school is in...
March 7th competitors:
part 1:
Power Snatch - 10 sets of 3 reps; rest 5 min b/t sets
rest as needed
part 2:
Sprint Run 800 m @ 100%
rest 6 min x 3
late March competitors:
part 1:
A1. Hang Squat Snatch - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec
A2. Ring Dips - amrap in 30 sec x 7 sets; rest 180 sec
rest as needed
part 2:
for time;
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10 ft
80 double unders
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
30 toes to bar
50 walking lunges
50 chin ups
20 burpees
post loads, notes and times to comments
Woah, let get teached!
ReplyDeleteThat pic is freakin' me out because I think it's reversed. I'm showing up dressed like Kriss Kross tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for breaking down the programming for the early Marchers, your effort is very much appreciated.
Good times...gotta try and fit two WODs in with an Oly Lifting Cert
ReplyDeleteYeah Canada Skeleton great job for Jon Montgomery I watched that and thought of you and your husband Ali congrats!! Enjoy getting smart everyone here for the weekend. I am heading to Edmonton for a seminar hopefully I can find a hotel with a gym might have to improvise
ReplyDeleteSuper bummed my flight was cancelled and not going to be able to make the Seminar. Ill take it out on the WOD's tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteemail me what hotel you are staying at. I know a number in Edmonton and what they have available for equipment
I will be in the CCP today so might be tardy frying back to you.
Rsifton at hotmail dot com
A1 115 125 130 135(f) 135,140,140
ReplyDeleteA2 28,23,23,23,21,23,20
* snatches were lower than expected, fatigued tri's made catching the weight hard. With both sets of 140 my stance was wider than normal which i felt was unstable.
Rest 15 min
Part II 11:07
Goal was sub 10 but i broke the KBS (weak mentally) and burpees took 1:20 to complete, walking lunges i could only do 3 then turn back around.
Back cramped real bad again in my warmup doing shoulder dislocates but i stopped immediatley and foam rolled and it went away, weird?
a1. 115,125,130(F), 130,125,125,127
ReplyDeletea2. 25,25,21,21,24,22,19
ran into the same problem as GCF with the tri's making it hard to catch and hold weight overhead.
10 mins rest
part 2: 9:29. Pleased with this effort today, kicked the rope a few times which cost me and T2B were hard to keep the kip going.
off to get married!
A1.135-135-135-135-135-135-140 all the way down first one where a bit unstable so kept it there and worked technique really confident at the end.
ReplyDeleteA2.22-22-22-23-22-20-24 unbroken
CONGRATS PTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletecongrats pts!... glad 2 c ur priorities... WODing then WEDDing... c^8
part 1: 5am
ReplyDeleteA1. 195-195(f)-195(f)-195(f)-185-185 , I was pulling the weight high enough I just couldn't catch the weight worth shit
A2. 18-17-18-17-17-16
only did 6 sets due to waning to finish the next part before Iran out of time
part 2: 2 mins after last set of ring dips
13:45 - not a good idea to do these back to back. I was doing fine untill pullups then ran out of energy
Part 1
ReplyDeleteA1. 115,125(F),125,135,135(F),135,140(F),125
A2. 26,26,26,26,24,23,25
Rest 1 hour
Part 2
11:23 Rx'd
Notes: No problem with height on snatches- pull was good - very unstable in the pocket- not locking out well- need to practice OHS and snatch balances.
Part 2 started great: Wall balls and swings unbroken, double unders 27,20,20,13 which is good for me. Toes to bar 15,8,7 grip giving out. Grip really went on the pullups - had to break into 10's with lots of rest between - unexpected, burpees unbroken and fast.
Did my first part with only 1 min rest between sets. Short on time.
ReplyDeleteAll in kg
Part 1:
A1: 40, 50 fail, 50, 52.5, 55 fail, 55 fail, 52.5.
A2: 22, 23, 22, 21, 20, 17, 18
Felt that I might been able to do better on snatch with more rest.
10 min rest.
Part 2: 12.03 as Rx'd
Due to box logistics I did these in reverse order, 4 hours apart.
ReplyDeletePart 2: 15:29 (53lb KB). Toes to bar are so SLOW! Pull-ups were broken into sets of 5s and 4s. Burpees were unbroken.
3 hours later after teaching two CFP classes...
Part 1- fatigued the whole time
65, 65, 70, 70, 70, 75, 75(FAIL)
10, 10, 11, 10, 10 9, 11
Not too much equipment today so did
ReplyDelete5 rounds of 12x250cm broad jumps, 36 double-unders, 45 sec rest: 1:42, 2:03, 1:53, 2:03, 2:06
then 1,5 hours later
For time:
10 burpees to touch object 11 inches up
30 situps
20 KBS (2 pood, games standard)
10 burpees
20 KBS
30 situps
10 burpees
sorry for substituting...
