mon, aug 23, 2010

Katy Josephs - OPT client since 2006 - newest Team Canada member...congrats on a dream finally realized

A. Halting snatch Deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec
(perfect posture; shoulders must stay slightly over the bar during pause. After pause, extend completely slowly, use glutes to slightly hyperextend hips, lean back on heels as much as possible)
B. Snatch - 65%x1x5 sets; 70%x1x5 sets; 75%x1x5 sets: 15 sets x 1 rep and more at end; 1 min b/t sets
(Start at 65% for 5 singles; then 70% for 5 singles; then 75% for 5 singles; these first 15 reps on the minute; If all successful, take up singles gradually AHAP for day, off the clock)
C. Snatch pull; 3 x 5 reps; rest 90 sec
(weight by feel - must have perfect posture (chest up, back arched!) in first pull and speed at the top; should be 90% of snatch +)
D. Back Squat @ 22X0; 4 x 5 reps; rest 2 min – 75%

post loads and notes to comments 
double on Tuesday

Reminder to register online for competition HERE
$5 is cost - all proceeds go to Big Dawg Dish


  1. So for the halting snatch deadlift we should go to mid-thigh with the tempo prescribed (@1123) then extend completely slowly? Just making sure I do it right, thanks :)

  2. For B. What does AHAP mean??

    C. Low bar or high bar?

    Thanks dawgs

  3. Craig: as high as possible and I'd assume high bar

    For loadings with multiple reps, will they be based on 1RM despite tempo prescriptions? I will have a hard time@75% of 1RM for back squats when a 2 sec stop at bottom.

  4. A: 3@80,2@90,3@100 kg
    B: 5@40, 5@45, 5@47, singles, 2kg increase up until 68 (PR)
    C: 3x5 @ 60kg
    D: 5x4 @ 82kg

    Don't know what happened but everything just felt good, easy 68 and had to stop as short of time.
    Filmed them all and pleased with no massive arm pull.


  5. A. 205x3
    B. 100,107,115, 125,135,145,155(PR for legit squat snatch) 162(F)

    C. 135
    D. 205,205, 195,195. had to lower it as 205 felt like more than 75%.

  6. A. 135,165,195
    B. 100,110,115
    C. 140
    D. 225

    I didn't read the end of part B correctly, stopped after 15.

  7. A. 185/215/225
    B. 120/130/140--->Stopped here. Interrupted when my daughter woke up.
    C. 170/170/170
    D. 225/225/225/225

  8. @ Coach

    Do you want us using straps for the DL and the Pulls?

  9. martin, yes
    krazy, yes if needed, its training hip movement and if its needed that is OK

  10. Hey Krazy,

    Any chance you could get CF Vitality to host the big dawg comp on the 25th? It would be great to do the competition with a some of the local Charlotte gang.

  11. A 30 kg - Part of warm up
    B 5x30 kg, 10x40 kg
    C 1 set x 60 kg, 2 set x 50 kg
    D 90 kg

    A bit worn out after the OL-seminar with Greg E this weekend. It was great, Greg is awesome! "A" as a part of my warm up. Did not increase weight on "B" since I wanted to work on technique. Could not hold perfect posture on "C" so I lowered to 50 kg. On "D" I could not do 75% of 1RM.

  12. Seeing as no-one busted 300FY on Friday i am offering a pair of the new BSc Elite Athletic Longs to the first crocodile that hits the mark.

    A. 155,175,175
    B. 105,115,125 stopped here as missed a couple at 115 . stayed in hole for 2 secs establishing stability
    C. 155,155,155
    D. 315, 305,305,305 ( needed a drop after 1st set.)

  13. @BK I assume you want us to video it, right? If not, you should know I just did it. I'll soot you my address and size!

    Honestly, that's a huge carrot or bone for the dawgs. Good stuff, brother!

