Tues, July 6, 2010

A. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 7; rest 3 min
B1. Seated Military Press @ 30X1; 4-5 x 4; rest 2 min
B2. KBS heavy - 12-20 reps x 4; rest 2 min

part 1:
Snatch - build to a 1RM

rest as needed

part 2:
Run 400 m @ 95%
rest 6 min x 3

post loads, notes and times to comments


  1. Seated military press infront of the head or behind it?

  2. 2011.

    A. 135x3, 155x3, 175x3, 185x3, 195x3, 205x3, 215x2
    B1. 85x5, 95x5, 105x5, 115x4
    B2. 2pd x20 x4

  3. A.225x3/230x3/235x3/240x3/245x3/250x2/255(f)
    B1. 115x5/120x5/125x5/130x4
    B2. 2 pood x20 x4 sets

  4. A: 90x3, 92x3, 92x3, 94x3, 97x2, 97x2,99x2 all in kg
    B1: 40x4,45x4,50x4,55x4
    B2: 4x20 UB with 2pd

    B1, sat on unsupported box


  5. I am wanting to start doing the workouts but do not know which group to start in. 2011? or 2010?
    Does anyone have advice?

  6. Anonymous, start in 2011. 2010 is for those prepping for the 2010 games.

  7. 2011

    A: 206/216/225/235/245/255/265(pr)
    B2: 2pdx20 for 4 sets

  8. A: 215x3x7
    B1: 95-105-115-120x4
    B2: 70x20x4

  9. k jones, in front
    anon, 2011

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 2011

    Had to do back squats instead of FS today, due to wrist injury over 3 mths ago:(

    A. 225x4, 245x4, 265x4, 285x3, 305x3, 325x3, 325x3
    B1. 135x4, 155x4, 175x3, 175x3
    B2. 2.5 Pood x 15, 15, 15, 20

    Seems like a long time since we've done any squats and took a bit to get into the groove.

    No back support on the presses, but felt pretty solid. Got a little too quick at 175.

    KB swings were good, finally got to use our 2.5pd.

    Way too hot today 42C with the humidex, and no air in the gym:P

  12. 2011
    a. 245x3, 245x3, 245x3, 255x2, 255x2, 255x2, 260x1
    b1. 95,115,135,135 all x5
    b2. 2pood: 20,20,20,20

    felt good today, FS weights were challenging, should of started heavier on the press, and wish i had a bigger KB... oh well.

    just made a donation to the dawg dish, and i love michael's idea about recipient profile... small price to pay for the resources that are afforded to us

  13. A. 135,165,195,210,220,230,240(2)

    B1. 115,125,135, 140(4)
    B2. 2 pd 20 reps x 4.

  14. 30/M/5'10"/175lbs

    A. 225x3, 225x3, 225x3, 235x2, 235x3, 245x2, 245x2
    B1. 95x4, 95x5, 95x5, 95x5
    B2. 2pood (32kg)x20UB, 2.5pood (40kg)x15UBx3rounds

    A: tough with strict tempo
    B1: Haven't been able to press for over a year due to shoulder problems that I didn't get help for until 3mos ago, so I'm happy that I was able to do these without pain. Focused mostly on scapular motion and proper shoulder mechanics...
    B2: Felt good. Stopped when I felt myself struggling to keep strict form. Also, I held back because I'm on the 4th of 5 night shifts, sleeping at 2am every night... don't want to overdo it when I'm sleeping poorly.

  15. 2011
    A. 185/205/225 x 3; 245/265/285 x 2; 305(f-2, PR for 1)
    B1. 135/155/165(f-4)/165(f-4)/135
    B2. 2pood 20x4

    Notes: FS felt really good. Presses difficult. Back is almost 100% and last set of swings tested it a bit.

  16. 2011:

    A: 275x3,285x2,295x2,305x2,315x2,325x2,335x2

    B1: 145x5,155x5,165x5,175x4
    B2: 70x20,80x20,85x17,90x15

    A: Lost tempo on last set and paused at top for about a second
    B1: Front press on bench with no back support
    B2: Didn't have any KB, had to use DB.