A1. 30 kg, 35, 37.5, 40(f), 35, 35, 40 (PR)
ReplyDeleteA2. 23, 22, 20, 23, 20, 17, 14
Literally forgot how to do a hang squat snatch until the 6th was embarrassing (we haven't done these since October). However, last set felt relatively effortless in comparison, definitely have a few more kgs in me.
Was planing to do part 2 right after, but upper body was feeling muscularly fatigued after all those ring dips. Figured some recovery might do me well for all those chin ups and burpees.
PTS, congrats!
And congrats PTS! Nice and a bit crazy to get a double workout in at wedding day!
ReplyDeletePart 2: 8:56
ReplyDeleteBest wishes PTS
Went to Crossfit Toronto this morning (such a great box!!!!) and did the 'crossfit disco'
ReplyDeleteComplete for time:
* 70 Double-unders
* 60 KB snatch in total (boys: 24kg, girls: 16kg)
* 50 Box jumps (20”)
* 40 Wall ball burpees (boys:20#, girls: 14#)
* 30 Chest to bar pull-ups
* 20 Clean and jerk (boys:135#, girls: 95#)
* 10 Clapping push-ups
Time 20:08
ReplyDeleteWhat does it mean if I have a hard time catching the bar in a squat position? I was able to do a power snatch at 120# and then I went down to a squat position... I figured that this was cheating.
A1: 90, 105, 110, 125(f), 120(f), 115(f), 115
A2: 16, 20, 22, 22, 25(kipping), 24(k), 25(k)
Part 2: 12:44
I had a very hard time with my grip; I was not able to grip the bar after 20chin-ups. Also KBS were done with 70#DB... found hard to adapt to new conditions as I am training in a GLOBO type gym :)
PTS congratulations!
ReplyDelete"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." – Bruce Lee.
38/6'2"/202 (Late Marcher)
ReplyDeletePart I:
A1 HSS: 60/65/70/72.5/72.5/75/75kg (165#)
A2 RD's: 25/22/23/23/22/20
Notes: 2 victories for today. #1 I had a failure on my first 72.5kg hss behind me! That told me I was doing something right, but just did it wrong as opposed to power snatching it and adding a squat afterwards and calling it a success. I attacked that failed 72.5kg immediately and caught it. #2 All ring dips were 20+. Still have a long way to go but it's progress.
Part 2 later after kids volleyball and basketball. No "woo" moments so far today!
I need to rant for a second.I'm on the road today so I worked out at a Gold's gym this morning. Haha. Need I say more. You really need to focus hard and ignore what goes on around you. A couple of jackasses (big but soft looking) kept staring at me like I was from a different planet while I was doing the hang squat snatches. One of them busted out in laughter when I bailed out. Took everything I had to just ignore it and stay in my game. It amazes me how were the ones who know how to train but in those gyms we get looked at like we have no idea what were doing! The place was packed but still every grunt I made echoed in the whole building since I was the only one who seemed to be training at any intensity whatsoever!
ReplyDeleteOkay now I feel better. Very happy just to get the WOD in today. Cost me 30 bucks in cabs and 20 bucks drop in fee. But hey I got the wod in RX'd!
Part 1
1.111 2.135 3.145F)Dropped it forward 4.145 5.150 6.155(went up easy) 7.170(F)Too ambitious
A2.19,18,17,18,17,18,16 Stayed strict and just kipped the last few reps of every set. No rings so I hung some handles from the bar with rope.
Part 2
9:50(Lost time on my double-unders. The rope was shorter than I'm used to and it kept messing me up) on snatch balances. I had the same problem as you but this work helped me out alot. These will be hard at first and you'll understand why you had a hard time catching your snatch in a deep squat. Once you master these the squat snatch will be much easier. Practice these often. Sets of 5 at 65% of your 1 rep max. Makes for a good warm-up.
late marcher
ReplyDeleteA1- 95 / 115 / 125 / 135 / 135 / 135 / 145
A2- 15 / 14 / 15 / 15 / 15 / 14 / 15
10min rest
B- 8:23
a1- r shoulder still bothering... pull is feeling better, comfort in the catch was limiting... held it in the hole 4 a 2-3 count b4 standing...
a2- done with 50lb wt vest
b- ouchie... subbed 70lb db...
