"Fall into Fitness" OPT challenge

On Saturday, Sept 13th, OPT hosted it's 2nd Annual Fall Fitness Challenge. Congratulations to Kathleen Davis and Michael FitzGerald for their first placing! Thank-you to Lululemon and CF Construction for their 1st place prize donations of a full outfit from Lululemon and a Dynamax ball.
The events included:
morning event (WOD 1):
For time:
Row 500 m
30 SDLHP (men - 95 lbs, females - 65 lbs)
30 chin ups (females - jumping)

mid-day event (WOD 2):
For time:
100 squats
Run 400 m
30 Wall Balls (men - 20 lbs, females - 12 lbs)

late afternoon event (WOD 3):
For time:
50 deadlifts (men - 135 lbs, females - 95 lbs)
50 double unders
50 anchored sit up's

Female results: (in alphabetical order)

Ashling (7th) total time: 21:5.2 (6:53.1; 8:30.4; 6:21.7)
Jackie (2nd) total time: 14:25.1 (5:17.6; 5:20.7 3:46.8)
Kathleen (1st) total time: 14:05.3 (5:24.7; 5:10.3; 3:30.2)
Kim (4th) total time: 16:00.8 (5:22.8, 5:37.4, 5:00.6)
Laura (3rd) total time: 15:48.5 (4:44; 6:34; 4:30.5)
Linnette (5th) total time: 16:36.9 (5:37.4; 6:09.8, 4:49.7)
Whitney (8th) total time: 25:44.3 (6:49.9, 11:28.4, 7:26.1)
Yasmin (6th) total time: 20:31.9 (5:39.4, 7:31.3, 7:21.2)

Male results: (in alphabetical order)
Alvaro (15th) total time: 23:06.2 (8:18.7; 6:09.0; 8:37.6)
Chad (7th) total time: 13:05.5 (4:29.9; 4:56.7; 3:38.9)
Darren (4th) total time: 12:29.5 (5:26.5; 4:10.8; 2:52.1)
Don (5th) total time: 12:43.7 (4:43.8; 4:40.4; 3:19.5)
Geoff (2nd) total time: 11:23.9 (4:12.3;4:06.0; 3:05.6)
Giles (6th) total time: 13:02.1 (4:25.5; 4:52.0; 3:44.05
Gord (10th) total time: 15:07.6 (4:59.1; 5:09.7; 4:58.8)
Grant (11th) total time: 16:28.0 (5:48.3; 4:26.9; 6:12.8
Ian (12th) total time: 18:36.5 (6:14. 0; 5:57.8; 6:24. 7)
Mack (9th) total time: 13:21.4 (4:40.9; 4:55.5; 3:45.0)
Mike F. (1st) total time: 11:11.9 (4:30.7; 3:55.2; 2:45.9)
Mike S. (14th) total time: 20:57.7 (6:03.9; 5:33.9; 9:19.9)
Rob C. (3rd) total time: 12:01.2 (4:55.2; 4:03.1; 3:02.9)
Rob S (8th) total time: 13:10.6 (4:47.4; 5:18.9; 3:04.3)
Shane (13th) total time: 19:13.9 (7:56.3; 4:58.6; 6:19.1)


bso said...

Cool. Some of us from River City CrossFit might be interested in a road trip if you do it again. Any idea when the next might be?

OPT said...

bso, for sure...for sure...
we have one big one per year in OCT, then another few throughout the year...of course there'll be CF regionals for sure next year...check out our newsletter @ optimumtraining.ca - we have all our dates in there...