  17. A. 135/155/185/195/205 x3
    245x1/270x1 PR by 30#
    B1. 95/115/135x4/ 145x1
    B2. 50#/55#/60#/65#

    Not sure if it was the 10hrs of sleep I got last night, the day off or if I'm adjusting to the altitude but I was fired up today, felt great. I know the RX wasn't for a 1RM but felt like "I had to get it on".
    No suitable seat for mil press so I did standing press instead also no KB so I used dumbells instead.

  18. 2011

    225 x 2
    235 x 2
    245 x 2
    250 x 1+f
    235 x 2
    235 x 2
    235 x 3

    135 x 5
    140 x 5
    145 x 4
    150 x 2+f

    B2. Subbed DB swing
    100 x 15
    100 x 14
    100 x 14
    100 x 14

    Front Squats felt heavy today.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Baltoe says...you don't have to kill yourself every workout...I did 10 rounds of 30 DU's, single double UB, 25 KBS and 400 m run with time off in between sets to set up some work on my computer that takes about 3 to 6 mins to run. So, got the WOD in, and some billed time as well. Anybody out there getting ready for Master's competition next year? Blog on and sound off.

  21. 2011 - At the firehall

    A. Worked up to 220 x 2, twice.
    B1. Up to 120 x 4
    B2. 60,70 x 15,70 x 20,80 x 12
    DB's held at the end, grip a huge factor.

  22. 2011-had to mod. due to hip injury.
    A. Front Box Squat(hip just barely at top of knee)
    B2.1.5 pood-30,30,30,30
    -hip felt ok today jumped up to 215 quickly and it felt really good but decided not to rush the recovery so I backed it off.
    Shoulders a major weakness for me. Been doing alittle ext. rot. work.But no improvements yet.
    I didn`t have anything heavier then a 1.5pood KB or DB so I did 4x30 instead.

  23. Baltoe,

    I'm getting ready for next year's Masters. Here's something I wrote on the subject:


    To your point of not killing ourselves, I've taken the approach that the Masters RX'd weights are 80 percent of the regular RX's (e.g. 135 lbs --> 115 lbs). Other than that, I'm pretty much doing the programming presented here as best as I can. Realistically, I hope to do about 80 percent of the WOD's between now and next year.

    ("The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.")

  24. m/32/69"/175#


    A. 215x3, 235x3, 245x2, 255x2, 265x2, 275x2, 285x2
    B1. 95x4, 115x4, 120x4, 125x4
    B2. 2pood x20x4

    - Front Squats felt good. Was getting really deep and focusing on getting my elbows up and knees out.
    - Should have started at 115 for the Press.
    - 2 pood was the heaviest KB I have

  25. Shoulder still hurts.
    Did a 10K run - after a long time; improved my last result by almost 2 minutes.

  26. m/41/5'8/184/gemini

    first day on the 2011, suffered a bicep rupture 6 weeks ago and there were too many things i couldnt do on the program until now. didnt go as heavy with todays program as i would have because i am competing this weekend in lethbridge. it was great to be back with the pound....

    A1 225,245,255,265,275,285,290(2)
    B1 65db
    B2 55lbsX12s (weight for this weekends show)

    front squat was pretty ok, held back at the end so i dont run over my CNS for the weekend.

  27. 2011
    A. 275, 285, 290, 295, 300, 305, 310x1
    B1. Subbed for standing strict shoulder press, kept it light @ 135 each rd
    B2. 70x20, 80x16, 90x14, 90x12
    Used DB's for kbs

  28. A. 175/185/195/205/210/215(2)/210(2)
    B1. 135/135(4)x3
    B2.2 pd(20)/2 pd(20) with 25# vest x3.

    A. I knew I wasn't getting 215x2 again.
    B1. felt good.
    B2. 2 pd heaviest kb. augmented vest. maybe do a DB next time.

    Prepping for a 7 mile mountain run on 17 july here in Ak. added tabata treadmill. 12% incline. 8.5 mph 20:10 x 8. been running 2 intervals & 1 tempo/ week when possible. 3rd time running the race, hoping to win or pr.

