wed, jan 26, 2011


A1. Close Grip Bench Press - 5,3,2,5,3,2; rest 3 min
A2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 6; rest 3 min

21,18,15,12,9,6,3 rep rounds for time:
KBS 2pd/1.5 pd unbroken
GHD Sit Ups unbroken
Double Unders unbroken

post loads, notes and time for PM circuit to comments

Happy B-Day Wayne!


  1. catching up... a lil behind... feeling a lil better ea day...
    sat/sun mix with subs...

    10min airdyne warmup- 200cal
    SJ- 250
    50 HSPU- 2:29
    AMRAP 1.5pd kb snatch ea arm- 45R/41L
    1mi Z1- 7:30
    10x 50m sprints 100%, 90s rest
    1mi Z2- 6:40
    3MU on 60s x12, first 8 sets strict L
    240s front lean- 6:45


  2. great stuff Nasti crew, love the video

    unit, good to see you back and mending

  3. Don't know who that was in the vid, but that was one epic beard! Makes me want to go cut down a tree.

    Did Sundays intervals on an elyptical at max resistance. Heart rates:

  4. At home celebrating Australia Day so do reverse order!

    done with the right KB size!
    GHD done on a chair, very wonky!

  5. A1. 155, 170, 180, 170, 180, 190
    A2. 10 x 6 CTB broken

    Basketball game tonight, so will try to make up part 2 tomorrow

  6. A1. Built to 255#
    - No one else in the house to spot, so didn't want to build to high.
    - Had quite a bit left in tank
    - Writs a little sore from TGU

    A2. Unbroken
    - 20 reps for 6 rounds is more mental for me than anything

    Unit - Z1 for you, while sick, is a 7:30/mile pace?! Good grief.

  7. PS. Any gym playing "Rise Against" has got my vote. Great job guys.

  8. Heavy - that is Mr. Stephen Flamm, owner and great coach at CSC!

  9. Can anyone tell me what Z1 is? Thanks!

  10. Looks like a good day, wonderful crew!

    Btw. Anybody struggling with the double unders? No worries, now there´s THE JUMP SNAP!

    It even speaks to you...just like a personal trainer. ;)

  11. AM: A1.225,255,275x1,245,275x2,280x1
    A2.all unbroken

  12. This is Nate.

    gonna hit the AM portion soon.

    Here's the link to the first wod of January's Big Dawg Challenge:

  13. did the PM this AM..
    9:06 unbroken

  14. @ Daemon

    Target Zone Suggested Intensity
    Z1 65-74%
    Z2 75-84%
    Z3 85-90%
    Z4 91-96%
    Z5 97-100%

  15. well, if there is one wod couplet i don't like it's bench press and c2b.

    needless to say, i did terrible.

    Z1= zone 1. thinkyou should be alble to still talk while performing.

    don't know if i'll get to part 2 today. my oldest baby is turning 9 today!! she said " doesn't that make you old?" i don't feel old.

  16. m/33/82kg

    @ 7am

    A1: 185lbs all sets. Did not want to go higher without a spot.

    A2: 20UB/20UB/20UB/18UB/15UB/15UB

    Notes: had some inflammation in shoulder after set 3. Made holding on to bar rather tough.

  17. A. 242(5), 264(3), 289(2) same both times

    B. Bt 15-10 ctb unbroken everytime rest regular.
    Getting better at these.

    Spotted a fellow bigdawg on beach today. He was doing close grip bench and I asked if he was doing OPT and he was.

  18. On base (fort bragg) not beach

  19. Unit, dude that's some great stuff. I wish my warmup on the airdyne was nearly my max 300 FY haha. Great stuff, always motivating - serious catching up to do.

    Part one: 170,180,190,175,185,205 +1@225#
    A2: Unbrokenx4 then hand started to rip and get sweaty, no chalk, so broke that into 13/7, then last one shut er down. Lost form and hands.

  20. ROBO, awesome meeting you today. Its great putting a face with the names.

    A1 - 286(5), 297(3), 308(2), 297(5), 308(3), 319(2)
    A2 - Unbroken

    to be continued...

  21. 1/25:
    Sqt Cleans- 145, 155, 165, 175, 185#

    all F. Sqt:145#
    Times:1.25, 1.25, 1.23, 1.28, 1.32

    **next time I need to push the front sqt weight (155 or maybe 165).


    Only did 3 rounds b/c I was short on time. I will get the last 3rounds of CTB pullups done after the PM wod. Need more work on CTB.

