sat, june 19, 2010

part 1:
A1. Front Squat Waveload @ 40X1; 6,4,2,6,4,2; rest 20 sec
A2. 25 unbroken chin ups x 6; rest 4 min
B. GHD Sit Ups @ 2010; 18 x 6; rest 60 sec

4+ hours

part 2:
Row 45 sec @ 95% effort
Rest 4:15 x 4
(10 min - AMRAP Clap Push Ups - 5 attempts)
Row 45 sec @ 95%
Rest 4:15 x 4

part 1:
5 sets for highest total for 5 sets:
Power Clean x 1
Squat Clean x 2
Split Jerk x 3
Front Squat x 4
rest 3 min
(all touch and go reps, no rests allowed at ANY point; total all loads for 5 sets as score)

rest 1 hour

part 2:
Row 1K @ 90%
20 muscle ups @ highest speed possible
Row 1K @ 90%

rest 1 hour

part 3:
30,25,20,15,10,5 rep rounds for time;
GHD Sit ups unbroken
KBS unbroken - 2pd

post loads, times and notes to comments


  1. I know what a cluster is, but can anyone help with what a waveload is?

  2. @Angelo -
    As I understand from when we did this with bench press a few months ago: 6,4,2 reps with increasing weight, then repeat with higher weight for the next 6,4,2.

    ex. 185/205/225/205/225/245

  3. A1: 80,85,90,85,90,95kg
    A2: 25,25,20+5,25,25,20+5
    B: No GHD at home so weighted Situps, all UB

    That A2 was scary!


  4. 2010

    1. 105, 115, 125, 135, 145F (hit 2 cleans, failed 3d)
    rest 15 min
    2. 10:55 used band for mu
    rest 20 min
    3. 8:47 with 1.5pd kb

    Notes: had to cut rest times to get all parts done in am session. Legs still very fatigued/sore from front squats Wednesday.

  5. 2011

    Part 1:
    A1. 175, 180, 185, 180, 185, 190
    A2. 25, 25, 18+7, 20+5, 18+5+2, 17+5+3
    B. no roman chair so decline sit ups.

    Part 2:
    Avg row dist around 225 meters.
    Clap Push Ups: 18, 8, 11, 9, 10

  6. 30/m/5'10"/176lbs

    Part 1:
    A1. 185, 205, 225, 195, 215, 235
    A2. 15, 15, 15, 15, 8, 9
    B. UB x 1, then broken at ~12reps x 5

    A1 felt good. Able to keep up with tempo pretty well.
    A2 was not bad, considering I couldn't do these at all two+ weeks ago due to injury. Shoulder rehab is coming along, but I still can't open up quite enough at the bottom, and I resisted the negative quite a bit to protect myself. Can't wait to get healthy.
    B was tough, but I love this exercise.

    Part 2 later today.

  7. 2011

    Part 1

    A1: 255, 275, 315, 265, 285, 325(PR)
    A2: All unbroken
    B: No GHD. locked legs on a rack and used bench. Not able to go unbroken on any of the sets.

    I am very happy with my progress. I feel like I am getting stronger and more confident everyday. Thanks OPT for the programming and thanks to all the Big Dawgs for the daily motivation.

  8. 2011
    Part 1:
    A1. 200,225,265,225,265,300x1
    A2. unbrkn: bwt
    B. complete: bwt

    often after the wod i feel as though, "james wrote it and therefore it happened". much like my regional performance, i am amazed at what i am accomplishing both physically and mentally through this training. it used to be that "winning" a wod was the chief motivator, but these days i am motivated to find the limits and it has created a tremendous sense of confidence. now it is so much easier to rest when its time to rest, and go when its time to go.

  9. NIcely put Dunkin. I too find myself doing things that push beyond the limits that I never thought I'd do.

    A1. 185/215/225
    A2. Unb/15+10/10+15
    Hand tear limited my sets
    B. UNB BWT

    Happy Father's day James, Geoff, and the rest of the dad's out there. See y'all Monday!


  10. Poly,
    I just read your post from yesterday.
    Small world isn't it. McIvor's been my friend since elementary school. Don't see him as much now as I'd like to.
    Eeyore, HAHAHAHA!!! Describes him very well.
    Keep at it!

  11. A1 - 155,175,195,165,185,205
    A2 - 25 x 3 unbroken

    B - 18x 3 unbroken at tempo

    A2 was very painful so stopped after 3 but continued with squats

    B - still can't shake the headaches that accompany multiple sets of GHD situps, called this early too

    frustrating day

  12. 6/17 wod

    A M.S. 85,95,105 x3
    B HHPS 95 105 105x3
    C PS 105 115 115 x3
    D 15x2

    rest 5

    1:39 1:44 1:47

    kept weights real light, first "heavier" pulling motion since injury. metcon wasnt good, i ate 1 hour before that, opps.

