DeadLifting on unstable surfaces for performance/health?
Weekend Warrior Series
speed strength:
A1. back squat with chains @ 30X2; 3 x 5; rest 90 sec
A2. power snatch @ 13X0; 3 x 5; rest 90 sec
B. front squat @ 30X0; 3,3,3 - 80%; rest 1 min
C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C2. GHD extensions @ 1010; 15 unbroken; rest 10 sec
C3. CTB chin ups - 15 unbroken; rest 90 sec x 3
rest 6+ hours
anaerobic alactic power:
Hang Power Clean - 3 heavy
rest 0 sec
Row 100 m @ 100% effort
rest 3 min
10 sets total; rest 10 min b/t sets 5 and 6
post loads and notes to comments
test on saturday
Coach, if we dont have chains how should we achieve the same stimulus, lighter weight and focus on speed, less reps, ect? Thanks
Would Box Squats be good? Trying to focus on speed on the way up?
A1: 80kg, no chains
A2: 54 kg
B: 80 kg
C1, C2, C3: All UB
knee getting better so nearly there again!
joey, nothing is the same stimulus but bands are a good sub if you can do it
michael, no, but a full squat from high bar @ lower loads and faster concentric will be a good idea if no implements available
as with bands or chains the end range of the concentric becomes more "challenging" and requires a nice stimulus for movement of the weight which carries over nicely in this case to opening hips more appropriately for power snatch which is what the exericse is for...not to lift heavier loads on the back squat
A1. 225# + 32.5# chains, 235 + 65, 255 + 65, 260 + 65.
A2. 115#, 135, 145, 160 (slight press on 3rd), 165x2
B. 240 all sets
C's all unbroken
Notes: Misread wod, did 5 reps for first 3 sets then 3 reps last 2 on A1 and A2. Snatch seemed a little heavy today, was able to do 165x3 on a test day about a month back pretty easilly. 160# felt heavy today.
Thanks coach!
One last question for anyone, I read the reps for A1, A2 as 3 sets of 5 reps, is that correct? Thanks
Yesterday, did 4 sets of Part II from Tuesday:
Very tough. Not sure how rounds 5+6would've gone, but cut short b/c of time and b.c it was supposed to be a rest day.
Today: tried to do a hybrid. I read A1 and A2 as 5 sets of 3, so I did 3 sets of 3 instead and then the rest of Part I as rx'd. Also, I didn't have any bands or chains, so I did it with lower weight and tried to up the speed on the way up.
A1. 275, 285, 295
A2. 176. 176, 186 (F on #3)
B. 235 for all three
C1, C2, C3--UB; slow on CTB, but UB
Rest 6 mins
Part II--six sets
HPC-186, 198, 208, 220, 220, 230
Row--18 secs for all but fourth set, which was 19 secs.
Notes: Felt pretty good overall, except I still fall into an old bad habit of landing really wide when weight gets heavy in clean and snatch. Any advice would be appreciated.
1 set situp, 1 set back extension, 3 sets CTB? Am I reading that correctly?
A1. (w/40lb of chains)245,265,285,315,320x4
A2. 135,140,155,160,165x3
B. 255x3x3
C's unbrokenx3
screwed up the set and reps on the A's.
Joey- i'd say 5sets of 3reps.
Sean- 3sets of C1+C2+C3
So now I have to throw out my Bosu ball?!?!
joey, that's 3 reps per set for 5 sets of each of A1/A2, i should've been more specific
for last 3 , they are c1,c2,c3, rest x 3
Not to beat a dead horse here, but I have lots of chain and I think I can't beat any price out there. When Coach recommended chain, I found a great deal on a 200' roll of 1/2" link galvanized. Shipping is the obvious cost but I should be able to make it worth while.
My wife is tired of having this much chain piled in the garage!
Shoot me an email if you want to see some pics.
Looking at the numbers on the chain I have, I can sell one set for $50 + shipping. One set is aprrox. 50 lbs (25lbs/ side) and would cost about $20-25 shipping in the U.S.