    1-5x 175, 10unb
    2-3x 185, 9unb
    3-2x 195, 10unb

  22. A1. 155,175,185,175,185,190

    Cut rest time down to about 1:45 due to work

  23. Unit...good to see you back bro!!!

    A1: 225,235,245,230,245,265(1)
    A2: UB X 6

  24. Unit...awesome work man. Your Z2 being 6:40 is almost as impressive as your Z1 being 7:30!

    A1. 225, 245, 265, 230, 255, 275.

    A2. All unbroken, last set chin over bar though.

    Notes: Time constraints, so took 2 min rest between sets except last set only took 1 minute after bench to hop on the pull up did chin over the bar instead of ctb. 4 hours rest until metcon.

  25. Now I feel like I am home. That feeling you get when you feel like you just had a good workout, and then Unit posts and crushes you. Unit, Maier, Steve, Nate, and some of the others are the best motivation I can get. Nothing like an ass kicking to make you hungry.

    A1. Subbed strict shoulder press: 135, 155, 185, 155, 185, 195(f)
    rest 1 min
    A2. 15 UB x 6

    Rested 4 mins until B
    B. 10:27 as rx'd

  26. PM section first: 10:14 unbroken

  27. AM

    CGBP - 205x5, 225x3, 230x2, 215x5, 230x3, 245x2

    Max strict pullups - 17,14,13,12,11,10

    DB ext rot - 3 sets of 8 reps each arm @3010, 20lb DB

  28. Hello everyone
    pretty good day so far, sleeping and eating is getting better, which is helping body weight stuff..


    UB all six sets



  29. A1.190-200-215-200-215-225
    A2. All sets unbroken

    35 minute rest due to work

    21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps rounds for time:
    Kbs (79.2#)
    Ghd sit ups
    Double unders

    Time - 12:10
    As prescribed, all unbroken

  30. This is Nate.

    So, I keep messing up the programming on here even though i've read the faq and ask rory, steve s., and aj frequently. I did all the CGBP together, 3 min rest between each, then rested 3 min. and did all the c2b's together, 3 min rest between each.

    A1. 255 (5), 275 (3), 285 (2), 265 (5), 285 (3), 295 (2)

    A2. 20, 20, 19, 14, 18, 16.
    put on batting gloves to try and protect my hands from the kb snatch test. realized it was not helping my grip out at all, hence the drop to 14. Took them off after that and they ended up being fine and learn. My grip was the limiting factor on these though. Felt like I had the kip and pull to hit my chest, but my forearms were so pumped it hurt. Also thought about calling it after the first set because my left shoulder hurt on the bottom of the kip, but I switched my left hand to reverse grip and it helped. I suck at c2b's...damn you goat!

  31. AM

    A1. 205, 235, 265, 235, 265, 285
    A2. 20x5UB, 16+3+1 last set:(

    2hr rest


    Time 11:40

    CGBP was really strong today. Under estimated my strength on it. Probably could have been higher even at the end.

    CTB were strong, probably mental failure on the final set. Started to lose my grip. I tried using an alternate grip today (one hand forward and one hand facing back) felt good.

    Metcon felt good. KBS were easy, GHD's felt pretty decent, but still a huge weakness. DU's were easy.

  32. a1. 225, 235, 245, 205, 225, 235
    a2. UB, UB, UB, 16, 11, 6

    Had SERIOUS callus-trimming fest in bathroom last night with nail clipper. Never again. Hands beyond tender this A.M. C2Bs painful. Also tried gloves at set 5. Did not help. Never again.

  33. 1/25 workout

    squat cleans: 83/93/113/123/138

    FS - 123#

    Felt great on this one! Last one I really pushed!!

  34. A. 255, 275, 300, 280, 315, 325
    B. Subbed COVP CU with 20lb DB, all complete

    Hey GM2, u back for good?

  35. A1. 185-205-225-205-235-255(1)
    A2. Completed



    Used 14" grip on bench. Abnormal level of hand pain on pull-ups. Missed once each on rounds of 18 and 6.

  36. PM workout:


    Did a little of AM after. Switching to night shift so gonna be a rough day/night, wanted to go easy

  37. A1. 205 (5), 220 (3), 235 (2), did 3 sets, not 6.
    A2. 3 sets complete

    15 minutes rest then part 2:


  38. Part II
    9:51 unbroken

    DB X Rot- 3 sets 8 reps @ 3010
    Felt great

    Mini vaca next few days, i'll be back sat or sun.