  13. 2011
    Part 1
    A1. 80kg x6, 94x4, 104x2, 84x6, 98x4, 108x2. Struggled a bit on rep 4 and rep 2 on second wave but not too bad.
    A2. 6 sets of 20 unb, figured 120 total was enough abuse for my hands. Last set was ~22s w/ BFK.
    B. Cut to 18x4. Still building up GHD volume.

    Don't think I'll be able to get part 2 this afternoon.

  14. Corson, yeah it is a small world. Ross just got transfered onto my shift last week. We were talking about crossfit and he mentioned his buddy Rob Corson who is really into it, and I swore that I recognized that name. I eventually pieced it together. I lovingly refer to him as Eeyore, I really have a ton of respect for the guy. I'll tell him you said Hi.

  15. @ Brandon: Thanks man, preciate it!

    A1. 185-205-235-205-235-250
    A2. 25-23-18-13-13-13 (Just started chins this week, max pull ups is 31 so not bad)
    B. On decline sit up bench that was almsot vertical, unbroken.

    Part 2 to come!

  16. 2011

    Part 1:
    A1: 175-195-215-185-205-225
    A2: No tears, but damn that was a lot.

    B: Unbroken. Last set gave me a tiny headache.

    Part 2:

    Local gym with the C2's is closed today for alumni weekend. Used a sprint band instead for the 45 second bursts.

    Clap Push Ups went:

  17. 2011

    A1. 185-205-225-185-205-235

    Tempo became hard to maintain at the end. Overall reps were good.

    A2. 15-15-10-10-5-5.

    pullups/chinups a huge weakness.

    B. 12,10,6,6. Shut it down, reps became very slow.

    Not enough time to rest before gym closes. Part 2 may happen..

  18. Went about as well I as expected it to today, what with recent issues compounded by hangover. Scaled pretty heavily, cut rounds in half, kept weight light and focused on rom and tempo. It's going to be a while until I am pleased with a workout, but it's coming.
    A1. 185, 205, 225
    A2. 25, 25, 18+7
    B. 18, 16+2, 10+6+2
    Doubt I will have time for part 2 tonight. Going to make up for yesterdays workout tomorrow.

  19. 30/m/5'10"/176lbs

    Part 2:
    Row -- 229m, 234m, 237m, 245m
    Clap pushups -- 22, 11, 9, 8, 8
    Row -- 231m, 241m, 239m, 233m

    On clap pushups, I clapped palms to chest. Died pretty quickly...

    Row felt better than last time. Better numbers too.

  20. 2011

    A1. 205/225/245/225/245/255 Kept weight were i could maintain tempo. rx'd

    A2. 1st three unbroken. last three 20-5/15-5-5/15-5-5

    B. all six as rx'd

    PART 2

    Didnt have a rower so subbed running a mile then clappers then ran another mile. 22/18/12/8/10 on pushups. runs where at 6:10 and 6:27

  21. 2011
    June 18th
    A:133lbs,153lbs,163lbs,177lbs,192lbs.I should have gone heavier. Now I know for next time.
    B1:109lbs,119lbs,129lbs,139lbs,149lbs.I did this from behind the neck and I am not sure if that is right.
    B2:First two set were bodyweight then Bwt.+10lbs,Bwt.+15lbs and Bwt.+20lbs.
    Did this with a 60lb weighted pullup(a little more than 1/3 BWT) and used a 10 and 20 kg rubber bumper stacked on each other with my head touching the ground between the bumpers for the HSPU's.
    Time=23:43. This was brutal.

    Then I made up the rowing wod from June 15th. My distances were 250,246,247,241,244 and 241. For a total of 1469 meters. I practiced my handstand walks for 10 minutes between round 3 and 4.
    I feel like I am getting better. I am glad to be part of this.

  22. 2010
    part 1: 155, 165,175,185(PC+1SC[failed on 2nd]+2Split jerk),155

    part 2: 1st 1K -- 3:28
    20 MU's in 6:28
    2nd 1K --- 3:48

    Part 3: 14:05

  23. 2011 part 2

    Only had time to rest three hours

    Intervals were:

    Would like to keep rounds more even next time.

    Only had time for one attempt on clapping pushups managed 18.

    Question for everyone, in the future should I bother doing the second or third workouts if adequate time is not available for rest? Or just scale it back?

  24. 2011

    A1. 130, 140, 150, 140, 150, 160
    A2. 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15
    Should have set a higher goal for UB pullups in first round. Live and learn, next time 15/20s.

    B. UB

    Part 2


    That rowing killed!

  25. 38/6'2"/196

    2011: Part I

    A1 FS: 80/90/100/90/110/125kg (275#) - I barely drove out of the last rep.
    A2 PU: All Unbroken... DJ POWER! 6 unbroken, who would have know considering the abuse we've been through the last 2 days.

