wed, july 21, 2010

3 sets:
Power Clean - 5 touch and go reps
rest 10 sec
Row 20 sec @ 95% effort
rest 3 min
A1. Dead Lift @ 12X1; 3,3,2,2,1; rest 3 min
A2. Dips @ 30X0; 2,2,2,2,2; rest 3 min
B. BB Alternating Forward Lunges @ 20X0; 6-8/leg x 4; rest 90 sec

post loads and notes to comments


  1. I'm assuming the BB position is in a front rack?

  2. Frustrating morning.

    This past weekend between watching the webcast of the games and getting ready for a family reunion, I decided to workout to kill some time. Unfortuantley I was at my in-laws house and the only equipment they had was a pair of 25# dumbbells. I made up my own WOD of burpees, double unders, thrusters, box jumps (to their deck) and a run. Unfortunately during the last set of box jumps I jumped from the grass to their deck (30") and slipped putting a nice big gouge in my shin. A few days later it still hurts like a mo-fo and to put pressure on it, let alone drag a bar across it bring tears to my eyes.

    To add insult to injury, everyone that saw my leg asked me what happened. When I explained I did it during my wod, they all said something along the lines of "that'll teach you from working out/doing CrossFit," all awhile sucking down nitrate filled hotdogs and Mountain Dew.

    I tried the first part of the wod this morning @ 115# but form and technique were horrible to avoid contact with the open sore and the throbbing absolutely sucked ass.

    I'm going to take off until Saturday to allow this thing to heal up and recover.

  3. PC weight = 185

    DL: 325,385,405,420,435

    dips: 50,65,80,90, 100

    didn't have time for the BB lunges. Bball game tonight.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. James, hope you saw my comment on european comp from yesterday. Enjoy your rest, you deserve it!

    Realize my spelling & grammars been horrible the last couple of posts. But I don't think your Swedish is that good either :-)

    PC+row: 75kg+114m, 80kg+115m, 82.5kg+114m

    DL: 3x130kg, 3x150kg, 2x160kg, 2x165kg, 1x175kg
    Dips (on rings - shaky): 24kg, 4x32kg

    BB lunges: 8x50kg, 8x60kg, 6x70kg, 6x70kg

  6. Power cleans and row:
    95lb+134m, 115+133m, 145+127

    Deadlift 185,205,225,255,265
    dips: 15,35,45,50,55

    The lunges I used the barbell in a front rack position

  7. PC's/Row

    1. 185x5, 102m
    2. 205x5, 101m
    3. 225x5, 102m

    A1. 365x3,365x3,385x2,405x2,425x1
    A2. 100x2,100x2,110x2,110x2,110x3
    B. 135x8,155x6,155x6,155x6

    PC's felt good, row was weak.

    Lower back was tight and sore from the GHD's yesterday, but felt better with each set of Deadlifts and ring dips, could have went heavier on the deadlifts.

    Lunges felt strong, but hamstrings were cramping up and had to spend the entire rest time stretching them out.

  8. PC- 155,175,185

    A1. 275,275,295,315,335,345(PR)
    A2. 60,60,70,70,70

    95 for lunges, 8/leg

    Felt much better than yesterday, DL felt strong so I did another set for a PR.

  9. PC: 70-80-90, 4 reps
    Row: 105-106-113 m

    DL: 140-155-155-155
    Dips: 3x30,3x35,2x45,2x45,2x45

    Did not feel well yesterday, a bit better today, feeling it out. Cleans felt good, rowing easier for each round (maybe just poor wu). DLs felt horrible, a bit thicker BB than usual so I almost lost the grip. Choose to skip higher weights and lunges due to a knee injury 2 weeks back, but maybe I was just weak today. A new day tomorrow!

  10. Sorry, weights in kilograms.

  11. PC/Row:

    A1. 315/365/385/405/425
    A2. 70/80/90/100/105
    B. 135/155/175/195 x 6/leg

    Still a little hesitant on the deads. PCs felt good - grip limiting factor.

    Off to vacation!

