fit chix

@ OPT we celebrate fitness and the improvement of....
it has been said in the CrossFit world that men will die for points...well i gotta say...women will die for chin ups...nothing has induced such a positive response long term for OPT female clients than trying to improve fitness standards such as the chin up.
having goals of fitness set in front of females when they begin their journey here @ OPT has had a much more far reaching, positive impact than traditional methods and thoughts of increased fitness as - "lose inches in only 3 weeks", "..and you don't even have to sweat", "just 5 minutes/day", "lose 15 lbs in only 20 days or your money back"...
how does this create accountability you ask? by laying out for females that they have to do 5 assisted chin ups and assisted dips with 1/2 their BWT, 25 kneeling push ups, a tabata sit up score of 13, a sorensen test of 2 min and a 500 m row of 2:00 makes all the females and more you see on the board above that we have hangin here @ OPT MUCH, MUCH more excited to hit the gym than focusing on calories burned, inches lost and pounds shed...
when the focus is put on improving fitness for females first and foremost in general, great things happen...comments like "i like being strong", "i can do 10 push ups now", "i got my first chin up", or "i got my first double under" are heard around here and less of "how much did you lose" as soon as they are greeted...or..."how did your weigh in go?" gatherings....
OPT female clients are tough, they don't take it from anyone, they are strong and capable because of their committment to fitness first...i see it carry over in day to day all the time...they walk anywhere with a positive, strong aura about them...because they can run with the best of them, lift more than their husbands/boyfriends/partners, scare other females at globo gyms; it initiates a confidence in day to day endeavours
they listen to others discuss how hard it was to take care of the kid yesterday...and they think - "honey, i did the "filthy fifties" workout yesterday @ OPT, NOTHING challenges me more than that, i'm capable of anything, bring it!

a 9-5 thing

How does one create success and consistency in their job?
- they show up, they do what they're told or decide to do, they listen, they learn, they teach, they prosper...
How does one create success in relationships?
- they listen, they communicate, they persevere, they learn, they prosper....
How does one create success financially?
- they budget, they analyze costs/savings, they attract positivity to wealth, they listen, they learn, they prosper...
How does one create success in fitness?
- you get what i'm throwing down here right? unfortunately a lot see this as a large undertaking involving major hurdles, success/failure emotional attachments, lack of time, and a "what if i do not get it done" mentality; as well as a chance to kaibosh (sp?) the whole operation...
let me give you a few simple starters if you need a jump start that everyone is currently taking the time to do with every other aspect of their life, just not for themselves in fitness...please read above...
1. show up! - just get there, the battle is won then; do you decide one day for the job that you're "just not going today"?
2. listen and learn - take it from the experts and stop making decisions for yourselves based on what you've read or heard in a magazine or Googled; listen to the boss - simple
3. make time for it! - it's such a norm to get gas for the car, food for the kids, go to work....plan the exercise, let everyone else know it's a 9-5 thing for you now....

"Dis" Organized

what would happen if fitness became a sport?

i mean this in regards to our concept of fitness and what it means to be truly fit....not aesthetic based, function based...

where do you think that would put organized sport?

let's just think big and say that every child was required and taught by teachers (paid REALLY WELL) for a minimum of 1 hour per day physical activity in fitness - not sport based "gym class" - fitness - i.e. db's, gymnastics, rowing, weights, sprinting, throwing....

on weekends they attend 2 hour sessions per day - where the parents have to participate as well (not sit in stands and drink coffee)

then at summer time, it's the same just more of it as in camps - 40 hours per week of it - learning about nutrition, themselves as humans, realizing potential, creating confidence...

MAD you say...well ask any parent with children involved in organized sports today...ask how much time is taken based on that - hockey parents travelling 1 hour each way to watch their 6 year old play 10 minutes in a hockey game....child has fun....parents sit and watch...efficiency..?

the argument lies in the effectiveness of this long term for weekday and weekend "specialized" about we just get more fit? (no goals, no awards, no "seasons")...just more fit

and how about adults monitoring their progress because they are working out with them...harmful you say...ignorance i say...i can give you 100 examples where i have seen an adult and child collaborate to find that fitness has no age boundaries - we have moms, dads and children working their asses off here at OPT all the time - TOGETHER...and we are starting to see an endless opportunity where these kids can flourish LONG TERM without disruptions due to schedule conflicts, teams, points, assistant captains, periods, halftimes, uniforms....get my drift

just think about the implications long term, we as adults see this as we improve our fitness...ours is broad...why in children do we have to specialize???... if Johnny does not sign up again for hockey next season Dad has no idea how he is going to go play golf on Saturdays when Johnny is supposed to be at hockey...whatever will he do?????

there are no limits to this, the answer to the question of when do they start is answered with current programs at globo gyms alike - gym and know the classes...funny how we think that invloving kids in weights and exercise at 3 years of age is shunned yet put some skates or a dance outfit on and it's fine....? don't want me to pull out all the stats showing injuries, disorders and the like in organized sport vs free activity and exercise alone do you?

let's think big folks...make fitness your sport and encourage kids and others to enjoy it as their sport as well...not with ellipticals and pecdecks but with jumping, running, throwing, sprinting, lights db's...make it short and sweet and fitness is!