    B: GHD's: 3 rounds... Quad cramped, shut it down on the 3rd set. My yukon isn't cutting it. I'm ordering a Sorinex in the next week or so. They just ordered around 30 for the games this year so they are backlogged.

    Part II: Later...

  26. 2011
    Part 2:
    clapping pushup's: 31,20,13,13,15

  27. A1.165/185/205/185/205/225
    B.All unbroken but no reach to ground in order to take some stress off lower back. Kept ROM full at hips.

    Part 2 in a bit.

  28. julie Migliaccio/Crossfit PerformanceJune 19, 2010 at 5:07 PM

    Part 1: 105,115,125,130,130..Failed on the 3rd jerk of last 2 sets..Failed to read the small print about NO FAILED reps so my last 2 sets officially render me "pointless"

    Part 2: 1K row 3:52
    subbed 60 pull ups and 60 ring dips for muscle ups.
    did in 3"s all UNBROKEN..9:09
    1K row 3:46

    Part 3: GHD's all unbroken/53lb KB swings all UNBROKEN...8:52

    I Will reserve my whining about the degree of soreness in my legs from this past week. Embrace the pain..YEP!

  29. 2011 - Part 1
    A1. 205/235/265/225/255(f-3)/275(f-1)
    A2. ub/ub/ub/ub/ub/19-6
    B. ub x 6

    Notes: I am SO happy that I got 5 sets of ub pull-ups, something I have never done with this many reps. I am SO frustrated that I ripped a nice hole in my finger and couldn't hold onto the bar any more. Really, really wanted to get all ub. FS were super heavy. Probably shouldn't have been less ambitious.

  30. 2010
    185, 190(f)
    40 min rest
    11:34 (3:30/3:43 rows - legs were cooking)
    Rest 4.5 hours (work)

  31. 2011
    Part 2:
    3 hours rest (all I had time for)

    First Rows: 241,246,251,241
    Push ups(Palms to chest): 20,16,12,11,9
    Second Rows: 239,241,234,238

    Rewarding myself with non-paleo food: Pizza. Haha :)

    Thanks for everything James and happy Fathers day.

  32. Part 1
    A1: 135, 150, 165, 145, 160, 175
    I think I hit good numbers for me on the sets of 6...the 4's and especially the 2's MAYBE could have gone a bit higher
    A2: 5 sets ub, then 19/6...multiple burst blood blisters I think contributed to grip loss haha; bfk style today, until last couple reps on last couple sets which were trad kip
    B: ub

    Part 2
    long set at work this week and sleep deprived. fam time needed too. hate to skip, but discretion won the day...this time.

    Happy Father's day, dads.

  33. 2010 - pressed for time, out of town planning for my wedding, had to do these workouts back to back to back... Unit, you would be proud!

    part 1 - 175/185/195/205/215

    10 mins rest

    part 2 - 11:50, rows 3:31.3/3:30.2

    15 mins rest

    part 3 - 10:40

    actually felt like I had gas in the tank today!

  34. Part 2
    1. 1:28-1:30 (500 pace)
    2. 1:28-1:30
    3. 1:28-1:30
    4. 1:27-1:29

    Clapping Push Ups: 15/12/10/10/9
    90 sec rest between

    5. 1:28-1:30
    6. 1:28-1:30
    7. 1:31-1:34 (WALL!)
    8. 1:26-1:28 (Break wall down..)

  35. 2011 from 6/15
    A. Tall Cleans- 95# 95 97.5 97.5 97.5
    B1. Front Squat Cluster- 135 140 140 140
    B2. 20 CTB Chins- UB UB 17/3 13/5/2
    C. GHD Situps- All sets UB

    Replaced part 2 with helping a friend move

  36. Pt 1: 95,105,110,115,120
    Pt 2: 36:57 - MU's were all singles. No failed attempts!!
    Pt 3: 11:36 - 1.5pd. GHDs were slow.

  37. 2010

    Part 1: really short on time, had to count the early sets that were meant as to be warm-up sets.
    75/85/95/100/105 failed on last front squat of last set :-( total = 355

    Part 2: total time: 13:58
    Rows were about 4:40 each so I'm happy with where that leaves me on the muscle-ups.

    Part 3: Promised the hubby I would come home early to hang out in the garden, so did a modified version in the back yard:
    30 KBS unbroken (45#)
    40 unanchored abmat situps
    25 KBS
    35 situps
    20 KBS
    30 situps
    15 KBS
    25 situps
    10 KBS
    20 situps
    5 KBS
    15 situps
    All KB swings unbroken except for 25s - I totally blame the Winnipeg mosquitoes ;-)
    Didn't time it - 3 and a half songs on the ipod.