  12. 28.m.6'4''.225lbs

    I was encouraged after yesterday, but low back pain from squatting last week was still there today. Had to hold myself back, especially on DLs. Very frustrating. I'd appreciate any advice on how to speed recovery so I can get back to going heavy again.

    PC--155,165,185--felt pretty good, back didn't hurt much

    A1. 185, 205x4 sets (did 225 in the warm-up and it did not feel right)
    A2. Didn't see DJ's post until after--did ring dips: 15, 22, 53, 53, 66.5
    B. 95(8-8), 95(8-8), 115 (8-8), 125(8-8)

    Should've started heavier on dips, but wasn't really sure how much the vests we have weighed. Lunges didn't tax the back too much, but tempo got hard at last few reps of 125.

  13. PC 175/180/190
    20 sdhp 45#

    A1. 300/310/330/350/360
    A2. 70/90/100/115/125x1
    B. 45#x8/legx4

    Today felt better. I have been doing paleo for over 2 weeks and am starting to see the benefits.

    Some of my first weighted lunges in a few months, still being cautious from stress fracture I had in my big toe.

  14. PC - 155,165,175
    Row - 1:28-1:29 splits

    A2.BW + 16.7,41,53,63,63 (all on rings, strict)
    B. 95,105,115,125 (all 8s)

    Power cleans felt solid. Started to lose form and speed at 165 so made smaller jump.

    DL - started cautiously b/c of back pain from GHDs. They felt great though. Best 365 has felt in a while. Will go heavier next time.

    Lunges - will try 135 next time and start higher. Focusing on tempo and explosion up limited the loading.

  15. F/47/115

    PC 85,95,105
    row for m 92m,99m,101m


    BBlunge 8 reps each

    Really happy to deadlift 185, the most since my back injury...still a long way to go but happy!

  16. PC: 205,225,235
    Row: 136,136,137

    A1. 365,405,435,455,475f
    A2. (on rings) 98,108,118,134x1,134x1
    B. 185,205,215,220

    will be getting parallel bars next month, so will have a place to do bar dips.
    Want to taught the benefits of Poloquin's "Java Stim". I don't use it often, but when I do I feel like I can run through a brick wall. Great for wod's like this.

  17. PC/Row
    1. 135#/115m
    2. 135#/119m
    3. 135#/119m

    PC's are getting faster and I can string them together easier without using everything I got.

    A1: 255,275,285,295,300
    A2: Only have rings- 30,35,40,40,40

    B: 95(8)115(6)115(6)shut it down cause left knee was starting to ache.

  18. PC- 175
    ROWS- 106/103/103

    A1. 275/295/305/315/325
    A2. 65/65/70/70/75 ( ring dips)

    Tough getting the CNS back up and running. really felt the posterior tighten up on the BB Lunges.
    foam rolling after to keep it loose.

  19. Power cleans:175/185/190
    rows: 101/100/105

    A2. (on rings) 85/95/105/110/120
    B. (walking BB lunges) 135(7/7)/140(7/7)/150(8/8)/170(6/6)

  20. PC/Row


    A1. 295#,315#,325#,325#,335#
    A2. 35#,45#,55#,60#,65#
    B. 95#-8,105#-6,115#-6,125#-6

    Had to do dips on rings, there is no bar to do dips at my affiliate, so I probably could have done much more weight (not to mention the DB was smashing my man-parts).

    Dead lifts felt extremely heavy today and I think its because my abs are so rocked from all the GHD sit ups yesterday! The last rep was 30# less then my PR...

  21. 26/5'10"/162lbs

    175lbs - 113m
    175lbs - 114m
    175lbs - 113m

    feeling a bit tired from yesterday, working to 1RM. Didn't have the same pop. Could probably manage 205 for 5 touch and go.

    295 x 3
    315 x 3
    365 x 2
    385 x 1 (did not attempt second)
    445 f

    Had 445 about 12" off the ground, but couldn't lock it out. Felt my back give out and had to drop it. Was pissed initially, but then remember that all my previous max attempts were sumo style. I've never attempted 400+ with feet inside shoulders. Probably should have gone for 425, but still happy to get it off the ground.

