sat, june 26, 2010

A. Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk - 1.2.3 x 5; rest 4 min
B1. Snatch Grip Push Press @ 12X2; 4,4,4,4; rest 2 min
B2. Wide Grip Alternating Strict Pull Ups @ 2010; 4 x 4; rest 2 min
(pull chin over alternate hands per rep)
As many rounds in 7 minutes:
5 Push Press from rack - 135#/95#
5 L Pull Ups

part 1:
Clean and Jerk - 15,12,9; rest 5 min MAX b/t sets
(pick weights as needed, they can go up and down, bar CANNOT rest on ground at any time in set; score is weight used in kilos per set multiplied by the reps - i.e. 80 kg x 15 + 85 kg x 12 + 90 kg x 9 is score)

rest as needed

part 2:
For time:
12 muscle ups
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
50 double unders
9 muscle ups
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
50 double unders
6 muscle ups
30 wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
50 double unders

post loads, scores and times to comments


  1. A: 70,75,75,77,77kg
    B1: 60,62,64,65kg
    B2: 4x4 with 12kg

    5 rounds

    Lovely tight feeling on the decent on B1, but a lot better than trying to catch it with spine!

    OPT; L Pull ups, supine grib or overhand?

    Did it with sup grib but has normally done it with overhand


  2. A1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X1; 8,8,6,6,4; rest 2 min
    135 155/165 175/195(3)-no spot

    A2. Supinated Chin Ups @ 41X0; 3-4 x 5; rest 2 min
    35 45 50 55 70 (4)

    B1. Seated Parallel DB Press @ 31X2; 6-8 x 4; rest 90 sec
    *did single arm

    B2. 1 Arm KB torso row @ 2011; amrap/arm - 2pd/1.5pd x 4; rest 90 sec
    *first set 55lbs 10 reps, then 2pd, 6 reps last 3 sets

    C. DB External Rotation @ 3010; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 45 sec b/t arms
    *focused on perfect form

    Pelvic strengthening exercises

  3. 2011.

    A. 95, 105, 115, 125, 135
    B1. 95, 100, 105, 110
    B2. 25, 30, 35, 35

    3 rounds. PP nearly killed me. After 1st set, locking out was tough.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. M/30/6'4"/245

    A: 185,195,205,215,225
    B1: 165,165,165,165
    B2: @BW

    6 rounds

    B1 struggled holding the 2 count in the rack.

  6. Booked my flight to LA for the games yesterday! can't wait to cheer Mike,DJ,OPT and all other beasts on!

    This last week has been crazy busy with well needed rest for me. Back at it monday.

  7. 2011 from 6/21- forgot to post it yesterday
    Part 1
    Avg 330 m per 1 min
    43 HSPU's in 10 min.
    Part 2:
    A. Snatch Grip DL
    185# 175 165 165 165
    B. HH Power Snatch
    95# 97.5 100 100 100
    C. GH Raises w/ Bands
    8 8 8 8

    2011 From 6/22
    A1 CGBP 8,8,6,6,4
    155 175 195 195 205
    A2 Sup Chins
    4 4 4 4 4 - These were easy and for some reason adding weight didn't even cross my mind
    B1 Seated Parallel DB Press
    30 30 30 30
    B2 1 Arm KB Row w/ 1.5 pood
    R/L 11/10 9/10 8/8 7/8
    C DB External Rotation
    10# db for all sets; focusing on hitting tempo

  8. A. 85, 95, 105, 110(PP pr), 95
    B1. 85, 90, 95, 100
    B2. All with small band
    3 rounds
    HSPU rx'd (YAAY!), and instead of LPU did 5 regular pullups and 5 K2E. PP was hard because after long PP/PJ work my chest gets all rash-like, inflamed and painful.. perhaps I should stop crashing the bar on myself?

  9. "Gwen"

    70 x 15 = 1050
    75 x 12 = 900
    80 x 9 = 720

    total = 2670

  10. 2011
    A. 195,200,205,210f (2nd PJ),210f (2nd PP)
    B1. 95,105,110,115
    B2. bwt,bwt,10lbsf 3rd rep, 10lbs complete

    1.5hr rest

    7 rds

  11. June 13 wod for 2011

    part 1:
    Run 60 sec @ 85%
    Rest 5 min x 8
    (perform HSPU practice for 10 min b/t sets 4 and 5)

    Part 1 as Rx'd with runs in Vff's. First time in Vff's in approx 1 month due to pinky and foot prob. Felt okay.

    50 HSPU completed. First six off perfect pushup handles, then 5 head to floor at top of min for remainder of time.

  12. 2011


    A1. 155/175/195/215(f on second s.p.). * rested two minutes then did 3 s.j. in a row of 215. Need to start heavier from now on.

