day 30/45


A1. Medium Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 4-6 x 4; rest 30 sec
A2. DB Walking Lunges @ 1010; 6-8/leg alt'ing x 4; rest 30 sec
A3. Supinated Strict Chin Ups Unweighted @ 52X1; amrap x 4; rest 30 sec
A4. DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-12 x 4; rest 120 sec

post loads to comments

post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30g prot/10g carb
12-14% - 30g prot/20g carb
below 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 45-60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)


  1. After all the advice the other day on lifting shoes, I decided on the Power Firms. Take my measurements, talk to the guy (Joe) and it turns out he no longer makes them and has none left in my size. For sizes that he has no stock of left, he only sells Do-Wins.
    Two pairs look identical: single strap, appear to be suede, and only differ in color (light blue or black). The other pair appears to be leather and has two straps.

    Back to the drawing board.

  2. Chris,

    I have two pairs of Do Wins and I really like em. I bought a second pair only because the first were a tad big. They run large. I wear a 13 sneaker and the 12 fits perfect. Maybe could even get away with a 11.5. I have had addidas before but I like the Do wins better cause they are a bit wider and the heel is higher which is great for me as it allows me to get into a rock bottom squat easier. I dont think you can go wrong with them. Muscle Driver is where I got mine.

    Feeling under the weather today. Took off from training and hope that I can hit it manana and do a double.

  3. a1. 185, 200, 210, 215
    a2. 25,35,25,25 - using 25lb plate
    a3. 11,8,8,8
    a4. 8 x 10lb plate x 4

    tempo on chins was difficult. felt good on bench. light on db walking lunges b/c of lack of equipment.

  4. A1. 135/140/160/170. I blew it on this one. I shouldve started much, much heavier and I had anticipated that the tempo was gonna really crush me at the end. 170 was still too light by far. Piss poor warm up set me up for a piss poor lift.
    A2. 90 (2 45# Dbs) x4sets
    A3. 6/6/5/5
    A4. 25x12/30x12/35x12/35x9

  5. Ok this is probably a dumb question but are db lunges done with DBS hanging at sides. And where do you put them for the extensions?

  6. @Lisa: I held the DB at my sides for the lunges and at my chest for the Back Exts.

  7. Lisa,
    As David said for lunges & tuck the DB under your chin like a bow tie for the back ext.

  8. a1- 162/172/182/192 for 6 reps
    a2- 30/40/55/65 for 8 reps/leg (Mike Fitz pushed me to do more after my 1st set- thanks Mike)
    a3. 5/5/5/5- problem was grip with my right hand. It always gives out before anything else.
    a4. 7.5/10/12.5/15 for 12 reps

  9. A1: 4x70kg
    A2: 8 each leg 2x20kg DBs
    A3: 11, 9, 9, 6
    A4: 12x10kg first set then 12x15kg

    Off to arrange a crossfit competition for Eleiko weights/barbells. Those guys at Eleiko are super interested in Crossfit. There's gonna be participants from all over Europe. Will be a good time!

  10. A1.185,215,225,230x4

    used a second hand for the tempo on each exercise starting on the second round; thus the decreases. First round counts on chins and BE's were fast. Odd that the BE's were easier in later rounds.

  11. A1. 135x6,140x5,140x4,140x4
    A2. 35/hnd,40,40,40
    A3. 7,6,5,4
    A4. 25x8,25x9,25x9,25x8

    Chins were more difficult than I expected. Should have gone up in weight in the lunges. Bench felt good and challenging. Arms got tired holding up the weight on BE before I could feel any fatigue in the lower back.

  12. A1: 155X6, 160X5X3
    A2: 25, 30, 35, 40X8
    A3: 10, 9, 8, 7
    A4: 15#X12, 20#X10X3

    Chins most difficult I think...BE's surprisingly hard. BP done alone, so might have been able to do a touch more with a spotter.

  13. A1. 185,175,165,165
    A2. 60# DBs X 4
    A3. 8,5,4,3
    A4. 45# DB X 4

    Bench felt weak. Chin-ups ruined me. I can already feel my behind start to tighten up from the lunges and BEs.

  14. Chris, I have a pair of Adistar lifting shoes by Adidas and my wife has a pair of the new Pendlay shoes. It really comes down to how much you are willing to spend. Adistar's are $170+ vs <$100 for the Pendlay. The only reason I went for the Adistars at the time was because I was able to drive down to the olympic training center and try them on.

