AMRAP wall balls in 3 minutes - 20#/14# to 10 ft
rest 6 min
AMRAP HSPU in 3 minutes
rest 6 min
AMRAP Row Cals in 3 minutes
post total reps/score to comments
(i.e. 85+55+65=205 as score)
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
30,25,20,15,10,5 rep rounds for time;
SDLHP - 75#/55#
Push Ups
Double Unders
post time to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
SDLHP - 75#/55#
Push Ups
Double Unders
post time to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
OPT "3"
Front Squat 3RM
Snatch 2RM
1 set - Max Reps - Chest to Bar Pull Ups
combine load for highest 3 in front squat, highest 2 in snatch and max rep pull ups in your one and only set; that is your score; take as many sets as needed to get squat 3RM and snatch 2RM
(i.e. 255+145+50=450 as your OPT "3")
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/20g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/15 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Snatch 2RM
1 set - Max Reps - Chest to Bar Pull Ups
combine load for highest 3 in front squat, highest 2 in snatch and max rep pull ups in your one and only set; that is your score; take as many sets as needed to get squat 3RM and snatch 2RM
(i.e. 255+145+50=450 as your OPT "3")
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/20g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/15 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
high power/long duration
for total time;
part A:
5 rounds:
185#/135# Dead Lift x 8
12 ring push ups
rest 3 min
part B:
5 rounds:
15 box jumps - 24"
15 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
rest 3 min
part C:
5 rounds:
8 chest to bar chin ups
12 Goblet Squat - 2pd/1.5pd
add total time of part A, B and C and post time to comments
part A:
5 rounds:
185#/135# Dead Lift x 8
12 ring push ups
rest 3 min
part B:
5 rounds:
15 box jumps - 24"
15 KBS - 1.5pd/1pd
rest 3 min
part C:
5 rounds:
8 chest to bar chin ups
12 Goblet Squat - 2pd/1.5pd
add total time of part A, B and C and post time to comments
moderate power endurance
3 rounds for total reps;
45 sec "cousins" - 20#/14#
15 sec rest
45 sec R arm KB turkish get up - 1.5pd/1pd
15 sec rest
45 sec prisoner back extensions
15 sec rest
45 sec L arm KB turkish get up - 1.5pd/1pd
15 sec rest
45 sec triple unders
15 sec rest
post total reps completed to comments
cousins = med ball touching floor overhead lying on your back under wall ball area, sit up with momentum carrying yourself into a squat position with med ball in front rack, and from here throw 10 ft to wall ball marker, catch ball in a full squat and in doing so fall backwards into lying with ball overhead, repeat sequence
TGU - starts on back, reps end on back, no 1/2 reps
BE's - hands interlocked behind head and elbows out wide at all times
TU's - if rope does not pass through 3 times, its a double and DOES NOT count
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/35g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/35 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/50 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
45 sec "cousins" - 20#/14#
15 sec rest
45 sec R arm KB turkish get up - 1.5pd/1pd
15 sec rest
45 sec prisoner back extensions
15 sec rest
45 sec L arm KB turkish get up - 1.5pd/1pd
15 sec rest
45 sec triple unders
15 sec rest
post total reps completed to comments
cousins = med ball touching floor overhead lying on your back under wall ball area, sit up with momentum carrying yourself into a squat position with med ball in front rack, and from here throw 10 ft to wall ball marker, catch ball in a full squat and in doing so fall backwards into lying with ball overhead, repeat sequence
TGU - starts on back, reps end on back, no 1/2 reps
BE's - hands interlocked behind head and elbows out wide at all times
TU's - if rope does not pass through 3 times, its a double and DOES NOT count
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/35g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/50g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/35 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/50 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
high power/short duration
for time;
30 box jumps - 20"/14"
12 burpees
12 squat clean - 135#/95#
20 box jumps - 20"/14"
9 burpees
9 squat clean - 135#/95#
10 box jumps - 20"/14"
6 burpees
6 squat clean - 135#/95#
post warm up routine, pre and post wod fuel strategy and time to complete to comments
full extension of hips and knees at top of box jumps
chest to deck for burpees, jump and clap at top
full extension of hips at top of clean before lowering weight, ass to grass squat catch
30 box jumps - 20"/14"
12 burpees
12 squat clean - 135#/95#
20 box jumps - 20"/14"
9 burpees
9 squat clean - 135#/95#
10 box jumps - 20"/14"
6 burpees
6 squat clean - 135#/95#
post warm up routine, pre and post wod fuel strategy and time to complete to comments
full extension of hips and knees at top of box jumps
chest to deck for burpees, jump and clap at top
full extension of hips at top of clean before lowering weight, ass to grass squat catch
Big Dawg playlist
If you could choose an ITunes song to get through "Fran", make a PR on that deadlift or to get ready to compete in the last WOD in the regional qualifiers what would it be and why?