  14. hey dawgs...
    just wanted to give yall a quick update on this past weekend. it was a great experience to say the least, wonderful competition, fantastically fit and athletic competitors and some classy big dawgs.
    the 3 WODS where good all around measures of fitness and were as follows:

    WOD 1
    pull ups x 30
    eliminate 2 – 8 left
    burpee x 30
    situps x 50
    eliminate 2 – 6 left
    135# cleans x 15 (squat)
    eliminate 2 – 4 left
    box jumps 19 inch x 60
    eliminate 2 – 2 left
    eliminate 1 – 1 left -winner

    WOD 2
    135# ground to over head anyhow x 20
    DL – 1x 225#, 315#, as many as you can 405# touch and goes
    eliminate 2 – 8 left
    HSPU x 20
    600#’s of Wall Ball 10ft mark (chose a ball)
    Eliminate 2 – 6 left
    100ft 55# dumbbell overhead lunges
    eliminate 2 – 4 left
    200 x Double Unders
    eliminate 2 – 2 left
    Rope Climb x 4
    eliminate 1 – 1 left

    WOD 3
    300m 80# sand bag carry (2×40# bags)
    50 push-ups
    eliminate 2 – 8 left
    100 squats
    55# KB swings x 60
    eliminate 2 – 6 left
    200m sprint
    Muscle Ups x 10
    eliminate 2 – 4 left
    225# DL x 30
    eliminate 2 – 2 left
    500m row
    eliminate 1 – 1 left

    scoring was based off of points by place in your heat... i was third with 7 points behind Ken Gall [5pts] and Brandon Phillips [6 pts].

    learned a few things this past wknd and had a pr as well [6 reps of 405 DL... never tried to rep out before at this kind of weight and feel there is more room]...
    one big lesson was that incorporating ALL types of box jumps heights is imperative as, in training, you need to get used to the different rhythms that different heights of boxes gives you... if you are unfamiliar with one, you will be able to do it or grind through it, but the speed and rhythm may take a bit to start flowing... just because someone can rep out 24", 30", 36" box jumps doesnt mean 18" will be ez... practice all levels...

    i cant thank coach and all yall enough for this opportunity. hope to see some of those that i had the chance to meet posting on these boards soon...


  15. A)225/255/285 Straps for final 2


    C)Skipped for time make up tonight


  16. A. 3@175-3@185-3@195
    B. 5@110-5@120-5@130 (only did first 15, short on time)
    C. 3x5@155
    D. 4x5@235

  17. @ Unit

    Great job this weekend. Great to finally put a face with name and see you in action. Although I was doing so many burpees I didn't get to see much.

    Definately found a lot of weaknesses this weekend that I need to work on. One being my diet. I knew going into this weekend that my conditioning was lacking (and by lacking I mean horrible), but I haven't been as strict on my diet as I need to be and I could tell this weekend.

    Anyway, it was fun day but not happy with performance. I'm using this as a measure of were I need to be and how much harder I need to train and diet in order to be competitive.

  18. A. 175,195,205
    B.105,115,120 - 10 pound jumps until hit 165 (PR)

    D - a little lower than 75%, but needed to to keep tempo. Plenty tough.

    Didn't see the posts before WOD and did low bar squat.

  19. Dave!
    Video would be nice but I have no qualms if ya hit it without and claim it. Never doubt a Dawg:)

  20. Sunday Aug 23,
    15min rope climb pratice
    20min Swim for distance@ 75%: 550m
    Had to do something yesterday as week off has me "eating bees". That and a my time in the ocean had me realizing how much of a land locked farmboy I was, so went to the pool for something different.

    Back on Schedule tonight, looks like I'll have to do some homework for today's training.

  21. A: 155, 185, 185
    B: 95, 115, 135
    C: 155, 155, 155
    D: 185, 155, 155

    HSD w/ finish was great! It immediately helped my snatch. MY problem is that I always jump when I'm at mid thigh as opposed to "benis" area. This exercise helped part "B" immediately.

    Snatches felt good, first time back with them since knee injury. Kept it light and didn't push past the rx'd 15.

    Pulls felt fine, rough on the hook grip though.