  29. 2011

    A) 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 200(2), 205(2)

    B1) 95(5), 100(5), 105(4)
    B2) 15, 15, 15 @32kg

  30. A. 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155(1)
    B1. 55, 60, 65, 70(4)
    B2. 1.5pd, 1.5pd, 1.5pd, 2pd(12!)

    been off the blog for a week due to work/scheduling but was able to jump into a couple group classes this week which was fun.
    Never swung 2pood above my head before, man that was tough!
    Inside gym temp officially 31.7 C.. Sweating buckets! I find i don't have an appetite when it's this hot out.. Poor fueling.. felt more gassed than I should have. Need to eat more!

  31. 2011

    A. 200/205/210/215/220/225x2/225x2

    I dint know what is going on lately, but for some reason 225 lbs feels like 600lbs. Same thing happend last week.

    B1. 95/115/125/135
    Started way to light.

    B2. 70lb db for all sets. 20 reps all sets.

  32. 2010
    Snatch - 157.5. Practiced triples at 133. Felt slow and unco-ordinated with the snatch today.

  33. 2011 from 6/30:
    OHS @ 70%- 157.5# 157.5 157.5
    CTB Chins x 15- UB (5,5,5) (7,5,3) (5,5,5)
    Row Sprints- 30s @ 90%- 163 161 164
    GHD Situps- 15x4- UB UB UB UB

  34. 2011
    A. 150 x 3 for all sets
    B1. 70(4), 70(4), 80(5), 80(5)
    B2. 1.5 pood x 20 x 4

  35. 2011
    A. 180, 185, 190, 195, 198, 198, 195
    B1. 95, 110, 120x4, 120x4
    B2. Only had 1.5p did 30 reps UB for all 4 sets

    Gym was a thousand degrees today. It appears my shoulders are catching up to my very weak legs...

  36. 39/6'2"/202

    A FS: 80/85/90/100/110/120/130kg (286#) - All 3's! Felt easy except for last rep of last set.
    B1 SMPress: 45/50/55/60kg (132#) - reps: 5/5/5/4
    B2 KBS: 2pd w/52# weight vest

    KBS were not too bad except for the bloody biceps. Kept slapping tape on the damn thing on the breaks but kept missing the flap of mesh doing a number to the arm. Got 'er done though! Is the new program working? Metcons, not sure yet but and a few days ago, a triple 220# jerk while lowering to clavicle (previous single max 255#) and todays 3 second negative FS's at previous FS max weight. Something is happening... and no the age isn't a typo today! :)

  37. A.199,220,230,240,264(2),264(1),264(2)
    B1. 132,137(4)x2,137(3)
    B2. 75#DBS 20x4 all I had.

    Was going to the A to G on squats and lost it forward for the set that I didn't get to 3. B1 was taken from rack, then sat down on bench. Not happy with today, but I guess thats what I get for missing the last 3 weekends of training, time to quit my other sports!

  38. Tweaked my back again this Saturday, it aches right between my shoulder blades. Today I tried doing front and then back squats but no go. Does any have stretch for loosening this up?

  39. 2011
    A. 235,245,255,265,275,280,295x2
    B1. 135,145,155,160x1
    B2. 85,90,95,110x10

    Trap3: 21x9, 23x7, 25x5

  40. GruB Gott!

    Notes: still working on squats...coming along slowly but surely. Being watchful of form and my back, and again no bumper plates... only very noisy bail-outs possible. Heaviest KB at the gym is 20Kg...def could have gone heavier.

    A- 95(2) 95(3) 100(2) 100(3) 105(3) 110(2) 110(2) <--hard as heck!

    B1- 55(5) 55(5) 60(5) 65(5)

    B2- 20UB 20UB 20UB 20UB


  41. 2011
    A. 205x3, 215x3, 225x3, 235x3, 240x3, 250x3, 260x2.
    B1. 135x5, 140x4, 140x4, 140x4
    B2. 2pood x20x4

    Notes: FSs felt good. All 3 rep sets went up fairly easy, 2nd rep at 260 was a pretty good struggle, but not bad considering I got 228x3 and 242x2 at this tempo on June 27. KBS weren't too bad, grip started to go out on 4th set.

  42. 2011


    A. 165/185/195/195(2)/195(2)/195(2)/195(1)
    B1. 115/125(4)/125(4)/125(3)
    B2. 2pood 20x4

    R knee kinda not cool with front squats.