    B1. 95/115/115/115. Feel real tight in shoulder on way down. Going to stay light on these for awhile.

    B2. all 4 rx'd with BWT.

    C. 7 rounds. Fell one rep short on L pullups

  13. 2010 part 1 -

    69kg x 15 = 1035
    74kg x 12 = 888
    80kg x 9 = 720
    total score = 2643

    ** failed twice at 80kg x 15 before my stubborn ass dropped down the weight.

    Last time I did Gwen:
    190 x 10
    175 x 12
    185 x 9

    Not happy with today's scores. I'm pretty pooped, first am WOD in quite sone time...

    part 2 - 11:57

  14. 2010
    Pt 1.
    70 kg x 10 = 700- failed at 10 (grip & too slow).
    70 kg x 12 = 840
    72 kg x 9 = 648
    Total = 2188
    Rest 45 min

    Pt 2.
    9:28 (grip was smoked from Gwen)

  15. 2010
    Pt 1.
    70 kg x 10 = 700- failed at 10 (grip & too slow).
    70 kg x 12 = 840
    72 kg x 9 = 648
    Total = 2188
    Rest 45 min

    Pt 2.
    9:28 (grip was smoked from Gwen)

  16. 2011
    A. 70kg, 75, 80, 85, 90 (fail split jerk #2, couldn't push under bar)
    B1. 60kg, 65, 70, 75
    B2. 16kg, 16, 20, 20

    Part 2 (10 mins later)
    6 rounds + 1 HSPU as Rx'd.

  17. 2011
    A. 185/205/215/225(f-3rd SJ)/205
    B1. from behind neck: 155/175/195/215
    B2. BW x 4

    Rest 5 mins
    7 rounds + HSPU, 2 PP

  18. 30/m/5'10"/179lbs

    Part 1:
    A. 155, 165, 175, 185, 195
    B1. 135, 145, 155, 155
    B2. BW+10lbs plate x4x4

    Part 2:
    6 rounds (subbed with bent knees for L-pullups. overhand grip)

    A: I read it wrong and rested only 2min between rounds. Felt good. Last rep was a bit of a press out.
    B1: felt good. Could have been heavier, but was minding the shoulders.
    B2: in retrospect, I should have dropped the 10lbs and been more strict.

    Part 2: felt fine, but I still can't do L-pullups with knees straight..

  19. 2011

    Training at the Y and an Oly coached came and talked to me and worked with me on my snatch for about 1/2 hour before training. Loved the free coaching!

    A. 95, 100, 105, 115, 120
    B1. 85, 90, 95, 100
    B2. All BW

    Part 2 - shoulders SMOKED, can still barely move my arms.
    Did 2 rounds plus 1.5.3
    HSPU not full ROM, they are tough for me on a good day, never mind after annihilating my shoulders. :)

  20. 2011
    A. 40 kg, 40, 40, 45
    B1. 25 kg, 25, 30, 30
    B2. BW, 10, 10, 20 (failed tempo on last rep)
    5 round & 1 HSPU

    Thoracic mobility. Need more of it. Whenever I try to push any kind of weight on the PJs/PP I can always feel it in my lower back. Felt strong on PUs and LPUs. Going to yoga will take time, but eventually I will fix my hunched spine.

  21. A. 135,155,185,205,225
    B1. 135,185,225,245 (Pause at the top was difficult)
    B2. All BW
    7rds & 2Push Press

    Sorry guys, still a newb here. I only took a 2 minute rest between the last set of B2 and the amrap. Is this correct?

    Good workout today. Clavicles are destroyed.


  22. 2010
    Pt 1.
    32 kg x 15 = 480
    36 kg x 12 = 432
    40 kg x 7 = 280
    Total = 1192
    should have gone heavier on 15 and 12 but failed going overhead set of 9
    Rest ~ 20 min
    Pt 2.
    ~19:00 rx'd
    Struggled with the decision to scale or not to scale the wall ball in part 2. The coach in me was saying that rx'ing would change the energy systems involved and change the intended training effect, but the athlete in me did not want to go to Affiliate cup unprepared for high rep 14lbs wall ball shots. So there you go- rx'd it was, wall ball shots in sets of 5 all the way, muscle ups in triples and doubles and double unders unbroken.

  23. 2011
    A. 115/125/135/145/150
    B1. 65/75/85/90 (this was really more shoulder flexibility work than strength work)
    B2. BW/10/15/20

    Part 2: 3 rounds as rx'd. Probably should have scaled PP

  24. A. 125,135,145,155,165
    no rack at the lake so had to clean all weights to start.

    B1. 95,105,115,125
    B2. weight so all were bw only.

    5 rds. had to clean weight before PP.

