Sat, Mar 20th, 2010

"They are not called "treadmills" for nothing. The term treadmill brings to mind the epitome of drudgery. Drudgery began with the advent of agriculture and marked the transition to what we now call "civilization". (See Daniel Quinn's books for the full implications of "civilization".) Drudgery intensified with the industrial revolution and reached its apex with Frederick Taylor's scientific management, a well-intentioned breakdown of human actions into mechanical movements. Workers expressed their humanity and rebelled. But the model lives on in the world's gyms, driven by the seductive appeal of the technology and the precision measurements it produces. How would a four year-old react to being asked to do a 30-minute session on a treadmill? How much fitter, both physically and mentally, he or she would be if given free rein and good company in a forest!" - Evfit

As many rounds in 10 minutes;

Power Clean x 1 - 155#/105#
Front Squat x 2 - 155#/105#
Push Press x 3 - 155#/105#
15 GHD Sit Ups

post rounds and reps completed to comments


  1. This past year I read "Ishmail" and "The Story of B.". Amazing reads that completly changed the way I look at everything.

    I also heard Dr. Thomas Cowen speak at The Weston Price conference in Chicago. He gave a lecture on cancer and stated he was absolutly certain he knew where cancer came from.

    His answer...civilization.

    Good stuff, love your insight Coach!

  2. Good luck to everyone competing this weekend.

    It's go time!

  3. I'll be representing the Big Dawgs at the New England Sectional today.

    Time to give it all I got!

  4. gd luck 2 all the BDs this wknd!... keep us updated!...

  5. First Day back since Sectionals.. Feels great to be back into the training.
    Felt a little sluggish into the workout. Got 5 complete rounds + 1PC, 2 FSq, 2PP.. Then rowed a 1k for time about 5 mins later. 85%

  6. I've been telling people to read Ishmael for so long...glad to see someone with some sort of influence is pimping it. Good stuff. For a less fictional approach you should check out Jared Diamond's "Guns, Germs and Steel" (not saying Quinn doesn't know what he's talking about because his story is fictitious, as fiction is just the way he frames his ideas). Diamond's book provides a sort of scientific compliment to Quinn's work.

  7. Here's Diamond's 1987 paper on the topic:

    a quick, entertaining read.

  8. 6 full rounds + 1pc, 2 fs, 3 pp- finished at 9:50.

  9. good luck this weekend for all those competitors out there. look forward to the stories.

  10. Thanks Adam and Jeffrey! I'll check those out.

  11. Good Luck Brent - Kill it today!

  12. 7 rds plus 1PC, 2FS, 3PP and 2 GHD.

    good pace, maybe should've went a bit harder towards middle.

    GHD situps got real tough, weight seemed easy.

  13. Good luck Dawgs!!

    7 rounds, 1 PC, 2 FS, 3 PP and 14 GHDs.

    GHDs def slowed me down, barbell complex felt great.

  14. Man all this great basketball on TV, that my wife is making me watch! And I'm glued to laptop trying t follow all the dawgs this weekend!

    Todays Wod:
    6rnds + 16 reps.

    Did this first thing this morning with no breakie in my tank, definately won't do that again, paced myself to much and didn't hit it with enough intensity...exuses exuses. GHDs got tough though.

  15. 8 rds + complex + 5 situps

    one hand to floor on situps...good push today

  16. Did this in morning before work. No GHD at station.

    8 full rds

    Took last 5 days off after sectional. Felt good to get back at it. Going to start posting regularly. Especially after Chris Dunkin called me out on it. Thanks

  17. 5 rds + 8 GHD sit ups
    failed on 2nd push press in 5th rd and 2x in 6th rd.

  18. 7 rds plus 4 GHD situps

    Scaled GHDs to 10 per round--still working up to high volume of them. First two rounds were just under 1 min apiece...then it got hard.

  19. 8 full + 11 GHDs, rediculously close to 9 full.

    Complex felt light, it just boiled down to being mentally tougher on the GHDs, which were painful today.

