(the swings were iffy, you know where i stand on butterfly...but the intensity is where he's got it, my hats off to Brendon for that..well done)
build to a tough but manageable 3 reps in the OHS
perform no more than 5 sets to get there
rest as needed b/t sets
5 L ups, 30 sec rest x 6
as many sets of 15 unbroken double unders in 3 min; focus on speed
post OHS weight and sets of DU's in 3 min to comments
if you break the 15 DU's, you start again at 0, and that set does not count
you MUST stop after 15 reps and every set of 15 reps; you CANNOT perform single unders in b/t, the rope must stop
Where do you stand on butterfly, I've never heard an official statement?
OHS 115x3.
big weakness but I can feel it coming along as I;ve been working it in warmups for a few weeks.
5 sets of 15 for the DU's. too many misses. this skill seems to erode fast w/o constant practice.
next 2 weeks my workout schedule is going to be off. will be a day behind and sometimes be doing doubles.
not a good morning for me.
OHS triple - 220lbs (2) last @ the end of April I did 264lbs for a double.
l-pull ups suck
5 sets of 15 in the 3 mins. Couldn't find a rythem
OHS-155# (PB)
7 sets of DU
Feeling really good today.
OHS - 152lbs
L-ups - varied grip between sup, pro, alternating.
DU - 11 sets
did 5x5 OHS: ended on 175
first 3 sets of L-ups unbroken.
DU's: 4 sets w/out fault
I haven't heard the stance on butterflies either. Do tell.
OHS 162(pb) x 3
DU's 2 unbroken several sets to 13-14.
OHS: 95/115/125/135/145
DUs: 0. Close but but no cigar.
OHS were strong and I felt like I should have started heavier.
DUs: Broke sets at the 12-13th rep. New line and took a little time to adjust to it.
OHS- worked up to 105
Worked on L pull ups, but ended up doing dead hang PU for the reps.
8 sets of DU
where do you stand on the butterfly?
Went back in time to the 350 row/16 burpee WOD. Didn't go so well.
Painful for old thumb injury to do heavy OHS - Subbed FS instead
L pullups were ugly
6 sets of DU
7 missed sets
I did Barbara today - 3:16/3:55/4:15/4:24/4:44=20:34
Pull ups were the most strung together in a while. Push ups really slowed me down. I also didn't push hard enough to get through the 1st 2 sets of squats unbroken, as the last 3 were.
175x3 pb
6 rounds of double unders using a pigmy rope
the only issue i have with the butterfly is that i have yet to see a video of butterfly kips in a high intensity wod where the 1st rep of every set was missed or barely made...along with finding it very hard to judge if the chin was actually over the bar height for a lot of the other this case, they MAY have got most of the reps but when it comes down to creating high power over beating the a sport where a few missed reps can mean 4th or have to be tight
i have seen so many people THINK they were doing chin ups (with a butterfly) to have their asses handed to them with regards to work capacity workouts that ensure they have proper ROM and distance over the bar...
I'll be needing my rope back.
My name is Andy and I'm a Naval Aircrewman fromm Virginia Beach, Virginia and my buddies and I just watched "Every Second Counts". All I can say is you are an inspiration to us all and your performances motivate the hell out us. Thanks for setting the bar for athletic performance and discipline, and know that every morning at 0500 there is a group of crewman trying to come close to your times dude!
Thanks again-Andrew Gallego USN
OHS - 121...most I have done in nearly 2 years.
L Pull-ups - 5/5/5/4/4/2...tried to as many as possible once I couldn't reach 5.
DU's - 14 sets, no misses.
121 OHS
Band assisted L pullups
14 sets no misses
OHS 245x3
L PU: All sets unbroken
DUs: 9+change
I took the opportunity to work on gymnastics skills.
Tuck Planche hold: 9 seconds/ 7 seconds/ 8 seconds
Parrellette Lsit press to handstand x6
Handstand Wall Walks: 1 minute total
Handstand Hold: 1 minute total
I don't know if anyone cares, but is a great resource for all things gymnastics. The forums are a gold mine...
"i have seen so many people THINK they were doing chin ups (with a butterfly) to have their asses handed to them with regards to work capacity workouts that ensure they have proper ROM and distance over the bar..."
A great example of this is "Rabdo" Kaplan who did Fran in 1:53. Only when he was actually judged by a CF Ref, he did the WOD in 3:00. ROM will certainly humble you...
Is that the OPT standard then? Chin always breaking the plane?
OHS: 50/70/75/80/90x1/90kg (198#)
LUps: First 4 sets unbroken
DU: 8
Failed my first rep of my first 90kg set but pulled it together for my second attempt. Pretty good with that after the hspu's from yesterday.
Failed 3 attempts of du's in the three minutes. The first two rounds were snappy and efficient. The last set however was a high jumping horrific sight that paid off.
OHS: 135/155/165/175/185X2(PB) fail on last rep. I have had a goal for almost 1year to OHS my body weight...well I did it today, twice! Almost three times. I am pumped!!!
LUps: 5/5/5/5/3+2/3+2 I never dropped off the bar, but legs dropped out of position on 3+2's
DU's: 12 Rounds. Did these in bare feet, have not missed that many reps in a while. I'll stick with shoes, that hurt!!
OHS: 88/93/98(2f)/98/103
post: 108(2f)
L-ups: kip to get legs parallel in 1's; missed 5th rep of 6th set
Du's: 10 no misses
OHS: 132/142/152/152/157
L-ups: Rx'ed
Du's: 7 sets +7
OHS: 40kg, 45kg, 50 kg, 52,5 kg, 52,5 kg
L-ups: Tough. Few broken.
DU's: 6 sets.
Hi James....
OHS worked to 95lbs...not very impressive, but the best I have donesince urting the shoulder...
d,u's = 4 unbroken stes of 15...and 2 failed sets
part 1
1. 135, 2. 145, 3. 155. 4. 165, 5. 175
tried 185 but could not get it over my head
part 2. l-up all sets unbroken
part 3. 10 rounds
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