Post it/them...I will take all the comments and create a itunes playlist available for download from itunes... People could then purchase and download this playlist for their
tuesday row
row 10 min @ easy pace warm up
Row 2000 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 2K
Row 1000 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 1K
Row 500 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 500m
25 double unders; rest 30 sec
10 wall balls; rest 30 sec
3 times
row 10 min @ easy pace cool down
post notes to comments
work on your stroke and pace
next 3 singles are high power and short duration/moderate power endurance and high power long duration, rest well
row 10 min @ easy pace warm up
Row 2000 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 2K
Row 1000 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 1K
Row 500 m @ 5K race pace
rest same time it took to do 500m
25 double unders; rest 30 sec
10 wall balls; rest 30 sec
3 times
row 10 min @ easy pace cool down
post notes to comments
work on your stroke and pace
next 3 singles are high power and short duration/moderate power endurance and high power long duration, rest well
monday monday
for loads:
Press - 5,5,5,5,5
rest as needed b/t sets
post loads to comments
ensure to include a large number of mobility drills pre and post exercise; including in that some moderately high gymnastics reps will help recovery
Press - 5,5,5,5,5
rest as needed b/t sets
post loads to comments
ensure to include a large number of mobility drills pre and post exercise; including in that some moderately high gymnastics reps will help recovery
triple burger
for total reps:
Dead Lift 2x BWT amrap
rest 2 min
AMRAP Chin Ups
rest 2 min
AMRAP Squats in 60 sec
rest 2 min
AMRAP Chin Ups
rest 2 min
AMRAP Squats in 60 sec
4 rounds for time;
20 burpees
Run 400 m
for time;
155# power clean x 15
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 12
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 9
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 6
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 3
post score of #1, and times for #2 and #3 to comments
dead lift cannot rest on ground once started, you may rest at top, must be touch and go reps
chin has to break vertical plane of bar at top for chin ups
sit to D ball if you got one for squats
arms at full extension at top and bottom of muscle ups
hips must come to full extension at top of clean
workouts can be done in any order and timelines BUT they have to be completed within Sunday in order to qualify for the prize of...
a free VMG (newest multi vit/min/greens formula i have created) for both male and female top spots...if individuals with lowest times for 2 and 3 do not win # 1, i'll be happy to give the #1 winner both male and female a VMG as well...good luck
for total reps:
Dead Lift 2x BWT amrap
rest 2 min
AMRAP Chin Ups
rest 2 min
AMRAP Squats in 60 sec
rest 2 min
AMRAP Chin Ups
rest 2 min
AMRAP Squats in 60 sec
4 rounds for time;
20 burpees
Run 400 m
for time;
155# power clean x 15
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 12
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 9
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 6
5 muscle ups
155# power clean x 3
post score of #1, and times for #2 and #3 to comments
dead lift cannot rest on ground once started, you may rest at top, must be touch and go reps
chin has to break vertical plane of bar at top for chin ups
sit to D ball if you got one for squats
arms at full extension at top and bottom of muscle ups
hips must come to full extension at top of clean
workouts can be done in any order and timelines BUT they have to be completed within Sunday in order to qualify for the prize of...
