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part 2 - Oct 20 in Sweden |
Row 2K @ 90%
rest 2 min x 3
(times should be approx 10-15% over 2K PB - goal is EXACTLY same pace each set)
rest 8+ hours
Base Strength:
A. Barbell Complex - Power Clean x 1, Push Press x 2, Front Squat x 1, Thruster x 1; rest 90 sec x 5 (last set only tough one)
B1. Paused Ring Dips @ 21X5; amrap x 3; rest 1 min
B2. Bent Over DB Rowing @ 1010; 12-15 x 3; rest 1 min
post times for rows to comments like this - 2K row PB - then 3 scores
(i.e. 6:40 - 1. 7:10, 2. 7:10, 3. 7:10)
post loads to comments
rest Friday, long day Saturday, rest up
UNIT- you still in KC?
drop me an email if so. will be spending some time there (off and on) over next month.
Part 1: went up 11% from PB
7:01 - 1. 7:47, 2. 7:46.9, 3. 7:47)
Part 1:
7:21 - 1. 7:50, 2. 7:49, 3. 7:49
Even colder today, but the sun was out and taking all the chances I can to get outside before the winter hits. So subbed row for running.
Thought I ran 2k, but it turned out to be ~2,4 according to my GPS.
PB 2k run is 7:36, runs@90% was 9:53, 9:54, 9:56
Def felt squats from yesterday, felt heavy and slow, and 90% should have yelded faster times.
Part 1:
7:18 - 1. 7:43, 2. 7:40, 3. 7:40
part 1:
6:56 - 1. 7:34, 2. 7:32, 3. 7:27
haven't tested 2k in a while but I suspect a fresh 2k may be in the high 6:40's now.
6:45 - 1. 7:19, 2. 7:21, 3. 7:20
Part 1:
(PB 7:59)- 8:00, 8:11, 8:13
Damper on 6
Part 1
8:05 - 8:57/8:58/8:49
pb 7:12...7:35/7:41/7:28
PB - 6:52....done during row/DU workout so left some in the tank. Probably closer to 6:40.
These all felt very easy today.
Hey Gang,
Checking in after about 10 days of no posting. Last post was Monday October 11. Was suffering from headaches around my training and was advised to take some time off. Has been good and my body is feeling refreshed, however, the head isn't 100% yet. I miss training, but miss feeling 100% even more. The programming looks really interesting right now Coach. It has been very helpful to see how the program design module gets implemented. Learning lots from every workout even though I'm not doing them. Thanks for that. I'll check back in soon.
Part 1
Not feeling top of my game, went out for dinner last night (italian restaurant known for their pizza... had to try it, haha)
1 - 2k 7:49
2 - 1k 3:51
3 - 1k 3:51
(had to cut them back, wouldn't have finished the second and third 2k)
Part 1 from yesterday
HPC's @ 135x3 sets, 155x2 sets
HPS's @ 115x5 sets
Box jumps were a little iffy because of the blisters on my feet, the row felt good. Still feel my lower back on the pull during these lifts.
Part 2 - tonight...
PB(during a row/du workout): 7:15
Couldn't get my legs going today. I am so sore from the last 3 days. Felt better afterward however, breaking up some of that inflammed tissue and flushing some of the soreness from my muscles.
Had to create a hybrid again b/c no time for the double (tough during work week). Again took ~66% of each part and combined them.
Part I.
Not sure of true PR on 2K. Assumed mid-6:40s which was probably too aggressive.
1. 7:27, 2. 7:24.4
Rest 7-8 minutes
Part II.
A. 135, 155, 175 (failed on thruster)
B1. 10,6,5
B2. 25,35,55
Rows did not feel great. Lower back and hammies sore from last two days. Complex - need to work on thruster power. Rows - should have started with 35s, but only DBs in the place.
Need the rest day tomorrow.
part 1;
7:01 - 1. 7:39, 2. 7:38.8, 3. 7:38.8
Rowing felt good. The 2nd and 3rd sets felt comfortable with hold a 1:54/500m.
Part 1
PB: 6:56
7:41, 7:36, 7:52
Part 2
A: 155, 185, 205, 225, 235
B1: 11, 9, 9
B2: 55, 65, 75 lb db's
part 2:
1,5 hours of bouldering
B1. 7, 7, 7
B2. 13x24kg, 13x24kg, 13x24kg
Workout 2:
3 sets light tempo front squat for warmup @4211; 5 reps
A: 155#,165#,175#,185#,195#
B1: 6,8,4
B2: 35,50,53; 15 for all 3 sets
Can the front squat lead into the thruster or should it be separate movements, lowering to the bottom of your squat twice?
