mon, nov 1, 2010

post caption to comments like this - "thumbs up to the 305# OHS i just did in this suit"

peaking strength:
A1. push press @ 13X1 - 3,2,1,1,1,1; rest 3 min
A2. chin ups @ 20X0 - 2-3 x 6; rest 3 min
B. Row sprints - 15 sec @ maximal effort; rest 45 sec row easy x 5

post loads and avg watts to comments
single tues and wed, thurs off, fri and sat single, double sunday

sat, oct 30, 2010

task 1:
5 rounds within 10 min:
50 unbroken double unders
15 unbroken wall balls - 20/14# to 10ft
(if task 1 was completed, move on to task 2 in EXACTLY 2 hours; if task 1 was not completed, your day is done, rest up for next week)

task 2:
for time within 2 min:
10 BWT (3/4 BWT) OHS unbroken
20 unbroken CTB chin ups
30 GHD sit ups
(if task 2 was completed, move on to task 3 in EXACTLY 2 hours; if task 2 was not completed, your day is done, rest up for next week)

task 3:
for time within 6 min for males/7 min for females:
Run 1 mile
15 push up burpees - jump to 12"
(if task 3 was completed, move on to task 4 in EXACTLY 2 hours; if task 3 was not completed, your day is done; rest up for next week)

task 4:
Dead Lift 1RM within 20 minutes from empty bar - highest load wins

post tasks completed ONLY to comments, please respect this, thanks
rest Sunday, training week outlined ASAP

fri, oct 29, 2010

 DeadLifting on unstable surfaces for performance/health?

Weekend Warrior Series

speed strength:
A1. back squat with chains @ 30X2; 3 x 5; rest 90 sec
A2. power snatch @ 13X0; 3 x 5; rest 90 sec
B. front squat @ 30X0; 3,3,3 - 80%; rest 1 min
C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C2. GHD extensions @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C3. CTB chin ups - 15 unbroken; rest 90 sec x 3

rest 6+ hours

anaerobic alactic power:
Hang Power Clean - 3 heavy
rest 0 sec
Row 100 m @ 100% effort
rest 3 min
10 sets total; rest 10 min b/t sets 5 and 6

post loads and notes to comments
test on saturday

wed, oct 27, 2010

Dec 4th is your next opportunity to be a part of this comp
aerobic power:
30 sec airdyne sprint @ 90%
30 sec airdyne spin @ 50%
repeat 10 times
rest 10 min - complete 50 GH Raises anyway in this time period
30 sec airdyne sprint @ 90%
30 sec airdyne spin @ 50%
repeat 10 times

post avg difference in HR for all rounds to comments - 1 average score
(i.e. if you finish one 30 sec interval and HR is at 182 and finish rest period and heart rate is at 162 the difference is 20 bpm; total all differences if you can and post average for all rounds)
rest day Thursday

tues, oct 26th, 2010

There are only 3 spots left for the OPT Exclusive Coaching Club experience. An individualized and detailed prescription for optimum performance plus ongoing program design and remote or in person consultations.
I am personally working with some really great folks on enhancing their lives and performance and I'm inviting only 3 more clients.
Some clients currently include:
- professionals/executives
- special forces US Army
- fitness facility owners
- physique transformation/bodybuilding/fitness
- professional hockey players
- JTF2 prep Canadian Military
- elite endurance runners
- IronMen/IronWomen
- elite CrossFitters
- short course triathletes
- MMA fighters
- mountain climbers
This is still part in part the most enjoyable part of my job as a coach to see people succeed with correct guidance and attention to detail.
Contact Megan - for more info ASAP if interested in being a part of the team.

great YouTube site for gaining body awareness for those who are in need of ideas to overcome inertia with their own body and just awe inspiring manipulations of human movement

speed strength:
A1. back squat with chains @ 30X2; 3-4 x 5; rest 90 sec
A2. power snatch @ 13X0; 3-4 x 5; rest 90 sec
B. front squat @ 30X0; 3,3,3 - 80%; rest 1 min
C. knees to elbows moderate speed; 15 unbroken, rest 1 min x 5
D. windshield wiper practice - 3 min

rest 8+ hours

anaerobic lactic power:
6 sets @ 100%:
30 sec amrap clean and jerk - 135#/95#
30 sec amrap box jumps - 24/20"
30 sec amrap KBS - 2pd/1.5 pd
30 sec amrap burpees - little jump
rest 6 min b/t sets actively walking or biking
(goal is increasingly more power output and lactate produced per round)

post loads and notes to comments

mon, oct 25, 2010

OPT Client David Weaver leaves tracks 12,000 ft up - Mt.Rainier

Give us your feedback on the Vibram 5!

