WODs and standards...and updates

WOD 1 - "every rep counts" - Saturday, May 2nd - AM
AMR in 20 minutes:
10 Wall balls to 10ft (male-20#, female-14#)
10 Box Jumps - 20 inches
10 Dead Lift (male-205#, female-145#)
10 burpees
goal: achieve most rounds and reps possible in 20 minute time frame

WOD 2 - "the Kanadian" - Saturday, May 2nd - PM

1K Run sprint (5 laps of a 200 m track - Talisman Center)

goal: achieve fastest time possible

WOD 3 - "pick it up and put it overhead" - Sunday, May 3rd - AM

3 attempts of a 1 repetition maximum effort lift from ground to overhead

goal: achieve highest 1 rep load possible

WOD 4 - "Jackie" - Sunday, May 3rd - PM

for time;

1K row

50 thrusters - 45 lb barbell

30 chin ups

goal: achieve fastest time possible

go to http://www.crossfitcalgary.ca/ for a handout on specific information of events, time of heats for each athlete and sign in information

all events will test all 10 physical fitness domains; all energy systems will be covered; it is up to each athlete to ensure legitimacy of each repetition and the best possible personal performance for themselves

the SIFF weightlifting formula will be used for WOD # 3 in which each athlete will be compared to their peers in this event based on the value of how much they can lift in relation to their body mass; their are a number of calculations out there on how to do this, we have tested this formula to best fit the comparison of non specialists in the sport of weighlifting....which is what CrossFitters are

the BOCCIA world ranking system will be used to rack each athlete after each event; it will ensure athletes get awarded for each event won but to also ensure that there are no runaways based on scoring well in one event (i.e. awarding the specialist in a certain energy pathway) Scoring is: 15 points for 1st place, 13 points for 2nd, 11 points for 3rd, 9 points for 4th, 7 points for 5th-8th, 5 points for 9th-16th, 3 points for 17th and 18th place and 1 point for 19th place onwards

Updates (no big ones, just some clarifications):

What happens if two Athletes have the same number of Points?

In the event of a tie in points, the Athletes’ times in WOD 4 – “Jackie” will be used to determine placement. If there still is a tie after using the WOD 4 times, the Athletes’ times in WOD 2 “The Kanadian” will be used to determine final placement. If there is still a tie after using the WOD 2 times, the Athletes reps in WOD 1 – “Every Rep Counts” will be used to determine the final placement. (changes to this statement is the last sentence ""...using the WOD 2 times.."...this used to say"...using the WOD 4 times..")

Why is the Siff Coefficient used to compare athletes in WOD 3?

Strength is related to the cross-sectional area of the muscles and, consequently, indirectly to body mass. The Siff Coefficient is used to compare the performances of lifters of different body mass. SIFF is the percentage of the world class lift achieved by each lifter. (this used to say in question/statement "...athletes in WOD 1..." and it now says "...athletes in WOD 3...")

standards - what if I throw the ball above the line, is it counted?

the wall ball in this event is performed for height and accuracy; if you throw over the required "target", the rep will count BUT you will be notified to fix this on subsequent reps; if you throw under the line, there is no tolerance and this will NOT be a rep; remember if you throw too far over, you will miss the target AND have to retrieve the ball yourself as the target is NOT on a wall but a suspended fixed target steel beam

standards - bodyweight will be measured to the nearest 0.5 lbs for ALL athletes, NOT 0.25 lbs as stated in standards sheet

standards - can I wear weightlifting shoes for "Jackie"?


april 29th WOD

May 2nd/3rd competitors:
3 sets for total reps;
20 sec double unders for reps
40 sec rest
20 sec sit ups for reps
40 sec rest
20 sec KBS - 1.5 pd for reps
40 sec rest

Apr 30th/May 1st - remain active, practice some skills as needed, sleep well.

May 16th/17th competitors:
3 sets:
12 KBS - 2pd
Sprint Run 200 m
rest 2 min
3 min rest after all 3 sets
3 sets:
12 thrusters - 95#
Row Sprint 150 m
rest 2 min
3 min rest after all 3 sets
3 rounds for time;
15 chin ups
15 jump squats

Apr 30th/May 1st - remain active, perform only weight lifting skill work; leave some for the weekend...this is a good test 2 weekends out...use your brain based on how you feel...ensure you are mentally prepared for the competition state, not the scoring...don't dip too far into the tank

other Big Dawgs:
for time;
35 man makers - 35#/h

(a man maker is an exercise session in which you never let go of the db's; the movements performed are a push up burpee; at the top of the push up you hold a plank and perform a 1 arm row with elbow high per arm; then kick legs in and from the set up position squat clean the db's then into a thruster overhead; return db's to floor and repeat; chest must get deep on every rep)