    Squats were tough ... back squat has always been low and it felt even heavier today, first time back squatting since knee problem. Held tempo fine, didn't do last set because knee was getting sore.

  22. Decided to get on track after long vacation and relative comfort with many of these movements. Today's WOD:

    A: 185/225/255 (strapped)
    B: (based on prev 1RM@115) 75x1x5, 80x1x5, 86x1x5 +(singles) 91/98/104/109/115(with belt from here on)/121/127/130(f)/133(PR+18#)/136(fx3)
    C: (based on pt B) - 120 (strapped)
    D: Based on 80% of 5RM@280#(as LBBS)- 225x5x3 - shut down due to time and inability to maintain tempo due to fatigue - Set 3 was just reps, no tempo maintained. This part was brutal, even at this weight.

  23. A:155,175,175

    I struggle with most OL due to inexperience and intimidation, so this is exciting for me.

    Happy with all my snatch movements and weights are about right for my current ability. I am looking forward to improving these!

    BS could have been a bit heavier but I wasn't sure about teh tempo and hold.

    Good day for me, thanks.

  24. Week 2 for me, first time posting!

    A. all at 95#, working on form
    B. Snatch - all @ 55# due to a wrist injury, but the best snatch's I've done.
    C. all at 85#, plus one extra set to work on my arms (I was bending them to fast)
    D. all @ 125#, a little fast on the 2sec decent, but new at the tempo movement.

    Looking forward to tomorrow's WOD, glad to finally post!

  25. @Paul Smith

    Just curious - how would you clean up your diet?

    Your performances on these WODs are always killer, so I'm curious where you think your diet needs work and what part of your diet limited your performance. I'm tinkering with my own, so I like to hear other people's experiences.

    Thanks for sharing your insights.

  26. A.295,305,325
    D.295(not rx; could not keep tempo)

    broke rx'd rest b/t B,C,and D due to poor planning. rushed the singles on B.

    welcome Danielle

    Great job Unit. Thanks for the update.

  27. A. 135/155/185
    B. 110/120/135
    C. 155x3
    D. 225/205/205

    Today felt good, I am liking the snatch more and more.

  28. YET! can't wait to be excited about snatch workouts but for now ...dislike them :(

    A. 65/95/105lbs
    B. 65%-65lbs
    70%- 75lbs
    C. with 90lbs
    D. with 140lbs...not feeing very explosive at the bottom of the squat!

  29. A. 165, 205, 205
    B. 125 x 5, 135 x 5, 145 x 5 + 155, 165, 185 (f) (PR is 195)
    C. 185, 195, 195
    D. 300, 275, 275, 275

    I'm gonna hope that D was supposed to be 75% effort. There is no way I was getting through that with 75% of 1RM. I barely made 275 for the last 3 sets and didn't really hold the tempo well.

    Coach or any others- running is a MAJOR weakness of mine. Before regionals I ran probably 2x per week just a light 20 min run and I feel like it really helped work capacity and my running during wods. Should I add this in or just stick to the blog programming?

    any tips on running would also be appreciated!



  30. Done in AM after shift.

    A. 185, 205, 215
    B. 125, 135, 145 - All 15 complete and easy, first 10 power snatches - 165, 175, 180, 190 for singles
    C. 190 all 3 sets
    d. 225 all 4 sets

    Notes: Missed 175 once and 190 twice so shut it down after. 190 went up fast on 3rd try. No focus on the misses. Pulls were rough on thumbs using hook grip.

  31. @Stahl

    I have never really been that strict on my diet. I have been off and on following the zone diet (including quite a bit of dairy). This weekend I just didn't feel like I had any gas. I realize that my conditioning is not where it needs to be, but I can't help but think that if I was eating the right fuel I would have had more push.

    My goal (when funds allow) is to go through OPT's Nutrition DVDs, but for now I am going to stay on a strict Paleo diet and see how my performance changes.

    I am always open for suggestions though.