    80lbs - 90lbs - 100lbs - 100lbs - 110lbs
    ROM - thumbs to armpits.

    B. BB Alternating Forward Lunges @ 20X0; 6-8/leg x 4; rest 90 sec

    Decided to pass on these, back was tightening up from the max attempt.

  22. Rd1. 170lbs Rows 585watts/118Meters
    Rd2. 185lbs 576watts/118M
    Rd3. 200lbs 568W/117M

    A1. 315/320/335/340/350(PR!)
    Deads felt good today, getting hammies under tension has come along way.

    A2. on rings with vest and dip belt

    B. 115 / 135 / 140x7 per leg / 140

    My ass checks were on fire after these. Buns of steel baby!

  23. PC: 165, 185, 205
    Row: computer on rower was froze so I have no stats

    DL: 405, 415, 425, 435, 460
    Dips: 80, 100, 110, 120, 120

    didn't have time to do B

  24. PC: 155, 165, 175 Felt fast, could have gone a bit higher
    Row: 112, 112, 114m

    A1. 275, 295, 315, 330, 345 Took it easy on my back
    A2. 65lbs, 90, 90, 92, 92 Did on bars

    B. Started to feel tears in my glutes went light, 135, 115, 95
    Definitely need to practice these!

  25. 155lbs/165lbs/175/lbs

    A1: 315x3,335x3,355x2,375x2,385x1
    A2: 25,45,60,70,90 all x 2 at tempo

    B: 115lbs x 8/leg x 4

  26. Part 1
    155lbs/110m, 175lbs/109m, 185lbs/110m

    A1. 365x3, 375x3, 385x2, 395x2, 410x1
    A2. 53x2, 63x2, 73x2, 88x2, 103x2
    B. 135x8 per leg, 155x6 per leg, 155x6 per leg. Cut it to three sets since I can't remember the last time I did heavy lunges.

  27. 31m/6"1'/198

    Part 1:
    PC: 185/185/195
    Row: 120m/119m/122m
    A1. 315/335/355/365/375
    A2. 1.5pd/2pdx3/2pdx3/2pdx3/2pdx3
    B. 95/115/135/155

    -Deads felt heavier than normal, definitely got a little fatigued from PC and row.
    -Dips feel good
    -I was happy with 195 PC x 5 UB
    -lunges weren't bad, got hard with 155, should have started heavier.

  28. 135/145/155
    95/97/97 meters
    A1: 315/335/355/365/375
    A2: Dips w/out weight, rotator cuff tear: 6/7/7/7/6
    B: 65/75/85x8

  29. 35/m/5'10"/170lbs

    1. 135x5, ?m (forgot to look)
    2. 145x5, 108m
    3. 155x5, 107m

    A1. 255,275,295,315,335
    A2. 35,55,55,65,80
    B. 95x8,105x8,115x6,125x4

    Cleans felt really solid. DLs were also pretty good. Really focused on a good tight back. Dips were on rings and also good. Should have gone heavier sooner. All in all felt really strong today.

  30. PC: 40 kg, 50, 60 (No rower today)
    A1. 90 kg, 110, 120, 130, 150 (PR)
    A2. 10 kg, 25, 40(1), 35(2), 35(1)
    B. 40 kg, 50, 55(6), 55(6)

    Felt a little out of it today, but by the time I got to the last set of Deadlifts felt pretty good. Probably shouldn't have gone for a PR, but I have been feeling so strong lately. 5 kg until I am at 2.5 times BWT deadlift...think I can do it soon. The 40 kg dip was heavier than I thought it would be. Glutes smoked after the BB lunges.

  31. PC:185,195,205

    DL:300,305,315,325,340 PR by 10


  32. Power Clean: 155, 165, 175
    Subbed SDHP at 65# for :20

    DL: 315, 365, 385, 405, 425(PR)
    Dips: 70, 80, 90, 100, 100#

    Gym didn't have db's higher than 100#, was hoping to go up to 110# or 120#

    Going to do BB lunges as part of tomorrows workout.

