A1. High Bar Back Squat @ 40x0; 6-8 x 5; 75 sec
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @ 40x1; 5-8 x 5; 75 sec
A3. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 4111; 7-10 x 5; 75 sec
A4. Weighted Dips @ 4010; 6-9 x 5; 75 sec
post all loads to comments
warm up each movement well so that each set is taxing
DO NOT use the 1st 3 sets as a warm up
stick to the speed as rx'd
40X0 = 4 sec down, 0 sec pause at bottom, Xplode upwards, 0 sec pause at top
hahaha...DJ, I hope you do this one!
i'm confused.
A3: 4111 would be 4sec pull, 1sec pause at lockout, 1sec to return to start, and 1sec before starting next rep, right?
the 4 seconds is always the eccentric movement, so 1 sec up, 1 sec pause at top, 4 secs down, 1 sec at bottom
thanks. got it.
I hope this isn't a stupid question: Since you've called the different exercises "A1, A2, A3, A4", should they be done as supersets? That is first back squat for 1 set, then chins, then snatch grip dl, then dips, and then start all over for 5 sets total?
set x rep
rep x set
kept weights managable to focus on speed
BS- 155,175,200,215,215
chins- 15,25,35,45,40
sgdl - 135,135,155,155,155
dips- 25,25,35,35,45
sgdl was much tougher than i anticipated.
What should our post WOD fueling strategies be? Something like this:
>12%BF: 40gP/15gC
8-12%BF: 40gP/25gC
<8%BF: 40gP/35gC
Anon if you notice the consistent number for all exercises is '5' so that means you cycle through (as Hixy mentioned) for 5 sets.
I'm still trying to maneuver my way through a serious case of the "dum-dums" since last weekend.
I may jump back in tomorrow, but not today.
Squat: 225 This was probably too heavy for true explosion
CU: 20lb
SGDL: 185
WDIP: 1.5 pood I started losing at set four, also probably too heavy
The four seconds of eccentrics sucks..
left a little room at the bottom of the squat, so my explosion was more of a slight rebound and grind to the top. back a little tender from Wednesday reminded me to keep form strict on dl's, and squats.
BS- 175#
CU- 12#
SGDL- 195#
Dip- 12#
- This really messed me up.
just received the wod's for my qualifier next weekend.
clean and press (strict shoulder press)
5 rounds for time:
3 muscles-ups MEN / 2 muscles-ups WOMEN
30 wall ball: 20 lb medicine ball MEN / 12 lb medicine ball WOMEN
6 sumo deadlift high-pull: 60k MEN / 40k WOMEN
I would appreciate any fueling recommendations, as well as rest/recovery recommendations. Thanks.
BS - 135,155,185,190,190
Wide Grip Chin - BW, 5, 5, 5, 5
SGDL - 135, 185, 185, 185, 185
Dip - 10, 25, 25, 35, 35x5
BS: 185# Just heavy enough to get that burst at the bottom.
CU: 20# Good weight and felt that burn throughout the entire set.
DL: 155, 165x3, 185 I should've have gone heavier sooner with this set.
Dip: 20#
BS: 190
CU: 20
SGDL: 155
Dip: 20
Still a little sore from the Linda'ish workout we did 2 days ago. Gave it about 85% tonight. Didn't want to dip too deep on a bunch of negatives before competition next weekend. Tonight was all about dialing in efficiency and sticking to the 75s rest times.
This is a hard one to do by yourself because of all the numbers. One thing is for sure, my negatives were ssslllloooowww.
i liked this one
squat= 185 lb
chin up= 20 lb
sgdl = 225 lb
dip = 30 lb
could have gone a little heavier but I wanted to stay close to the cadence prescription and at the high end of the rep ranges
went easy on the squats recovering from knee injury.
squat 60kg
Pullups 20#
SGDL 80kg
dips 40#
squat 185
pullups 15
sgdl 185
dips 10
Whew!! Tough workout! Reminded me of my stupid old body building days.
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