Progress feels great:
ReplyDeleteA1. 50-60-65-70-75-80lbs :)
A2. 30-27-27-27-28-30-31 bench dips
This was my first time ever doing squat snatches. Last week at the Level one cert we worked on snatch technique for 35min straight. It paid off cuz last time I did power snatches I could not do 80lbs and was very frustrated cuz I knew it was my lack of technique. My squat snatches felt great thanks to the amazing trainers from CF HQ!!!!
Did bench dips as my left shoulder has been a bit sore.
Rested 2hrs
Part 2:
As Rx'd - 10min 52 seconds
I did 30 KB swings by mistake, ooppps, better more than less right? :)
Congrats PTS
ReplyDeleteHave FUN with your friends, family and WIFE :)
ReplyDeleteMarch 7th Competitor:
Part 1:
Did lots of form work and warm-up with 6lb training bar, then went from 45lbs up to 115lbs in 10lb increments with 3 reps each increment doing a couple overhead squats extra in the lighter sets. First time using Hook Grip - its incredible... Experienced some over-training pain on my shoulders so I cut it short after 8 sets (again first few very light), came home and iced up the shoulders.
Part 2: waiting 4 hrs to complete, expecting sub 3:00. We'll see.
Just came across this site... thought some of you might like it: w/f safe
it provides detailed info on supplementation
Just wathced Jon Montgomery's gold medal run, UNREAL.
ReplyDelete"If you believe in the work that you have put in, you'll get the results". Jon Montgomery
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteA1: 175, 175, 175, 185, 185(m), 185 (m), 185
A2: 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 25
Barely missed those two snatches, very irritating. First miss didn't jump high enough, second miss was too far in front. Last 185 felt light after visualizing for a full minute.
All ring dips strict and unbroken. Broke at 23 on the last set, then did two more.
My hamstring seems to be fully healed... and now another problem! The right shoulder/arm/lat. After doing a sub wod last sunday, that was heavy on the gymnastics (mainly shoulders) both shoulders felt bad the next day. But the left one healed and now my right one has a weakness everytime I pull in the lat/tricep area. I can do a strict pullup but it feels like there is no power. I've been rolling it, and went to get some acupuncture. My next stop is to get an adjustment... might be my T2 affecting the arm.
Any recommendations? I want to do the WOD today but will probably skip the pullups; which sucks!
Thanks guys!
Congratulations PTS!
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteH.Sq.S - 75,95,115,125High Catch into Squat,135High Catch into Squat,145High Catch into Squat,155F
R.Dips - 22,20,20,20,21,20,20,21
rested 5 min
Part 2:
Grip was an issue after the T2B for the pull ups...
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ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteA1. 95/100/105 x 3 sets...afraid/achey
ReplyDeleteA2. 20 x 5 set
part 1:
ReplyDelete125, 135, 145, 155, 155, 160, 160(f) - too far forward
kipping ring dips- 28, 33, 29, 27, 26, 22, 18
part 2:
as Rx'ed - 7:43
broke toes to bar 1x and chin over vert plane pullups into sets of 15-10-10-10-5
Late Marcher
ReplyDeleteA1. 135, 155f, 155, 165, 170f, 170, 175f
A2. 25x4, 26, 25x2
2hr. rest
Part 2: 9:14
fueling/rest strategy did not serve me well for wod 2. Du's broken many times along with T2B and chins.
Congrats PTS.
A1. 95/105/115/125/135/145f/135
ReplyDeleteA2. 24/23/23/22/21/20/18
Shoulders and arms were tight on the snatches could have done more but lost range of motion. Last work out was tough, on a slippery bar with no chalk hard to keep up kip with hands coming off. Good work today I am beat.
Part 1.
ReplyDeleteA1. 95 - 115 - 115 - 120 - 125 - 130 - 135
A2. No Kipping with Turnout at lock out. 16 - 13 - 14 - 11 - 11 - 11 - 12
Rest 10 mins (should have rested more)
Part 2.
Zero explosive power and did 50 toes to bar by mistake haha.
Result: 12:29
did an hour and a half of Pre-BUD/S training before so definately not 100%
ReplyDeleteA1. 115/125/125/125/135/135/140
A2. 19/19/17/16/12/11/11
1 hour rest
Part 2: 9:49
felt decent just tired......... and no I didn't wear a 50# vest for the ring dips ;)
A1: 95 105 115 125 135 145 155
ReplyDeleteA2: 24 20 20 20 20 20 15
Part 2:
10:34 as Rx'd
TTB killed the grip which made the pull ups too slow.
Congrats PTS! That's awesome that you got the WoD's in. Have fun celebrating!
PART 2 - 12:04
Haven't done snatches in a while. Failed #2 and #3 due to on being solid on the catch and pulling the bar up way out in front of me. after a while they felt much better and I probably could've gone a bit heavier.