Apr 30th/May 1st - same as May 16th/17th competitors...remain active, use this weekend as a test for a part of your year

post your WOD and your times, weights, comments and fuelling to comments

Mon April 27th, 2009

for loads:
Press - 3,2,1; 180 sec b/t sets
3 min rest
for total meters:
sprint row 10 sec, rest 20 sec x 5
3 min rest
for time;
40 push up burpees - jump to 12" overhead

post loads, total meters and time for burpee reps to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 35g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 35g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 35g prot/40g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/25 g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone


OHS - 3,3,3; 240 sec rest b/t sets
rest 5 min
power clean - 3,3,3; 240 sec rest b/t sets
rest 5 min
5 CTB chin ups, 20 sec rest x 8
rest 5 min
Tabata Mash - 3 sets each:
Sit Ups anchored
Push Ups

post loads and total reps accumulated for tabata interval to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/35g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/50g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/35 g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone


5 rounds for time;
8 hang power snatch unbroken (115#/75#)
8 HSPU unbroken
15 double unders unbroken

post total time to completion to comments

once you start from hang in snatch, you cannot rest bar on ground
once you kick up for HSPU, you cannot lower feet to ground
once you trip on DU's, you start back at 1
if you fraction any reps within the sets, you start over at rep 1 for that exercise in that round

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 35g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 35g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 35g prot/40g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/25 g carb

eat a low GI based PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

training as follows till May 8th:
April 25th - off
April 26th - wod x 1 [peaking]
April 27th - wod x 1 [peaking]
April 28th - off
April 29th - wod x 1 [peaking]
April 30th - off
May 1 - off
May 2nd - wod(s) that will be announced on Wed. April 29th on www.crossfitcalgary.ca
May 3rd - wod(s) that will be announced on Wed. April 29th on www.crossfitcalgary.ca
May 4th - off
May 5th - off
May 6th - wod x 1
May 7th - off
May 8th - resume day 1 of 3/1 programming, peaking twice (May 23rd/24th and then July 10-13)

how long was your workout today?

for time:
500 m row x 1
post time to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 25g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 25g prot/15g carb
below 8% - 25g prot/20g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/15 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/20g carb

eat a low GI based PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone


10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 rep rounds for time;
Push Jerk - 135#/95#
CTB Chin Ups

bar cannot be racked at any time or taken from rack to start workout
chest must hit bar visibly on chin ups, no grazing or maybes

post time to complete to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/30g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

the hills

20,15,10,5 rep rounds for time;
185# Front Squat
L Pull Ups

post time to complete to comments

arms fully extended at start at bottom of pull up
you cannot move from the start at bottom until legs are completely in front
i.e. you cannot swing legs up out in front as a kip for the pull up, it's a dead hang start
legs cannot lower until you've reached lockout of arms at bottom
bar can be taken from rack

two more

part 1:
for time;
50 GHD back extensions
75 double unders
100 anchored sit ups
75 double unders
50 GHD back extensions

rest 4 hours

part 2:
for total time;
Sprint Run 400m, rest 2 min x 2

score=task priority FGB total time from yesterday+part 1 wod time+part 2 total time
(i.e. 14:00 + 8:00 + 3:00 = 25:00 as score)

hands crossed at chest for back extensions
no abmat for sit ups
be exact on rest time for sprints, get to a track if you can

post score and your fuelling to comments

cabin fever

Dead Lift - 3,3,2,2,1,1; 300 sec rest b/t sets
ensure you only do 6 sets!

3 rounds for total time:
20 wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
20 SDLHP -75#/55#
20 box jumps - 20"
20 push press - 75#/55#
20 row cals
1 min rest

part A - divide highest load lifted for 1 rep by BWT (all in #)
i.e. 450#/225# = 2.0 as score
part B - total time to completion minus 2 min rest

ass to grass on wall balls, no chin reaching on SDLHP, lockout overhead and no jerking on push press, full extension of hips and knees on jumps

post wod fuel AM - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/20g carb

post wod fuel AM- female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/20g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal with great blood sugar regulating properties 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone, leave tummy empty for part 2 in PM

post wod fuel PM - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/60g carb

post wod fuel PM - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40g carb

eat a large PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone, stress the carbs!
sleep well, last double tomorrow

are we human or are we gymnasts

_rounds for time;
7 muscle ups

BWT - below 140# - 8 rounds
BWT - 140-160# - 7 rounds
BWT - 160-180# - 6 rounds
BWT - 180+# - 5 rounds
BWT - below 130# - 5 rounds
BWT - 130-160 - 4 rounds
BWT - 160+# - 3 rounds

post BWT and time to complete required rounds to comments
arms at full extension at top and bottom of muscle up, crown to floor for HSPU

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/45g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/60g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

twice is nice

Doug understanding intensity

as many rounds in 20 minutes:
15 ring dips
20 alternating SA DB Power Snatch - 55#/35#
25 double unders

Low Bar Back Squat - 5,4,3,2,1; 240 sec rest b/t sets

biceps to rings on dips
hips to full ext at top of snatch

there are 60 total reps per round in AM workout, post total reps for the 20 minute time frame completed to comments along with the back squat totals for PM workout

post wod fuel part 1 - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/40g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/60g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/80g carb

post wod fuel part 1- female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/40 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/60g carb

eat a large PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

post wod fuel part 2 - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/20g carb

post wod fuel part 2 - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/20g carb

eat a low GI PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone, stress the protein and good fats

Doctor Doctor

some of the OPT crew with the master in Edmonton this past weekend - Hooahhh!!!!!

