Wed, Feb 23, 2010

early Marchers:
part 1
for time:
10 chin ups
20 chin ups
30 chin ups

rest 30 min

part 2
Run 3K as fast as you can

late Marchers:
part 1
A. Split Jerk - 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 240 sec
B. Front Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 240 sec
C. GHD Sit Ups - 100 for time

rest as needed

part 2
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
4 min @ 50%/4 min @ 90%
3 min @ 50%/3 min @ 90%
2 min @ 50%/2 min @ 90%
1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%

post times, loads and notes to comments


  1. Hey Dawgs,

    Posted this during the last rest day, but thought I would repost for those that missed it (apologize to everyone who has already read this).

    I have been putting together a "team roster" of all of the dawgs competing in Sectionals/Regionals this season. The response has been awesome, over 15 people have already submitted their info.

    The roster includes what sectional/regional people are competing in and will be update with their results as they roll in. There is also a small profile of each athlete. So far they are mostly basic stats (height, weight, age, started CF, started Big Dawgs, and anything else you want to include) and profile picture. However, it is totally up to you how much/little you want included.

    To avoid clogging up the comment board, it is probably best to send this info to me directly at:

    That way you can also include a profile picture if you want. The roster can be downloaded at:


    Remember, the roster is always changing and being updated, so I can make changes whenever. All I need is people to send me their competition/profile info.

    Sorry for the extra long post (last one), just didn't want anyone to miss out on this if they are interested.


  2. Awsome idea Erik, I'll get you my info later in the day.

  3. Can any one explain the 2nd part of the training?

    1 min @ 50%/1 min @ 90%

    Do we run for 1 min @ 50% and then immediately we run another minute @90%

    Is there a rest between sets?

    A: 135(3), 155(2), 185(f), 155(3), 175(2), 195(f)

    B: 155(3), 185(3), 205(3), 225(3), 215(3)

    C: 5:19 unbroken

  4. Mizar: you have it right. 1 min at 50% then 1 at 90%. No rest between sets. The 50% portion will act as rest before the 90% portion.

  5. Sorry to have another question so early but I just wanted to be clear about Part 1 for late marchers.

    We do 3 reps split jerk, rest 240, then 2 reps split jerk, rest 240 etc etc. Then move on to B. Right?

    Or are we doing 3 reps, re-racking, the immediately 2 reps, re-racking etc. then resting 240 secs and moving on to B.

    I read the FAQ's but wasn't sure if there was a difference between 3/2/1/3/2/1 and 3,2,1,3,2,1

    Thanks guys.

  6. Part 1)
    A) 165/175/195/185/195/205 -PR by 10
    B) 165/170/180/185/190 -PR by 5
    C) Time: 6:49 PR by 31 seconds!

    Great Day today.. No idea where it came from tho! My back was still very angry with me from yesterday! I was actually going to skip the GHDs but got on it and actually did the best to date full range of motion with both hands! Shocked is more the terms I would use. Also frist time getting 200 over head!

    i went 3 rest 2 rest 1 rest repeat

  7. Ahoy Dawgs, most of you probably don't see my posts, since I usually post late.I have been doing all pull/chin workouts on rings for about 9 months, just now building a bar in the garage.

    When I jumped back on the bar, my pullup capacity was far beyond where I anticipated, or where experience shows I should be after 9months of training.

    If anyone else wants to experiment with completing all pullup/chinup training for a month or two on rings vice a bar, I would be interested to know if you get similiar results.

    Maybe someone else has already thought of it.

    For games hopefulls, seriously consider the disruption it might cause in your current training. Thanks for listening.


  8. Mizar: No rest
    Pete: Do all A's first, then B's, then C. Each comma represents a 240s rest.

    Holy smokes, my arms are fried from yesterdays workout.

  9. rossco... I occ sub ring pullups and rock ring pullups... I feel it's been beneficial 4 me...

    A- [185(3) / 205(2) / 225(1)] x2
    B- 185 / 205 / 225 / 245(2) / 245(2)
    C- 4:57 [pr by > 1min]

    part 2 later... bedtime...


  10. Strange workout today tho, mainly because of so much snow that everything is disrupted here, that I had to jump in as trainer at CF Uppsala session because of that. This left too little time, and I stressed through it a bit too much.

    Jerks: 3x80kg, 2x85kg, 1x90kg, 3x85kg, 2x90kg, 0x100kg (f)

    Sooo close, just didn't dare to commit and get under the damn bar. Next time.

    Squats done later in livingroom, so weights stayed lighter: 70kg, 80kg, 85kg, 90kg, 90kg, 90kg

    No GHD, No bar so 100 abmat situps for time: 3:40

    No time for part 2, might fit it in tomorrow. Cert this weekend.

