sun, aug 1, 2010

congrats to Kevin Keenan, Lake Placid in 10:37; client since 2004; qualified for hawaii in 2005 @ pentiction just over 10hrs; only 3 months of serious training this time and was 15 min out of qualifying; we'll try again in November in Mexico with some more time under our belt

3 reps of T-Line drill @ high effort: rest 2 min x 3
rest 3 min
5 sets:
Power Clean - 3 heavy
rest 0 sec
Sprint 20 m accelerating to 80%
rest 3 min
5 sets of 6 strongman med ball toss
rest 3-6 sec b/t reps to retrieve ball, 2 min b/t sets
(work on as high as possible and as much speed through hips as you can)

post notes to comments
end of this phase, more to come on next plan


  1. I´m at work and videos are blocked (dammit), but I´m guessing the "strongman med ball toss" is kinda like "reverse med ball toss" but throwing as high as possible (as prescribed) and with the weight of my liking?

  2. Bear - Yep, it is a video of a strongman comp, where this rather large dude is tossing kegs over a ridicoluus high obstacle! I think the focus is on height more than distance


  3. only did one set of t-lines as my plantar fascia started acting up again. I injured it on the hill sprints two weeks back and it has been slow to heal, so I will keep resting it.

    PC weights: 185,195,205,210,220.

    my wife Mandy has been following the blog for a couple months without posting so add her to the Lady Dawg pack.

    Mandy pc weights:75,85,85,85,95

  4. powercleans-130/140/150/160/165
    subbed airdyne for runs

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Nice job Kevin! I heard it was the fastest LP IM in years. actually in most other years that could have qualified you for Kona.

    So... I'm interested seeing what Kevin's training was like. Not 'cause i'm jealous or nuttin. Maybe a rough outline, without giving away his secrets ; )

  7. No T-line drill today, not with my ankle. Saving those for later.

    Power cleans+sprint: 80kg, 80kg, 80kg, 82.5kg, 85kg

    medball toss: 4kg medball as high as I could. Fun stuff. Felt like classic famous Swedish thrower Ricky Brucht.

  8. Evan, no secrets, but i can't possibly write out what we did, each day is specific to him and what he can/needs to do.. no templates
    i can say that for him in that time frame a lot of it was trying to find the balance b/t recovering from high end pace work on runs and correct power for time on the bike...the swim is what got him, -8 min from what we wanted...
    what longer training gives athletes (the base) is the confidence when there is mind fucking going on to make good decisions - the 3 months cost him on the swim as he did not punch people in there, i.e. did not attack, instead stayed on the and learn
    some staples/facts - 2x/week 2-3 rep range multi joint slow movements @ fast concentric; 1 CF style anaerobic lactic power workouts and in week -> Z1 swim, Z1-5 bike and run work varied as how he felt

  9. PC: 205,225,235,245,275

    T-lines were ok, legs were feeling heavy be 3 rep

    enjoyed the strongman med ball tosses.

  10. Yesterday's OPT 3 (I'm a day behind)

    3 RM FS: 98kg
    2RM Snatch: 66Kg very happy with this, had a tough time with only 2secs in between
    Pullups: 32 COVP slowed me down huge

    Total: 196

  11. T-line drill: 35-36 seconds

    PC+sprint: 90-95-97.5-100-102.5 kg

    Strongman toss: 8.7 kg brick

    Acidlegs at the 3 rep of the t-line. Fastest rep was ~10 sec. Felt strong today and my knee is recovering just fine!

  12. 31m/6'1"/196

    T-Line: 34/35/34 sec

    PC weights: 185/205/205/205/205

    Med ball toss with 20#ball

    Notes: Fun day, PC at 205 got heavy for me but I'm glad I chose that weight.

    Also done with my wife!

  13. T-Line drill: all about 33 secs

    PC: 165, 170, 175, 180, 185
    185 felt best. should have warmed up more or I am getting stronger and should have started higher. Maybe both.

    Med ball toss used 10# med ball about size of a soccer ball.

    Fun day and it felt great!

  14. Mike McNaughton @ CFNAugust 1, 2010 at 1:00 PM

    T-Line: :35,:35,:36
    PC: 185,205,205,225,225
    Med-Ball Toss: 3x10#,2x20#

  15. T Drills; 33-36 seconds per round
    Cleans: 185/195/205/215/225
    Med Ball toss: pretty fun

  16. T drill: :38,:37,:37

    Power cleans/sprints:
    135, 135, 145, 155, 155 (160 is my pr so i was pretty happy with this!)

    med ball throws with 10lb.