Interesting method to determine when glycogen stores might die and when...

Nice Andrew Charniga Jr translation of a study on tempo for beginner lifters (0-2 years trained weightlifters) - 2.5 sec tempo I believe referred to the total time it took to do 1 rep; something like 2 sec down, 0.5 sec up is what I'd guess - interesting to note there were differences seen even from 2 sec to 2.5 sec to 3 sec in tempo. As with tempo, there are many reasons to have speed associated with lifts - for 1. control, 2. test/re-test, 3. pick on weaknesses in movement, 4. establish a hormonal response based on the tempo given, 5. elicit more or less potential of muscle fibre activation based on concentric prescription....and more (which are covered completely in OPT CCP Assessment) well as sometimes when speed should NOT be associated with lifts.

Aerobic Recovery:
Run 10 min @ Z1
4 sets of 2 min @ Z4, 2 min @ Z1
Run 10 min @ Z1
rest 10 min
Muscle Up skill work - 15 min

post notes to comments

AM - CP Speed Strength
PM - AnL Power
AM - Aerobic Power
AM - CP Speed Strength
PM - AnAl Power
AM - Anaerobic Test
PM - Strength + Aerobic Test

sat, oct 23, 2010


part 1:
AMRAP Chin Ups; rest 1 min x 2
rest 10 sec
Front Squat - 2RM in 10 min from on empty bar
rest 10 sec
Row 1 min for max cals
(score as total reps for 2 sets + 2RM load in # + cals)

rest 2 hours

part 2:
As many rounds in 15 minutes:
10 KB pistols -16kg/12kg - 1 KB held in front rack
10 R arm KB snatch - 24kg/16kg
10 L arm KB snatch - 24kg/16kg
30 double unders
(score as total reps - 60 reps/round)

rest 2 hours

part 3:
Press 1RM in 4 min - from an empty bar
rest 10 sec
Tabata Push Up - low reps
rest 10 sec
AMRAP KBS - 24kg/16kg in 4 min
(score as total weight in # + low score + total reps)

post total score of part 1 + part 2 + part 3 to comments
rest day Sunday

Holiday/Gift Ideas

Cave Girl Cafe - notecards, gifts and coffee; not much better than that...well besides the lovely ladies behind it in caveman wear (not included in the products)

thurs, oct 21, 2010

part 2 - Oct 20 in Sweden
Aerobic Power:
Row 2K @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
(times should be approx 10-15% over 2K PB - goal is EXACTLY same pace each set)

rest 8+ hours

Base Strength:
A. Barbell Complex - Power Clean x 1, Push Press x 2, Front Squat x 1, Thruster x 1; rest 90 sec x 5 (last set only tough one)
B1. Paused Ring Dips @ 21X5; amrap x 3; rest 1 min
B2. Bent Over DB Rowing @ 1010; 12-15 x 3; rest 1 min

post times for rows to comments like this - 2K row PB - then 3 scores
(i.e. 6:40 - 1. 7:10, 2. 7:10, 3. 7:10)
post loads to comments
rest Friday, long day Saturday, rest up

wed, oct 20, 2010

BD Rory Hanlin - 340 overhead; back in the pack for a bit
Anaerobic Alactic Endurance
8 reps - hang power clean high speed high load - you choose
15 unbroken box jumps - 24/20"
rest 2 min x 5
Active rest 5 min
8 reps - hang power snatch high speed high load - you choose
Row Sprint 15 sec @ maximal effort
rest 2 min x 5
(goal is high speed and efficiency - think speed, not strength)

rest 8+ hours

CP-Strength Endurance
alternating on the minute for 20 mins:
10 unbroken CTB chin ups
8 unbroken OHS - you choose
(choose OHS squat load such that 8 per set for 10 sets will be significantly tougher on last 5 sets - challenge the brain)

post loads and notes to comments
double tomorrow
shout out to my wife - we met 10 years ago today - life has never been better; well except for her today pulling 280# on a single for her DL