  11. Part I

    A- 165x3-185x2-215x1 (x2)
    B- 215x3 for all 6 sets.
    C- 3:59 with both hands touching. PR by 16 seconds. 50 unbroken to start, then 2 sets of 25 with 5 breaths rest in between. REALLY wanted sub 4 minutes.

  12. A.175,190,205,185,195,210(205old PR)
    C.7:54(8:25 last time)25,21,14,10,15,5,10
    Scared of the abd hurt coming

  13. OPT (or anyone else who knows)
    I'm trying to plan flights for sectionals. Will there be one or two WODs on the 28th and what time would everything be finished at?


  14. A. 185,205,225,195,215,240f
    B. 225,235,245,255,270,285x2
    C. 4:10

    gamed the ghd up's: 10reps/20sec. couldn't hold it after the 4th set, but stuck with 10's and finished with 20.

  15. A 176/196/208/186/208/220
    B 176/186/196/206/216(1)F-time constraint 2 min rest between sets
    C 6:01

  16. A. 215x 2,185 x3,195x2,205,1,185x3
    B. 265,285,295,300 all 3
    C. 8.24

    A. Normally right foot forward had to switch legs today with hip issue. Moved up feeling good but 215 was too much , hence the back off. Stopped after second 3 with other hip not feeling flash.
    B. Stopped after 4 sets ,felt crap.
    C. wasnt going to do GHD ,jumped on did it in 10's and felt the best of the 3 100's I have done .
    PR by 40 sec.

  17. Late Marcher

    B. 85,95,105,110,115,115lbs all x 3
    C. Did not time

    I kept the push jerk lower than my Pr as my left shoulder is still annoying me. My front squats have improved a lot. My pr in December was 120lbs, so this is a big improvement. The GHD drove me nuts today. I had to fix my feet after ever second rep cuz I fly out of it and our new machine's foot holds are bigger. I tried both and fiddled forever, wasted way too much time, FRUSTRATED. I am not sure what to do about this other than land on my head every so often.

    Second half coming later

  18. Qucik question

    If I can't do the run, should I sub it with rowing?

  19. Early march
    hspu/chin up- 5:30- chins break vertical plane and unbroken, first set if hspu were unbroken then next 2 sets broken.
    Run- 14:14- breathing/endurance felt good but slow time due to fighting a cramp in right leg for last 4 of 7.5 laps.. Bananas and mustard for cramps... Any other suggestions?

  20. A.185(3)-225(2)-250(1)PR!
    I was ready to stop after A...

    Posterior chain really tired from yesterday and my NS tired from A.
    ***Front squat where so hard that I was looking forward to do the GHD hahaha.***


  21. 23/145

    A. 185-205-220(PR)-185-205-225X
    B. 205-215-225x1-225x0-215
    C. 4:12.....was doing 25 a minute up to 75 and then I lost it. I did both hands touch ground behind me then both hands touching pad

    Not sure if I will have time for part two, I may have to put school in front of training today

  22. After a long warm-up......

    Part 1
    A. 185x3, 225x2PR, 235x1PR, 205x3, 225x2,230(this last one wasn't pretty but I locked it out eventually!)

    B. 155, 185, 205, 185, 185 (lower back was ultra tight so i didn't push this)

    C. 5:01 (1:36 faster than my last time)

    Thanks for the push Roch!

  23. Late Marcher:

    Lulu, Thanks for your input last night. Sometimes I just need to here it from another hard training individual. So with the help of Lulu's sage suggestion I am taking some rest today.

    I already had defaulted to "grind-through" mode this morning and did the first WOD. But I was unmotivated and slow feeling. My dip in the split jerks felt slow and had no pop. So I am going to go ahead and rest the rest of the day. If I had been smart and planned out only doing one WOD, I would have gone with the running since that is my weaker area. But again, I was going to try to slog through both and didn't plan for only one WOD.

    Part I
    A. 145x3/155x2/160x1/150x3/160x2/165x1
    B. 135/145/155/165/175
    C. 4:37

    Going to hit up the sofa for a power nap before work...

  24. Did Chin ups with underhand grip after trying neutral first, but that felt the best on my elbow (not great).
    rest 30 min

    3K: 15:35

  25. Late Marcher:


    225 felt good today so got a little ambitious and tried for 245. should have gone to 235 instead but short on time so had to move on.

