sun, june 27, 2010

part 1:
A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 5,4,3,2,1; rest 20 sec
A2. 25 unbroken chin ups x 5; rest 4 min
B. GHD Sit Ups @ 2010; 20 x 6; rest 60 sec

4+ hours

part 2:
Row 45 sec @ 95% effort
Rest 4:15 x 5
(10 min - walk rest)
Row 45 sec @ 95%
Rest 4:15 x 5

part 1:
A1. Bench Press - 165# amrap; rest 10 sec
A2. AMRAP Chin Ups; rest 3 min
5 sets
(score is total reps)

rest 4 hours

part 2:
8 sets:
Row 30 sec @ 100% effort
Rest 2:30
(record total avg watts, divide by BWT in # as score)

post loads, scores and notes to comments


  1. A1: 85,90,95,100,105
    A2: 5x25 UB
    B: Situps, no GHD at home, 20x4, not feeling too flash!

    the last 105 was ugly, a battle royal to get up!


  2. Is there a different rx'd weight for the bench press amrap for women?

  3. A 95 115 135 145 155
    B1 155 160 165 170 175(4)
    B2 20 20 20 20 15+3+2 (weak mentally last set)
    C 15x3 at tempo.
    Anterior chain was trashed at this point and I only waited 30 min after eating bfast to do this one, haha those situps felt like doing fran after eating a quarter pounder at mcdonalds, haha. this is only the 2nd wod ive done in over 6 weeks that was heavier on the anterior chain so im happy with the outcome.

  4. 2011
    Part 1
    A1. 155,165,175,185,195
    A2. 20, 19,13,13,13
    B. 20,13,13,13,13,13

  5. A1. 155, 175, 195, 215, 225 broke tempo on last rep
    A2. All sets unbroken
    B. Abmat situps at tempo
    Part 2 later

  6. Placed 2nd in the Ontario Challenge yesterday. Very within reach of first. Feel like I under-performed on events 1&2, but came back strong on 3&4.
    Here are videos of those events for anyone interested.

    Event 3 [short clip]

    Event 4 [Part 1]

    Event 4 [Part 2]

  7. 2011.

    Part 1:
    A1. 135, 155, 175, 185, 195
    A2. UBx3, 20-5, 17-8
    B. as Rx'd

    Part 2:
    Lost my record sheet, but I believe avg wattage was around 320 and avg distance was around 245m.

  8. A1. Front squats: 135x5/245x4/255x3/260x2/265x1
    A2. Unb/20+5/15+10/15+10/10+10+5
    B. UnbX6

  9. 115# bench: 15, 13, 8, 8, 9
    pull-ups: 18, 20, 15, 17, 15
    TOTAL: 138

  10. 2010 part 1-
    Bench - 19-12-9-10-7
    Pullup - 32-19-10(brain fart)-15-20

    I think overall I left too much in the tank for each round..

  11. 2011

    A1. 55, 60, 65, 70, 75
    A2. All UB
    B. All UB (oops, didn't see the 2010 tempo just did them)

    Last 10 reps of 5th set of PUs were all singles, but never let go of the bar. FS felt much stronger and controlled than the last few times doing FS. Last set of GHDs forced me to really dig in.

  12. 2011

    A1. 90,95,100,105,105
    A2. 17-8,13-12,10-15,7-18,10-15
    B. 20x6UB

    Part 2. Later

    Back again, this time hopefully for good....back injury is better finally but have lost alot of strength over the past couple months...good to be back at it though!

  13. Part 1;

    177 total reps

  14. 2010

    Teres Minor injury -- PU's and MU's hurt like a b$%#^

    Sub 2pood KB swings for PU's

    BP: 13,12,11,8,7
    KBS: 30, 26, 22, 20, 20

  15. 30/m/5'10"/177lbs

    Part 1:
    A1. 205, 225, 235, 245, 255
    A2. 15, 15, 15, 15, 10
    B. UB, UB, 10+5+5, 14+6, 15+5, 14+6

    A1 felt good. Really feel like Rx tempo is making me stronger.
    A2 Shoulders are still a problem, so stopped the set when I felt like I lost some shoulder control/was opening up more than is prudent
    B paused whenever I felt myself losing the tempo.