  33. PC: 185-195-200(f5)

    A1: 355-365-385-400-430
    A2: 55-60-65-70-75 (had to do on rings)

    B:95-105-115-125-135x6 per leg. OUCH.

  34. PC: 155 185 205
    Should've gone way way heavier on these but I wasn't sure so I shot low and worked up

    Row: 138m-130m-130m

    DL: 335-355-375-385-405
    My back rounded a tad on 405 which was odd because it didn't feel heavy at all.

    Dips: 45-55-65-75-100
    all on rings
    ROM full extend down to biceps
    should've gone heavier sooner but i've never done weighted on rings

    BB Lunges: 95-115-135-155
    all for sets of 8
    should've started heavier

    Practiced ring HSPU for 15 min after WOD. Surprisingly difficult to string anymore than 2 together. Not sure if it a true measure of fitness though.

    Is there a point where it just goes overboard and loses any real benefit (excluding bragging rights that you can do them)?

  35. 37/m/162

    1. 145x5, 111m
    2. 145x5, 114m
    3. 145x5, 115m

    A1. 285,315,335,340,355(f)
    A2.(on rings) 35,45,50,50,50x1+(f)
    B. 135x7, 155x6, then failed and awkwardly dumped the bar and called it a day.

  36. Cleans:


    Didn't keep track of the row.



    I couldn't lift as heavy as I wanted. I ripped my hand yesterday on the pullups and it hurt doing the DL's



    BB Lunges:


    Then a 20 km Bike and a 12 km run plus and hour of yoga in the morning. Good day.

  37. PC: 185,205,225
    Row: 119m,119m,120m

    A1: 405,425,445,455,475
    A2: 53,53,63,63,70 (had to do on rings)

    B: @135 8,8,6,6

    A1 lower back felt tight from the weekend still but still 50 short of my PR.
    B 135 felt heavy, maybe should have started lighter because form started looking sloppy at the end.

  38. PC: 175/185/195 (last 2 reps were ugly)
    Row: 106m/107m/107m
    B:135x 4 sets

  39. PC: 155, 185, 205(4)
    Row: 117, 112, 114m

    A1: 275, 315, 335, 295*, 295*
    A2: 55, 55, 70, 95, 95( all on rings and kips on the last 2 sets)

    B: 95, 115, 135, 145 all 8/leg

    *my SI started to hurt so I went back below300#. Lots of ice tonight.

  40. PC + Row:
    1: 70+117
    2: 80+119
    3: 85+124

    A1: 140,150,155,160,165kg
    A2: 20,20,25,35,35

    B: 40 only did one set, ran out of time.


  41. PC 155, 165, 175
    A1 225, 265, 300, 325, 345
    A2 25, 35, 55, 75, 80
    B 75, 85, 95, 105, 115

    Does anyone know a Canadian supplier of Progenex Recovery? If not can you recommend a good recovery drink.

  42. PC 155, 165, 175
    A1 225, 265, 300, 325, 345
    A2 25, 35, 55, 75, 80
    B 75, 85, 95, 105, 115

    Does anyone know a Canadian supplier of Progenex Recovery? If not can you recommend a good recovery drink.

  43. 70kg/121m

    A1. 140, 140, 160, 160, 170 (kg's)
    A2. 10, 20, 30, 40, 40
    No time for B. Had to coach. Felt weak all workout (it's 110 in my gym with about 90% humidity).

  44. PC+row: 185 + 138m, 195 + 142m, 195 + 138m

    DL: 3x315, 3x335, 2x355, 1x365, 1x375(fail)
    Dips (on rings - max reps at tempo) - 10, 10, 8, 9, 8

    BB lunges: 115, 135, 150, 160

  45. PC: 185,205,215
    Rows: 113,110,111

    A1: 315,345,385,405,425
    A2: 70,90,100,115,120
    B: 135 X 4

    Congrats to James, Joey, Michael, DJ, Lauren and Shelly. It was awesome watching everyone compete in LA.

