sat, jan 29, 2011


3 rounds for time:
25 KBS 2pd/1.5 pd
25 chin ups

post time to comments
(also post BWT and height)


  1. Angelo,
    In regards to your KB question yesterday. I just bought a 1.5 pood "Gray Series" from Muscle Driver. It has a rubber pad with a large bolt in the bottom, I removed the bolt and bought a longer one and a fender washer that I use to bolt extra weight to the bottom. So when a 2pood workout comes up like today, I bolt on and extra 17lbs to get the weight to 72lbs. It may not be for everyone but it saved me some money and works great.

  2. Gord 5'7 - 157#

    Tag- 5'8- 175
    11:33 (subbed ring rows for chins, the decent on chins hurts shoulder)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 73/210

    trap3: 15lbx12, 2olbx12, 25lbx7
    going to get a nap.

  5. 32/5'10/#175


    (My hands were tender from the other day and started to tear AGAIN, but managed thru it)

    Good job today Big Dawg Laura!!!

    :) Congrats to my wife and her first day back crossfitting after giving birth to our son. GREAT JOB BABE!!!

  6. Time 8:04

    height 6'0"
    weight 220

    Wasn't feeling it today, a little sluggish - maybe the pizza and crap I ate last night. Still a little tender in the delts and lats today too.

    Anyway off to get prepared for the wedding. Back next monday.

  7. F/33/5'6 (and a half)145


    Thanks Vic for helping to push me a long otherwise I would've been there all morning. Word to the wise: when OPT gives you a rest day before a test you should take it! Hopefully I'll take my own advice next time.

  8. 6'1 / 202lbs

    9:49 COVP

    Only reason it was covp is because I can't do butterfly, if I could, I probably would have done that. Grip was shit as per usual. Happy it was under 10 although I feel like I'm back at square one.

    Congrats Lars! Have a great day!

  9. Did a 1k row as a warm-up, and forearms started burning like hell halfway through...

    12:04, first set of kbs unbroken, everything else was crap.


  10. m/40/5'8"/185
    back squat 10x2 @ 55%+ blue band 210lbs
    metcon 7:53 1st round unbroken the last 2 just hangin on

  11. 5'7"/132

    9:16 with 15 strict pull-ups instead of 25.

    I was so not into this wod when I first read it, just didn't want to do another damn pull-up. So after a good little rolling out the shoulders/warm-up/whine session I did it. Kipping felt quite wonky on my left shoulder today again so did strict, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. Kept the KB swings unbroken the first two rounds and broke it up into 2sets the last round, my forearms were PUMPED after this though! I just wanted to power clean soooo bad today!

  12. 39/6'2"/200

    Time: 6:43

    In a shitty mood today, not sure what is up. Hands a bloody mess and abs sore. Almost shut it down before the 3,2,1. These feelings ate rare. Time to turn this day around.

    Paul, your a genius brother! Thanks for the tip!

  13. 6:12

    I wanted sub 6 but my grip wouldn't cooperate.

    I've been feeling pretty good lately, now I just need to not work so many night shifts and I might get the sleep dialed in.

  14. 11:45 min

    83 kg / 179 cm

    Haha, what Bin said! Been sick on and off since christmas, I´m in the worst shape in a long time, but at least I´m a better swimmer! Bloody blisters after round 1 and no grip-endurance at all. Will do this again in two weeks or so and compare times. It can only get better from here! ;)

    Brent, hang in there buddy, awesome time along a lot of other dawgs! :)

  15. 5min airdyne- 110cal
    21/18/15/12/9/6/3 of KBS 2pd, ghdsu, du-
    @80%- 9:57
    today's WOD-


  16. Ht: 188cm
    Bwt: 82kg

    6:36 as rx'd

    Notes: first round UB w/ butterfly PU. Second round of KBS were also UB but everything else was broken up. Grip was smoked and I alternated after round 1 b/w butterfly and traditional kip...

    what happened to the chinook! -15C and 10cm of snow is not what I wanted to see this morning!

  17. 6'3" 205lbs
    5 min airdyne warm up
    10:26 (only had 1.75 pood)

    Felt gassed today, chins were tough.