The chins killed me in the hopper and i shredded one of my hands not surprisingly as they're soft from time off spent in the ocean....
ReplyDeleteA1. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145f, 140(PR) Felt good, really deep
A2. 22, 20, 20, 18, 18, 14, 14 (First 5 sets unbroken)
Rest 3 hours
Part 2: 10:04
KBS only had 1.5pood did 30 reps
Early March
ReplyDeletePart 1: 135, 135, 140, 140, 145, 145, 150, 150, 150, 140
5 hours rest
Part 2: 2:29, 2:31, 2:35
Slight pressout on reps 2 & 3 of set 9, all others caught in full lockout. Held onto bar for the first 3 sets, all others were fast singles - no set took more than :15. I subbed 1 mile AirDyne sprints in Part 2, and they were just as horrible as I anticipated. 800m runs probably would have taken :05-:20 longer.
10 triples
ReplyDelete165, 170, 175, 175, 170, 165, 165, 155, 155, 155
Thumbs did not enjoy the triples.
Skipped the sprints in favor of Friday night basketball and Saturday snowboarding.
Part 1
Rushed this WOD (during lunch break at the OPT CPP) but happy with the results. 2 skewed dip scores were from a lower set of rings or I slipped off but overall I was really pleased with the dips. Thought I might do better with the snatch but I really need longer warm-ups to get fired up for the oly s$%t. Part II is doubleful today...
Part 1
ReplyDelete95, 115, 135, 135, 145, 145, 145, 155, 155, 165
Part 2
2:52, 2:51, 2:59
Haven't run 800m in probably 3 years so wasn't really sure how to pace. First one could have been faster. Recovery was really good though so pleased with my performance as running is one of my weaknesses.
Early March:
ReplyDeletePart 1:
Rest 4 1/2 hours
Part 2:
3:36, 3:39, 3:35 (PR) on treadmill, sidewalks still snow/ice covered
part 1
ReplyDeletesubbed hang squat clean bc my shoulder is a bit tweaked from the other day.
Part 2 later.
Part 1
ReplyDeleteA1: 40lbs 45 45 45 50 55
A2: 7 7 6 6 5 3 5
Part 2
Snatches started out really shaky but felt much better towards the end.
For part two it was the double unders and the chinups that took me the longest. My kettle bell swings have gotten much stronger!
Part 1
ReplyDeleteA1. 145/155/165/170f,f/170f,f/170f,f/170f,f
A2. 37/38/35/31/28/29/25
Spoke to coach about this superset this am. I found that the AMRAP dips made my catch impossible. My brain would not let me put the bar into catch position even though I knew I could lift the weight. This was brutally frustrating and is why I tried the last 4 sets as doubles even though I failed each time. On a side note I was able to "overcome" my brain on the last rep and I actually got the bar into a full catch position and my arms immediately collapsed, dropping the bar on my back.
5 hours rest
Part 2 - 7:57
I have felt the pull-ups were strong lately, but today they were definitely weak. Started to struggle in the toes to bar. Eating was not great last 2 days.
Late Marcher
ReplyDeletePart 2 (without the pullups):
March 7th Group
ReplyDelete135, 145, 150(2), 150, 155, 155, 155(2), 155, 155, 160(2)
2:54, 3:04, 3:05
Technique is the limiting factor on the snatch.
BSO, thanks for sharing that website. There is a wicked ton of info on there.
A1. 1/105 1/115 1/125 f1/130 f1/130 1/130 f1/130
ReplyDeleteA2. 22,22,24,24,21,19,17
Had a hard time catching bar from 4th set on seem to take a couple of attempts each time.
First 2 sets of dips strict then started kipping the rest
10 min rest
Toes to bar and chin ups really slowed me down
Late Marcher
ReplyDeletepart 1:
A1: 121/135/140/145/150/155/165(pr)
A2: 19/19/19/17/18/18/20
part 2:
time = 10:39
*I'm happy with my time on part 2 considering Thrusday night I was in the hospital with a feevr hooked up to an IV,vomiting.
Part 1
ReplyDelete95, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165
Part 2
Runs felt good... would be a lot faster with a rabbit to chase. Good stuff coach!
March 7:
ReplyDeletePart 2: 2:44, 2:38, 2:51, followed by 5 100m sprints, 45 second rest in between (figured I dragged my ass out in the 25 degree snow and got all dressed up, might as well get as much work as I can in)
Congrats PTS,
ReplyDeleteLisa M,
if you need a place to train while your in Edmonton let me know, as the site for sectionals is only a $5 drop in, and is open to 10pm on weeknights.
A1. 131,141(F),131(f),111x4 first time doing these, so my tech was terrible kept it light and tried to focus on the squat, wth little success, will work on the snatch balance.