    I bought her shoes at MuscleDriverUSA ( at a very competitive price. I've had good luck with them in the past but regarding shoes, they will ship you a second pair free of charge in the event you misjudge your size on the first order.

    Good luck with your purchase.

  15. A1. 135X6, 145X6, 155X5, 165X4

    A2. 25X8, 35 X 8 X 3 (weight each hand/reps each leg)

    A3. 4, 5, 4, 4

    A4. 25 lbs x 12 x 4

    -double under practice later tonight

    Ryan B.

  16. A1. 147/154.5/162/172x5 - all other sets 6 reps
    A2. 35/40/45/55 - I should've started heavier (55 # for all sets)
    A3. 7/7/7/4
    A4. 7.5x12/10x10/12.5x10/15x10

    That was a burner. Lower back on fire.
    Good to mhave Scotty Hagnas in the Dawg Pound!!!

  17. A1. 85#(6 reps)/95#(6)/95#(6)/105#(4)
    A2. 30#/hand(8 reps/leg)/35#(8)/40#(8)/50#(6) *felt awesome today
    A3. 6/5/4/3 *brutal with tempo
    A4. 20#(12reps)/25#(10)/30#(8)/30#(8)
    *focused on ensuring I achieved correct tempo for all exercises.

    Just realized as I was putting in my numbers that Back ext. were meant to go right after the chins. I read it, early this morning, as an exercise on it's own once the 4 sets of the first triplet were complete. My error meant that I was giving myself 30seconds between chins and starting the next set of bench.......clears up why I felt like I was uber bagged :o)
    That's what I get for trying to write down my workout without putting on my glasses in the morning :o)

  18. Did Annie today - 5:02
    Arm swing was a little hampered from aprehension of right shoulder.

  19. Done at OPT:
    BP: 158x6,163x6,168x5x6
    WL: 45sx8/8;55sx8/8x8/8x8/8 Got to get that ass engaged...
    Chins: 8/7/5/5
    BE: 5x12;10x12;12x8x8 ouch.
    Great to work out in the pound! Thanks everyone, and thanks for the great meals and hospitality, Sweeny!
    PWO: tuna, apples 40p/30c

  20. BrOPT!...
    gd 2 c u back at it!...


  21. bench- 135,155,175,195(4)
    Walking lunges- did not due, resting knee
    chins- 10,9,9,8
    Back X- 10/15/20(10)/25(10)

    Chins and back X tempo hurt real bad....whoooof, back to icing knee.

  22. Bench - 155-165-175-185 x 4
    Lunges - 50's each hand (all I had)
    Chins - 8-8-7-5
    Back Ext - 8 w/ 10 lbs

    Grip was a huge thing on the pull-ups because school gym doesn't allow chalk and their bar is super slippery. Luckily last day using school gym/storage unit. Renting out a garage now.....No more distractions or worrying about how i am going to complete the WOD. I will have everything in one location to do as recorded

  23. bench- 205, 215x5,215x5,215x5
    lunges- 60,65,70,75x12
    chins- 11, 9, 7, 6
    back ext- 15,20, 25, 25

    * my grip was failing due to chinups and heavy lunges.

    Good workout considering Ive been feeling broken down lately. Ready for a rest day and then back at it

  24. A1. Medium Grip Bench Press
    Loads/Reps= 95-6,105-6,115-6,125-6
    Just got #6 on the 125.

    A2. DB Walking Lunges
    Loads/Rep= 30-8,35-8,40-8,40-8
    all I had was 40#.  

    A3. Supinated Strict Chin Ups Unweighted
    Reps= 7,7,5,6. Grip was dying fast.  Went to hook grip to endure a bit better

    A4. DB Back Extensions
    5#-10, 5-12, 8-9,8-9
    that was really tough on me.

  25. Hi everyone, James, I got you your blog a few days ago and wana follow the programing.
    I see you go in 45 day cycles. If I do this should I start with todays WOD? or go back and follow it since day 1??

    Thank you and stay strong you all, this is cool stuff!

  26. A1 205x6 for all

    A2 65lbs each hand x8 ea leg

    A3 5,4,5,4

    A4 st leg dl 65ea hand

    No back extension

  27. Omar, firstly welcome aboard.

    The cycle that James has written is for a competition on this Blog on Nov 14. I would suggest, (anyone with differing opinions please jump in) that you start right here today on this WOD. The WOD's are programmed with the event on the 14th in mind (so a taper is built in) Enjoy the programming.