  38. 26/m/145

    Part 1

    A1: 155/165/175/165/175/185
    A2: UB/UB/UB/UB/18-7/19(hands were done)
    B: UB/UB/UB/UB/11-7/12-6

    rested 4:30hrs

    Part 2

    row 1: 220/232/233/230
    push ups: 16/11/8/9/8
    row 2: 222/218/218/223

  39. dj!... awesome work!... what a tank uve developed!... (so proud)

  40. 2011
    A1 155/170/190/165/185/205
    A2. unbroken.
    B. unbroken.

    no time for part 2.
    legs felt good.
    ghd's a bit fatiguing.

  41. 2011 - Part 2
    Rows: 243/244/247/250/245/251/248/244
    Done w/3:15 rest and no 10 min break

    No clap push-ups today - saw physio yesterday re: shoulder issues and need to lay off pressing for a couple days.

  42. Nice to have you back Mel C. Huge front squat numbers nice work.

    Did yesterdays wod today.
    A 85/95/105/115/125
    B1 65/65/65/70/70
    B2 UB BW

    snatch PP were done in front which was really awkward bur got the hang of them in last two sets definitely way harder than from behind head.

    No time for part two just did some extra weighted pullups and worked on HSPUS which are brutal as always

  43. part 1:

    A2.UBx6 (sets 1,2,3,5,6 COVP/set 4 COHP butterfly)...grip cooked

    rest 2 hours

    Part 2:

    rows in metres/damper on 6:
    230/233/232/236/229/233/232/229...definitely felt like 95%

    clap push-ups
    31/18/13/12/13...all chest to deck

  44. In Cali at the Footy Cert...
    BS 275X3,315X3,335X3,365X3,385X2(failed on 3rd)
    DL 315x3,385x3,415x1
    On the min for 5...
    BS @ 225 x3 reps then sprint 50 yards then weighted negative pullup with partner hanging off ya waist into 1 positive pull.
    Hit max bench attempt at 225 6 reps( never been great at that).
    Tomorrows CGBP is out after that.
    Wanted to do todays sessions but have nothing to give...

  45. 2011
    p1.A1. 135#/145/155/155/165/175
    A2. UBx4/17/17
    B. 18x6

    amrap- 11/ 13/ 14/ 9/ 12

    Notes: row was fastest(1:29/500m) when I kept stroke length tight and short, but cranked up the spm to 40+. Tired after today, looking forward to rest.

  46. 2011 from June 17

    Part 1: (having no chalk made this super tough for grip)

    A. 30kg, 35kg, 37.5kg, 37.5kg, 40kg
    B. 40kg, 50kg (started to squat a little too much), 45kg, 47.5kg, 47.5kg
    C. 50kg, 55kg, 55kg, 57.5kg, 57.5kg
    D. Subbed good mornings with #45 bar

    Rested approximately 3 minutes

    Part 2:
    3 sets
    15 burpees
    20 UB box jumps (24' box)
    (scaled back as I was just about to start a 12 hour saturday night shift... was expecting it to be busy)

    1:16, 1:09, 1:01

  47. posting late but did this on Saturday.

    part one.
    89, 109, 119, 129, 139

    part two
    around 38 min.
    did all 20 MU. Alternated with sHELLy on the rings. No failed attempts! Rows were around 4:00ish on the first and 3:52ish on the 2nd.

    part three (hound pound)
    9:50 (I think - i didn't write it down0

  48. 2011 - performed on 6/26

    A1. 185,195,215,205,215,235
    A2. UB (two tears, ouch)
    B. Only half ROM but all 18 x 6.

    Rest 50 minutes (no time)

    Rows part 1: 240,246,249,247
    Push-ups: 25,12,10,10,8
    Rows part 2: 249,249,250,250

    I am smoked after this double. Really, really smoked.

    A1: will try to go heavier, but the 4-count tempo made it really tough and I barely got the set of two for each wave
    A2. Psyched! Had to focus on keeping the butterfly form b/c my core was trashed. Two new rips with my hands. Back-to-back pull-up days is tough on the mitts
    B. Core still too sore from GHDs a few days ago. My mid-back also still feels compressed. NEver had this problem and beginning to think it's the different (and crappy) GHD machine.

    Rows: Last set of 4 was more like 100%. Form started to break down. Need to get better at distinguishing gears.

  49. m.28.6'4''.225lbs

    2011--performed 6/26/10

    Traveling for a wedding in WI. Redeye Friday night plus very limited hotel facilities=not an rx'd day.

    Did 8x1:00 run/3:00 rest. Between 4&5, did 10 mins clapping push-ups: 20,9,8,9,11. Didn't pace rest very well. Ended up resting three minutes before last set because others were too close together.

    Runs were tough. Haven't been able to hit the running in a while and it took a lot out of me.