  43. Snatch - 250#
    Video of snatch here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7gDJBHqvhc&sns=em

    Runs - 1:11/1:08/1:08 - felt strong for about 300m...

  44. A.155,175,185,195,205,215,230(2)PR

    In the process of getting a 32kg kb so used my 28kg instead.

  45. Happy Birthday Bro!!!

    I've been limited over the past month due to hernia so have been focusing on high reps low weight. I've scheduled surgery for July 28th so will be out for a few weeks after that time. In the meantime, I've got the green light from doc to continue working out, albeit, lightly.

    Did Sat WOD for 2011:
    3 sets: 45s AMRAP

    Squat clean thrusters: 11,12,10
    box jumps: 27,26,28
    KBS: 17,15,16
    burpees: 13,11,9

    Totals per set: 68,64,63

  46. Michael....nice times on the 400's today!!


    can't wait to see you and mike throw at the games next week its gunna be sick!

  48. F/47/115
    B2. 1pood 20*d

    Shoulder still hurts so kept military press light...will bring home a heavier KB from the gym.

  49. 2011

    A. 225/235/245/255/265/275/285. Maintained tempo the whole time felt great. Hit a pb for three reps could have gone heavier.

    B1. subbed for db strict shoulder press with a 31x1 tempo. Only have 45 pound db's. Knockedout 5 sets of ten.

    B2. 20 for all four rounds at 2 pood. Heaviest KB we have in the garage.

    Did a little exra with three rounds of 800M RUN/10HSPU's/rest 2 minutes. RD1 3:57/ RD2 3:37/ RD3 3:39. Hspu's unbroken last two rounds. They're feeling so much better. Practice starting to payoff.

  50. M/37/162
    A. 160,170,185,190(x3),195,200,205(x2)
    B1. 95x5,105x4,110x3,110x3
    B2. 67#x20x4 UB
    Finding the tempo challenging, especially no pause at top of movement.

  51. I miss posting so just for giggles
    I did 3 postition cleans at 70% and clean shrugs at 90%. Technique sucked at that weight so went down and really worked on the hip extension and not pulling - i have a friggin long way to go. Trying not to get frustrated. Snatch work yesterday felt much better than cleans today... hopefully in 12 weeks my issues will be fixed. AT least my hamstrings and gluts are killing be from the heavy backsquats so i know that my technique on those was good.

  52. 2011

    A. 50 kg, 55, 60, 65, 70(2), 70(2), 70(2)
    B1. 95(4) lbs, 90(4), 90(3), 85(4)
    B2. 24(20) kg, 28(20), 32(8), 32 (9)

    Started a bit too high on the press. Grip just goes on me when I use the 2 pood.

  53. 35/m/5'10"/170lbs

    A. 135,155,165,165,175,175,175x1
    B1. 95,105,115f then 105,105
    B2. 1.5 pood 16,14,14,11

    FS were just ok. Felt like I should have been able to go heavier but was probably the tempo. Definitely had some pauses on a couple though. Not used to that type of press anymore. eesh. Assumed the KBS were supposed to be UB for some reason and stopped when I need to break. All in all just ok.

  54. A. 225/235/245/255(2)/260(2)/250(1)/245(2)
    B2.20/20/20/17...with a 90#kb**

    **constructed out of small iron plates, a flat-sided 70# pound kb, and alot of duct tape...first time swinging this weight American style...once I got a feel for the weight, they felt great!

  55. A - 185,195,205,215,225,235(old 1RM PR),245(1)
    Then hit 250x1 for new 1RM PR

    B1 - 95x5,115x5,125x5,135x3
    B2 - 20x4 unbroken w/ 2 pd

  56. A: 225,235,245,255,265,275,315x2
    B1: 135,155x5 for remainder
    B2: 3 poodx12 for all unbroken

    Rory recently just returned from some training and informed me that he was not coming up in July. And asked if myself and the rest of the Anvil Crew would like to come to Calgary with him on Labor Day. Just wanted to let you know that i am begging borrowing and stealing to get up there in September and look forward to finally putting a face to all the big dawgs that have inspired me over the past year and a half. Hope to see you soon---ROBO

  57. A. 135, 155, 185, 205, 225, 235x2, 235x2.

    I called it after finishing up A, I was on the boat all day and had nothing left.