    Part 2 tomorrow.

  16. 2010 part 2-
    avg watts per set - 734/585/565/556/537/556/501/537
    total avg watts/ bwt = 574/210 = 2.73

  17. Part 1.
    A1. 135/165/185/205/235
    A2. 15-5, 15-5, 15-5, 15-5, 15-5
    B. 20/20/20/20/20/20

    I'm already sore from yesterday's WOD. Still trying to ease myself back into things. I kept the CU's at 20 for today.

  18. 2010
    Part 1:
    Bench: 13,12,10,9,9
    Pullups: 16,14,14,15,14
    Total Score 126

    Part B:
    Avg watts per set 425/449/474/483/519/509/492/565
    Total Score 2.51

  19. m/32/69"/175#


    A1. 185x5, 205x4, 220x3, 235x2, 250x1
    A2. All unbroken
    B. All unbroken

    A1. These all felt really good and I can definitely go heavier next time
    A2. ButterFly kip was not in rhythm for 1st set, but OK for 2nd and 3rd sets. Held BF kip for about 15-20 in sets 4 and 5 before losing rhythm and regular kipping out the rest.
    B. GHDs have been my nemesis since taking time off after surgery. Normally, 20x6 is easy for me. Kicked me in the junk today as has all recent GHD SU workouts.

  20. 2011
    A1. 185/195/205/215/225
    A2. u/b x3. felt a pull in my shoulder so I called it w/ the p/u's
    B.20 x 4. out of time

    squats felt good. good tempo.

  21. 2010

    115# Bench

    A1. 4, 2, 4, 4, 4,
    A2. 20, 16, 14, 13, 13, 13 (hands pretty blistered from CTB ladder in our little comp yesterday)


    Part 2:
    Had to sub running for rowing.
    All 30 second sprints were between 170 - 175 meters

  22. 2010
    Pt 1.
    A1. 15/11/8/8/7 = 49
    A2. 30/20/15/16/22 = 103
    Total = 152

  23. A1.185,195,205,215,225
    A2.UB, brokenx4

    A1 felt good but could have gone heavier. A2 was brutal bc i tore my hands badly on wed wod so i didnt want them to get worse.

    Part 2 later tonight

  24. row watts:
    361 372 366 375 371 364 365 389
    realized on the last set where 100% effort should have been the whole time.

    avg watts/ bwt = 2.55

  25. A1.17-14-12-11-9
    A2.33-20(stupidly let go, don't know why)-25-25-25

    63 BPs, 128 PUs

    B. didn't write down each set, but my score was 2.77. More a result of a low body weight, my rowing is 'effing awful.

  26. 2011
    had to switch the order today and had to sub run for row

    first 8 runs felt good. lost a little power on the last two.

    part 1
    A1. 175,195,225,250,270(PR)
    A2. unbroken
    B. unbroken.

    felt great today. That probably has something to do with 9 hours sleep on consectutive nights.

  27. Part 2:
    546/201= 2.71.
    DeeJay, used ya as a benchmark and had ya numbers next to me as I rowed, glad I did.That 1st row of yours over 700+ mate, was massive!

  28. m/30/6'4"/245#


    A1. 205x5, 225x4, 245x3, 265x2, 285x1
    A2. broken pulls felt week at the begining
    B. All unbroken

    A1. Need to go heavier next time.

    Row went OK, definitely feel the GHD situp about round 2.

  29. 2010

    part 1
    A!.:Bench at 115 lbs 9,8,6,6,6
    A2:Pull ups 10,9,6,9,6

    Echoing Mel about the hands..did an in house comp at CFP yesterday and hands pretty mangled and sore..grip went before swing but felt good...