"Tabata This!"

Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
Tabata Sit-up

The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. Unit for the row is "calories."
-row damper is up to each athlete
-ass to grass on squats, NOT ball
-chin CLEARLY above bar on chin ups
-chest to deck on push ups
-unanchored sit ups, no AbMat
Post Tabata score for each exercise to comments and total for final score.
(i.e. 10, 22, 9, 15, 15 = 71 as final score)

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/45g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/60g carb

post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40g carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

tomorrow will be a double

cardio respiratory endurance - CRE

our one "hurdle" in our 400m track here at OPT

Sprint Run 400 m for 9 sets; rest 2 min b/t each set exactly
The intervals are based on perceived effort, not time.
set 1,4 and 7 are at 70%
set 2,5 and 8 are at 85%
set 3,6 and 9 are at 100%

post times for all 9 sets to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

every second counts

a pic from my future winter hangout - http://labuenavidaproperties.com/

for time;
snatch x 15 reps
9 push up burpees
snatch x 12 reps
12 push up burpees
snatch x 9 reps
15 push up burpees
(males use 95#, females use 65# for snatch)

full squat catch on snatch
ensure you stand up completely with lockout before bar returns toward floor
chest to deck and clap overhead with burpees

post time to comments

post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 25g prot/25g carb
8-12% - 25g prot/35g carb
below 8% - 25g prot/45g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/0 carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone

Friday, April 10th, 2009

for loads:
hang power clean - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; 180 sec rest b/t sets

ensure all sets are a challenging 1

post wod fuel:
above 12% - 40g prot/0 carb
8-12% - 40g prot/0 carb
below 8% - 40 g prot/0 carb

eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel - keep carbs low GI and fat high

take this as a back off day - moderate intensity, low volume...Saturday and Sunday WOD's will test the other 2 primary energy systems at moderate intensity and low volume..there will be one workout each per day

5 workouts in 3 days for total time

NEW TOYS - thanks Coach Greg and Aimee!!!

here are the workouts for the next 3 days, plan accordingly:

April 6th part 1
for time;
15 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
13 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
11 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
9 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
7 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
5 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
3 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips
1 Dead Lift - 255#
8 ring dips

April 6th part 2
for time;
Run 3000 m

April 7th
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
GHD Back Extensions
Double Unders

April 8th part 1
5 rounds for time;
15 SDLHP - 95#
15 thrusters - 95#
15 chin ups

April 8th part 2
for time;
1600 m row

add all 5 workout times together to get your total time
post workout times and more importantly total time to comments
work on fuelling strategies, pre and post workout recoveries, rest/relaxation techniques as well as strategy to ensure lowest total time at the end of the 3 days; this is the time to have all these in order

pull it and push it

for loads:
power clean/push jerk - 1.1 x 9; 240 sec b/t sets

post BWT and highest load to comments

post fuelling:
everyone - 40g prot/10g carb; then a PFC meal 60-90 min later

next 3 will have doubles on the 1st and 3rd workout days, prepare to continue to work hard

mix it and mash it

build to a somewhat tough 3 in the front squat - take no more than 20 min
(leave some on the table)
rest 5 min
for time;
25 walking lunges
30 db hang squat clean - 25#/h
50 double unders
25 db thrusters - 25#/h
35 GHD Sit ups
20 chest to bar chin ups
50 squats

post loads for front squat and time for hopper to comments

knee grazes on lunges, ass to grass on squatting movements, crown to floor on HSPU

post wod fuelling:
above 12% - 40 g prot/20 g carbs
8-12% - 40g prot/40 g carbs
below 8% - 40g prot/60 g carbs

everyone eats a PFC balanced meal with protein and veggies and good fats within 60-90 min of the post wod fuel

gut check time

build to a tough 1 in the push press - take no more than 20 min
rest 3 min
7 sets for total time;
7 R arm db power snatch - 45#
7 L arm db power snatch - 45#
7 R arm KBS - 20kg
7 L arm KBS - 20kg
10 push up burpees
rest 1 min

post push press 1 rep and total working time of met con to comments

hips must come to full ext at top of snatch before weight is lowered, db must touch ground each rep
KB must be above head height at top of swing
chest to deck on burpees, get air at top with clap overhead

post wod fuelling:
above 12% - 40 g prot/20 g carbs
8-12% - 40g prot/40 g carbs
below 8% - 40g prot/60 g carbs

everyone eats a PFC balanced meal with protein and veggies and good fats within 60-90 min of the post wod fuel