Sat, Aug 21, 2010

OPT CCP Nutrition Level 1 in session...

"I can testify for myself that also in Leipsic I practised my father’s maxim never to be a passive listener or learner. But here I did not quite forget to procure, by physical exercise and fresh air, that bodily energy and vigour which alone enable the body to stand successfully the strain of continued mental exertion." (Haehl, vol. I, p. 11)


  1. Way behind on posting and some wod's.

    Did DL wod on Thursday- 3590
    Started to low at 315 and failed 7th set at 405 (grip failed), had to go back down to 365 for last 2 sets.

    Did Thursday's metcon yesterday in 6:05. Started off strong and just faded in the end on all exercises. Work capacity is really weak.

  2. Estate sales, dawgs. Just picked up a airdynne in perfect condition only needs a monitor battery...$48.

  3. Made up the DLs from Wednesday and the metcon from Thursday today.
    DL: 315-325-335-345-355-360-315-320-325-330
    Total: 3325#
    For time:
    15 Pullups
    Row 250m
    10 Burpees
    Row 250m
    15 Pullups
    Row 250
    10 Burpees

    DLs were disappointing. Been a while since I last DL'ed heavy but this was worse than I expected. After the DLs I'm not sure I could go much harder on the metcon. Everything unbroken, all rows under 1:40 pace, 1st one around 1:30. Laid on the floor for a good 30 minutes after. Gonna skip the 330 FY and rest tomorrow so I can start the next phase with the rest of the Dawgs on Monday.

  4. Played in the Marathon of sport today for Special Olympics and figured i hadn't had enough exercise so did the pullup/row/burpee wod for fun...


    My metcon ability has really suffered with doing the strict oly bias for past two months. Need to start hitting some more wods on top of my other training - plus this is the fun stuff for me!!

  5. 300FY


    **ONe of the most mentally challenging WOD's I have done. I wanna shake the dudes hand who get's 300**

  6. Got back from a family holiday yesterday, missed a week of training so played a bit of catch up.

    Did the Deadlifts yesterday:
    Have never really maxed out yet since starting this training, last 4 pulls were in the 400's finished at 421 will call that a PR felt pretty good.

    Today did:
    1-10 ladder HSPU: DNF@ 20min
    10 set of 30Dus: 12:26

    HSPU went good until 8th set I failed 2 at 5reps, then I failed on the 10 set at 8 reps 4 times!Capped it at 20min, Live and learn on the pacing I guess, thought I had a chance at sub 10, all strict full ROM.
    DU's just too many trips, wind felt okay, just mental....durrr.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Wednesday DL wod:
    385/405/425/445/465(PR)/405/405/405/425/425= 4190

    rest 45 min

    Thursday's chin/row/burpee wod:


    tomorrow 300fy, hopefully on an airdyne...

  9. How about report from the garage games? How did our dawgs get on? I can't find a report.

    Unit, help us out here brother.

  10. No rower or airdyne
    max burpees in 10 minutes

  11. Had a couple cheat meals on Saturday and could not stand sitting around before work today.

    100 burpees for time = 4:44pr

    p.r. from 5:05

  12. Coach - will those of us attending you programming cert in SD be able to compete? Will our schedule allow for enough time?

  13. Just back from a nice long vacation in Maine. Lots of lobster, relaxation and swimming with my dog in the lake. Back at it tomorrow with movement practice for the new phase. Excited about the prospect of increased Oly work with my seminar coming up in October.

  14. Aug. 22

    300fy: subbed rowing for airdyne

    192 cals

    Finally back on track.

  15. Unit came in 3rd in the top heat
    Paul came in 7th in the top heat
    I came in 1st in my heat.

    It was a very tough competition, just an hour and a half of work basically. I definitely wasn't prepared (I've been away from opt til about 2 weeks ago) I was not in the heat I should have been in which is why I won my heat.

    Good weekend though, ready to start this next cycle here.