  17. wod from 7/31/2010

    OPT3 F.S. 134kg (295lbs) 305 (F2)

    S 73kg legs were shot from F.S.

    P.U. 48 (P.R.)

    TOTAL 255 kg

    Need serious work on snatch form.

  18. T drill: :37, :36, :36
    PC: 185, 205, 205, 215, 215
    Ball toss: 10 lbs. for all

  19. 29YO
    WT178 and climbing fast since the games

    PC 185/195/205/210/215

    10# medball

  20. T-Drill 40/38/37

    - paced it out roughly and did it on some fairly uneven group, good burn in the quads

    PC's @ 200/225/225/225/225

    - Felt good and fast, could go heavier, but worked on speed

    Med Ball toss

    - did with 25lb plate out in the grass, lots of fun!!

    Cool, unique workout, had a lot of fun with that.

  21. "OPT 3" score: 224
    done yesterday, posting now.

    FS:120kg. Fx2 on last rep of 122kg
    PS:74kg. PS 76kg PR but not twice.
    CBVP: 30. Just couldn't get a rythem on these. Spent allot time regenerating my kip. An oly clinic can't come soon snatch is ugly(insert joke here).

    Todays Training
    T-line: 34-35-34s
    PC: 199,209,214,219,199(failed first rep at 229 so I kicked off the iron)
    20# med ball.....doubt it was high as those kegs in the video! But felt good, and generated some funny looks from people at the track!
    Now I better get some yard work done before my wife gets home!

  22. OPT 3
    FS- 125 (ties pr)
    S- 84 (ties pr)
    COVP- 50 (fat bar... pr by 11)

    total- 259


  23. T-drill: about 36 seconds per round

    PC: 185(ugly-first set of any weight), 185, 185, 195, 200
    10sec of jump rope for sprints

    Used 18# med ball


  24. F/30/129

    :43, :43. & :47


    skipped due to time

  25. Arjuna Smith @ CFNAugust 1, 2010 at 4:31 PM

    T drill: :37, :37, :37
    PC: 185, 185, 205, 205, 205
    Ball toss: 3x 10 lbs, 2x 20lbs

  26. 35/m/5'10"/170lbs

    T-line Drill: 51/49/50
    Actually did 4 reps per round as I only had 8 yards across in total and thought I'd add to make it up.

    PC: 155/165/175/185/185x2

    Medball: 12#ball. Did 10 reps per.

    Fun workout.

  27. July 25th WOD

    A. Split Jerk - find your 1RM
    B. AMRAP Chin Ups - 5 sets; rest 5 min b/t sets

    add total in # of highest jerk to highest # of reps in chin ups as score


    265# SJ + 35 PU = 300 total

    Notes: PR on jerk and felt like I had more. Stopped due to missing 255 and 260 once each. Misses due to concentration only.
    Disappointed with PU. Last PR was 42. No rhythm and grip went fast.

  28. Bodyweight is 170# and SJ from the back.

  29. Only did one rep per round of t-line drill x3.

    Fastest time was: 9.84

    Power Cleans: 165, 175, 185, 195, 205x2

    Strongman Toss: Used 20# dynamax ball

  30. OPT-3: 176

    I really need to gain some strength.
    FS: 77 (170#)
    Snatch: 57 (125#)
    COVP pull ups: 42 (pr)

  31. T-runs: :36, :35, :36
    Very fun

    Cleans/run: tried to go really heavy - 165#, 175, 180, 180, 170 (185# is my clean PR). I stalled out at 180 on the last set, so jumped down.

    Tosses: 10# dynamax ball - fun times chucking it around!

  32. T-line: fast, reminded me of a keeper drill I used to do for soccer
    PC/Sprint: 205/215/225/235/245(f-1)/225
    Med Ball toss: 20# dynamax (all I had at home today)

    It all felt good except the last set of PCs.

  33. 37/M/162
    skipped T-drill
    PC at 155/155/155/160/160
    med ball toss (10#) was a blast
    Off on vacation for the next week, will be rest & relax for a few days then body weight/run stuff.
    Back on this program Aug 10th.

  34. OPT 3

    40= 210.

    Pr'd on 3rm FS - 225
    pr's on snatch 2x 150.
    covp- grip limiting factor.

  35. :40/:40/:39

    PC: 95/95/115/125(1)/125(f)- 125 is a 10# pr
    really worked on starts on the runs

    Medball toss- 20 for first 2 rds, 14 for last 3

  36. T-Lines - 31/30/29secs but I'm sure the course was smaller then prescribed. Did it inside as it is 107 degrees in Dallas Today.