  58. A. 225,235,245,255,260x2,256x2,270x1
    B1. 135,145,155,175x4
    B2. 88lbs kb- 15 unbroken x 4

  59. A: 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175
    B1: 95, 100, 4x105, 4x105
    B2: (2 pood) 15, 15, 15, 15

  60. 2011


    B1.115x4, 115x4, 135x4, 135x4 Note-This was very hard for me as it felt somewhat awkward. Went really deep, all the way to down to chest. Didn't have any back support, just sat on a box.

    B2. 20 reps -2pood, 20 reps 2pood, 12 Reps - 88lb KB, 12 reps - 88lb KB.

    Thanks to all who commented on my Split Jerk Video, I got some great advice which will help me out a lot. I'm thinking about an OLY Cert. sometime soon.

  61. 2010
    175/185/195/205 (fx2)

    rested 6 hours

    part 2 - got a little competitive with some friends on the track

  62. 2011

    A1. 40k, 60k, 80k, 80k, 90k, 90k, 90k (all 2 reps)
    B1. 40k, 42k, 45k, 47k (all 5 reps)
    B2. 2P KB 4 x 12

    Took it a little easy today.

  63. 2011

    A. 185, 195, 205, 215, 2/215, 2/215, 1/220
    B1. 75, 4/85, 4/85, 4/85
    B2. 20/2pood, 20/2pood, 20/2pood+5#, 15/2pood+10#

    Left shoulder still weak on presses.
    Taped plates to KB for last 2 sets.

  64. 2011
    A. 155#, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180(2), 180(2)
    B1. 90#, 85, 90, 95
    B2. 20reps(70#kb), 20, 20, 20

    Notes: A. kept strict tempo, difficult effort at 175 and 180. B1. had no acceleration on press for first set, so dropped weight slightly for 2nd set. Built back up.

  65. Here are my resSsults
    A. 209,214,219(2),219(2),226(f),226(f)
    B1. 116/121/126/133(3)
    B2. 15/16/17/20
    My depth on my squats were questionable on the latter. I stregized part A poorly as I started heavy too early

  66. A. 205/215/225/235x1/235x1/235x1/235x1
    B1. 95/105/115x4/115x4 Done behind the head.
    B2. 80x20/100x12/100x12/100x12
    Paul Klein, I feel the same way. Front Squat 3RM was 235 in january, today I couldnt get 2 at 235. I feel like I lost a lot by taking most of june off.

  67. 2010

    part 1: 135#
    pr by 15#.

    untimed 400s, no stopwatch but kept effort 95%.

  68. Still catching up from the weekend.

    A. 225,255,275,285,295,305,315x(2/3) Lost tempo on the last two sets, got stubborn and felt like going heavier.

    B1. 135,145,155,155
    B2. 20x4 @2pood, All UB (We need a heavier KB)

  69. 2011

    A. 155, 155, 185, 205, 205, 205, 225x2
    B1. 95x5, 95x5, 115x4, 115x4
    B2. 2pood - 18, 18, 16, 16

  70. A day behind for today and tomorrow (resting Friday)


    1RM - 95. Failed at 100 which is previous PR

    400M at 90%

    I felt flat today but my runs at 90% were consistent for the first time in a while. For the last couple of weeks they've been too fast at first and then quite a bit slower in later sets.

  71. 2011

    A. 225,225,235,235,245,255,265x2(failed on 3rd rep)
    B. Only attempted the KB swings one set 88# 12 reps.

    Short on time.....again

  72. m.28.6'4''.225lbs

    2011--performed 7/13/10

    A. 205, 215, 225, 235,245, 255, 265 (1 and then F)--all others were x3
    B1. 135x5, 145x5, 160x5, 170x4
    B2. 2pood - all 20s

    A little disappointed on FS. Thought I'd be able to get at least two at tempo at 265. Still felt pretty good overall, since 1 Rep PR on FS is only around 280-285.

    Feeling great on the shoulder to overhead stuff. Still weak for my size, but getting stronger for sure.