    B. 185,185,205,225 (felt sharp pain in right knee on 4th set so stopped here). only 2min rest b/t sets. out of time!

    C. first 50 in 2:33
    100 in 7:23. New PR

  26. I think I'll get a good dose of running in my flag football game tonight so will not be doing part 2.

  27. Late Marcher Part 1

    A. 120lb, 130, 140 (PR)!, 125, 135 (FAIL), 130

    B. 135, 145, 155, 165, 170 (only got 2 of three but my 1 rep max has been stuck at 175 for a while so that felt pretty good)

    C. 4:39 unbroken (30 second PR)

  28. part 1:
    A. 220/240/264/240/274(1)/284
    B. 220/270/290/300/305(1)
    C. 5:36

  29. Late March, Part 1
    A. 155,175,180,165,180,195 I should have gone heavier on the last single
    B. 175,185,195,205,215x2
    C. 5:29

  30. A.) 3@115#, 2@130#, 1@145#(PR), 3@125#,2@135#, 1@150#(f)
    B.) 115#, 130#, 145#, 150#(PR), 155#(1)
    C.)No GHD, so did 100 unbroken unanchored situps for time = 2:45

    Running out and about the streets in 1.5 hours during break from work.

  31. @ OPT 7AM
    Late March part 1

    A. 172,187,198 / 176, 198, 208
    not happy with my split depth. Lumbar still sore from yesterday

    B. FS 198/220/230/240/250
    3rd reps were too much toe so I can go heavier when if I stay disciplined

    C. Ran out of time. Last time @ InVictus I finally got it under 7 min & wanted to get down to low 6's

    run tonight downtown

  32. Late March

    A. 65-3, 85-2, 95-1, 95-3, 105-2, 115-1 (PR)

    B. 95, 105, 110, 110, 115

    C. 6:12 (PR)

    My problem with my split jerks is my confidence.. I need to get more confident of having heavy weight above my head. I think I could have lifted heavier but towards the end I felt much more confident. I am looking forward to doing these again to see how much I can do!

    Lower back was super tight so took it a little easier on the front squats and the GHD situps.

    Good for you Marie for listening to your body and giving it a break! I think your body with thank you for this later :)

  33. Early March...

    Part 1: 16:55

    2 hour rest

    Part 2: 13:32

    After an easy opening set of 8, my HSPUs were down to 2s and 3s the rest of the way with about :30 rest in between - this is the only movement that seems to suffer when I put on weight. PUs were fast and unbroken. I performed Part 2 on the AirDyne, subbing 5 miles for the 3k.

  34. Had to reverse WODs due to time issues. Decided to test knee today with the runs:
    Well the good thing is i ran and my right knee felt pretty good once i got into the groove, the bad thing is my damn left calf is doing its usual thing and so tight that i had to stop after the round of 3minutes. I am encouraged that i can actually run on right knee but very discouraged by me stupid left calf. At least i can start putting a short run into my warm ups and hopefully my frickn calf will get used to it... crap.

    Hope to hit second wod afer Canada kicks Russias ass tonight!!

  35. Late Marcher:

    A: 225/3, 255/2, 285/1, 240/3, 265/2, 300/1

    B: 275/3, 285/3, 295/3, 300/3

    C: 5:02 (over 1:30min PR)

    Jerks felt good. All from front rack.
    Only did 4 sets of front squats, on the last set at 300 my hip flexor felt tight after so I played it safe.
    GHD situps were significantly easier this time. Had room to go faster. Went easier than I had to on the first 50.

  36. Late Marcher

    A: 185/200/225/190/215/235(f)
    B: 200/215/220/225/230
    C: Reg sit-ups 2:35

    * back was super sore and tired today and it showed.

  37. A. 198x3/218x2/242xf(new shoes were sticking a bit, that's my excuse and I am "sticking" to it
    208x3/228x2/242x1/252x1 (much better)
    B. 218x3/238x3/257x3/262x3/267x1
    C. 4:09

  38. Had to have quick warm up and half the rest time to squeeze this in at lunch....shitty, definately hurt part A.

    C. 5:33 last time was its like this program is working or something!

    Part 2 will be done late tonight subbing an eliptical, or maybe tommorow morning if I can get to the track.

  39. Late Marcher


    Part 1
    A. 165, 190, 205, 185, 195, 215
    B. 185, 205, 215, 225, 230, 235
    C. 4:30

    - PreWO: 16g BCAA-G
    - PWO: 40gP/30gC (Shake: Refuel & Jarrow), 8g BCAA-G
    - 60 min later: turkey chili

    A. A little light for the first set of 3. Was definitely catching the weight a little too high and need to have my back leg further back. Also need to work on pushing under the bar better/faster and not muscling the weight up.
    B. These felt pretty good and didn't bother the knee at all so I kept it fairly safe and didn't push for too much in terms of loads.
    C. Faster than the last time I did this by about 20 seconds, but last time was with less rest (after DB split squats). Still about 20 seconds off my fastest time, but that was when I was 100% fresh. Got through 60 Unbroken and then sets of 10.