  32. Thanks for sharing Paul. I'll be curious to see how you feel and perform on the paleo diet.

    I followed it about 4-6 weeks prior to Regionals and liked it, but have strayed since. Planning on getting back on it during this next phase.

    We can compare notes.

  33. A. 50-60-70 kg
    B. 42-46-49 kg
    C. 60-60-65 kg
    D. 100-105-100-100 kg

  34. @ OPT @ 7AM with Tag

    HSDL 132 to just above knee

    Sntch 65 to 132#

    Sntch pull; 132/137/142

    DL 200/210/220/230

  35. Long time no see, Dawgs! I may be jumping back in for some of the strength/technique WODs for a while. I'll post if I do the WODs Rx'ed. I am doing quite a bit of gymnastic strength work right now, so I'll be leaving time and energy for those.

    Done at OPT, shortened so I could get to my flight:

    A. 177x3x3;187x3
    B. 85x1x1x1;89x1x1x1;99x1x1x1
    C. 111x5;121x5x5
    D. 205x5x5x5x5 @ Rx tempo

    Notes: first snatching in a LONG time except for during the Staley seminar we held a few weeks ago. Went off of my legit squat snatch max from then. Felt good today, wish I had the time to take it up to a heavy single. I liked the HSnDL b/f snatching; helped a lot.

  36. A. 145, 165, 165 pounds
    B. 115, 125, 130...then worked up to 155 x 1
    C. 160 for all
    D. 215 for all

    Grip was limiting factor on A...need straps. On the minute reps felt good, but didn't have much gas left after them, was off my pr by 20lbs for the heavy single. Squats with that tempo were HARD. Broke tempo slightly before last reps of sets 2 and 4. Felt great to do some heavy (for me) lifting though!

  37. A. 225/265/295
    B. 140/150/160 up to 195 and missed @205
    C. 195/205/225
    D. @ 275 should have been 330 but i tweaked my knee this weekend and it still swollen(still have full range of motion)

    really enjoyed this work out snatches felt good really worked on keeping form throughout entire work out.

  38. A: 225x3,235x3,235x3
    B: 5@145,5@165, 5@175, 1@185, failed at 205
    C: 3x5@205
    D: 4x5@300

  39. felt pretty good today, just need more work on snatch tech. so this is perfect....

    B)88/98/110 then 120/130/140/143/153(f)(slow getting under
    C)176 all sets
    D)186 all sets-75% effort worked on speed out of bottom

  40. A. 155, 160, 165
    B. 105, 115, 125 then 135, 145,155 for singles off clock
    C. 148 all sets- forgot straps. Grip was starting to fatigue a lot on these.
    D. 236. These wooped me.. had a rough weekend.

  41. Hey dawgs, lets all throw a bit more food in the dish if we can. The sooner we fill it up, the sooner are brothers and sisters can focus on training, not how to afford competing.

    A. 225x3
    B. 135x5 155x5 165x5
    C. 205, 225, 225, 225 (misread # of sets)
    D. 315, 275, 275, 275 (315 was higher than 75%)

  42. WOW Katy, huge congrats to you!

    If I wasn't sitting on my ass in Comox, BC, I'd like to sink my teeth into this WOD. You know, after I studied these movements carefully!

  43. A 70 80 90 kg
    B 45 50 55 kg
    C 60 70 70 kg
    D 80 85 90 90 kg

    Felt tired thouout the whole wod so stopped after the 15 rep @ B. Grip was a limiting factor on A and C so maybe straps would be a good idea. (I work as massage therapist so hands and forearms is pretty spent after a days work)

  44. A. 155, 165, 175
    B. 95, 100, 95 (went down to get a fuller range of motion)
    C. 105, 115, 135
    D. 205, 215, 215, 225

  45. m.28.6'4''.225lbs

    A: 205, 225, 235
    B: 5@125, 5@135, 5@145, singles--165, 175, 185, 195--PR, 205-F
    C: 165, 175, 185
    D: 250, 250, 275, 300

    A. Probably could have gone a little heavier, but really working on posture and tempo.
    B. Best I've felt with this ever. I know I've power snatched at least 195, but this is probably a 10lb PR for squat snatch.
    C. Same as A.
    D. 300 is 75% of my PR from April, but I haven't back squatted since I hurt my back a while ago. Felt really good today. Lost tempo on last rep--had to rest at the top before #4.