    Subbed sprints as well for row after much pulling this weekend and running needs more work
    8 sets of 30 sec between 150 and 165 meters...I was really cranking as fast as I could.

  30. 2011
    Part 2
    Avg watt/bwt = 455/162= 2.8
    Hamstrings were killing from yesterday's GHDs after 6 rnds.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Think Im ready to jump back into the 2010 games prep wods, my back is feeling great, I will just ease back into the heavy lifting.

    My back recovery wod (last one) :
    5 rounds:
    30 x box hops @ 20"
    15 x burpees
    75 x DUs
    3 min rest
    video of this at track:

    rest 4 hours

    part 2
    OHS x 8 @30x0 - 75/95/115/135
    weighted chins @3010 x 4 - BW/25/40/55
    4 sets:
    40 unbroken ball walls- rest 3 min
    30 unbroken chins COVP - rest 3 min
    all unbroken (very tough)

  33. 2011
    Part 1
    A1. 90kg x5, 98x4, 104x3, 110x2, 116x1
    A2. 25x5 unb, ~30-33s per round
    B. Cut to 4 sets of 20.

    No time for part 2.

  34. Friday June 25th (Couple Days Behind)

    part 1:
    A. Muscle Snatch @ 11X1; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
    B. High Hang Power Snatch @ 11X1; 2-3 x 4; rest 2 min
    C. Power Snatch @ 11X1; 2-3 x 7; rest 2 min
    D. GH Raises @ 20X0; 15 x 5; rest 90 sec

    rest as needed

    part 2:
    7 sets:
    15 burpees
    20 unbroken box jumps - 20/14"
    25 unbroken double unders
    rest 2 min

    Part 1

    A) 115, 115, 135
    B)135, 155, 155, 165
    C) 155, 155, 155, 165, 165, 175, 180
    D) First 3 sets unbroken, last 2 broken

    Part 2

    1) 1:38

  35. Did not follow the recipe today…

    Pt: 1
    105lb BP & did C2B pull ups (cause I need to work on them)
    A1. 8, 7, 6, 6, 3
    A2. 9, 10, 8, 7, 9

    Pt: 2
    Did a longer metcon cause I felt like I needed to check my engine. All good!

    Fun in the sun at the Hound Pound today!

  36. Part 1:
    A1. 215/230/245/255(1)/260
    A2.UBx5 (COVP)
    B.UBx6...ouch...def it!

    rest 4.5 hours

    Part 2: no 10 minute rest...did intervals straight through...damper on 6
    higher numbers in the later sets can likely be explained by the shitty warm-up.

    looking forward to next phase

  37. m/32/69"/175#


    Part2 (Meters):
    240, 246, 244, 245, 245, 245, 244, 241, 242, 247

    - Kept 450+ for AvgWatts on all of the first 5 except the second interval when I dipped into the 440s. Was a little more sporadic for AvgWatts on the second 5. Started in the 450s, then fell into 440s for second, and 430s for 3rd and 4th. Finished with a 463 though.
    - May be time to up the damper...have a nice bruise just below my sternum from the C2 handle.

  38. A1. 225,255,275,295,325
    A2. UB,UB,UB,12/13,12/8/5

    Keeping FS tempo was really tough.
    Hands hurt like crazy.

    B. UB, last 5 sets broken up like crazy. I really need to work on these.

    Part 2:
    247,255,254,256,253, 250,255,250,255,259

    Great workout today. Looking forward to some much needed rest. I am really enjoying the programming. Can't wait to see where it takes me.

    -Mike McGoldrick

  39. Wife's birthday today and had a full day. Had to take it off. Having done 6 sets of 25 last week. I don't feel too bad. Looking forward to the next cycle!

