Warm up with 2-3 sets of the bear with a light BB – power clean/front squat/push press/back squat/push press, repeat x 7 w/o rest in set, 1 min b/t sets
Power Clean/Clean/Hang Power Clean/Hang Squat Clean/Clean; x 5; ONLY 120 sec rest b/t sets, regrip for split second only on ground b/t reps if needed
Rest 5 min
Build to a tough 1 in the push jerk, not a 1RM, just one that is challenging, leave some there…
80% push jerk x 2 reps x 3 sets; 90 sec b/t sets
Post clean complex and jerk weights to comments


Trevor Salmon said...

Rob, see you at 9am

Gord said...

Clean complex 95, 115,132,142,152
pj for reps of 2 @ 147.5

rwcorson said...

Clean complex - 95/115/135/153/173
Push jerk @ 126
Nice PJs Gord!

Trevor Salmon said...

clean complex 95/115/135/153/173 however I failed on the hpc and hsc but attempted and completed the final clean. New PB
Push jerk - worked up to 142 but too much of a press out still so used 105 for my sets of 2

Chad Action Brandt said...

Clean Complex 125,135,145,145,155
Push Jerks = got up to a 170#
Reps of 2x3 = 135# Should of went higher on Push-Jerk.
Nice work fellas!

Rob Sifton said...

Clean complex to 135#
Jerk *2 @ 116.5

Geoff Aucoin said...

Worked up to 182 for clean complex.

Stopped PJ @ 192, 80% was 154.

Perfect WOD for me today, I've been 'sickie' since Wednesday night.

Optimum Performance Training said...

Complex - 145/165/175/185/195...had an extra 7-10 lbs left.
PJ = 165. Shoulder felt good. Weight was easy.
Practiced some 155# Squat Clean Thrusters, 5 rep x 2.

Sweeney said...

Clean Complex: 95,110,132,152,172,

Thought I was supposed to work on PP - worked up to 142 then was informed otherwise.

Felt like a dork and got all pouty so i did my PJ @ 132 x 2 x 3

Garage Crossfitter said...

2 sets of the bear with 45lb and 65lb

clean complex
95 115 135 165 185 (never dropped to re-grip)

1 rep PJ=205 (slight pressout)
Used 165 for 2x3sets

Anonymous said...

Clean complex
Power Clean + Cln + H Pwr Cln + H Sq Cln + Cln
89, 132, 176, 203 lbs. Good. Was hoping for 176.

Death by Push Jerk (instead of max PJ)
10 rounds with 176 lbs (80 kg). Good. Was hoping for 8-9.

Did some L-sits and swinging bar dips before the WoD for fun.