  46. A. 185, 205, 225
    B. 105, 125, 135...155, 175
    C. 175, 185, 195
    D. 235, 245, 255, 265

    Deadlifts felt good.

    Snatches felt fine, happy to work on them. Worked on getting right into the squat instead of power snatching then OHS. Problem is I can power snatch more then I can squat snatch.

    Back squats were good. I love doing them, don't seem to do too many though. Tempo was tough to go down at the rate of 2.

  47. A. 185, 195, 205
    B. 135, 145, 155 (all sets made), 175, 185, 195, 205, 215(pr)
    C. 185, 195, 195
    D. Ran out of time and now I have the time to do it but I'm going to lay off my ankle and back and just go work some handstands out in the sun.

  48. Not as rx'd, didn't write down back squats. So went back to the gym after I got home, so about a 20ish minute rest between snatch pulls and B.S.

    A. 205, 215, 230
    B. 115x5, 125x5, 135x5 ended up doing 160 but failing at 165(my PR).
    C. 165, 185, 185
    D. 245, 245, 245

  49. A. 205, 225, 245
    B. 5 x 105, 5 x 115, 5 x 125 for singles, then 135, 140, 145, 150, 155.
    C. 3 sets at 145
    D. 4 sets at 225, kept with the tempo.

  50. A. 165/175/180 - used straps.

    B. 85/90/100 - got all of them and then went up to 110lbs, but didn't feel sharp so I left it at that.

    C. 120/125/130

    D. 155/145/145/145 - I interperted 75% effort. The 155 felt a little more than 75% so I dropped down to 145. I was able to keep the tempo well.

    Slight tear in left hands from snatch pulls. I lost all of my callouses during my month off and now I need to grow them back.

  51. A.185,205,210
    B.110,120,130 (hit 175,5lb pr)

  52. A.195,205,215

    Not a good workout mentally. Should have easy gone higher in B.

  53. Unit, Paul -

    Great to meet you both at the Garage challenge.

    Paul - regarding your comment about diet. I have been crossfitting for about 3+ years and have noticed big improvements when i started controlling my diet - especially with respect to longer endurance events or multiple wods...

    Unit - You are a beast! That was anyones game for the top three, just a matter of wod ordering and some pacing strategy. Very interesting competition, nothing like I have ever done before....Holding back and pacing against others is so different than how we all normally train!!!

  54. A. 225, 245, 265 (trying to get used to the thumb grip)
    B. 105, 115, 120.. then gradually built up to PR of 165 in 5# increments.
    C.135x5, 145x5, 150x5
    D. 190, 190, 190, 190 (Weight felt just right.)

    Really enjoyed this workout and I'm very happy with my lifts. I could feel my confidence increasing as I progressed.

  55. A. 165,185,195#
    B: 90,95,115#
    C: 115,125,125#
    D: 190,190,190,190#

    Hook grip on Snatch DL got tough. Snatches felt good - crisp, but I'm still weak in the hole.
    Back squats were brutal (keeping the tempo) but that's the area in snatches where I get stuck.
    I really felt that the Snatch DL with the pause helped my snatch and holding for 3 seconds was difficult.

  56. A. 205/225/245
    B. 100/105/115- worked up to 1 RM (155) by 10#'s.felt good
    C. 135/140/140
    D. 190 (75% of 1RM high bar backquat)

  57. A: 185, 195, 205
    B: 105X5, 115X5, 120X5 then 140, 155, 165fX3
    so close to having first bw sn! Plenty high...this will happen soon.
    C: 145, 155X4
    D: 185 for all
    tough breathing on tempo...pause was more than 0 at top to allow exhale and inhale.