  39. 7:45AM
    A1. 155, 175, 195, 185, 205, 215
    A2. all unbroken

    as rx'd 9:34

  40. A day behind

    33333 squat cleans 85/95/115/120/125

    5 sets 7front squats/10 burp/150 row

    All sets were around that 1:45 mark

    Seem to have a headache now I think i was holding my breath way too much on the front squats.

    I would like to say how happy I am that there are so many ladies posting now. It is awesome I always look forward to reading all you ladies posts and watch the incredible numbers everyone is throwing out there. Jmarsh you are sic!! Someday I want to be able to do that many handstand pushups in week! Wow.

    Siu how are your eyes? I would assume you are going to kill everything even more now that you can see what you are doing - lol.

    Oh yeah I noticed my post name changed - this is because I am having an 8 week optimize your life program at my office and I needed to have a more "official" name for my patients. I will be back as lisa m soon.

  41. Going to take some time off. Hurt my left knee yesterday on the last set of front squats. Extremely stiff and painful, hopefully will be able to get back soon.

  42. Hey, on the discussion forum on the 2011 sectionals announcement, I found out they now have a 45 year old division this year. I don't know how many older dawgs we have in here but I expect next year we may see a 40 year old category! At 39, that is music to my ears.

  43. Part 2:

    Used 70# DB for swings.

    9:31 all unbroken, ghd situps were 2 hand touch.

    Small headache right after finishing, went away after 10 or so minutes though.

  44. Tues Jan, 25

    A: 185/205/225/235/245
    225# used for Front squat. Didn't time rounds. oops

  45. Any Big Dawgs in Las Vegas? ryandrew 11 and I are coming to Vegas Super Bowl weekend and looking for a place to get the Big Dawg wods in on Saturday and Sunday. shoot me an email at

    part 1:
    cgbp 185,205,215,195,215,230(1)
    all ctb chins unbroken

    part 2

  46. 185/205/225
    pullups done 10/10 for all sets

    (65lb DB, no 2 pood available at box)
    all else as Rx

  47. Soren.

    Hope you had a good Australia Day mate.

    want to get in touch re some opt ccp possibilities for Australia.

    Can you please flick an email -


  48. Part 2 as Rx 8:25

    Brian great to meet u as well hit me up someone before u leave. We get together on weekends for Wods 910-978-5191

  49. Yesterday's training
    sq. clean-145,150,155,160x2,160x3 (3 rep PR)

    F.Squat @ 170
    burpees complete
    subbed airdyne for rower .2 mi.
    1:20,1:25, 1:30 ran out of time only was able to complete 3 rounds

    will do today's training in a bit

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. to 275
    A2. Unbroken

    Pm session

    Completed w/ 20lb vest (tripped 3x on 1st rd of DUs)
    Time 10:11

  52. am 175-185-195-180-190-200
    First 4 unbroken. Hand tear.

    Pm - 11:55 unbroken
    Kept a steady pace through out. GHD was tough on me today.

  53. Hello everyone

    part two

  54. 27/m/147

    Part 1

    A1: 155/165/170/165/180/190x1
    A2: Rx but I did chest to rings instead of bar

    Part 2

    12:52(the first two sets of DU killed me)

  55. AM

    A1. 225, 245, 265 , 245, 265
    A2. 20,20,14+6,17+3, 15+5


    8:45 did russians with 36 kg

  56. a1 225, 235, 245, 235, 245, 255
    a2 good

    part 2 9.35 I did not hit my highest gear on this one

  57. PM


    Really liked this one, all the movements felt quick and controlled.

  58. 5:30AM
    A1: 195, 215, 225, 210, 230, 240
    A2: 15ub for all but last set 11/2/2

    Started with 3 min rest then went down to 1 minute rest due to time constraints.

    did knees to elbows (not UB) instead of GHD.
    Used 75# db. Rest rx'd. Grip fried with k2e. Other than that it was ok.

  59. You know what sucks? Working out alone, holding back for safety's sake, then seeing everyone crush your numbers. That's what sucks.

    Well, I guess not as much as having 300# crash down on your neck, but it still sucks.

    Off to do part 2....

  60. Part 1:

    CGBP: 225/245/255/235/255/265
    UB CTB: UBx6

    notes: should've gone heavier on felt very strong today

    ctb were no problem...all butterfly and only last 2 sets were a couple of secs slower

    will get at part 2 in about 30 min...

  61. No time for part 1 today, my apologies.

    Part 2: 10:37

    I had a really hard time getting warmed up tonight. My legs are quite sore from yesterday.

  62. the ropeless jump. too bad i didn't know about that 2 years ago....
    glad i can do du's now

  63. AM

    A1: 90kg/100kg/105kg/95kg/105kg/110kg
    A2: All sets unbroken.