    Not sure if I want to use the Vibrams for Part II. I used them for the sprint WOD we did a little bit ago and that made my feet ache for a day or two...decisions, decisions.

    AirDyne arrives tomorrow!

  40. A. 175,190,205
    185,197, 208

    last split jerk:
    any criticism would be appreciated.

    B. 185,195,205,217,225

    c. 4:59. (PR) Last 12 consectutive to make it sub 5.

    Part 2 will be a basketball game tonight.

  41. Mid marcher
    A. Split Jerk
    B. Front Squat
    C. Couldn't get into facility with GHD. Tomorrow

    I suck at running long. Worked on pose and did my best:)


  42. Early March

    HSPU/Pullups - 8:52

    Got 18 unbroken HSPU in the first round, then it was all singles the rest of the way home. Frustrating that it declines so quickly. Pullups were easy relative to the HSPU.

    ~45min rest to drive to treadmill

    3k run - 11:41

    on treadmill with incline @ 1.5%, started off little too fast and had to slow way down in the middle, but finished strong (sub 6min/mile pace for last mile)

  43. A - 155/165/175/165/175/185
    185 is a PB for my new shoulder. Lots of reps in warm-up. Built confidence in landing and OH lockout.
    B - 199/219/234/244/244
    Back was smoked. Tough to stay tall out of the bottom.
    C - 4:21 - fuck

  44. A 175 195 215/ 195 210 230 (pr +5 easy)

    B 185 205 225 235 245(2) Weak today, pr is 250x3

    C 5:52 huge pr, last pr 7:44

    Rest 10 min

    Runs= total distance 3.75 miles. Runs felt pretty good, thats the longest ive run in probably 2 years haha, and i still dont like running. Body really sore.

  45. PTS -

    You have muted hip function, knees come too forward on your initial dip and drive and hips aren't engaged. You're basically jumping with knee extension only. Weight is way far out in front when overhead and your bodyweight is almost solely on your front leg.

    Drill your split position and work on stability. Get comfortable in your split... and practice... then practice some more. You need to get lower. Try to hollow out your midline when overhead too. You have the capacity to put A LOT more overhead. You just to need to get rid of those power leakages and get that capacity into the bar.

  46. A - 125/135/145, 135/145/155 (f) could not drop under fast.
    B- 155/165/170/175/185
    lower back- holy moly!
    C- 3:16 but on my little make shift GHD.

    Did runs approx.5 hrs later outside. My lower back is on fire/filled with cement.

  47. Early Marcher:
    Part 1- 16:36

    Part 2- 14:24

  48. Part 2:

    90% Efforts:
    Runs of 1,2 and 3 minutes done at 10mph. Run of 4 minutes done at 9mph.

    50% Efforts: All done at 5.5 mph.

    Notes: Had to use treadmill as we got about 8 inches of concrete-esque snow today followed by an inch or rain.

  49. Part 1

    A. 85/95/105, 110/115/120 - didn't give myself enough credit on the first wave
    B. 85/95/105/115/125(2)
    C. 6:54 - 50 to full ROM, 50 to parallel

  50. Part 1:
    A. 220x3,230x2,240x1,230x3,240x2,250x1
    B. 242,252,262,272,282
    C. 6:01 (both hands to floor overhead)

    Part 2:
    Legs were heavy and midsection fried.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Yesterday forgot to post.

    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 4
    4. 4
    5. 3 plus deads and 6 pullups

    Total = 297


    Part 1

    A. 215-225-245, 215,245,260pr,270f
    B. 235-245-255-265
    C. 6:44

    Jerks felt good. Started a bit too light. Went for 270 as I hit a 5# pr at 260. 270 was kinda ugly so I stopped there.

    Front squats felt really heavy and hard. Had hard time keeping my chest and elbows up. Felt my left groin tighten up and decided to not do last set.

    Part 2 tonight

  53. Part 1

    Part 2
    20:19; slow, but I never stopped running. That’s a big deal for me. Yay!

  54. Part 1
    A. 185x3,205x2,225x1 (tied pr), break, 195x3, 210x1+f, 215xf
    C. 7:23 (50 in 2:30)

    Broke for 3 hours then did:

    B. 185,205,215,225,235(PR),stopped

    Part 2 - 50% at 6.5 mph, 90% at 8.5-9, 1.5% incline on treadmill

    Jerks felt heavy, failed my first attempt at 225 but got mad and retried after 30 sec. I had to do my GHDs between teh first 3 sets and the last 3- messed me up.

    First time with GHD Situps to 100. First 50 was easy with 1 break at 25 - then my lower back started cramping up adn I had to break into 10s and 5s. Does anyone else have this problem with lower back cramping in GHD situps?