  28. A1. 5 @ 185, 5 @ 185, 4 @ 185, 4 @ 185
    A2. 8 w/ 50s, 8 w/ 55s, 8 w/ 70s, 8 w/ 90s
    A3. 6, 6, 4, 3
    A4. 12 w/ 25, 11 w/ 30, 12 w/ 30, 12 w/ 35

    The bench was somewhere between my normal grip and the close grip we did the other day. Felt OK for first couple of each set, but reps 4+ were rough in each set.

    The first two sets of DB lunges were way too light. Had to jump up quickly. The 90s were challenging, but doable. Should have probably started at 85s and worked up in increments of 5.

    ChinUps killed me. Just trying to get back up after hanging there for 5 seconds was kicking me in the face.

    The downward tempo on the Back Extensions was the challenging part. The weight of 30/35 seemed about right.

    Just for fun I went for max reps DUs after and smacked myself in the back of the head on 99. Good times.

    PWO: 40gP (MRM shake), 10gC (mashed sweet potato w/ cinnamon)
    45 min later: chicken breast, apple, almond butter

  29. a1. 65x6, 75x6, 85x6, 105x6
    a2. 15 # db
    a3. 9, 7, 7, 7
    a4. 12 each time

  30. A1. 6 x 165, 176, 187, 4 x 201
    A2. 8 each leg with 45 lb DB's.
    A3. 10, 8, 6, 6.
    A4. 12, 12, 10, 10 with 25 lb DB.

    Entire hand inside bench mark on bar, maybe 4" narrower per hand. The pullups got hard quick. My back is still tight from the BE's.

  31. I've got my Annie vid from yesterday uploaded.
    After watching it, I think some of my sit ups aren't to complete vertical.

  32. Key kids, I thought I'd share with you a little video of my new hero in life.

    Everyone should have heros...

  33. A1. 115 (6), 125(4), 125(4), 125 (4)
    A2. 35lbs for all
    A3. 3, 3, 3, 3
    A4. 25lbs- 9,9,9,10

  34. 5'10 - 174 - 29yrs old

    A1 225lb x 6 for all 4 sets
    A2 40lb x 8 per leg for all 4 sets
    A3 11, 7, 7, 7
    A4 Straight leg DL's 95lbs x 8 for all 4 sets

  35. Ok then You've got a new member, see you on tomorrow's post comments!

  36. Thanks for the warm welcome!

    A1. 65/75/80(4)/80(3) - haven't benched since high school (10 yrs out) so I'm pretty pleased with this
    A2. 15/25/30/35(6)
    A3. 8,8,5,4 (band assisted)
    A4. 15/20/25(10)/25(9) - cadence on this was brutal, really made me focus on body control. Just what I need!

    pretty damn funny check it out my buddy showed me this today.

  38. Getting over the flu, but the fever broke and I felt a million times better than yesterday.

    A1- 155# for all. I could have gone much heavier but when I was warming up, I lost the X part of the lift. This means something important I'm sure.
    A2- 50# Dumbbells for all sets
    A3- 10-6-6-6. Those 5 seconds on the way down were tough.
    A4- 45# plate for all sets. Should have gone heavier.

  39. A1: 156x6/177x5/187x5/197x4
    A2: 40#x8 each leg for all sets
    A3: 9/4/3/3 arms were toast after 1st set
    A4: did good mornings 65x12/70x12/75x12/80x12

  40. I want to get some benchmarks in before I leave for field training in November.


    rest 20 min

    OPT WOD: Moved through the circuit twice
    A1. 225x6, 225x4
    A2. 2x2pood KB x6
    A3. 6, 4
    A4. 25lbs 4x10

  41. Eric R

    Bench 185,190,195,200
    Last couple reps at 200 were not that explosive
    Lunges 2x57# db
    Pull ups
    Back ext 25# db

  42. 38/6'2"/195

    Bench: 155/165/185/205#
    DB Lunges: 40/45/65/80# db's (all rounds x7 per leg)
    Static CU's: 9/7/6/5
    Back Ext: 25#x12/30#x10/35#x10/45#x8

    The last set of DB lunges was difficult. Chinups made holding the weight on the back extensions brutal. For the last two rounds of back extensions, holding the weight was just as painful was the lower back.