  25. 2011

    A. 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
    B1. 95, 110, 120, 3/130
    B2. All BW x 4

    1 Rnd rx'd
    2 Rnds 2 negative HSPU & 115 PP

    Left shoulder getting stronger but seems to fatigue quickly

  26. Great day at CFP...had the pleasure of competing against 2 fine teams also going to California after placing top 6 at Northeast regionals. Crossfit Milford and Crossfit USA...Great competitors with HEART!

    I did part 2 of todays posted workout with the exception of ring dips in place of muscle ups....

    30 ring dips..horribly broken and no depth today
    Wall ball 30.
    Double under's 50
    15 ring dips
    30 Wall ball
    50 double under's
    5 ring dips
    30 wall ball
    50 double under's

    Comp workout:
    Squat clean ladder UNBROKEN 10-1
    CTB ladder 1-10..broke after round 5
    400 double unders done as a team

  27. 2011
    Been sick last two days, but back feeling strong today.
    A. 150, 160, 170, 175 fail on 2nd PJ, 172 Good (2 pound improvement from last time)

    B1. From behind neck: 135, 145, 152, 155x3

    B2. 12#x4, 20#x4, 20#x4, 20#x4

    AMRAP 10 minutes after
    5 rounds, as rx'd. Push Presses were heavy! All L-pullups UBs.

  28. 38/6'2"/197

    Morning: Colorado Springs Crossfit WOD @ the park
    A Jerk Complex: 50/60/70/80/91kg (200#) - Failed last time we did this but nailed it today.
    B1 SGPP: 40/50/60/65kg (143#) - Bad at lowering weight so kept the weight light and increased hold times to 3-4 seconds.
    B2 WGAPups: 10/15/10/10# - Difficult

    AMRAP: 7 + 3 reps

  29. Skipped clean and jerk because team workout had cleans. Scaled part 2 -- first ever timed muscle-up workout!

    7-5-3 muscle ups
    wall ball and d-u as rx'd

    Then team workout at noon. Cleans, CTB, more double-unders . . .

  30. A. 185/195/205/215(f)/215(1pp, 2pj, f on sj)
    B1. 195(3...didn't catch properly and bar slid off shoulders)/215/225(f)/225(3)
    B2. 41#/44#/47#/50#...with vest

    ...not nearly as strong on this wod as the last time we did it...was failing on weights I was making on the 18th.


    6 rds + 1 hspu + 1 pp

  31. A. 100, 140, 155, 165, 175
    B1. I just used the bar and I still had shoulder pain.
    B2. Body weight as Rx'd

    AMRAP-5 rounds+6 reps

  32. 'Gwen'
    45 x 15 = 675
    48 x 12 = 576
    50 x 8* = 400
    = 1651
    *didn't get 9th rep all the way up.

    Rest 20min(ish)

    Pt: 2

  33. A.155,165,175,185,195 (F on 3rd SJ)
    5 rounds

    Haven't done snatch grip pp so didnt know where to start. Should have started heavier. Lost count on the amrap wasn't sure if it was 5 or 6.

  34. A.155,165,170,175,180-f on 1st split)
    B.1- 95,135,150,155
    5min later
    3 rd+2hspu neg.,5PP,4 L-PU`s
    Turns out i really don`t like snatch grip push press.
    My head was not into today`s workout.In-laws are in town so I`m pretty distracted/frustrated.

  35. June 13 wod for 2011

    approx 5 hrs rest

    part 2:
    A. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 6011; 6-8 x 5; rest 2 min
    B. High Hang Power Snatch - 3-4 x 5 - 80% effort; rest 1 min
    C. GH Raises with bands @ 20X0; 12-15 x 4; rest 90 sec

    A. 135x8, 155x8, 165x8, 175x6, 185x6
    B. 95x4, 115x4, 135x4, 140x3, 140x3
    C. 4 sets of 12 - BW only with partner holding legs and towel under knees

    Notes: SnDL hard to keep tempo and grip hurt thumbs. HHPS did not know where to start and 140 did not feel 80%. Last rep was sloppy. GH raises hard again with controlled fall. Still getting used to new methods and exercises.

  36. m/32/69"/175#


    A. 145, 150, 160, 170, 180
    B1. 75#, 85, 90, 90
    B2. BWT, +20#, +20#, +20#

    Part2 (after 15 min rest):
    5 rounds + HSPU + 2 Push Press

    - Shoulder inflexibility killed me in B1. Keeping it in the rack position for 2 seconds was challenging. Started off with 135, but couldn't keep it racked. Dropped to 95 and same thing. Problem identified; really need to work on it.
    - Have a set of Jerk Blocks in my Garage Gym and thank heavens for them; made today much better or it would have turned into a lot of cleaning.
    - Missed the 2nd PJ at 180, so did 3 PJ and 3 SJ there.