Part 1
8:11 - 9:04/9:00/8:50
I thought I paced myself well, but I should have pushed harder. It was funny that the 2nd and 3rd rows felt better than the 1st.
Part 2
A: 65lb/85lb/95lb/105lb/110lb
B1: 5/4/3
Felt good today, going to start tapering next week for the BWI Hopper in 2 weeks.
Part 1
7:11 - 1. 7:42, 2. 7:40, 3. 7:40
Part 1:
Have not went all out on 2k in over a year. Then it was 7:03
7:34, 7:31, biked for 100c on last set. Got an issue with flexion in left lower leg. Believe it is popyliteal muscle.
Part 2:
A. 115, 135, 155, 165, 175
Took it easy on these. Lower back is sore as hell
B1. 6 reps for all
B2. 45lb db's and 15 reps on all sets
Part 1
7:38,2 - 7:38,2 - 7:35,9 (PB not sure, but more than 7:30)
Part 2
A.50-55-60-60-65 (kg)
B1. 5-5-4
B2 2x20kg db 14-12-12 reps
Also 30 min snow shuffeling:)
Part 1:
7:59 - 1. 8:18, 2. 8:34.9, 3. 8:41
Felt good on the first one, but obviously couldn't keep it up
Part 2:
A.135, 165, 185, 205, 215
B1. 10, 7, 6
B2. 35#, 45#, 50# all 15 reps
Messed up and did 3 sets of ring dips THEN 3 sets of db rows instead of alternating. Thought it was A. B. and C. not B1 and B2. Thats what I get for reading this at 5 AM
part 1 - 7AM
6:52- 7:21, 7:23, 7:20
(2K PR was during row/DU WOD)
part2- 130PM
B1. 8/6/5
B2. 50lb/60lb/65lb all 15 reps
Part 2:
60, 65, 70, 75, 91kg
8, 6, 5
12, 12, 12 with 50 lb DB's.
No energy this AM for Part 1, yesterday caught up with me. Won't be in on the Sat test, headed to NY with my middle daughter. She got recruited to play soccer for a college there next year. Happy Dad. Good luck to you all this weekend.
In the field all day and 17km heavy march tomorrow. Have to skip today and rest for Saturday.
Great numbers out there today!
Part 1
7:08 - 1. 8:09, 2. 8:09, 3. 8:09
this was more like 85%. Math is hard. I hit the pace I was shooting for, I just screwed up the math on what to go for.
8+hrs rest
Part 2
A: 115, 125, 135, 150, 165
I wussed out a little on these. i have improved more on thruster than I gave myself credit for. Last one was a little tough.
B1: 5, 5, 4
B2: 53#: 12, 12, 12
Part 2 from yesterday...
Stopped at 12 minutes, still trying to get back at it and didn't feel going to 20 would be a good idea. Legs are still tired from pistols and wall balls the past cycle.
CTB all UB
OHS @ 115 all UB
Hope to get in today's tomorrow at work.
Part 1: 7AM
6:58 - 1. 7:40, 2. 7:40, 3. 7:40
Part 2: 3PM
A. 135-145-160-175-190
B1. 9-6-5
B2. 35-45-50(12) per hand
The rowing was only moderately challenging. Got me grunting, but no tarzan sounds.
Part 1 AM:
PB 6:50.0 - 7:24.3, 7:22.9, 7:17.6
Part 2 PM:
A. 125,135,145,165,175 (failed on 175 final thruster)
B1. with 30 lb vest 6,6,5
B2. with 45lb db’s; 12,13,15
part 2;
4.5 rest
A: 70kg/75kg/80kg/84kg/88kg
B1: 8/6/6/
B2: 30kgx15x3
Cut the aerobic down a little bit because have two soccer games tonight.
PB - 6:58, today's 7:41
Second part
BB complex: 135,155,165,175,185(f), had a hard time transitioning my hands to a thruster grip after FS.
Ring dips at tempo: 6,6,6
Rows: 15reps x 3, with 45lb db's
Strength work before hand
Part 1:
6:40, 7:20, 7:24
ran out of time on the third 2k.
working a day behind; did Stahl's hybrid. Also did the DL from Tuesday; couldn't get to the box that day b/c of work.
Clean-grip DL at tempo:
330, 352, 374, 396, 407 (1)
10/20 hybrid
Part 1:
HPC--176,187,196 (cut at 3 sets)
HPS--all at 135 (cut at 3 sets)
Row: 1:27 pace; 1:26; 1:27
Eight Minute Rest
Part 2:
12 mins instead of 20
CTB--UB first four sets, broken last two
*started the first set at 175 w.o warming up and realized I had overshot it by a lot; took 20 off and finished the first set, but it threw me off on the rest for the whole thing
Got 11 hrs of sleep last night and really thought about what James said in NY a few weeks ago about attacking every workout instead of getting through it. Best I've felt in a while even though I got owned by Part II. Thanks, James.