  58. A. 225 / 230 / 230

    B. All % based on 155lbs
    100lbs all 5 good
    110lbs all 5 good
    115lbs all 5 good
    AHAP 120 / 125 / 135 / 140F

    C. 120 / 125 / 125

    D. 225 / 215 / 215 / 205
    I couldn't keep the tempo at 225. 215 faded as well so I dropped the weight again for the final set. That 2 second pause in the hole was killing me!

    Also, my hands are trashed from this one!

  59. A: 255/275/295

    B: 115(65%)/135(70%)/145(75%) up to 170


    D: 225/275/305/305/(f2) felt a little pain in my back so i stopped. Started to light didn't see the 75%.

  60. A. 125, 135, 145
    B.65%=75 lb
    70%=85 lb
    75%=90 lb
    105 lb
    110 lb
    115 lb (f)
    c. Snatch Pulls 3x5 @ 115 lb
    d.160, 145, 135, 135
    the back squats killed me. my intension was to do all sets at 160 pounds but my legs and back were giving out.

    this workout was suprisingly very challenging. I struggled with the tempo back squats the most.

  61. A. 185x3
    B. 105/115/125...155
    C. 155x3
    D. 205

    Notes: Snatches felt better as they got heavier. I could easily get them all overhead, but was trying not to power snatch them and receive the bar at the bottom. I have a really hard time keeping the back straight on these, flexibility issues. Back squats were very hard, but they got done.

  62. Unit, Paul and Micheal,

    Great job this weekend sounds like it was a fun event. Thanks for the updates.

  63. Hellllo
    Snatch deadlift-
    195,215, 225 felt good with all.
    Snatch -|PR at 185
    120-5 -65%
    140-5 -75%
    Snatch on the minute-
    shut it down after because I snatched yesterday.
    Snatch High pull- 172 -felt good
    Squat -296 for all sets, felt really good


  64. 31m/6'1/196

    A. 225/225/225
    B. 110/115/125...then 155x1/175(f)/175x1(PR)
    C. 175/175/195
    D. 185/185/185/185

    Happy with the PR. Love these skill exersises for the snatch. This has been really clicking lately. Bar is moving much faster in the middle and I'm able to catch it in the right plane. Knee a little bothersome on the back squat as always so kept it light.

  65. A. 185, 205, 225
    B. 115, 125, 135-all good
    kept going up to a 5lb PR of 180!
    c.165, 175, 175
    d. getting late and still had to bike home.

  66. A. 155,175,175
    B. 95,100,105,115,125,135,145(pr)
    C. 145,145,145
    D. Subbed FS 3x5 @ 150

  67. A. 135,155,155
    B. 85,95,105...115,125
    C. 135,135,135
    D. 175(3),155,155,155

    Used straps in the HSD and pulls.

  68. a. 205, 215, 225
    b. 105, 115, 125 then went up to a 9lb PR at 165
    c. 155, 155, 165
    d. Stayed low at 155

    Very happy with the PR on squat snatch. Failed at 170x3.

  69. A. 50 kg, 60, 65
    B, 35 kg, 40, 45...went up tp 48.5, but kept it on the clock
    C. 45 kg, 45, 45
    D. 50 kg, 50, 50, 50

    Really liked A, felt like it helped with my benis contact on part B. Enjoyed the temp on the squats, finally starting to feel good in the hole. Also first time feeling comfortable with hook grip, which is embarrassing but nice.

  70. A. 245/255/265
    B. 135/145/155 + 165, 170(f), 170 - fatigued
    C. 185/195/195
    D. 225 for all- very difficult to keep tempo

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. A. 95, 115, 125 - grip limiting factor
    B. 60, 65, 70 ... Worked up to a 10lb PR of 100#!
    C. 95, 100, 100 (grip failing)
    D. 135 for all - felt really good.

    Really happy with this. The improvement in my oly lifts is just ridiculous and awesome. And my confidence with getting under the bar is going up as well. I love it! Grip was the limiting factor for HSDL and snatch pulls.