    Time = 7:53 rx'd

  64. A1. 185/195/210/195/215/235 rx'd.

  65. Part One Done at 6 am
    Sets One Through Three:
    225(4), 235, 245
    15+5, 17+3,10+4+5+1,
    Sets Four and Five
    225, 245,
    18+2, 14+6, dnf set 6

    Part Two Done at 5pm
    only first set of du broken, at 20!!!

  66. AM
    BP - 185, 205, 205, 185, 205, 215
    PU - scaled to COVP, first 3 sets unbroken

    Gym closed due to snow, did this at home with available equipment: same rep scheme, but 1.5pd KBS, sit-ups, burpees. ~13min. Burpee to KBS transition was tough.

  67. AM:

    A1: 225,235,245,230,245,265(1)
    A2: UB X 6

    *GHD's got slow and painful.

  68. A1. 95/5, 107/3, 122/1(bar loading mistake), 105/5, 114/4, 117,2
    A2. Unbroken
    Rest were over 3 min due to activity in the gym.

    PM work
    Unbroken, no misses on DU

  69. Part 1
    CGBP: 155, 175, 185; 160, 180, 190
    C2B: 15 reps ub for 6 sets.

    Part 2
    All ub with no breaks.

  70. by the way, I had a Unit inspired warmup and cooldown for the PM workout.

    1mile warmup run: 6:45
    5min rest
    Metcon: 9:52
    2min rest
    1 mile cooldown: 7:38

  71. Part 1. (8:00 am)
    A1. 165, 185, 195, 180, 2/200, 1/205
    A2. all Un broken

    Part 2. (3:00 pm)
    All Unbroken 9:52

  72. 225, 255, 275
    245, 275, 295x1

    ctb all unbroken except 3rd and 6th round

    Ran three miles for pm workout.

  73. A:5am
    75(5)-85(3)-95(1+touch on second)

    6x10 strict pull-ups..left shoulder was feeling wonky today, not sore just weird. My hands really started to hurt on these maybe it was the cold bars idk.

    So happy with my bench today, 95 was my 1RM last time and I got it for a sold 2 on that last one!

    B:6pm - 10:37
    I was soooo excited to do this one all things I love! I really did underestimate the dizziness though, it was still fun I love being upside down haha. Felt solid through everything and the whole unbroken thing wasn't a big deal at all today!

  74. @ Brent maier

    I hear you!! I am thinking the same thing and praying as I a
    42 so I would be all over that!!

  75. Back posting after layoff....
    Part A:
    225, 235,245,225,245,265
    UB x 6

    Part B

  76. AM:

    A1. 65kg,72.5, 77.5,75,80,82.5
    A1. all unbroken

    cgbp - felt strong.

  77. Nothing like feeling good about your time, and then looking at everyone who beat you.


    Haha, great job today guys. Can't tell you all how lucky I feel to be a part of this group.

  78. Woops, never hit the publish button.

    Part 2:

    Didn't attack this nearly as aggressively as I should have. Took a few breaths after each set of double unders before starting the swings. Too concerned about gassing.

  79. PM: 8:01

    doing Adrenal Stress Test today. trying to get a hold of things.

    nice to see you back unit.

  80. Did a ton of subbing today; I won't bother you with the details. Posting just to stay in the mix!

    Let it be known that I did train today.

  81. Part 2:
    8:39 as Rx'd. Different training stimulus in a box vs. in a globo.

    Great stuff everyone!

  82. part 1
    UB x 5 + 13/1/5/1

    part 2, 11:26

  83. Nate again.

    Part 2: 8:13

    Felt good. Ready for tomorrow...

  84. PM:


    *felt good after the last round. Needed to push more during the wod.
    * push b/w DU and KB
    * work on speed of GHDs

  85. Yesterdays workout:

    Squat Cleans: 225, 245, 255, 265, 275

    Part 2:

    FS: 275
    10 Burpees
    SDLHP: 135 15 reps

    1:39, 1:40, 2:23, 3:35

    Both rowers were taken so I followed Rory's lead from yesterdays post and subbed SDLHP. First two rounds felt strong but then in the third round I really dropped off on the SDLHP and then the forth round was even worse so I decided to call it quits after that round.

  86. AM.
    A1. 205x5, 225x3, 235x2, 215x5, 235x3, 245x2
    A2. 15, 15, 14, 9, 11, 10. Couldn't do 20 so went for AMRAP. Grip gave out just as bad as pulling muscles.