A. 135,145,155,165,175
B1. 8,7,7
B2. 35,45,55 15 for all sets.
PB 7:09 1.7:55 2.8:00 3.8:07
Part 2:
A. 115, 120, 125, 130, 135
B1. 5, 5, 5 (no tempo)
B2. 25#x10, 25#x10, 25#x15
Sore knee, old injury flared up from pistols! argghhhhh. ´Going very easy.
row times:
6.50 - 7.15,7.14, 7.17
A: did 4 sets with 60kg
B1: 10,9,9
B2: all sets done with 20kg
Part 2:
A 155,175,195,195,225
I could not lock out the thruster @ 225
B1: 6,5,4
B2: all set 15 reps @ 35lbs db's
Part 1:
PB- ??:
Working Sets: 7m16s, 7m16s, 7m12s
Part 2:
A.(kgs) 80, 85, 90, 95, 100(f)
B1. Reps: 7, 6, 5
B2. (#'s) 42.5, 47.5, 60
Had to do these both at the same time today..thought it made sense to do the rows second.
A. Complex - 123/133/138/143(f)/143#
B1. 8/5/4
B2. 30# dbs x 15/ 40 x 12/ 40 x 10
7:10 - 8:01/8:00/7:58
Went fairly conservative on my rows - was happy to maintain well.
Did the complex with Appollon's Axle...my hands barely fit around it. Lots of fun!
Did Part 1&2 together and cut volume
7:42 and 1m for 3:23 (felt horrible)
rest 5mins
A. 115,125,145,155(f),155(f)
B2.35# for 15x3
Part 2:
A. 60, 70, 80, 80, 80kg (Did front squat seperate from thruster)
B. 20# DB between weeks, 6 6 5
C. 20#db's - 15, 25# db's - 15, 30# db's - 13
last saturday's tester: reversed order
part 2: 11:44...one redo in last set of DUs
rest 25 min
part 1: 19:14
notes: blew through first 2 rounds of part 2 way too quickly and couldn't recover worth a shit. also, took too much rest between wb and DUs. as always, these UB WODs are a phenomenal mental battle.
managed to keep first 130 K2E to UB sets of 10...airdyne hurt!
correction on k2e...just checked notes...that's first 120 in sets of 10
A: 135/135/155/155/155
B1: 11/10/10
B2: 115/135/135
Part 1 .
PB 7:11- 1. 7:51, 2. 7:50, 3. 7:53
Part 2 .
A. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175 had to press out
thruster at 175
B1. 8, 6, 5 all BW
B2. 15/25, 15/35, 15/40
Part 1:
7:18 - 1. 7:50, 2. 7:55, 3. 7:48.
Part 2:
A-155, 165, 175, 185, 195
B1- 10, 6, 6.
B2- 55lbx15,12,12
A.M.- 0830hrs
P.M.- (1330hrs)
A: 155#,155,165,165,175
B2: 40#@15*1 & 50#@15*2
Row PR 7:30- 8:16, 8:16, 8:13
Part 2
A. 165, 185 x 4 sets
B1. 8, 6, 5
B2. 25's/hand
Feel beat up, knee has some tendonitis since the Oly cycle. Going out of town this weekend so will have 3 days rest
Part 2
A. 135/155/175/195/215
B1. 8/6/6
B2. 75x15/85x15/100x12
Thruster hard on last set. Everything else felt pretty good.
Part 2:
a) 115, 135(failed on thruster), 115, 115, 125
B1) 7, 5, 5
B2) 15 x 45lb
7:21 PR
Part 2
a: 50, 55, 55, 60, 70
b1: 6-6-5
b2: 16kg x 15 x 3
I kept my pace between 2:20 and 2:25. It was most consistent at 2:22
9:28, 9:28, 9:29
Also, PB 8:33
Part 2:
A. 115-125-135-145-155x
B1. 7-5-4 tempo was tough
B2. 45#x15x3
Part 1
subbed a 2.5mi. ride on airdyne(no rower)
Part 2-Barbell Complex
135, 140,140.140,145-my wrist and shoulder flexibility made the transition from the F. Squat to the thruster a little tougher I have to warm up better next time.
a1-10,10,10 @ Bw
a2. 45lb db's 15x for all 3 sets
5hr rest
Part 2:
A.185x4, 210(f) on thruster
B1. w/ 30lbs 5,5,4
B2. 53,63,70x13 strict tempo, last 2 reps not so much.
Resting today after 4 days on. Bad sleep due to son waking at 0230.
Part 2:
A: 155,165,175,185,195
B1: 8,5,5
B2: 35x15/55x12/55lb db's x12
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