    Front squats were hard with sore lower back- had to widen my stance and keep my body more vertical to pull it off.

    Running went surprisingly well given I have a terrible cold. Wind wasn't bad - legs were hurting.

  55. Late March

    Part 1
    A: 185(3), 205(2), 225(1), 225(3), 245(1), 225(1)
    B: 185 for all
    C: only 60 not timed

    Part 2
    Same format but on airdyne.

    Felt awful today. Just happy to be able to do anything. Tomorrow is another day.

  56. late march part 1:
    A. 165, 175, 185, 195, 205(1), 205 - last rep felt great, felt like i could do another 40lbs
    B. 185, 205, 225, 225, 225
    C. 50k2e/50 unanchored situps - 5:30

    will run in the A.M. tomorrow

  57. Part 2

    Ang and I decided to row it, wholly cow it was BRUTAL.

    Total meters was: 5860

  58. 26,511,190
    hello dawgs

    I would like to give some advice do not run right after front squats and ghd.

    Also I would like to know your guys views on doing power lifting with steel plates. I was using get up 245 no problem but I was at TC today and the steel plates felt like a million pounds

    Split jerk
    185,185,195,200,224 (f) that should not happen weak weight not happy with myself

    Front Squat

    No ghd- 50 sit-ups and 100 back extentions instead plus mor abs

    just owned my life I dont know why it was ugly. My 50% were like walks ahah that was bad

    taking tomorrow off

  59. m/33/68"/165#

    Part 1
    A. 155, 165, 175, 160, 170, 180
    B. 155, 175, 185, 190, 195
    C. Did 60 reps and felt sharp pain, so I stopped.

    Part 2
    Done on a partially snow covered track after class. I have just travelled to the east coast, so the cold kicked my butt.

  60. A. Split Jerk - 3(205),2(215),1(225),3(225),2(235),1(245) Went for 260 to make PR but No:Go Today
    B. Front Squat - 205,225,235,245(PR),235; Last two Sets I felt my back round a little on the last rep of each.
    C. 6:10 First time actually

  61. A: 155, 185, 205, 165, 195, 220(f)
    B: 185, 205 (2), 205, 215, 225 (1)
    C: 5:09

    Run: Brutal, total distance was 3.83 miles. Done on treadmill due to snow in the north east

  62. Late March

    A. Second time doing split jerks so went a little conservative. 95 - 135 - 155, 135 - 155 - 175

    B. 135 - 155 - 165 - 170 - 170

    C. 4:47

    Rest 10 min

    Ran in beautiful snow... my legs kill now.

  63. March 7th

    Part 1: 21:45

    Man, did the wheels come off during this one. I tried to kip hspu in the set of 30 and nearly broke my neck. So I bailed on the kip and went with all strict. All the pull ups were unbroken.

    Part 2:

    My back and neck were hurting from the hspu incident.

  64. part 2...
    recorded the distances of the 90%... on indoor 160m pentagon... not nice on the knees...

    1- 330m
    2- 600m
    3- 880m
    4- 1120m
    3- 830m
    2- 560m
    1- 340m


    I'll b around but prob not posting the next few days... gonna try some rest...


  65. Late Marchers

    Part 1.

    A. 165(3),185(1),205(1)PR!!!

    B. 185(3),205(3),225(3),235(3)PR!,

    C. 5:44

    very happy w/my PRs

  66. m/25/197/6'3"

    A. 165(3), 185(2), 210(1) PR!, 175(3), 195(2), 215F
    B. 185, 195, 200, 185, 175 Back really tight from yesterday's DLs, took this easy
    C. 5:55 PR (last time was 6:24) Did this 45UB/10/then 5s

    Awesome. After round 2 50% felt like 30 and 90 felt like 70

  67. Part 2: Focus was great, pace was very good didn't count the km...

  68. Part 2: 1/1,2/2,3/3,2/2,1/1 approx. 2400m

    cut out the 4min round and a 3min round. poor planning and extremely tight lower back. long cool down.

  69. Part 2:
    Felt stiff before the run, did some drills and felt a lot better. Run went very well. I'm finally getting more comfortable running. For as long as I can remember it's always been my breathing that's limited me and today I felt my legs wanting to give first.

    Done on a 1-mile hilly loop.

    4 miles @ 31:35; kept the sprint up until 32:00

    For some reason everytime I started my 90%s it was a steep part of the loop.

    Awesome training day and time to stretch!

  70. march 7th-
    part 1: 14:18
    part 2: 12:15

  71. Early March.

    Part 1.
    6:40. pull ups unbroken
    Partt 2.

    11:31. an out and back, hilly, windy trail run with the pooches. Good times.