  18. Good group at CSC today:

    Pete - 5'10"/167 - 5:29
    Adam Rogers - 6'1"/185 - 6:36
    RichJ - 5'9"/207 - 6:39
    Stephen - 6'1"/188 - 7:06

  19. 5'11, 185
    9:36, 2.25 pood used, first round unbroken, then very broken

  20. CF San Diego results:
    We started off with 15 mins to find a 1RM push jerk, then rested 5 mins and did the workout.

    Petra V. 105lbs/10:20 (1pd KB, black band pullup)

    Raina T. 105lbs/9:40 (1pd KB, purple band)

    Jason M. 227lbs/9:29

    Mike M. 210lbs/9:42

    Adam K. 196lbs/8:36

    Paul H. (50+ Masters club) 185lbs/9:26

    Eric M. 233lbs/7:50

    I forgot to get everyone else's height and weight, but I'm 6' and 205lbs.

  21. f/29/5'6"/145

    12:19 (COVP)

    -almost didn't even do it, shoulder girdle crazy sore from pushing burpees so hard, good warm-up, sucked it up, focused on keeping kip consistent, pull-up bar is up in garage, so it is on :)

    - grip was limiting factor, forearms super pumped

    - ice bath for 10 mins

  22. 5'10"/186lbs


    chins not COVP (steve h said i didn't have to!)
    70# db swing

  23. 10K road race today: 45:35

    rest 3.5 hours

    KBS/Pullups: 11:33


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. OPT weightlifting club:
    squat snatch cluster 1.1.1

    5 sets
    3 heavy clean and jerk
    6 burpees
    9 pullups
    7 mins rest

    all around 35-40s
    first set @ 200#, last 4 sets at 220#

  26. 6'2" / 187lbs

    8:00 minutes on the nose.

    That's a big 10-4 on the no grip comments!

  27. M/34/5'8"/155#
    Grip was limiting, first round of KBS UB the rest was broken.

  28. Awesome advice Paul, thanks!

    Worked on Split jerk, getting under the bar.

    135x3 4 sets
    185x3 1 set

    then metcon:

    5'9 / 180lbs
    8:54 (first round in 2 minutes).

    Ya....grip was limiting factor.

  29. 27 / 5'9 / 185

    Finished first round in 1:20something and waited until 2:00 to start second round. Don't know if that helped, slowed me down, or did nothing. Hands have been killin' me all week though. This didn't help.

  30. OPT Tester
    rest 10min
    Snatch, heavy x1
    rest 10min
    5 min Airdyne cal test

    149 clas

    a bit disappointed. wanted sub 5 on the tester and 150 cals on the airdyne...

  31. Anvil Crew did well today

    ROBO: 5:34
    Nate: 5:53
    205lbs snatch
    149 cals

  32. 153lbs, 5' 10"

    super sad... I got to 9 minutes and my hands ripped the worst they ever have...blood everywhere..awesome!
    I thought I was going to get 10:30 or 11 but the hands failed me...there is always next time!

  33. 5'11 182#

    time = 5:53

    Grip was smoked!

  34. 29/5'8/167#


    That was all grip.. or should i say lack there of.

    Some smoken times out there!!


  35. KBS and chinups...hmmmmm! Add some running and we got Helen. What the hell....couldn't resist...been waiting for an opportunity to do "Pyramid Double Helen" from the 2010 Games.

    1200m run
    63 KB swings (1.5pd)
    36 P/U's
    800m run
    42 KB swings (1.5pd)
    24 P/U's
    400m run
    21 KB swings (1.5pd)
    12 P/U's

    Time: 19:28

    *All KB swings UB...P/U's got ridiculous.

  36. 8:48


    pullup bar was low and bad--at work. grip and hands shot.

  37. There are some great times out there Dawgs. I'm a day behind so looking forward to hitting this tomorrow morning.

  38. 7:52

    Grip gone...held onto the bar even tighter and ripped really bad 3 reps into the last set. Sucks, though I should have taped it since it started to rip with the CTB earlier this week. Lesson learned.

  39. Some good times today dawgs.

    Some big rigs on that Anvil crew!

    Poly, pretty good time for a big fella waiting for a shoulder surgery!

  40. Nate here.

    Make that 73"-74"...gonna verify one of these days, haha

  41. 7:48 with a 2.25 pood KB.


  42. Did not complete tester - abs were so sore I called it in warmup. (I should have scaled the ghds on wed - lesson learned)

    Then did 100 cals on the airdyne so my trip to the gym wasn't a total waste.


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