  46. PC 115,120,125
    Row 100,113,113

    DL 225,245,255,265,275,285
    Ring dips: BW only for shoulder

    Lunges: 105,105,105,105

    Shoulder press4x5 @ 105

  47. M/185/30

    Power Clean - 165,185, 195, 195, 195.
    **loss of Grip - need to use hook grip**

    A1. Dead Lift- 275,315,335,365,395PR.
    A2. Ring Dips - 88,88,88,88,88

    B. BB lunges - 115x8, 135x8, 155x6, 155x6.

  48. Part 1
    205 // 130m
    225 // 131m
    235 // 134m

    Part 2
    Isabel- 2:05 [10sec pr, first 15 unbroken]


  49. P.C. Weight (175,175,185(4))
    Row 105m,104m,100m

    A1: 300,305,325,335,340p.r
    A2: 70,70,75,85,87.5
    B: 85,105,115,115

    All in all a successful day. Deadlift is slowly getting better. Two weeks ago I could only do 335 once. I was running short on time with lunges and did not go as heavy as I could. Dips were completed on rings. Power clean is becoming fun again for me since I am beginning to trust my back and creep over the mental block from past injury.

  50. PC: 135/145/155
    Row: 98m/101m/100m
    A2:40 x 5
    B:95 x 4 sets

  51. sub 21x105 unbroken PC's
    103, 103, 103 rows

    A1: sub 21x205 unbroken
    A2: 35, 40, 45, 48, 50

    B: Skipped

  52. F/30/130

    85#/97m – 85#/98m – 85#/98

    A1. 135-155-165-165-170
    A2. Subbed depth push-ups, 15# plate
    B. 45#/R8/L8 – 55#/R8/L8 – 60#/R7/L7 – 60#/R6/L6

  53. PC: 135/155/175/185/195
    Row: Btw 100-105 m

    (I see now that I was only supposed to do 3 sets. oops)

    A1: 295/315/335/355/385(pr)
    A2: 80/90/100/100/110
    B: 135/155/175/185

    Happy with DL. Still need to go up though. Lunges KILLED me.

  54. July 14 wod for 2011

    A1. Dead Lift Cluster @ 11X1; x 5; rest 3 min
    A2. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0; 3-5 x 5; rest 3 min
    3 sets:
    15 unbroken power clean - you choose
    10 sec rest
    20 clap push ups
    3 min rest


    A1. 315,325,315,320,320
    A2. 165/5,175/5,185/5,195/5,210(F)@3

    METCON @ 135# all PC UB
    1. 1:32
    2. 1:47
    3. 2:02

    Clap pushups were limiting factor. Times include 10s rest

  55. A1. 315,335,355,365,385
    A2. On rings: 53,53,70,70,70
    B. 135(8/L),155(8),185(6)

  56. 95# Row 94m
    100# Row 92m
    105# Row 93m

    DL 12@105
    3@ 155, 3@165, 2@175, 2@185, 1@195

    Ring Dips 2@5#, 3@5#, 2@ 7.5, 2@7.5, 1 @10#

    Lunges: pathetically sore.. all 4 sets 6@65

  57. Nicole:
    PC - 105,110, 115
    Row - Averaged 1:49/500m pace
    DL - 205, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235

    PC - 185, 190, 195
    Row - Averaged 1:31/500m pace
    DL - 275, 315, 365, 400, 415 (f)

    Ran out of time couldn't get lunges in.
    Both struggled near 1RM with DL. Both 20lbs short on DL 1RM.

  58. Cleans - 195, 205, 215(4 reps)
    Rows: 127m or so for each.

    A1. 335, 355, 385, 390, 400
    A2. 90, 115, 125, 130, 145
    B. 135 for all 3.

  59. 60kg/130m

    A2. 40kg for all dips
    B1. 40kgx8/50kgx7/50kgx7/50kgx6