  73. Irvine
    A) 80k-90k-94k
    B) 5x52k, 5x56k, 5x60k then...67k-70k-75k-77k(miss)
    C) 77k-80k-80k-8k4-84k
    D) 4x5@112k, sets 1,3 high bar, sets 2,4 low bar
    missed rep 5, set 3

    A) 99-99-99k
    B) 5x60k; 5x64k; 5x68k, AHAP--> 84k
    C) 5x88k
    D) 4x130k, 4x130k, 3x130k, 5x130k
    on D, sets 1,3 high bar, sets 2,4 low bar

  74. 39/6'2"/198

    A Halting Snatch DL: 90/120/130kg (286#)
    B Snatch Singles: 5x60kg/5x70kg/5x75kg
    B Max: 81/86/91/96kg (211#) - PR
    C Snatch Pull: 81/86/101kg (222#)
    D Back Squat x4's @ 75%: 120kg (264#)

    All sets were strict tempo. First day in and full squat snatched 95kg for a PR. Very happy with the progression this evening. Goal on D was to maintain 75% for all sets which was difficult. Video taped my last snatch and last set of squats for critique. I'll post tonight or tomorrow.

  75. A: 225/235/245
    B: 130/140/160/175x1/195x1/205x1(pr)
    C: 190/200/210
    D: 200/245x 2 sets/255x2 sets

  76. A. Halting snatch Deadlift (3 sec pause at top) + finish @ 1123; 3 x 3; rest 90 sec

    A) (straps) 235-245-245

    B. 100lbs-110lbs-115lbs
    Fail 3rd rep of 115

    C. (Straps) 155-175-195
    Should have gone heavier

    D. 295-300-300-300

    Not 75% of 1RM but there's no way I could've done 315 for 5 reps. Legs are still tired from USAW Cert this weekend

  77. A. 135, 155, 175
    B. 115, 125, 135
    C. 155, 165, 175
    D. 185, 205, 225, 225
    Snatches felt the best they ever have. Really turning the bar over with a lot of speed. Totally dropped the ball on the squat tempo. Was smashed and just flat forgot there was a rep tempo. Weights would've been lower for sure.

  78. A. 225/225/245
    B.130 (rounded up from 127.5)/135/120**...hit these, then singles...145/155/175(f)/175/185(PR)/195(f)/190(f)

    **screwed up math for first two sets of snatch and started at 75% (170 was previous 1RM)...hit a very solid PR in the snatch tonight...very happy as I've been struggling with the lift for awhile...

  79. A. Halting snatch Deadlift- 225, 235, 245
    B. Snatch - 135, 145, 155 + 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 Failed on 215.
    C. Snatch pull- 185, 195, 195
    D. Back Squat - 225 for all sets. Tempo was difficult.

  80. 37/M/162
    First, NAILED the tip of my nose with the bar during a warm-up hang squat snatch. Then...
    A. 155/185/185
    B. 65x1x5, 70x1x5, 75x1x5, 80, 85, 87, 90. Low, but still best squat snatch since shoulder surgery. Physio earlier today helped.
    C. 90, 105, 125
    D. 185x5, 185x5, 185x4, 185x3

  81. A; 135-155-165
    Focused on staying tight, pushing the knees back and maintaining back angle

    B: 115-125-135
    Didn't go further. Just worked for good position, speed through the middle and full extension. Previous PR is 170. I felt good today.

    C: 145 straight sets

    D: My hips were really smoked by this point and 205 felt like a lot more than 75%

    Here is a video will some excerpts

  82. A: 225#,225,225

    B: 115#,125,145 on clock
    B-Singles off clock 155#,165,(175p.r),
    (three attempts @ 180 & failed)


    D: Strict tempo @ 225#,225,225,225,225

    Back squats were tough and @ perfect weight for tempo.

  83. A. Halting snatch Deadlift- 185,185,185
    B. Snatch - 95,115,135 - focused on technique. One of my weakest areas.
    C. Snatch pull- 185, 195, 195
    D. Back Squat - ran out of time...