a free VMG (newest multi vit/min/greens formula i have created) for both male and female top spots...if individuals with lowest times for 2 and 3 do not win # 1, i'll be happy to give the #1 winner both male and female a VMG as well...good luck
fri, june 19, 2009
part 1:
for time in total sec;
21 hang power snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
21 power snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
21 snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
rest 6+ hours
part 2:
for total reps;
tabata mash:
chin ups
box jumps -20"/14"
take your total reps for part 2, minus them as seconds from your time in part 1; that is your total score for day (i.e. part 2 score = 260, part 1 score = 9:00 which = 540 sec...therefore overall score for day is 540-260 = 280)....lowest score wins!
chin over bar height and legs to full extension at top of box are only rules...keep intensity high
post total score to comments, rest well on Saturday
for time in total sec;
21 hang power snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
21 power snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
21 snatch - 95#/65#
Run 400 m
rest 6+ hours
part 2:
for total reps;
tabata mash:
chin ups
box jumps -20"/14"
take your total reps for part 2, minus them as seconds from your time in part 1; that is your total score for day (i.e. part 2 score = 260, part 1 score = 9:00 which = 540 sec...therefore overall score for day is 540-260 = 280)....lowest score wins!
chin over bar height and legs to full extension at top of box are only rules...keep intensity high
post total score to comments, rest well on Saturday
June 18th, 2009
You can make your life a triumph in spite of every adversity. Or you could make your life a mess in spite of every advantage. Success does not depend on where you start. If it did, no one would have ever been successful. Success comes from what you choose to do with whatever you have. It is fully available to anyone who decides to make the effort and the commitment. Whatever the day holds, it also holds the possibility of success and achievement. Whatever the situation may be, there is a way to create real value from it.
30 rounds for time;
6 pistols
post BWT and time completed to comments
alternate pistols per rep totalling 6 reps per round
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/15g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/45g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
30 rounds for time;
6 pistols
post BWT and time completed to comments
alternate pistols per rep totalling 6 reps per round
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/15g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/45g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Wed, June 17th, 2009
Dead Lift - 3,3,3 - 90%
Max Ring Dips - 3 attempts; rest as needed b/t sets
as many rounds in 15 minutes;
135# Dead Lift x 10 reps
10 ring dips
post loads, reps and rounds to comments
single on Thursday, double on Friday and triple on Sunday
Max Ring Dips - 3 attempts; rest as needed b/t sets
as many rounds in 15 minutes;
135# Dead Lift x 10 reps
10 ring dips
post loads, reps and rounds to comments
single on Thursday, double on Friday and triple on Sunday
Monday, June 15th, 2009
3 sets:
12 clean hi pull (135#/95#)
Row 2 minutes @ 80-90% of your best 500 m sprint
rest 2 min
rest 5 min after 3 sets including last 2 min rest
3 sets:
12 thrusters (95#/65#)
Run 400 m @ 80-90% of your bext 400 m sprint
rest 2 min
rest 5 min after 3 sets including last 2 min rest
3 rounds for total working time;
5 muscle ups
8 KBS - 2pd
8 KBS - 2pd
rest 1 min
post notes and times to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/35 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/50 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
12 clean hi pull (135#/95#)
Row 2 minutes @ 80-90% of your best 500 m sprint
rest 2 min
rest 5 min after 3 sets including last 2 min rest
3 sets:
12 thrusters (95#/65#)
Run 400 m @ 80-90% of your bext 400 m sprint
rest 2 min
rest 5 min after 3 sets including last 2 min rest