A2. 28,26,23,25,19,23,23 kipping
Rested about half an hour.
Part 2: 12:46 Woohoo I can do double unders now.....On to the next goat!
ReplyDeletePar 1:
A1. 135-145-155(f)-155-165(f)-165(f)-160
A2. 25-23-21-21-18-15-12
3:30 hour rest
Part 2:
I was real happy with my wallballs all done unbroken. They were done to my corner window of my garage which the bottom of is 10.25 feet and it sticks out so I either get the rep or don't it keeps me very honest. The Du's, KBS, and lunges were also done unbroken.
ReplyDeleteI was in an olympic lifting class this morning and at the end we did "Randy". So that was my A1.
A1. Randy: 75 snatches @ 75#
A2. 19/16/13/12/11/10/10- done alone with 3 min rest/no superset with hang squat snatch
Part 2
Everything was unbroken and fast except for TB and chin ups...these were tough on the grip and slow.
Great day at OPT CCP!
ReplyDeletePart 2 @ CF Calgary with Brett Marshall , well was with him in spirit.. 14.22 with CTB. Not a good warmup at all and in hindsight should have just gone for chins for better metcon effect.
Thanx for the hospitality!
Late marcher
ReplyDelete4 hour rest (slept the entire time)
Part 2
12:34 Rx'd
WB: Ub
DU: Ub
KB: 8-7-5
T2B: 10-8-7-5
Lunge: Ub
Chin-ups: 15-10-8-7-5-5
Burpees: Ub
Hated to break up the KBs, but the 2 pood is still damn heavy for me..takes about 2 swings before I can get the first rep overhead, lots of wasted energy. Burpees were slow, but just kept moving.
Eating has been really weird lately. I'm just not hungry, I could literally eat once a day. Feel like I am force food down...I can't afford to lost a pound at a whooping 137 lbs.
Part 1:
Any flavour of this lift needs work for me...
Early March
ReplyDeletePart 1: 95, 115, 125, 125 ,135, 135, 135, 145, 145, 155
Part 2: 3:11, 3:02, 2:59
Notes: Sprints were done on a track that had been turned to mud due to rain. They were 100% effort, but most of that effort was spent not trying to slip and fall on my face.
Did both WOD's back to back
ReplyDeletePart 1:
A1: 95# ;7 sets of 3; trying to get comfortable with this lift so didn't want to go heavy today
A2: 32,32,32,30,29,28,28
Part 2:
13:35 Rx'd
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteA1) 115/120/125/130/135/140/150 (1 Rep Max Personal Record!!)
A2) 18/17/16/15/13/13/15 all unbroken kips
Part 2:
Time: 14:44
ripped a hole the size of a half dollar on my hand on the 23rd pull up.. made last 27 very difficult! This WOD ruined me.. great stuff tho! Love days like today!!
Congrats to fellow Big Dawgs and owner of my box, coach Anthony and coach Mario, for placing 3rd in the Beach WOD at Filfest 2010 this week in Miami.. Great work guys!
March 7.
ReplyDeletePart 1.
Part 2.
Early March:
ReplyDeletePart 1-
Started light, form was great all the way through. Light and fast
Part 2-
Felt great. I shaved 22 seconds off my total time from the 3x800m a few weeks ago.
Late Marcher
ReplyDeletePart 1
A1. 135/145/150f/135/140/140/140
A2. 26/26/24/23/22/21/21
4 hrs later
Part 2
My quest for 80 straight double unders sadly ended after rep 1. Also wasted alot of time on T2B - need to work on kip.
38/6'2"/202 (Late Marcher)
ReplyDeletePart I:
A1 HSS: 60/65/70/72.5/72.5/75/75kg (165#)
A2 RD's: 25/22/23/23/22/20
5 hours
Part II:
Time: 9:07 as RX'd
Rnds 1-3: 2:59
4: 1:19
5: 1:00
6: 2:22
7: 1:27
Part II Notes: I knew this workout was going to work different sets of muscles so I hit it with everything. Had a few skip ups on DU's but last 45 or so were unbroken. Everything else was unbroken other than T2B and chinups. Good workout, I feel good!
Late March
ReplyDeletePart 1
A1. 135/145/155/155/155/165/165
A2. 17/18/17/16/15/14/12
Part 2
Notes: Snatches felt great until the 165s. Need to work on pulling under faster. Dips were really hard and because of time constraints didn't rest between snatch attempts and dips.
The chipper tested 3 things I am really bad at (DU, T2B and pull-ups when grip is shot). All were very broken and took the majority of the time. Wallball, KB, lunges and burpees took less than 3 minutes combined. Happy with the effort even though it took forever.