Interesting abstract re - deadlift however they only measured paraspinal activity that does not give even close to the entire picture of what is active during the deadlift - in fact should they not have measured glut or hamstrings instead? Plus what about core stabilizers is that not the supposed purpose of using a bosu to enlist more core activity during an exercise - they did not measure any of that so I am not so sure there conclusion is really very valid - just my 2 cents
Also is there a specific way the chains are supposed to be put on the bar, is there a video or something describing this??
A1. Used med bands: 255, 275, 285, 295, 305x2
A2. 165, 175, 185; 195, 205x3
B. 285, 305, 325x2
C1, C2, C3: all complete
A1. 315x3, 275x3 x 4 sets
A2. 135x3 all sets
B. 260x3 all sets
C1/C2/C3 - Done all UB.
Lower back has been an issue lately, but felt better this morning, so I started heavier on the back squats. After the first set, I had to drop it back down.
Also I took no rest b/t back squat and the power snatch to save some time.
Finally went to a chiropractor today and had some acupuncture done and some other things, hope this gets things back to normal.
Only time for part 1 today:
A1. with 32kg chains (16kg a side): 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 90kg, 90kg
A2. 50kg, 55kg, 60kg, 1x62.5kg, 60kg
B. 80kg, 85kg, 85kg
No pullups on C, but the rest I did. First time with chains. Fun. I think it made me open hips aggressively on last bit of squat, as intended if I understood it right.
Changed up my usual pull strength routine a bit today, and finished with Part C:
A. Pull-ups, strict supinated CTB, 5 x 5 w/light band anchored from waist to floor; 3:00 rest
B. Ring dips, 5 x 5 @ 60 @ 2020; 3:00 rest
C1. UB @ tempo
C2. UB @ tempo
C3. unbroken butterfly
Also threw in one muscle-up with a band anchored from waist to floor. Hoping to be cleared Monday morning to begin weighting squats - it's been 12 weeks since surgery. Training is going well, though, and I've set PRs in my press, and weighted PUs, and am confident my neck is at a PR next time I test it.
Itching to get back in it with everyone - it's tough watching Arjuna and Pete kill it every day...
And by "neck", of course, I mean bench press...
Part 1
A1. Subbed strong bands (175# total at top): 185/225/265/295/315
A2. 115/125/135/145/155(f-3)
B. 245 x 3
C1, C2, C3. Ub all
Part 1:(thought the workout was 3 sets of 5)
A1) 225# (went lighter and focused on speed of the hips)
A2) 115#,125#,135# x 5 each
B) 225#
C) All unbroken and on tempo
Part 2 w/ 205#:
1-10: :38,:45, :37, :38, :36, :37, :36, :37, :35, :34
A1. 125,135,155,165,175 + 40 lbs of chains per set.
A2. 95,105,115,120,125(2)
B. 155 for 3 sets
C1. 15,15,15 unbroken
C2. 15,15,15 unbroken
C3. 9,9,7 unbroken
Skipping part 2 today as am doing Grace tomorrow as part of the Barbells for Boobs fundraiser (
Thanks for all the congrats on thursday dawgs.
A1. 225,235,245,255,265(2) + 40lbs of chain per set.
A2. 115,125,130,135,135
B. skipped front squats for time constraints
C all unbroken and easy.
skipping Part 2 as we are doing amazing grace at our gym tomorrow. we got 15 friends, family and clients to join which is a pretty good number for our small area.
got a 3rd cortisone shot in my heel today to hopefully flush out the last of the pain from pf.
Part 1
A1. 225, 225, 245, 245, 245 (no chains so was very explosive with as much of a jump as possible at top, which wasn't much. and did 5 x 5 b/c Did not want to do front squats due to knee tendinitis)
A2. 135, 135, 145, 155, 155
Skipped B
C1-3 all unbroken and easy
Part 2 after 2 hours rest
A1. 185, 185, 185, 195, 205 for the rest of the sets
A2. all in 18 seconds
Felt good today, knee is definitely getting better!
Modified for time today:
8 sets with 90 sec rest between:
Hang Power Clean then Row 100 m
(135×2, 145×2, 155×2, 165×2; rows 15-16.9 sec)
Then did "C" from part 1 as rx'd.