3 rounds for total working time;
5 muscle ups
8 KBS - 2pd
8 KBS - 2pd
rest 1 min
post notes and times to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/35 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/50 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Sunday, June 14th, 2009
A1. Front Squat @ 30X2; 6,4,2,6,4,2; 10 sec rest
A2. 20 chest to bar chin ups x 6 sets; 240 sec rest
B. GHD Raises @ 2020; 12-15 x 5 sets; 90 sec rest
the front squat is a wave load - the 2nd 6,4,2 is heavier than the first 6,4,2
ensure only 10 sec rest b/t squat and chin ups
body perpendicular to floor for GHD Raises at top, full flexion of hip at bottom
post weights and notes to comments
if you plan to train at OPT on have to park up on Aspen Drive somewhere as the track/trench/entire driveway is being CANNOT park in the driveway or at the top of it...thanks
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; stress the quality proteins and fats (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
A2. 20 chest to bar chin ups x 6 sets; 240 sec rest
B. GHD Raises @ 2020; 12-15 x 5 sets; 90 sec rest
the front squat is a wave load - the 2nd 6,4,2 is heavier than the first 6,4,2
ensure only 10 sec rest b/t squat and chin ups
body perpendicular to floor for GHD Raises at top, full flexion of hip at bottom
post weights and notes to comments
if you plan to train at OPT on have to park up on Aspen Drive somewhere as the track/trench/entire driveway is being CANNOT park in the driveway or at the top of it...thanks
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; stress the quality proteins and fats (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
push and pull - sat, june 13th, 2009

5 rounds for time;
10 push jerk
20 knees to elbows
male push jerk weight:
BWT/weight used
140-155# BWT/160#
155-170# BWT/150#
170-185# BWT/140#
185# +/130#
female push jerk weight:
BWT/weight used
you can take bar from rack and rack it in set
you CANNOT touch down at bottom of each knees to elbows
you MUST work your ass off
post BWT, weight used and time to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
pain is temporary

next 3 are singles
Five Alive

in the order you choose...all wod's must be completed by Thursday PM
workout 1
for time;
workout 1
for time;
100 reps - SA alternating DB squat snatch - 40# DB
workout 2
3 rounds for time;
Row 350 m
21 SDLHP - 95#
30 chin ups
workout 3
Run 1K four times for total working time
no more than 20 minutes rest b/t sets, no less than 5 minutes
workout 4
10 rounds for time;
5 chin ups
10 push ups
15 squats
workout 5
for time;
50 double unders
25 knees to elbows
30 box jumps - 20"
35 KBS - 1.5 pd
25 push up burpees
50 double unders
post times of workouts, order and total time to comments
winner of total time of 5 workouts receives a free 45 minute biosignature modulation consultation including lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation
workout 2
3 rounds for time;
Row 350 m
21 SDLHP - 95#
30 chin ups
workout 3
Run 1K four times for total working time
no more than 20 minutes rest b/t sets, no less than 5 minutes
workout 4
10 rounds for time;
5 chin ups
10 push ups
15 squats
workout 5
for time;
50 double unders
25 knees to elbows
30 box jumps - 20"
35 KBS - 1.5 pd
25 push up burpees
50 double unders
post times of workouts, order and total time to comments
winner of total time of 5 workouts receives a free 45 minute biosignature modulation consultation including lifestyle, nutrition and supplementation
Sunday June 7th, 2009 - CP Explosive
A1. Bench Press @ 30X0; 4-6 x 5; 10 sec
A2. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; 10 reps x 5; 120 sec
A3. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0; 4-6 x 5; 10 sec
A4. Explosive Jumping Air Squats @ 10X0; 10 reps x 5; 120 sec
B. GHD Raises @ 3010; 8-12 x 5 sets; 90 sec b/t sets
post weights and notes to comments
30X0 means 3 sec down, 0 sec pause at bottom, explode on concentric and 0 sec pause at top
keep thighs above parallel on air squats, focus on explosion on landing
chest to deck and there must be an audible clap for reps to count on push ups