  37. Had football game today, so did a 15 min metcon in morning with no weights.

    Part 2:
    3 sacks, 3 tackles, 1 int, 1 Td, 1 2pt Convert, 100+yds receiving. Man does this training convert to real athletic performance.

  38. 43 x 15=645
    50 x 12=600
    52 x 9=468 (dropped one rep)

    part 2

  39. A: 145, 155, 165, 175, 175
    either I didn't warm up enough, weak today, or the bar at work used last time is lighter and I mistakenly thought I did 185 last week.
    B1: 120, 130, 140, 165
    was thinking 5 sets, so should have started a bit heavier. 165 was perfect weight to end though
    B2: bwX4 sets

    no rest, then 4 rounds exactly. shoulders done.

  40. No kids for the weekend and the sun is shining so had to forgo the workout for golf as these are rare circumstances. Shot a 78 and an 80 so it was a pretty good day hopefully catch up tomorrow.

  41. A. 135/145/155/160/165
    B1. 125/135/140/145
    B2. 30/35/40/45
    Metcon: 5 rds + 1 rep hspu

  42. A1.)175/180/195/200/202-F


    C1.) 3 rounds plus 2 pp

  43. Back from my break, tried to take it a little easy today. I'll be doing some shift work for the next few months, interested to see how it will affect my workouts if at all.
    A. 95,105,115,125
    B1. 95,95,115,125
    B2. BW,35,45,45

    5 rounds of the triplet completed.

  44. 2011
    A. 135#/145#/150#/155-f(on 2nd SJ)/ 155-f(on 2nd SJ)
    B1. 65#/75/85/90
    B2. 4x4 ub at BWT

    3rds + 1HSPU sub (subbed pike off 24" box, hands on paralletes)

    Notes: on SJ fails, weight was plenty high, need to focus more. Dive through!

  45. A. 145/160/170/185/195
    B1.115/135/145/155 ( behind neck)
    B2.bwt x4
    8 rounds.

    A. felt good, good speed.
    B1. started too light. wasn't challenging.
    glad there was only 1 hspu. shoulders are fatigued.

  46. 35/m/5'10"/170lbs

    A. 95,115,125,135,145f
    - no SJs the last set. Need lots of work on form/technique.
    B1. 95,115,125,135
    - these felt very awkward
    B2. BW,BW,BW,BW
    - let legs down at the bottom.

    3rds + 1 + 2

  47. 2011 done on 6/27/2010

    A. 165/180/190/195/200
    Sticking 200 took everything I had.

    B1. 145/155/160/165
    B2. 10/10/10/10 still nursing a tear in left hand


    5 rounds even
    Just couldn't hit the hspu in the sixth round.

  48. 2011

    A. 60, 65, 65, 65, 70kg
    B1. All sets with 40kg
    B2. All sets with BW

    No time for AMRAP

  49. Wednesday, June 23 Part 1:

    A: 65, 65, 65, 65, 65
    B1: 125, 130, 135, 140, 145
    B2: 12+8, 12+8, 12+8, 12+8, 12+8
    C: 25, 15, 15, 15, 15

  50. 2011
    A 135, 135, 145, 155, 165
    B1 135, 145, 145, 155
    B2 All bwt x35lbs

    4 rounds complete

  51. 2011

    A 65-70-75-75-70kg
    B1 60-50-50-50kg
    B2 all BW

    4 rounds +hspu

  52. 2011: performed 7/3

    A. 135,145,150,160,170
    B1. 105,115,125,135
    B2. BW - mistakenly did 4 each hand, so 8 each set


    6 rounds even - decent transition time btw stations.

    A - felt MUCH better than last time. Able to keep strict PP and go heavier. Kept Snatch PP light because holding at the top was really stretching out my shoulders.

    Very pleased with the HSPU metcon. Normally, I can barely do HSPU and definitely not after heavy shoulder work. I kept these strict and they felt good. Still working through intense lower ab soreness that I think is still holdover from abdominal surgery. Tough time holding L. Need to regain strength and flexibility in lower abs.

    Overall, this volume has really worn me out. I'm excited for lower volume, greater intensity.

  53. m.28.6'4''.225lbs

    2011: performed 7/3/10

    Couldn't get into a box for this one, so had to modify a bunch with what I had at a hotel-like gym.

    *modified as follows: only had a curl bar and limited weight, so I did 2.4.6 and split jerks were with heaviest DBs at the place--50#.

    B1. Smith Machine Seated Sn Grip Behind-the-Neck Press--no idea how much the weight actually was b/c the bar is def. not 45lbs.
    B2. BW


    7 rounds. Had time for at least another HSPU, but was kicking up against a narrow column and almost back-planted.