Late Marcher:
ReplyDeletePart I
A1. 80/90/95/100/105f/105/110f
A2. 14/15/15/13/12/11/10
Part II
110 is my max snatch so I was really excited that I had the power to hang snatch it. I successfully received the 110 hang snatch in the bottom, but I dinked around one second to long in the bottom and ended up dumping it in front of me. The pull felt really good though. The pull and receiving of my successful 105 and missed 110 were actually my two best feeling pulls of the day.
It was hard for me to get motivated for the second part. Part of me was still a little cautious because of my hands (healed but still very tender and raw). I have to admit that my sleep pattern last night was not awesome. My roommates left super early for a rugby match road trip and they woke me too. It took a long while to get back to sleep.
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ReplyDeletetook the day today...attending the Oly Lifting Cert and all that time in the hole is really working my knee over. Had the MRI yesterday, but won't get the results read to me until a week from Monday. Will likely take tomorrow off too to let the knee rest.
ReplyDeleteThis is the second weekend in a row that I won't be doing anything from the programming; although I did work Oly Lifting all day today.
I can't wait to get the results of this MRI and get this thing healed up.
MC- 14:07
Did all on my lunch break so stopped at 4 rnds af A to squeeze it all in. Was timid with the PS as I was unsure of where I would be, felt good and feel I would have hit about 120 for a max, 135PR for Snatch.
MC felt like it should have been quicker but hands were giving out, kept feeling like I was going to rip hands.
Late March
ReplyDeletePart 2
Didn't have time for part one unfortunately. I was hosting a volleyball tournament for 14 hours today. Didn't give 100% to part 2 either.
Today was day 4 in a row. I went to CrossFit Connection yesterday and built up to a hang squat clean of 220 x3. Then built to a clean of 235x2. After we did a metcon 7 rounds of 7 reps of SDHP (115lbs) and ring dips. Completed in 3:55.
Tomorrow I will do the rows first and then finish with the snatches I missed.
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ReplyDeleteJust 1 WOD for me today...
ReplyDeleteA1. 62(f,f,1)/67(f,f,1)/72/77/82/87(f,1)/92(f,f,1)
A2. 17/16/14/12/7 (slipped off rings?!)/8/8
Timing for ring dips was as rx'd, but between lots of visiting with the folks at CFC, and SERIOUS lack of focus my rest before the hang snatch was longer for the last 2-3 sets.
Not sure if it was the right approach, but I really felt compelled to be persistent with the Hang Snatch so I went with that....
1. A. 225, 245, 255, 265
ReplyDeleteB. 21, 19, 15, 15
Had to limit rest to 90 secs in between and didn't feel like pushing anymore. I was hauling construction garbage all day so back was tight.
B. 14:30
2 mins rest before, nothing left in tank.
Late March:
ReplyDeleteA1: 57/62/67/72F/72/75F/75F
A2: 16/16/15/15/14/13/13
Part 2: 12:54--couldn't push myself to keep going, so had a lot of broken reps through out
A1. ( kilos) 30-32-2-34.6-36,6-40-40-42,2
ReplyDeleteA2. 19-18-17-18-16-15-15
Part 2.
Probably should have done a better job of reading the workout. We we're supposed to do snatches, not cleans. I was wondering why everyone's weights were so low. Whoops.
ReplyDeleteEarly marcher:
ReplyDeletePart 1: 135/145/145/145/150x2/150x2/150x2/150/155/160x1
Part 2: 2:32/2:34/2:40
Early march
ReplyDelete95x3x3, 115x3x2, 135x3x3, 145x3x2
started to press out a little the last sets
Done 6pm sat night.
ReplyDeleteA1. 95/100/105/107.5/110/112.5/115
A2. 21/19/18/17/17/17/16
115 is a PB on any type of squat snatch.
Part 2- 11:09
Did Sunday am @ 10:00 am (felt like shit due to lack of sleep- good mental test)
Late Marcher...
ReplyDeletePart 2 - 11:13
Was coaching my gymnasts at a competition all day on Saturday, so was forced to do this one Sunday instead. It was painful. Wall balls and lunges were the only things that were unbroken. Toes to bar and pullups were more broken than I would like them to be, yet found a great swing for the toes to bar if I could have only had more strength to stay on the bar after those KBS.
This was a good one!
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ReplyDeleteLate March
ReplyDeleteA1. 55/65/65/75/75/75/80(f)
A2. 2/3/2/14/17/17/18
Desperately need to work on snatch technique. I was just muscling it up there. I should be able to do more...