Speed Strength;
A1: 100kgx3/110kgx3x2/120kgx3x2 +20kg chains for all sets
A2: 65kgx3x5
B: 103kgx3x3 80% of 3RM
C1: All sets unbroken; both hands to the floor.
C2: All sets unbroken
C3: All sets unbroken; felt heavy on sets 1&2
20 min rest
Anaerobic Alactic Power:
3 rep HPC: 85kgx3x5/90kgx3x5
Row times: Times varied from 17.0 sec - 17.7 sec
6hr rest
Part 2:
HPC's: 225,230,235x3x8sets
Rows: :16 - :16.4
Part 2: 225#x7 sets and 230# for last set.
Rows: All 18 seconds.
A1. 205,225,245,265,285 plus what ever 2 14ft long log chains weigh
A2. 155,155,165,175,185
B. 235 all sets
C's all unbroke
Hybrid part 1 and 2 (cut A1 and A2 down to 4 sets of three each, and cut part 2 to 5 rounds)
A1. 185, 205, 205, 225 (all of which had 50# suspended from chains)
A2. 50, 50, 60, 60kg
B. 185 x 3 x 3
All c's unbroken and felt good
Part 2, used 60kg for HPC (not too tough, shoulda raised, and 19 seconds for each row
A1 - 135,165,185,205,215, all plus ~65lbs of chains
A2 - 115x3x5
B - 185x3x3
C - done, all unbroken
Part 1
A1. All sets @ 220# with bands - focusing on explosive power
A2. All sets @ 125#
B. 195#
Cs. Unbroken
Part 2
All hpc done at row was in 9th round - 17.4 sec.
part 1
a1. medium bands 185, 205, 225, 245x2, 245
a2. L-arm DB power snatch 90#x3x5
b. 195
c1. ub
c2. ub (harder than expected)
c3. ub, ub, 8+7(grip)
no hpc due to fractured right finger so i did 100m row/2:30 rest x10
16.1, 16.2, 16.1, 16.3, 16.7, 16.6, 16.6, 16.9, 16.5
for the squat w/ chains/bands, should we be worried about bar speed on the concentric or just interpret the "X" as usual ie. move bar afap?
No chains yet but have next 3 days off to get some purchased.
A1: 250#*3, 260*2
A2: 145#*3, 150*3
B: 205#*3
C1: unbroken
C2: unbroken
C3: unbroken- really tough today
Tempo felt great on C1 & C2: Really felt work on core area with full extension of both arms overhead. Went lighter on A1: amd B from last time. Wanted to make sure tempo was strict and was not cheating myself.
Rows- 16-17secs
Rows- 16.5-17.5secs
Had to feel around for perfect weight on HPC's, Hands are ripped and tough to hold onto bar. Rows were explosive and felt great. Fell off seat a few times and had to finish row sitting on steel.
Part 1:
A2-kgs 72,74,76,80,82
B-up the weight to 100kgs x sets
Three C's-Completed
Part 2:
Used 105kgs x 10 sets
*made the investment and bought chains. First time using them, way better than bands. Sick workouts OPT- one more week till Taranis Winter Challenge
part 1: 7AM
A1. 255/255/275/275/290
A2. 145/165/165/175/180
B. 210/215/220
C1 - C3 all UB
part 2: 130PM
rest 10 min
took a while to get warmed up today, felt sluggish for part 2, no pop on rower
A1.235/240/245/250(2),250(2) w/ 40lbs chains
B.230 all sets
C1/C2/C3 all unbroken
RD1-5 185/185/190/195/195
RD6-10 200/200/205/205/210
did a lot of subbing 2day... figured I'd post anyway...
A1- front squat @ tempo- 5 sets of 3 @ 205
A2- power snatch @ tempo- 135/ 155/ 165/ 165/ 165
B- snatch balance- 135 x5 x3sets, 185 x3 x2sets
C- OHS 191 x17 (bw 187... huge PR!)