  40. 2011
    Part 1
    A1. 205/225/245/265/285
    A2. ub x 5
    B. ub x 6

    Part 2
    Total: 2480


  41. 2011 done on 6/28/2010

    A1. 185/205/225x2/225/230
    A2. ub/ub/20+5/20+5/10+5+5+5

    Oh brother did the wheels come off on this one. I have three rep max front squat of 245, but today I failed at 225? The tear in my left hand is healed enough to do pull ups, and just like the front squats I had no thunder. So I shut it down for the day.

  42. Yikes! I'm such a delinquant when it comes to posting! Only getting around to it now.

    Saturday's WOD

    A- 85/95/100/105/110
    PR for Push press..used the same weight for all. Not sure if I should be adding weight on for the diff. exercises in the set.

    B1- 50 / 55/ 60 / 65 ( snatch grip PP...that's tough stuff!)

    B2- 4 / 4/ 4/ 4 no problem. Should I be adding weight?

    + Metcon
    2 rounds + 3 L-Pull Ups

    HSPU is nearly imposible for me: handstand skills are good, I go down slow on the negative, hold slightly above the ground come out of the HS, and do that again. Am not able to push up. Any suggestions? Box HSPU better?

  43. Me again!

    Sunday's WOD

    A1- 85 / 95 / 105 / 115 / 120 New PR!
    A2- All BK
    16-9 / 13-6-6/ 10-10-5/8-5-5-5-4/ 5-5-5-5-5. Yikes! When does that get easier?

    B- UB/UB/UB/10-10/10-10/10-5-5.

    Wrote dow the workout wrong!~
    1X 5 times 45 secs row at 95% with 45 secs rest

    197m/ 200m/ 197m/ 192m/ 189m

    Constructive feedback welcome :)

  44. June 14 WOD for 2011

    A. Close Grip Bench Press - find your 1RM
    B. Seated Behind the Neck Press - find your 1RM
    (bar starts on neck, not overhead, start in high bar back squat position, then sit back unsupported on bench, set it, then press)
    C. Supinated 1RM Chin Up weighted
    D. DB External Rotation @ 3010 - amrap/arm @ 10% A - 1 set per arm
    (10% of A as DB per hand)

    post exactly like this:
    1. CGBP 1RM
    2. % of CGBP 1RM used for #2
    3. % of CGBP used for #3 including bwt in # (i.e. 90# DB + 160# bwt = 250#)
    4. reps/arm using 10% of CGBP 1RM
    (i.e. 290#, 64%, 87%, 8 reps/arm)

    1. 230#
    2. 57% (132#)
    3. 115% (93.5# DB + 170# BW = 263.5)
    4. 8 R / 5 L (used 20# weight with rope attached, no options. Will redo this. Awkward on hands.)

    Notes: WOD at WCEMS station 4 with limited equipment. 3-4hrs broken sleep night before.

  45. I'm sorry if this is explained somewhere but I was unable to locate it.

    So the 2010 programming is for people prepping for the 2010 Games and the 2011 programming is for people prepping for 2011 games?

  46. 2011
    A1. 185, 195, 205, 225, 245 (PR)
    A2. 25, 25, 18, 20, 21
    B. Only did 4 rounds due to time

  47. A1. 225,235,245,255,265
    B. full ROM but only 10 each set. Still recovering after surgery. Even just 10 felt brutal. I really hope this works.

    25 minutes rest (couldn't go later)


    A1. Felt strong, but last two sets got ugly.
    A2. All UB, but hands hurt big time.
    Rows - tried to stick at 95% (not 100). By sets 6-10, had no fuel in the tank. Really feeling the short break and little food I had between.

  48. m.28.6'4''.225lbs

    performed 7/4/10

    again, had to modify due to lack of equipment while on vacation. Also, couldn't convince family that part II was going to happen on 4th of July in the States.

    A1.with Smith Machine; not sure of weight, but just tried to keep tempo and make it difficult.
    A2. Couldn't kip, so shot for 15 strict per round: 15,15,15,13+2, 12+1+1+1
    B. No machine, so did straight-leg sit-ups. UB.

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