Able to do a couple strict ring dips today at full ROM! Switched to band assisted just to keep working on strength. I'm sure you can guess when the switch happened :)
Metcon to come
part 1:
ReplyDeleteA1. Hang Squat Snatch - 135,145,155,160(F-Too foward in the catch),160,165,170(PR for Hang); rest 180 sec
A2. Ring Dips - 24,25,24,20,20,20,21; rest 180 sec
15 min rest
part 2:
for time;
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10 ft
80 double unders
Missed at 12,52
20 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
30 toes to bar(On Rings)
50 walking lunges
(Slowed but never stopped)UNBROKEN
50 chin ups(on rings and sucked royally)Sets of 10
20 burpees
Slow And Painful
Getting less rest at FilFest and obviously nutrition wasn't as dialed but still felt ok.
ReplyDeleteLate March @ CFC Sunday
A. 115/115/135x3
A2. 21/18/13/12/13
20 mins rest
Part 2
Due to time constraints only did 5 sets in Part 1. Kept the snatches light as shoulder is was bothering me...felt ok
Part 2 was good...though my left shoulder was really hurting on the burpees...
a day late but i figure i'll post here... just in from 4 days skiing at sunshine/lake louise
ReplyDeletepart 1
A1. 105, 115(f), 115, 125, 135, 135, 135... didn't feel warmed up until the last set
A2. 25, 25, 24, 24, 23, 23, 22... kipped these, felt good
3 hours rest
part 2 - 10:23... sub 10 was in sight but i died on the burpees (again, the week away from intensity took its toll i think)
Late March
ReplyDeleteA1: 135/135/145/145/155/155/165
A2: 17/17/18/18/18/18/17
Part 2
early march
ReplyDeleteworked up to a max power snatch 185 (ties pr). then 10 sets of 3 power snatch.
155x2 160x2 165x2 170x2 175x2
dropped all lifts and quickly went again. anywhere from 15 to 17 sec to get all 3 lifts in each set. felt pretty explosive today which was a surprise since i stayed up way too late last night. no time for the 800m runs. ran a lot yesterday though.
Pt II in 10:24.
ReplyDeleteStarted gassing hard very early, something was off with pre-WOD fuelling or timing, T2B and pull-ups were brutal. Sub-10 very doable...
Oh and I did this the next day because I couldn't fit it in yesterday.
ReplyDeletelate marcher.
I did this Saturday, but didn't have time to post until now.
A1: 115/125/135/145/155/165/175
A2: 17/17/16/15/12/12/12
rest 6 hours
pissed at myself because wallballs, kbs, lunges, burpees were all unbroken. T2b were broken into big chunks, but doubles and chins cost me a really good time. We went polar tubing today so I didn't exactly feel rested when I started part two.
Late Marcher
ReplyDeletePart 1:
A1. 135,155,165,175
A2. 28,24,21,21
Done at lunchtime of Lvl 1 cert. Only had time for 4 sets.
Part 2:
Done on Sunday, again at lunchtime of Lvl 1 cert.
back from FilFest where I rocked my OPT Hoodie and Big Dawg Pack UNBROKEN shirt....and last night I ate bread and mashed potatoes and drank 3 glasses of wine with my wife. It was delicious....
ReplyDeleteA1: 135-145-145-147.5-150-150-152
A2: 25-23-22-20-22-20-17
Part 2 10:31 as Rx'd
Did this one on Sunday...
ReplyDeleteMet con
So distracted and preoccupied this weekend....goal for this WOD was to just keep moving and not cut it short....and I did that.
Oh, and the only good thing I can say about those 50 chin ups is that mine were so broken( 6s,5s,3,2s) that it really made me dig in on the burpees!!!
Logistics made me change up things a bit once again-
ReplyDeletePart 1 - 5 rounds, 30 sec rest
A1 50 kg 1-1-1-1-1
A2 20-18-16-14-14
Rest 3-4 min
Chipper (2x9 kg thusters instead of wb)
Time: 15:58 min
TTB slowed me down as well as pull ups. Happy with unbroken KBS!
A1. 115,120f,120,125fx2,125,130
ReplyDeleteA2. 20,20,20,21,21,21,17
Done on Feb. 22. I will not get to part 2, as we are flying home this afternoon.
Thanks again to Danny & Whitney at CF Maui for their hospitality.
@ CFC AM because of CCP @ OPT
Part 1
A1. HSS (all split) 115/120/125/130/135/135/f
A2.AMRAP RDs in 30secsx7
24/24/24/19/18/15/14 (total 138)
Part 2
@CFC in late afternoon
12:45 (no gas today). Need faster. Used lifting shoes
A1. 75, 80, 85, 90, 92, 90, 90
ReplyDelete(horrible at snatches, cannot drop under)
A2. 4,4,2,3,3,3,3
Part 2.