  43. It was fun watching you pump that out Rob, great job! Double unders used to be the main problem for me with this workout. Abs are the only thing slowing me down now.

  44. A1: 80/85/87.5/90(3)
    A2: 20/25/30/35(6)
    A3: 5/4/5/5 --redid a few in the middle of 2 sets because pause at top or bottom wasn't long enough--still low numbers a bit disappointing
    A4: 5#(11)/5#/7.5(100/7.5(10)--back is slowly getting better

  45. A1. +70(6)/+80(6)/+90(6)/+100(5)
    did weighted ring pushups as i have no bench
    A2. 45#'s(8 reps/leg)/55#'s(8)/55#'s(8)/55#'s(6) 55#'s were bumper plates, awkward as all heck to hold
    A3. 9/7/6/5
    these sucked a big one
    A4. +25#(12reps)/+25#(12)/+25#(10)/+25#(10)
    were not pleasant

    worn out...

  46. Lindsey... welcome!... great 2 c another of the anvil crew posting!...

    work has been crazy the last few days... and I'm on call again 2morrow so tried 2 make 2night as productive and intense as possible... had an hour forty five b4 the gym closed...

    3 rounds
    sdlhp x 12- 135lb
    row x 90sec - 1:37, 1:39, 1:39

    7min rest

    3 rounds
    thrusters x 12- 95lbs
    DU's in 60sec- 94 / 96 / 78

    7min rest

    15 Chinups unbroken - all unbroken
    20 box jumps - all unbroken

    10min rest

    power snatch / OHS / snatch balance - 1/2/3

    3min rest

    split jerk 5 x 3 (took 90sec bw sets)
    135 / 155 / 185 / 185 / 205 -- these felt fast and explosive...

    7min rest

    A1- 225 x6 / 225 x6 / 225 x5 / 225 x5
    A2- 55lb ea hand x8ea leg... all sets
    A3- 7 / 7 / 6 / 6
    A4- 40lbs x8 all sets

    off 2 proteinate my belly and get some fuel... wish I had time 2 do Annie... perhaps another day...


  47. A1. 6/180, 6/185, 5/195, 3/200
    A2. 40, 50, 50, 50, DB's all 8 per leg
    A3. 9, 9, 9, 7
    A4. 12/25, 12/25 12/25 10/25

  48. my shoulders are still aching from yesterday so decided to give them a break today. Played volleyball tonight, first big test of the calf - and it felt great i am so stoked. I will hit this one tomorrow in between halloween celebrations.

  49. 091029
    A1. Medium Grip Bench Press @ 40X0; 4-6 x 4; rest 30 sec
    185x6, 195x6, 205x5, 215x4

    A2. DB Walking Lunges @ 1010; 6-8/leg alt'ing x 4; rest 30 sec
    45x16, 60x16, 65x16, 90x8 then 50x8

    A3. Supinated Strict Chin Ups Unweighted @ 52X1; amrap x 4; rest 30 sec
    6, 5, 5, 4

    A4. DB Back Extensions @ 4022; 8-12 x 4; rest 120 sec
    25(f), 15x8, 15x8, 15x8

  50. A1. 185, 205, 225, 235
    A2. 1.5 pood KB in each hand- 8/leg
    A3. 7, 4, 5, 4
    A4. 10# x 10 reps

  51. I made my weekly trip to the bookstore this morning and discovered among the myriad bodybuilding manuals they started stocking Enter the Kettlebell. I ended up picking it up and read half of it before I left the parking lot. Pretty cool stuff. Now that I have a 1, 1.5 & 2 pood kettlebells I'm going to start incorporating some of these movements into my warmup routine, but I probably shouldn't drink any more vodka than I already do.

  52. depaul posting:

    Caught up today on the last two after things got crazy around test time...

    Power snatch/OHS/Snatch Balance: 95, 100, 105, 110 - fail on 3rd rep of snatch balance. These were way harder than they look! Definitely something to work on.

    Split Jerk: 155, 160, 165, 170, 175

    Annie - 9:19. Dus were giving me more problems than usual, but situps absolutely killed me as always.

    A1. 185x6, x6, x6, x4 (no spot, stayed conservative)
    A2. 50 lb dbs x 8/8 each rd.
    A3. 6, 6, 5, 4. Grip was limiting factor after lunges.
    A4. 35x12, 45x12, x12, x12 - but looking back I screwed up the tempo on this exercise only...argh!

    Should be back on schedule tomorrow.