    I needed this WOD today, feel great.

  20. 7 rds, with 3 sec to spare

  21. 11 rounds, but no GHD. Had to use a swiss ball and anchor feet. Def not the same.

    Good Luck all dawgs competing this weekend!!!

  22. Nice work LuLu she is in 3rd place with one WOD to go tomorrow!!!! OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU.

    Have to go to kids birthday party so will hit this a little later today.

  23. 6 rounds + barbell portion
    GHDs were slooooooow but I'm pleased with how they went since I rarely get to do the movement as rx'd because MRR doesn't have one.

    Thanks to DJ, TLaw, Steve and David for letting me join in.

  24. 26/m/145

    4 rds + BB complex

    I knew this weight was too much for me but wanted to see how it would feel for next weekend. So if anything comes up that is 155 overhead I'm screwed. My biggest problem was catching the weight after each push jerk. I did push jerks instead of push presses.

    Also Wes you are a freak I don't know how you can move so much weight at our bodyweight.

  25. 26/m/145

    4 rds + BB complex

    I knew this weight was too much for me but wanted to see how it would feel for next weekend. So if anything comes up that is 155 overhead I'm screwed. My biggest problem was catching the weight after each push jerk. I did push jerks instead of push presses.

    Also Wes you are a freak I don't know how you can move so much weight at our bodyweight.

  26. 31m/200/6'1"

    8 rounds
    anchored situps/no GHD at globo

  27. 8 rounds
    PP got difficult by the end and needed to push a little harder on GHD

  28. practiced the Norcal Sectionals WOD #1, rested 30 min then...

    10 rounds + 1 PC

  29. 32/74.5"/180

    @ CFC w/ DeeJay, TLaw and David83...

    6 rounds + 1PC + 2FS + 3PP + 12 GHD

    Notes: Shoulders just could not get warmed up today...also at least 3-4PP were push jerks so my WOD today was not Rx'd...

  30. 5 rounds + 8 GHD

    Push press were difficult. Had to drop after 2 in rounds 3,4,5.

    First wod in the new action conditioning... Huge headache now from breathing in the fresh paint. Need to spend some time airing it out.

  31. 7 rounds @ 40 kg

    Scaled back the weight a lot. My wrist got buggered up pretty bad after doing "the Bear"...has recovered, but every time I do cleans it seems to aggravate it. Don't want to make it worse this close to sectionals. Felt way too light but probably a smart idea. OGave it probably 90% intensity today.

    GO DAWGS!!! Ypu guys are killin' it today, looks like most are in a good position to qualify.

  32. Oh yes and Ali was there too! :)

  33. looks like brent maier is doing well in the mountain sectional. 41 muscle ups is bad ass. go hard tomorrow!

  34. used this as a warm-up... ghd su on a roman chair was the limiting factor... wt felt light...

    ~9 rounds

    5min rest, then did theanvilgym wod...
    keep kickin ass dawgs!...


  35. sitting these next couple days out. I go in for surgery on Tuesday and know that working right up to it will cause inflammation (how much I don't know). Figure it is best to let myself and knee rest before the surgery and hope that the doc is able to stitch my meniscus back together instead of cutting the tear out.

    Looking forward to starting some rehab afterward and keeping my upper and core as dialed as possible during my down-time.

    Registered for the Exercise Physiology Assessment module on April 17-18...anyone else going to be there?

  36. 7 rounds

    GHD were difficult today. It was hard to get them done fast. Weight felt light.

  37. Tired from judging all day at North Europe Sectionals. Can report in that

    1) Jenny is in the lead after day 1 after first places in both WOD 1 and 2. 2 more WODs tomorrow, but she's killing it.

    2) That I hung around a bit with Mikko and get the answer to the question if he'd changed anything in his training from last year and he replied that he has upped the volume quite a bit (!). Scary stuff.

    Tired. Sleep.

  38. 6 Rounds

    It feels good to be back. It took some time to get back to normal after competing.