  72. Late Marcher


    Part 2:

    4.11 miles done outdoors on a 5k course

  73. 38/6'2"/200

    A SJ: 60/80/100/80/90/110kg (242#) - The last rep was solid.
    B FS: 80/100/110/120kg (264#) - Tough, lower back is toast, stopped on 4th set. Percentages were high that I was going to pull something on the last set.
    C: 4:11 - Both Hands

    30 minute rest

    3.85 miles - The 90% was at a 6:20 pace.

    Notes: I didn't push the weights real hard tonight. My body is beat up. It is going to be the busiest day of the month for me tomorrow and I just noticed tomorrow is not a rest day. *sigh*

  74. Late March
    Part 1
    A. 95, 105, 120
    100, 110, 120
    B. 95, 105, 115
    C. 5:58

    Part 2
    Run: 3.5 miles

    Redid 120 because I really wanted to feel aggressive and get under it and the second attempt felt awesome. Pr is 125 and I could have easily gone higher today. The squats on the other hand were horribly hard and had to cut to 3 sets due to time. GHD first time doing 100 and goal was sub six... Just made it!
    Runs: 50% at 5.5 and 90% 8.0-9.4
    Felt fantastic!!!


  75. Late March.

    Part 1:
    A. 125, 135, 145, 135, 145, 165(PR)
    B. 185x3, 195x2
    C. 4:49

    Part 2:
    Around 4.25 miles.

    All around it felt good today.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. Part 2
    Middle of this set I realized I have not run over approx. 20 minutes in the last 10 years or so when I did a "fun" 10km. So needless to say this was good for me. Actually felt pretty relaxed, I liked the 1:1 ratio and the 50% recovery set. I felt like I could push relatively hard on the 90% set, although because this is the first run this winter, I would say I was not quite hitting 90%. Anyway, worked on pose and felt really good. My calves are majorly fucked however. Contemplated ditching the last set because the calves were starting to tighten up so much, tomorrow I will not be walking with any sort of ease. Did these as out and back for each interval. There is probably a slight grade increase on the path I used, but I was able to finish the set on my way back each time a bit further.

    Programming these last two days was awesome.

  78. knee felt a little funky during 1st 1 and 2 minute "sets"...after that it felt fine. My lower back, however, is a different story; was tight throughout the entire run. This run really kicked my butt.

  79. 31m/6'1"/200

    Part 1.
    A. 185(3)/205(2)/225(1)PR/195(3)/215(2)/235(f)
    B. 185(3)/155(3)/155(3)/155(3)/155(3)
    C. 4:36-PR by a lot

    A. Split Jerks have gotten much better. I think I could have gotten 235 with another attempt but I was short on time
    B. I cut the load down on front squats because my R knee is hurting pretty bad
    C. Did 50 in 1:26 then quick 5's after that.

    Part 2.
    Done on treadmill with 1 degree incline. All 50% at 5mph, all 90% at 9mph. Felt good, lots of sweating. Love running!

  80. part1
    A. 195, 215, 235, 205, 225, 245- felt ez
    B. 215, 220, 220, 225, 225(2)- very challenging today
    C. 3:54- PR by 45 sec- sets of 25 w 10 sec break between

    performed on 400m track
    back got really tight during runs, legs felt heavy. Started to get in the zone at 4 min sprint. Finsihed the runs strong. My core is toast!

  81. Late Marcher
    A. all regular push jerks, due to lack of competence/ease of injury I seem to have with split jerks; 135x3, 165x2, 185x1, 155x3, 175x2, 195x1(pr)
    B. 135x3, 165x3, 185x3, 195x3,
    C. 5:06 was shooting for sub 5 but a PR nonetheless.

    Didn't have time to rest long today, so after about 10 minutes of stretching and hydrating, did part 2 on a treadmill. Stayed true to the prescribed time and intensity for a total distance of
    3.84 miles. I was absolutely smoked after that, probably from jumping right into it, but a good day regardless. Thanks coach

  82. Late Marcher:
    Part 1
    A. 225/24/255(pr)/225/245/255
    B. 245/255/265/275/285
    C. 6:22

    6 hr break

    Part 2
    Done on treadmill.
    50%=6mph, 90%=10mph
    Got a call half way thru, and I'm not sure I could have held the pace without the break in the middle.

    lower back is fried.

  83. Part 2 @ Heli Landing Pad downtown @ 6PM

    Note 29,999,999 Canadians were watching the Canada Russia hockey game. 1 idiot was out running the paths in the dark


  84. I seriously don't know what to say. I just realized I did each of these intervals twice. The sun had gone down so I had no sense of time, what an idiot.