tues, oct 19, 2010

Base Strength:
A1. Clean Grip DeadLift @ 21X1; 2.. x 5; rest 15 sec
A2. Ring Dips + weight vest - heavier than last @ 20X0; amrap (-1) x 5; rest 3 min
B1. KB Pistol - 20 total alternating per rep x 4; rest 45 sec
B2. Ring HandStand Push Ups @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 4; rest 45 sec
C. L Sit - amsap x 5 sets; rest 30 sec b/t sets

post loads and notes to comments
compare to here
double on wed, double on thurs, friday off, saturday triple tester (longer day spread out), sunday off

mon, oct 18, 2010

recommended %'s and zones as per prescription - this is a good measure, one of a few we use but a good one for some "gear" and capacity knowledge; one can perform a max HR test and use this sometimes as a guide; we'll use it for awareness of what is prescribed and how to do it right

Target Zone Suggested Intensity
Z1 65-74%
Z2 75-84%
Z3 85-90%
Z4 91-96%
Z5 97-100%

In this study, why do you think the 90% group for TTE did not have significant improvements?
And furthermore, for CCP coaches out there, how did they determine what was anaerobic running capacity - and how does one determine that by time domains only?
Surely, we can't say that by doing something in a certain time frame makes it anaerobic capacity for all can we?

post to comments

sun, oct 17, 2010

A1. Ring Dips weighted @ 20X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 1 min
A2. Single leg DB Dead Lift @ 2020; 8-12/leg x 3; rest 1 min
B. 100 TGU - slow and steady for tech, not time - 16kg/12kg
C. Row 20 min @ Z1

post loads and notes to comments

sat, oct 16, 2010

BD Alex Duncan - 2nd place - "BushMan"- 15K rucksack run (35lbs), 5K rucksack run (75lbs), and 10K canoe

Part 1:
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
AirDyne Cals
Knees to Elbows

rest 2 hours

Part 2:
50,40,30,20,10 rep rounds for time;
Unbroken Wall Balls - 20/14# to 10ft
Unbroken Double Unders

post times to comments as total time - 1 score

fri, oct 15, 2010

Anaerobic Alactic Power:
2 Power Clean - 85% 1RM
Sprint 40 m @ 95% effort
rest 3 min x 5
Rest 10 min
Power Clean x 1
Front Squat x 1
Hang Power Clean x 1
(every 90 sec on the timer for 5 sets - 90% effort)
Rest 10 min
10 burpees AFAP
Static Ring hold to fatigue
rest 2 min x 3

post notes and loads used to comments
tester tomorrow

wed, oct 12, 2010

Light at Night

A shout out and good luck to original BD Rory Hanlin when he attempts to crush the South GA Throwdown this weekend; some of his current stats:

Rack Jerk (front rack) 1RM:  175 kilos
Snatch:  120.5 kilos
DL 5RM: 500 lbs
Push Press 5RM: 275lbs
OHS Bodyweight (225lbs) x15
OHS 1RM: 350lbs
Filthy Fifty: 16:04
2k Row: 6:40

Anaerobic Alactic Endurance
Row Sprints:
20 sec @ maximal effort
Rest 2:40 x 4
Active rest 5 min
20 sec @ maximal effort
Rest 2:40 x 4

rest 8+ hours

CP-Strength Endurance
As many rounds in 15 minutes:
5 weighted chin ups - 45#/25#
7 OHS - 135#/95#

post avg watts for all 8 sets for row and rounds to comments

tues, oct 12, 2010

macronutrients after eccentric work

Big Dawg Comp # 2 Registration now open!

thanks to everyone who signed up for the last Big Dawg event (raising almost $1000) and helped support some people who need it most; as well as those who attended the CrossFit NYC chat I had in September where we raised $1500 for the dish, awesome stuff, onward and upward!

Base Strength:
A1. Clean Grip DeadLift @ 21X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 15 sec
A2. Ring Dips + weight vest - your choice @ 20X0; amrap (-1) x 5; rest 3 min
B1. KB Pistol - 16 total alternating per rep x 4; rest 1 min
B2. Ring HandStand Push Ups @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 4; rest 1 min
C. L Sit - amsap x 5 sets; rest 45 sec b/t sets

post loads and notes to comments
double on Wednesday

"NOTHING is impossible to a willing heart!"