Grip was shot, pull-ups were in doubles after the first 20.
A1: 135/140(f)/140(f)/140(f)/140(f)/140(f)/140…weight was not at all the issue here…haven’t dropped under the bar in awhile and was a bit rusty in the bottom position…bar kept getting ahead of me in the catch…got real frustrating…by the last set triceps were smoked, but got aggressive on the third pull and held a 1 count in the bottom to steady myself…BOOM…easy lift…lesson learned!
ReplyDeleteA2: 27/28/27/26/23/23/22
Part 2: 11:37 rx’d…
grip, not lungs, got me on this one…although, after the first 50-60unbroken DUs, I missed 5-6 times consecutively…I don’t remember the last time that has happened…humbling to say the least…all chins past vert plane…fantastic wod!!
ReplyDeleteA1.40kg, 45kg, 50 kg, 55 kg, 60 kg (f-1), 60 kg, 65 kg (f-1), 70 kg (pr!!)
A2. 22, 20, 15, 16, 16, 14, 14
pt. 2: 11:22 min
ReplyDelete135, 155, 165, 165, 165, 165, 175, 175, 185, 185x2
rest 5 min
Did the runs on a treadmill.
10 mph
I was in a hurry so I took little to zero rest between efforts on part one and then rested only a few minutes between parts one and two.
Part 1:
ReplyDeleteA1. 55/55/55/45/45/45/45 worked on form
A2. 7/9/10/8/9/7/9
Part 2: 16:20
We are doing the late March chipper at CrossFit Regina today (Friday).
ReplyDeleteAs Rx'd in 15:22
(after heavy c&j)
Thanks for sharing! 9 of us are signed up for sectionals... see you there!
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 1: 95,105,115,115,115,120,120,125,125,125
ReplyDeletePart 2: 2:29, 2:32, 2:33
March 20th competitor:
ReplyDeleteSnatches x 3 for 10 sets:
65-70-75-75-80-80-70-70-75-75 all times three with good form. Yeay:)
Part 2: 800m runs x3
2:32, 2:52, 2:53
These felt good, thanks P.P., Ang, Roch and Jack for the great runs and super good 800m loop we found outside. Was great to have you there to push me through!!!!!
Early Marcher wod:
ReplyDeleteReally short in time so I count the w-up and reduce the rest... 65-95-115-135-155-175(2)-175(2)-175(2)
Thanks to Pete and Jack for pushing me trought that and Angie, Lou for cheers and advice on my running technique it help a lot, much love guys!!
2:12 2:42 2:40
Technical, technical when you run stick to it don't let it go don't let your pride take over(technique focus and breathe,...)
Competing on March 20th.
ReplyDeletePart 1: 3 power snatches x 10 sets
These felt really good. Form was great. Yeay.
Part 2: 800m run x 3
2:32/ 2:52/ 2:53
I was super happy with my times since I have not run in a while.
Thanks Ang, P.P., Roch, Jack for pushing me. We found a great 800m loop outside, it was super fun :)
Sorry I wrote this out twice OPT, did not notice the blog owner approval thingy :)
ReplyDeletePart 1
130(Lost focus)130
155(f)Ramped up too slowly. Should have hit this weight sooner but made the judgement call and decided to stay lighter and work on technique.
Part 2.
1. 2:18
2. 2:23 (Wicked headache after this one)
3. 2:40
Part 2 just kicked my ass. Even with 6 minute breaks I still wasn't recovering completely. I guess that's what happens when I try to keep up with Roch's 2:12!
Thanks to Ang, Lulu, Roch and Jack for the awsome day of training. Train as a pack, get better as a pack!
Part 1
130(Lost focus)130
155(f)Ramped up too slowly. Should have hit this weight sooner but made the judgement call and decided to stay lighter and work on technique.
Part 2.
1. 2:18
2. 2:23 (Wicked headache after this one)
3. 2:40
Part 2 just kicked my ass. Even with 6 minute breaks I still wasn't recovering completely. I guess that's what happens when I try to keep up with Roch's 2:12!
Thanks to Ang, Lulu, Roch and Jack for the awsome day of training. Train as a pack, get better as a pack!
ReplyDeleteMar 20/21 competitor
Part I: 50/60/65/67.5/70/70/70/72.5/75/77.5/80kg(x) 176#
Part II: No time
Notes: Late post. This was a busy day as a dad. Cleaned the garage inbetween the lifts. With running kids all over and wife working, I never got the run in. Meant to fit it in over the course of the next two days but bloody hell, they were difficult. The runs can wait, I've got to recover before our next cycle.