  85. Late Marcher

    No part 1 today, last WOD wrecked me. Been icing lower back all day. Tried picking up a barbell but realized very quickly this would be a bad idea.

    Part 2. Was good to run again, but painful. Legs felt like they were 20 pounds heavier. Really had to dig in for the ladder on the way down. Couldn't resist giving the GHD sit ups a go 10 minutes after. Made it to 50 after 2:33 then shut it down.

    Back to icing!

  86. Hey Brett,
    Hmmm...I'm wondering if doing those intervals twice is karma for not letting me try that second single for the split jerk!!!!

    Part 1

    Did most of part 1 in a training session with Brett

    A. 125x3/135x2/145x1 130x3/140x1,f (bar dropped behind)/ 150 f,f (caught bar forward on the 1st and lost it and lost it behind on the 2nd attempt...arms were done)

    B. Front Squat was awful...lower back so tight and fatigued!!! Great job to everyone who was actually able to 'show up' for the front squat. Didn't get anywhere near 3rm...Oh well...

    115x3/125x3/135x3/135x3 (thought 140 was on the bar here!!!)/145 f/ dropped to 140 f. Between last two attempts had to strip the bar down to 75# before I felt as though I could clean it and rack it.

    C. 4:01 thx for strategy here Brett.

    Part 2


    Did this in the evening so went to OPT and ran on the treadmill. Think my 50% pace was pretty accurate, but could have probably pushed a little harder on the 90% for the first 2 sets. by the 300m round my back was screaming!!!!

    My lower back is done! Not sure I'll be able to carry my 6 yr olds hockey bag for him tomorrow or sit while watching his game!!!!

  87. Late March
    Part 1
    A. 185/225/245/225/245/265(f)-255
    B. 225/235/245/255/265/275
    C. 5:48

    Notes: Good day...set PR on 3 rep FS and 100 GHDs and tied PR on SJ. Had 265 to nose level and I freaked out and lost focus. Just like the snatch, need to gain confidence pushing/pulling under the bar. Strong enough on the drive to put 300 overhead, but technique/confidence is not there.

    Tweaked L Hip Flexor when my R foot slipped during last few GHDs and I pulled extra hard on the L side to compensate. Tried to loosen up for the runs, but no luck. Trigger point and some ice will feel good. If its better, I will do the runs as a double tomorrow.

  88. A. 3/165 2/175 1/185 3/170 2/185 3xf/200

    B. 3/185 3/205 1/215 1/205
    Didn't finish back was to tight thought I should stop before I hurt something

    C. 4:15 Both hands touch ground and both touch pad

    Played hockey late last night and playing late tonight also so I will do part 2 tomorrow

  89. 185,205,225,205,225 fail on second, 225f
    225,245,255,255,255f on third
    200 sit ups for time 544
    still weak from being sick didnt do second part

  90. Early Marcher:
    Part 1: 12:49 PU's Unbroken. HSPU's very broken. Worked on kipping HSPU's because I need every advantage when it comes to HSPU's. HSPU's have got to be my worst movement.
    Part 2: 11:50 Ran outside, dodging traffic.

  91. Ealy Marcher:

    Part 1: 9:18
    Part 2: 13:23

    HSPU caught me off guard, usually I am pretty good at them but they got to me quick. All were strict but broken. 15-10-5 for the first round and then 5's every round after that. Pull ups felt good but broken.

    I was pleasantly surprised with the run. I havent done too much running but didnt seem to get winded. My legs kept wanting to lock up though for some reason.

  92. Part 2 - done @ 5:30, legs felt like lead after 1st 2 min. interval. Focused on relaxed upper body & face and turn over.

  93. Late Marcher:
    Part 1
    A. 118(3)/132(2)/152(1)/132(3)/142(2)/157(1)
    B. 132/152/162/172/182(1.F)
    C. 3:51 (anchored sit ups, no GHD)

    Tried to push myself, confidence seems to be my limiting factor with Push Jerk.

  94. Forgot to mention rest was 3 minutes instead of 4 because I'm a space cadet and didn't calculate it properly.

  95. Early March - 6'3" 188lbs 24 yrs o

    3rd time ever doing HSPU, very strict finally got the head to the ground (shoulder flexibility was limited) went 8-5-3-2-2 for first round, and I basically just got up and did 20 Chin-ups everytime I hit muscle failure on the HSPU....after the first round it was pretty much 2's and 3's. Usually getting between 5-7, then knocking out 20 chins, all chins were UB. Total working time: 15:34, probably got around 55-60 HSPU total, and 100 Chin-Ups. Tough ass workout. Arms were super pumped up after this, it was sweet.

    Rest 30 mins:

    12mins DU practice (Running is not a problem for me, especially not 3k, but DU's are so I did the equivelent time a 3k would take me in DU's). Got around 180, singles in between for "rest". Found I do way better when not looking in a mirror.