    Subbed abmat situps after round of 21...haven't built up to that kind of volume. All KBS unbroken, whiffed once on the 15 DUs but got all the rest unbroken.

    Nice little blood blister pooling up under my ring finger after all those CTB and heavy KBS.

  87. AM
    75, 85, 95, 75, 85, 95
    subbed 10 UB COVP

    as rx'd 14:52
    I was super dizzy and had a massive headache but I was so happy to just do this WOD!

  88. Part 1
    A1. 75, 85, 95, 75, 85, 95
    A2. 10 UB COVP pullups

    Part 2
    As rx'd 14:48

  89. PM
    as rx'd

    felt good. KBS could have been faster.

  90. 39/6'2"/200

    Part I:
    BP: 225, 235, 245, 225, 235, 265
    C2B: UB/UB/UB/UB/B/B

    Part II: 8:54

    Fast transitions on metcon and one trip up on DU's. Bob hands touching down on GHD.

  91. Part 2 done at CF Calgary

    10:20 as rx'd

    Notes: Everything was done UB but did have lots of rest in b/w transitions. First double in a long time but it was good...even better is the fact CFC has an in-house massage therapist who I saw 20 mins after part 2...and will continue to see twice a month for the next 6 months...

  92. A.1. 225,230,235,230(4),235
    A.2. All UNBRKN Butterfly

    Could not finish due to time constraints.

    B. 9:24 All unbrkn.

  93. PM

    Broke at 15 and 12. Tried to go UB at 15 ended up doing 5 and moved on.

    Heavvvvy 2pood.
    Thanks Vic for the push today. Thanks to big dawg Anthony for calling my performance chicken shit...he knows how to motivate me, lol.

  94. Part 1:

    A1. 185,195,205,190,200,210

    A2. UB,UB,UB,Broken,Broken, 5 strict dead hang then finshed with kipping pull ups broken for the last set

    *Rested 4 hours*

    Part 2:

    16:39 All Unbroken (Except the 15 KBS)

    (Took three attempts but all failures. It became a mental thing for me at that point. It really hurt my time and a little frustrating).

  95. Only did PM today given later eve at work.
    All movements UB, took a couple good breaths during transitions.

    Lisa M, eyes are great! You're sweet for asking :)

  96. 155;185;205;165;195;215
    all ctb unbroken

    Pm 16:14

  97. long live GWG !!!

    Could not fit in the am workout today.

    Part B, used 1.75 pood. Have not gotten the 2 pood yet.
    11:30 unbroken. Long day but pleased with the push.


  98. did the am in the pm

    A1) 155x5, 175x3, 185x2, 165x5, 180x3, 195x1

    A2) 18, 15, 15, 12, 14, 8

  99. Did part 1 today:

    A1. 187,210,230,200,230,240
    A2. ub,ub,17/,ub,10/17/,broken

    Felt strong, probaly due to being off for so long, probaly had a bit more in me, but 250 is my cgbp 1rm, so I'm happy with it.

    Part 2 makes me wince jus looking at it, as double unders are what di my back in oddly enough. Getting there.

  100. Only got to part 2 today:
    RXed: 11:46 (55# KB)
    - SO excited that I got all my DUs UB, only had to start over twice & at low sets at that - almost want to graduate it from not-a-goat status :)
    - still trying to get used to UB mindset, could have pushed this all harder

  101. PM: 9:02, all UB

    AM: 125, 135, 145, 135, 145, 150(1)
    (would have gone heavier with spot on the bench, my 1RM is 165)

  102. A1: 185/205/225/205/225/235
    A2: as Rx'd

    went completely unbroken on the triplet. Not sure where I could make up time, but it looks like I'm going to have to find it somewhere. Good job everyone.

  103. AM:
    A2.all ctb unbroken

    10:55 rxd broke halfway through the set of 18 ghd sit ups to fix ghd to the ground. other then that all unbroken.

  104. AM
    A1. 265/285/295/275/295/315
    A2. ub/ub/ub/ub/br @18 (started ripping, cut out the last set)

    30 minutes DU practice
    metcon: subbed 20" box jumps for DUs to keep pace and intensity up since I am still pretty bad at them.

    Hands were getting shredded...could've finished 6th set if it was competition, but I don't want to deal with the rips right now. Metcon felt good.

  105. AM
    A1: 60,70,80, 70,82,85
    A2: All UB, last 2-3 of each set was hard work to get CTB


  106. F/31/131

    5 min Z1
    1 min at 90%, 1 min 50% x 10
    5 min Z1

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