D1- clapping pullups- bw x10, 10lb x10, 25lb x6, 25lb x5
D2- clapping pushups (behind lumbar)- x10, 4 sets
E1- HBBS A2G @30x2- 5,5,5- 225/ 245/ 275
E2- ghd su- 15 x 3 sets
E3- ghd ext- 15 x 3 sets
F- Strict Weighted Ring MU- worked up 2 25lb x3 (pr... never tried a weighted MU b4 and was happy 2 string 2gether 3 with 25lbs)
15min rest
subbed SDLHP 135 x10 for row
HPC 235 x3, 4 sets... ran out of time b4 tge gym closed, but the kettle was hot, good pop, this wt felt ez, which is gd 4 me bc I'm no Rory...
each set ~27 sec
A1: 100/110/120/130/140kg + 40# chain. All 3's. Last round was uber difficult.
A2: 70/80/82.5/82.5/82.5kg. All 3's
B: 120/120/120kg. All 3's. Tough!
C: First 2 rounds unbroken. Last round of pullups broken. Really broken!
15 min rest
x10 100m rows. 2 min rest between pulls
Times: All high :15's or low :16's
Part 2
Rows: 17.8 first one, then 16.6-17.1 for the rest
Should have gone a bit heavier on the cleans, but didn't want form to go to crap. Rows felt better as I went along.
2nd day back on opt.
have not got the chains figured out so just did BS with adding weight every time.
A1. 135, 155, 165, 170, 180
A2. 65, 75, 85, 90, 95
b. 135
only got through 2sets of C's. had to coach. need to allow more time.
while i've been away, my oly lifts have been suffering, hoping to make some improvement there.
Part 1. 6:30am
A1. 215, 225, 230, 2/235, 2/235
A2. 115, 120, 125, 2/125, 125
B. 3 x 3/195
C1, C2, C3 all UB
Ghd situps where slow and not full ext.. because of some pain in lower back
Part 2. 10:00pm
165 x 3, 175 x 3, 180 x 4
everything felt good and fast
A1. all 5 sets at 225 w/med bands
A2. all 5 sets at 115 felt nice and fast starting to get a feel for "pulling myself under"
B. all 3 sets at 195lb
C1,C2,C3 all unbroken
1st set at 145
3-5 at 155
6-9 at 160
10 at 165
subbed the row with 100m sprint....felt good
really enjoyed todays WOD
RE: the BOSU study.. Anyone who has a big deadlift could have told them that, and saved them the cost of an electromographitromaticatron.
Part 2
185 - 17sec
205 - 17.2
205 - 17.3
205 - 17.3
215 - 17.4
REST 10 min
225 - 17.9
225 - 17.4
225 - 17.3
225 - 17.3
225 - 17.1
I liked that one.
A1. 155, 165, 175, 185, 194 - chains were 17lbs each.
A2. 75, 85, 95, 105, 105
B. 155 for all
C1. unbroken
C2. unbroken
C3. broken
part 2
105, 105, 115, 115, 125, 125, 125, 135, 135
rows were all around 18 sec.
Speed Strength;
A1: 80,90,100,100,100kg +20kg chains for all sets
B: 90kgx3x3 80% of 3RM
C1: All sets unbroken; alternating hands to floor.
C2: All sets unbroken
C3: All sets unbroken
Anaerobic Alactic Power:
3 rep HPC:
70.70.75, 80, 82.5, 80, 80, 80, 75, 75
time varied from 18-20 sec. Technique and fatigue was there in the last 4 sets
Completed on Sat 10-30
Part 1
A1. 205 all sets with approx 35-40# of chains and 15# DB on each side suspended at bottom portion of chains - made sure hips were moving quickly
A2. 135, 145, 150, 150, 150
B. 225 @ tempo (% of 3rm)
C1. All UB
C2. All UB
C3. All UB
Part 2 - after 2.5hrs rest
10m rest
200, ran a call and got back approx 11pm
Row not timed, but under 20s
Notes: Gonna do a comp on Nov. 20th, so I'll fall back 1 week and hopefully peak on time. No test tomorrow, back on Mon. Sleep was not good on shift last night
Only did the first part. Will do the second on Saturday.
A1. Bar-65-75-85-95 (getting used to how this feels)
A2. 75-75-75-75-75
B. 75-80-85
C1. All UB
C2. All UB
C3. UB-10/5-4/4/7
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