  96. Pt. 1.
    A. Used close grip bench to test my 1RM which was 226. Left bicep painful so jerks are out.
    B. Worked up to 235.5. This didn't feel as strong today.
    C. 5:49, minute faster than last time.

    Did this a day later, working out yesterday not an option. Lower back is fried.

  97. Pt 2. About 10 minutes after pt 1.

    1st 16 minutes was brutal as my hips and back were dying but I felt really good once I turned around and made my way back to the compound. Followed the old 5K run route and actually ran past it there and back so I probably covered close to 6K. This is the most I've run since we did this back in the summer and the first time I've run outside since I was in B.C. back in early August. My feet and calves will be pleased tomorrow...

  98. Late Marcher-
    Part 1.
    A. 185x3, 195x2, 205x1, 185x3, 195x1 (F2 due to bad grip), 205x1
    B. 205, 215, 215, 220, 220
    C. Forgot GHDs...d'oh

    Part 2.
    Heavily scaled--first time running in a while.
    Cut it to 1/1, 2/2, 2/2, 1/1.

    Notes: first time split jerking or front squatting in about 3 months so need to get the NME and confidence in the movements back.

  99. A. 135, 155, 165, 155, 175, 185
    B. 185, 205, 225, 245, 245
    C. 7:04
    It feels like sleep deprivation from my newborn is catching up with me.

  100. early march

    hspu/pull up: 11:49.

    3k run: 12:43.

  101. Late March

    A: 185, 195, 205, 205, 215, 225(F)
    B: 185, 195, 205, 205, 215, 225
    C: N/A

    Part II: N/A

    Shortened rest periods to 120 due to time constraints. Mistakenly did A1, A2 scheme. Didn't have time for part II. Will make it up tomorrow. Disappointed by not completing the workout.

  102. Early Marchin...I'm March 13-14 so I am doing whichever plays the most to my this case, part 2 exploits my single biggest weakness.

    Part 1: 6:34. Felt pretty good. HSPU got pretty broken towards the end, all were forehead to floor. Only broke on the 30 set of pull ups.

    Part 2: I really don't have that great of a "course" to run on. I ran approximately 2 miles in 15:38. Pretty embarrassing, but anything over 800m crushes me, I'm just not a runner, no matter how hard I try. I was really feeling all the deadlifts from yesterday in my legs and lower back.

  103. A. Split Jerk – 3,2,1,3,2,1: 70 – 80 – 90 – 75 – 85 – 95 kg
    B. Front Squat – 3,3,3,3,3: 70 – 80 – 90 – 102.5 kg, pb! – 105 kg, PB!
    C. GHD Sit Ups – 100 for time: 4:10 min, pb

    Did not have time for running part, sorry.

  104. Mario "ATP" Ashley (CrossfitRedline)February 26, 2010 at 1:06 PM


    Late Marcher:

    PJ 155(3)-185(2)-205(1)
    SJ practice

    FS 185-205-215-215

    GHD 75=5:20

    Comment: My erectors are on fire. UBER SORE!
    GHD hand to ground

    part 2: 2 hrs later

    total 3.5miles
    ankle still acting up. I have been taping it up for wods but I don't have a choice 2.5wks left before sectionals

  105. Part 1.
    A. 155, 165, 175, 165, 170, 180
    B. 155, 160, 165, 170, 175
    C. 4:24, two-hand touch

    Part 2, will do later.

  106. Part 1:
    210(3)/230(2)/240(1)PR…this last lift was strong…I’m very happy with it…
    205(3)/225(3)/230(3)/235(3)/250(f)front squats not feelin too strong today

    c)100 GHDs: 5:18PR (by 1:47)second time doing this WOD and it felt way stronger…shootin for sub-4 next time

    Part 2: did this on a treadmill at 1% grade…serious cramping in lower back during the run…sprints were especially horrendous…32 min of running hell…

    look forward to tomorrow’s WOD…

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. oh yeah...distance of run was 5.8k...

  109. A.
    135 x 3


    4.32 - 18s slower than last but 16s faster than the first time.

    Part 2 on TM, speeds listed

    Just fried today, had nothing to give.

  110. March 13th'er

    Part 1. *8:56 (hspu's to abmat)
    Part 2. 12:51 road course

  111. Mid Marcher

    1. 18:42 head to deck and all kipped. Getting better at the hspu.

    2. Have client now will do later this arvo.

  112. Part 1
    HSPU are a weakness, but trudged through them.

    Part 2
    The run felt good, probably could have run faster. Earlier I gave in and had some cake and other crap. I have to eat healthy to have good performance.

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