  39. New England Sectional Results Day 1 Jenny Davis-4th
    Jeremy Kosbob-11th
    Andrew Yahn-17th
    Amy Mandelbaum 34th
    Julie Magliacio-40th .
    Tomorrow 'Serious 7'
    7 minutes to get ya best 7 rep squat clean and all crew should rise up here.
    The field gets cut to top 50 ;

    4 rounds for time
    Atlas Stones, ground to shoulder, 112/65 pounds
    100 meter sandbag run, 40/18 pounds
    15 Overhead Squats, 95/65
    15 Deadlifts, 225/135
    15 Burpees
    *the stones are descending.... Round one is 4 ground to shoulder, round two is 3, round three is 2, and round 4 is 1 ground to shoulder.
    *the 100 meter sandbag run is a 50 meter out and back.

    Ice bath-compression-food -sleep.
    Can't wait to tear it up tomorrow..
    Keep ya posted!

  40. 7 rounds plus BB complex

    GHD hurt my aching low back damn, they definitely slowed me down from round 4 on.

    OOOOUUUUUUU The BIG DAWGS are kicking some serious ass out there great boys and girls!!!!!

  41. 8 rounds plus 7ghd.
    Have been getting IMS treatment on shoulder recently. It didn't feel great before the WOD and now it feels somewhat worse. Held up well during the WOD though...Right before I started the WOD Geoff mentioned that James said it was fine to come out of the 2nd FS and go right into the PP. Thanks Geoff...I know that made a huge difference for me! Last few rnds of GHDs hurt more than the BB complex! I did not expect that.

  42. 9 rounds.
    Felt good.
    really felt the burn on the GHD's.

  43. M/34/202/72"

    7 full rounds + barbell complex.

    GHD sit ups in later rounds stole away the goal I had for 8.5 rds.

    So happy to see our fellow Dawgs rocking out today!

  44. @ OPT @ 9AM
    6 rnds + 1,2,3 BB
    Was getting progressively less locked out on PP

  45. 5'5" 135

    First time experience with an OPT WOD... I'll be back for more. I had followed CJ Martin at Invictus and that I have nothing negative to say the programing, but my training partner can't stop talking about this so I had to give it a whirl. I'm glad I did.

    Don't have a GHD at our box yet so I doubled AB Mat sit ups (30)

    6 rounds + the bar complex and 7 sit ups.

  46. My bad LuLu is in 2nd!! Nice work everyone

  47. No gym today and limited sleep...set up to be a bad day, but turned out pretty good.

    11 rounds + BB + 2 - not rx'd.

    Notes: No GHD at home so subbed unanchored situps. Didn't break anything until the 10th set of situps which I am stoked about.

  48. 29 yom 180lbs

    9 rounds in 10:15

    Barbell weight felt good, wider grip on the cleans made transition to FS and PP much smoother. GHDs smoked me. I was going full ROM but was grabbin my shorts with my free hand and helping myself up on the last few reps in rounds 8 and 9.

  49. 5 GHDs short of 8 rounds when time ran out. just finished it out for a full 8 rounds. not real fast on ghd but it was knuckles to ground.

  50. 5 rounds + barbell stuff + 5 GHDS

    Took me a long time to get into it today, very distracted mentally. Had to keep focused that it would be done in 10 mins and that most were in at the 6-8 rnds.

  51. m/33/68"/165

    4 rounds + 1PC +2FS + 1PP

    Notes: Sunday's WOD 10 minutes later.

  52. Daniel Quinn and Jared Diamond in the same page...I really love this site!

  53. 6 rds + 1 bb complex + 13 ghds...

    didn't push too hard today as I have been experiencing some tension headaches recently...was worried about ghds causing one, so took it easy on 'em...weight was no problem...think stress of school is catching up with me...glad it's over in a month...

    word verification: "uracri" as in "oh, you got a headache and can't push on the WOD? dude, "uracri" baby!"

  54. 7rnds + bb complex

    bb complex felt light, i sure have a hard time with ghd situps, felt pain in lower back, not sure if i should be worried?