    Went a little lighter then maybe I should have trying to get my technique down.

  84. A: 185/205/215
    B: 125/135/145
    B(max): 165
    C: 185/185/185

    snatch was off tonight. last couple reps of squat couldnt keep tempo

  85. A. 60, 70, 80kg
    B. 45x5, 50x5, 55x5... 60, 65, 67, 70(f), 70(f) 65, shut er down (1RM is 70kg)
    C. 70x5, 70x5, 70x5 (really made me realize that I don't get to full extention before dropping)
    D. 185# x5 for all 4 rounds (lost tempo in end of 3 set and 4th set)

    Swam 500m x2 in the pm

  86. A. 75, 85, 95
    B. 65, 70, 75 and then singles up to 85
    C. 85
    D. 155

    Could have gone much heavier on the halting snatch dead and not sure why I didn't. The month of June I trained in a Oly gym a couple days a week, but have been out of the country for two months. It felt really good to work on snatches and I can tell what a difference that training has made because I am really receiving the bar in the squat. Back squats were horrible and I called it a day after the third set due to back fatigue. Feels good to be back on this site and training again!!

  87. A- 225/ 275/ 275
    B- 135x1x5/ 147x1x5/ 155x1x5
    C- 185x5x3
    D- 225x5x4


  88. A. 225 3x3
    B. 130x5, 135x5, 140x5 145x5
    max 185
    C. 185 3x5
    D. 275x1 225x4

    275 felt heavy so I dropped to 60%.

  89. This is my first time posting, I have been following the blog since just before Regionals in Okotoks. I have been switching days off, and following a day behind from then until now, and am going to follow it day by day as its meant to be starting today.
    A: 75-95-105, this was my first time doing snatch grip deadlift and it felt good, I should have gone heavier
    B: 65-75-85, max 105, I started to press out and didn't go heavier
    D:145, really focused on good form

    Workout felt great, I felt weak on the squats.

  90. Katy...Huge congrats!!!!! I can hardly wait to tell my kids how a young woman whom I used to see train so hard at OPT and put everything she had into her workouts is now on Team Canada!!!!!

  91. A. 221,241,261,
    B. 98,103,111 then 121,126,133,153pr, 163fffell on my ass.
    C. 138x3x5 back was getting tight
    D 220 for all.

    I can power snatch 20# more then I Squat snatch ha ha, though I think this was really only the 3rd time I've did squat snatchs, onward and upward.

  92. A: 155,175,185
    B: 100,110,120, 135x15
    C: 135,145,155
    D: ran out of time

    Snatches felt pretty good today, not my forte though. The high pulls were a first for me but I really liked them. Wish I would have planned timing better so I could have squatted.

    Been off big dawg programming for a while but was at the point with the programming I was following just wasnt enough. Glad to be back.

  93. F/30/130

    A. 75-85-95
    B. 55-60-65
    C. All @75
    D. Somehow missed the weight requirement. 75-85-90-95-100

  94. A. 225, 235, 245
    B. 135, 145, 155 + 165, 175, 185, 195, 205 Failed on 215.
    C. 185, 195, 195
    D. 225 for all sets.

    This wod really helped break dont the technique for snatch. I really enjoyed it.

  95. a. 225, 245, 245
    b. 110, 115, 120
    c. 165
    d. 165

  96. New poster. Looking forward to chating with you gues

    A. 155-155-165
    B. 80-95-100
    C. 125
    D. 205 4 sets

    Did It a day behind. Had to pull bailiff Duty for Air Force. I was there from 7:30am-9:30pm... Half Hour Drive home so I was in bed around 1030. Way weak. Good Session today.

    Snatches felt a little hard today. I was a little disapointed with a few of them. Rebuilding the back squat to a full depth "Ass to Grass"

  97. Deadlift: 155/175/185
    Snatch: 115 x 5 135 x 5 145 x 5
    Snatch pull: 135/155/155
    Back squat: 155/175/185

  98. Realized that I did wrong percentage on back squat. I did 75% of 5RM not 1RM.