5 workouts will be posted for next 3 day cycle...all for total is up to you to decide the order and the time frame b/t each well on Monday
A2. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; 10 reps x 5; 120 sec
A3. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X0; 4-6 x 5; 10 sec
A4. Explosive Jumping Air Squats @ 10X0; 10 reps x 5; 120 sec
B. GHD Raises @ 3010; 8-12 x 5 sets; 90 sec b/t sets
post weights and notes to comments
30X0 means 3 sec down, 0 sec pause at bottom, explode on concentric and 0 sec pause at top
keep thighs above parallel on air squats, focus on explosion on landing
chest to deck and there must be an audible clap for reps to count on push ups
5 workouts will be posted for next 3 day cycle...all for total is up to you to decide the order and the time frame b/t each well on Monday
X marks the spot - Sat June 6th, 2009
for time;
broad jump 300 ft; your reps = X
X Double Unders
DeadLift your BWT X times
X Double Unders
Box Jump 30" X times
X Double Unders
X Ring Dips
X Double Unders
Row X Cals
post time to comments
broad jump 300 ft; your reps = X
X Double Unders
DeadLift your BWT X times
X Double Unders
Box Jump 30" X times
X Double Unders
X Ring Dips
X Double Unders
Row X Cals
post time to comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
running clock alternating chin ups and db thrusters (25lbs/h)
perform 1 chin up the 1st minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd minute, 3 chin ups the 3rd minute on and on alternating movements per minute until you cannot complete the required reps for the exercise within the minute
post minutes achieved and reps to comments
perform 1 chin up the 1st minute, 2 thrusters the 2nd minute, 3 chin ups the 3rd minute on and on alternating movements per minute until you cannot complete the required reps for the exercise within the minute
post minutes achieved and reps to comments
Wed, June 3rd, 2009

Hoffman Center For Integrative Medicine
and Rod C Ezekiel
Stone Age Nutrition
Principles of the Paleolithic Diet
Join us for a high energy, compelling and information packed seminar on how to eat like our ancestors to achieve incredible health, vitality and lean muscularity.
The Hoffman Centre for Integrative Medicine
1133 17th Avenue NW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2M 0P7
Friday, June 12 at 2:00 pm ~ Cost is $30
Contact the Hoffman Centre to reserve your ticket
as seating is limited
5 rounds for time;
25 knees to elbows
25 anchored sit ups
25 sec ring L sit
post time to comments
knees have to hit elbows for reps to count for K2E's
shoulder blades to floor and body perpendicular to floor at top for sit ups
keep your eye on a running timer for L sit, perform on rings as above on parallettes
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
day 2/3, low vol, low int - June 2nd, 2009
(the swings were iffy, you know where i stand on butterfly...but the intensity is where he's got it, my hats off to Brendon for that..well done)
build to a tough but manageable 3 reps in the OHS
perform no more than 5 sets to get there
rest as needed b/t sets
5 L ups, 30 sec rest x 6
as many sets of 15 unbroken double unders in 3 min; focus on speed
post OHS weight and sets of DU's in 3 min to comments
if you break the 15 DU's, you start again at 0, and that set does not count
you MUST stop after 15 reps and every set of 15 reps; you CANNOT perform single unders in b/t, the rope must stop
(the swings were iffy, you know where i stand on butterfly...but the intensity is where he's got it, my hats off to Brendon for that..well done)
build to a tough but manageable 3 reps in the OHS
perform no more than 5 sets to get there
rest as needed b/t sets
5 L ups, 30 sec rest x 6
as many sets of 15 unbroken double unders in 3 min; focus on speed
post OHS weight and sets of DU's in 3 min to comments
if you break the 15 DU's, you start again at 0, and that set does not count
you MUST stop after 15 reps and every set of 15 reps; you CANNOT perform single unders in b/t, the rope must stop
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