Liquid Fuel

i won't jump all over it...i'll save it for another time we go - chocolate milk as post workout fuel, even writing it gets my blood hot...
another example of a research study where the examination of 2 options allows chocolate milk to come out on top...therefore it allows EVERY frickin' health magazine to write about it and explain how it is the next best thing to patented amino acids and golden maltodextrin for post workout fuel...
as mentioned, i will not go too far into it as there really is not enough room on this blog for it...but think about this..let's say i told you that minor amounts of antibiotics and hormones which are KNOWN to be carried in milk and ARE in every bit of milk that you drink in small amounts...and let's say you have 3 gruelling workouts per week, for 52 weeks per year (156 chocolate milks)...would you then question based on how poor most humans excrete toxins from their body today that they MIGHT hold onto these deadly pieces and somehow it might have a playing role in later diseases and dysfunctions...just think about it...think hard...i'll let you come to the conclusion...
i'll touch on another topic within that...milk itself...another time 2 give you another reason why it is possibly next to licorice and safeway pepperoni meat THE WORST option out there for post workout fuel..

i can't just leave you there without a nice option for a smoothie...albeit NOT a post workout option but a concoction drawn up by our mad scientists Mike and Steve...i can't hold it from you any longer, but beware, it's like crack...well that is, if you've used crack you'll's REAL good!

3 cups ice and water total
3 cups frozen spinach and brocolli
3 scoops Muscle Milk chocolate
2 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp flax
4 tbsp nut butter

and i'm tellin' ya, after hearing the ingredients i was skeptical as a comment after you have fallen in love...serving for one person only for as many servings as they want, as sharing it is not an option with this


Geoff Aucoin said...

Woah, no is allowed to diss my hemp shakes after that doozy. Ever!

Rob Sifton said...

Well to say that this recipe is my new crack is an understatement. I always loved Macadamia/cashew nut better, but combined with spinach and broccoli, WOW. Thanks for the great idea for a meal replacement James.

Trevor Salmon said...

James...or Mike and Steve. Have you tried it with other than muscle milk yet? I may try it soon but have chocolate pea protein not muscle milk.

Gord said...

Mike told me about this wild shake he makes. I thought there is no way I will have a shake with all that in it. Well I tried it and it was pretty good. I am not telling anybody at work about it. They already think I crazy when I pass on the timbits/donuts.

Geoff Aucoin said...

Nice work, Gord, refusing to be one of the common folk is a true sign of having the courage to strive towards greatness.

ahmed said...

بق الفراش من الحشرات التي يمكنها على نقل العدوى من فرد لأخر، فهي تعتمد في غذائها على مص دم الإنسان، وذلك ما يسبب العدوى فنقلها من إنسان عليل لإنسان عليل قد يكون السبب في نقل الأمراض وانتشارها، فتقوم مؤسسة مكافحة بق الفراش بنجران بالتخلص من تلك الحشرة، حفاظاٌ منها على الحالة الصحية للإنسان، فالشركة تملك مبيدات دولية وحاصلة على قبول وزارة الصحة للاستخدام، لأنها لا تكون السبب في الضرر على الإنسان،كما أن لدينا فريق عظيم يمكنه التداول بجدارة شديدة مع هذه الحشرات، والتخلص منها نهائياٌ والضمان بعدم عودتها مرة ثانية.
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