monday, oct 11, 2010

Fatty Fat Fat

Aerobic Power/IWT:
12 unbroken power snatch - 115#/80#
90 sec AirDyne @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
rest 5 total minutes b/t sets
12 unbroken push press - 125#/85#
90 sec burpee broad jumps @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
rest 5 total minutes b/t sets
5 sets:
15 knees to elbows
10 sec rest
15 push ups
10 sec rest

rest 8 + hours

Run 30 min @ Z1 pace
(conversation pace)

post notes to comments

Rest Day

Monday double
Tuesday single
Wednesday double
Thursday off
Friday single
Saturday tester double
Sunday single recovery
Monday off

sat, oct 9th, 2010

A. AMRAP Sets of 5 reps of BWT (male) and 3/4 BWT (female) OHS in 12 minutes
rest 20 min
B. AMRAP Sets of 1 rep of 1/2 BWT (male) and 1/3 BWT (female) Weighted Chin Up in 6 minutes
rest 10 min
C. AMRAP shoulder to overhead - 155#/105# in 3 minutes

bar must be reloaded for OHS onto back or rack b/t efforts
hands must leave bar after 1 rep for chin ups
shoulder to overhead anyhow for C

post score to comments
(i.e. A+B+C = score; 15+8+25=48 as score)

fri, oct 8, 2010

OPT Coach/Client - DJ Wickham - 115kg Snatch - CrossFit USAW 2nd place

Anaerobic Alactic Endurance
AirDyne Sprints:
20 sec @ maximal effort
2:40 rest spin lightly x 6
rest 6 min
20 sec @ maximal effort
2:40 rest spin lightly x 6

post notes to comments

thurs, oct 7, 2010

Kathryn Waslen - OPT Client; Sep 13 Canmore 10K - 39:24; Oct 2 Harvest 1/2 Marathon - 1:30.04

Base Strength:
A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 7; rest 10 sec
A2. Back Squat @ 30X0; amrap x 7; rest 2 min
A3. L Pull Ups @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 7; rest 3 min
B. Hang Squat Clean - build quickly on the minute to a heavy single with perfect form
C1. Mixed Grip Chin Ups @ 30X0; 3-4 x 4; rest 10 sec
C2. CTB Chin Ups - 10 AFAP x 4; rest 2 min
(use same barbell for back squat as front squat; perform front squat reps; rest 10 sec while bar on rack; then perform amrap @ tempo!!!; mix grip per set on chin ups - one palm facing you, one palm away)

post loads and notes to comments
single on Friday, triple on Saturday within 2 hour time frame

wed, oct 6, 2010

Joint Mechanoreceptors
Type 1, (Ruffini)
Type II, (Paciniform)
Type III Interstitial
Type 1V, free nerve endings
Golgi Tendon Organ
Golgi Ligament Ending
Exteroceptors (Golgi Mazzoni Corpuscle)
Muscle spindles

weight classes in sport

this article raises a good point in weight classes for everyone's desire to be classified today in some area or another (there is actually now a clinical psychological diagnosis for wanting to be labelled) there are "plus's" and "minus's" and "interesting's" that come with that (PMI for higher order thinking folks out there)

is it possible to establish a correct method so that everyone is happy with where they "stand" in competing against another larger or smaller human for the same task? or are we all better off not knowing how we "stand up" against others and just go about doing it against ourselves?

post your thoughts on how this affects you in your chosen activity

tues, oct 5, 2010

part 1:
5 sets @ 95%:
20 ring dips
20 unbroken chin ups
20 GHD sit ups
20 squats
20 GHD extensions
rest 2 min b/t sets

rest 8+hours

part 2:
for time/reps:
Row 2K
AMRAP Double Unders in time remaining in 10 minute time cap
(row must be done to its entirety before starting DU's)

post times and reps to comments

mon, oct 4, 2010

A1. Seated BB Press Waveload @ 31X2; 6,4,2,6,4,2; rest 3 min
A2. Supinated Paused Weighted CTB Chin Ups @ 31X2; 4-5 x 6; rest 3 min
(pause 2 sec at top with chest pinned to bar and scapulae down and back)

post loads to comments
double on Tuesday, Wed off

sun, oct 3, 2010

part 1:
A. Hang Squat Snatch knee cap - 3 x 3 tech work; rest as needed
B. Back Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 5 min
C. Omni Toes to Bar - 12 reps/set x 5; rest 1 min
(touch bar outside of hands, at hands, vary per rep)

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
4 sets of 5 min work @ 80%; 4 min active rest b/t sets:
rounds of:
10 burpees
10 KBS - 2/1.5 pd
20 double unders
10 db bent over rows - 45/30#/h

post loads and notes to comments