    PC/Run Litvinov-

    Med Ball Toss - 20#
    Felt like I would've done better had I had bad 80s techno rock playing in the background like they do in the strongman highlights.

    Fun weekend James. Thanks.

  37. A- 31.0/ 30.2/ 29.6 (first 2 of each were fast... 3rd needs 2 b quicker)... measured out with tape measure 2 b as precise as possible...
    B- 235/ 235/ 255/ 255/ 255 (3rep pr), sprints felt fast
    C- 20lb med ball... felt explosive...
    D- shoulder press 145lb @42x, 5sets, 120sec- 4/4/3/3/3


  38. Just picked up my airdyne... computer is busted, but the bike works fine. $20 off craigslist!

  39. :41(fell on my ass haha)/:38/:37

    PCs: 115, 125, 130, 135, 140(PR)
    135 was my prev 1RM.. the pot was hot so I went for a 1 and lifted 150. 15# PR! I'm beyond stoked.

    med ball toss used 6kg ball.

    took it easy on the t-drill and sprints because of my hip flexor but it felt pretty good.

  40. Had to do Sat workout today before Sunday's workout because yesterday was a much needed off day after that 5k row and prowler work.

    FS- 290 lbs/ 131.8 kgs
    Snatch- 145 lbs/ 65.9
    Pullups- 31

    Score= 228.7

    I know it's not good that my Power Snatch PR is 30 pounds over my squat snatch 2RM. Definitely can't wait for my O-Lift seminar(s).
    Was not happy with this score. My front squat and pullups felt good just not the Snatch.


    T-Drill: all were between 33 and 35 seconds. Fastest rep was 10.1 seconds.

    205-225-240(F 3rd Rep)-230-235

    Used 10#,12#,15#,20#,25#,30# Med Balls. Just grabbed them randomly for every rep. Threw a different stimulus in the workout that I really liked. The 30# ball sucked but it made the 10# nothing!

    I highly recommend trying something like this.

  41. To anyone from the Carolinas area:

    Looking for a good O-Lift coach. Already signed up for a USAW seminar and the CF Olympic Lift seminar but I am definitely in need of some one on one coaching. Any recommendations??

  42. :35/36/38
    6kg ball.


    T-line was ok, lateral and especially back pedal wasn't feeling the best on the knee.

    Power cleans were alright, still shakey again with the knee.

    Tosses felt fine, the ball was a little heavy though.

    All done on a field, it was nice to get out of the gym but the grass definitely took a bit away from the PC.

  43. Ankle has been bothering since pre games so I skipped the T-drills today and the accelerations.

    10mins HSPU on Paralettes with 4 inch defecit

    3 Power cleans then 1 22' rope climb

    40lb Sandbag for strongman toss

  44. 39/6'2"/203

    Trun: 38/37/36s - On grass
    Throws w/20M sprints: Did this with kids in park with 12# ball. Added sprints following the last run of each set. Skipped cleans today.

  45. Carrie McG

    Frickn' awesome work lady - that is huge!!!! Congrats.

  46. A) all btwn 36-38secs

    B) 155#

    C) Started with a 50# SandBell - too heavy. Settled with a 25# Sandbell. Works great for this.

  47. T-Line 50,45,45

    Horrible times, the first two went smooth in each set. During the third rep, it always felt like my legs were going to lock up. Fun drill though and will be using for warm-ups now to improve my time to respectable.

    Power Cleans

    Med Ball-used 20# dynamax ball

  48. T-drill each rep was about 10-11 seconds. I paced this off, think it was pretty close.

    PC-185x3,195x3,205x3,failed at 225 twice.

    I used an ATV tire that was conveniently 20# for the strongman toss.

  49. t-drill: 42,43,42

    power clean: 185,225,235,245,255

    medball toss: done with 20lb ball

  50. Did a little movie of the weekends sessions:

    Thank´s for all the good stuff OPT! :)

  51. Short of time today:

    T line drills:

    Med ball toss with 4kg, was fun but was inside in a car park and needs to go outside and really go for height


  52. Did Saturday's Training today... have forced myself to rest since Friday. Hamstrings about 95% Still really tight... long warm up, and today's training dissapointing.

    3Rm FS: 48KG
    2RM Snatch 38KG
    Max Chins: a pathetic 13 ...hands were just not Gripping. Boo :(

    Score: 99

    Sigh. Will do better tomorrow ...

  53. opt 3 this morning

    fs 102
    snatch 70
    pullups 30


  54. Legs got heavy as went through the TLines
    185 for all PC
    SMMT was wicked.
