
Set 1 @ 55kg x 3
Set 2 @ 53kg x 3
Set 3 @ 71kg x 3+ (+2)
From Nov 22nd
Split Jerk: 85kgx3/95kg x2x3
CTB Pull ups:
All Unbroken
Ring HSPU:
GHD Sit ups: Unbroken
*only 3 sets.
A.BP:185x2 195x3
KBS 53# all
PU 3xUB 2xbroken
C.KTE+DU 8:35 (includes the rest)
Row sprints
15:589 Avg
20:479 Avg
25:481 Avg
6 hours rest
Did a 5 minute amrap at work that the EP's posted as the workout of the month. 1 C+J @135, 5 burpees=13 rounds
Completed the rows today...but didn't record the average over the entire time period, just noted the wattage during the sprint portions.
1. 520 (avg during sprints)
2. 515
3. 510
Then did the metcon from the other day.
25 burpees
300m row
25 burpees
300m row
time 5:00
Pretty gased after all that rowing, but cardio has been lacking lately, so happy to do it.
Will hit up part 2 of todays tomorrow morning.
Part 1 Avg Watts (Includes easy row "rest" periods @ 50%):
6.5 hours rest
Part 2:
11:22 (155# HSC)
7 15' ascents (haven't done rope climbs in a long time. tough)
broken on 185 HSC, hands have
blisters from the damn rows earlier. Found catching impossible.
doubleunders were in sets of 50, 20s then 10s - trying to stay recovered.
Rory you're a freak! Great time man.
Part 1: avg watts including rest row @ 50%
was able to come on strong at the end. takes me a while to get going but once i am going i can maintain fairly well.
Part 2 only today:
I did the rope-chin-up-knee-up sub, started HPC @160 for 3 reps, dropped to 140 for (5+2 reps; then 6+4 on 2nd set). So, HPC broken three times in first set and twice in second set.
Part Two:
35 Towel Chin up - Knee ups
10 Broken HSC
200 DU'S Felt good
10 Broken HSC
35 Towel Chin up - Knee ups
HSC felt heavy today, grip shot
@ work no rower or time
part 2.
9:12 as RX HSC did 7 rope climbs to 15ft which ends up 105 ft total
Part 1
198 watts
189 watts
183 watts
Part 2
16:52 @ 135# hsc
8/2 first set, 6/4 second set.
First time squat cleaning in about 2 months! Felt great, knee has never felt better.. looking forward to getting my strength back.
part 2:
HPC broken 5/5 and 3/2/4/1
big thanks to my wife who taught me how to rope climb using my feet.
add rope climb to the goat list.
correction HSC were broken. my brain wasn't working post-wod.
Rory & AJ,
You guys are animals. Those are some great times.
from Wed Nov 24... + extras
A- deadlift- in 8 min- 315(5)/ 340(5)/ 365(10)
B- squat clean in 8 min- 250
C- 3 T&G [TAG] squat clean / thrusters on 60s x8... used 185... 4 sets completed... failed on 5
D- row 2K at 90%- 6:56 felt gd... best I've felt rowing in awhile...
E1- 10 harop curls, 5 sets, 15 sec rest
E2- 6 snake extensions @5151, 5 sets, 75 sec rest
man... can't wait 2 hit 2days metcon... looks like a ton of fun!... nice freaking work Rory and AJ!...
Row A: 2544 meters
Row B: 2658 meters
Row C: skipped. No time. Had the energy though.
All rows were strict on row times and efforts.
Part II: 15:35
Hit 2nd rnd of ropes at 11 minutes. They are my nemesis. Feet won't grip worth a shit.
P1: 154W / 2291m
141W / 2275m
125W / 2055m
P2: 14:00 - did 1st 5 cleans with 120lb, then dropped it to 115lb. Did 5 UB then the last 5 dropped the weight in between to regrip.
Part 1:
Avg watt (Including 50%):
For maxs on row
Metcon 22:40 not rx'd
Hsc broke twice each set, tech and weight was okay but as soon as I lost my pinky on bar I was pooched. 1st time doing rope climbs in wod, was fun.
That freakin wrecked me
Row Sprints:
15 sec @ maximal effort – high s/m
Row easy 45 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 10 times
Average Watts: 362
(rest 3 min)
20 sec @ maximal effort – high s/m
Row easy 60 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 8 times
Average Watts: 446
(rest 3 min)
25 sec @ maximal effort
Row easy 75 sec @ 50% effort
repeat 6 times
Average Watts: 447
couldn't keep track of the watts every time so i tracked total meters: 2652, 2750, 2192
subbed rope climbs with 30 burpees,16:34. i couldn't do the hang squat cleans unbroken which kind of surprised me. they felt very heavy. i averaged b/w 2-4 reps unbroken.
Part 2
35 rope pulls & 75#
Screen was broken on the only C2 @ globo.
But, I went hard as possible on Row sprint and felt great, fatigue never set in, 1mo ago I would have been crushed.
Part 2:
Rope @ my box is trashed so I subbed for rope chin-knee up...had to stop briefly for 530 class to do warm up on bar so total time was 19:36
Rowing Sprints done... could only record the average watts including the 50%s:
Part II:
Subbed 135 for 185 and still didn't go unbroken. Double Unders are officially in my kitchen when in a metcon. I am decent at them with warmups and when fresh, but in metcons I go about 20 at a time... Definitely something to work on... put it on my list.
Rowing: 1st set 1:28/9 500m/ave
2nd set 1:30 500m/ave
3rd set 1:30/1 500m/ave
Average pace, most sets were within 2 secs or so of those splits.
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