40 days till...
as many reps in 12 minutes:
handstand push ups
score = BWT in kg multiplied by reps in 12 minutes
also include distance in inches b/t hands on floor
(i.e. 75 kg x 50 reps = 3750 as score)
crown to floor on ALL reps
rep DOES NOT count if you are coming down from wall/support as you are extending your arms; you must extend arms fully BEFORE lowering to ground
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Sat. May 30th, 2009 triple
"filthy fifties"
for time:
50 box jumps - 24"
50 jumping chin ups
50 KBS - 1pd
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press - 45#
50 back extensions
50 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
50 burpees
50 double unders
part 2:
for time;
95#/65# overhead anyway x 50 reps
part 3:
for times;
Run 800 m @ 80%
rest 6 min
Run 800 m @ 90%
rest 6 min
Run 800 m @ 100%
total your filthy fifties, 95#/65# overhead and 100% 800 m run effort together as total time
(i.e. 17:30 + 4:30 + 2:30 = 24:30 total time as score)
post total time to comments
post fuelling strategies as well
rest well saturday night, next 3 are low intensity, low volume
6pm screening Sat night for "Every Second Counts"....paleo style...@ OPT
Fri, May 29th, 2009
Instead of difficult or challenging or frustrating, there is simply doing.
When you are merely interested, or when you're following someone else's dream, anything can distract you.
Yet when you're pursuing your very own passion, nothing has the power to stop you.
There is a reason why some things feel right and other things don't.
Pay attention to those feelings, for they tell you who you truly are.
for loads:
Press - build to a 1RM
take as much rest as needed b/t sets
post bodyweight, height and press 1RM to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; stress the quality proteins and fats (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Thursday, May 28th, 2009
2 reps the 1st minute, 4 reps the 2nd minute, 6 reps the 3rd minute...
rest EXACTLY 2 min after last push up completed within time
Sit Ups on the minute:
3 reps the 1st minute, 6 reps the 2nd minute, 9 reps the 3rd minute
rest EXACLTY 2 min after last sit up completed within time
Squats on the minute:
4 reps the 1st minute, 8 reps the 2nd minute, 12 reps the 3rd minute
rest EXACTLY 2 min after last sit up completed within time
post min and reps per exercise to comments
chest to deck, NOT belly for push ups, you CANNOT go to knees when fractioning until you get to full lockout of arms at top
unanchored sit ups, anchoring is not allowed, body perpendicular to floor at top and shoulder blades touching at bottom
hip crease below knee cap at bottom of squats and hips and knees @ full extension at top
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
ohhh "the pill"....
A press release issued this year by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the little publicized classification of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives (OCs) as carcinogenic.
The IARC placed the contraceptives into their Group 1 classification, the highest classification of carcinogenicity, used only "when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans." (emphasis theirs)
Combined estrogen-progestogen OC's are the most commonly prescribed forms of contraceptives.
According to the IARC "worldwide, more than 100 million women - about 10% of all women of reproductive age - currently use combined hormonal contraceptives."
This outright declaration by the World Health Organization of the proven dangers of combined OC's comes as an unexpected surprise to many who have been working for years to publicize their dangers. "I'm stunned that they would come out and say that, because they've been denying this for years," said Toronto area MD and medical adviser to Campaign Life Coalition, Dr. Shea. But he added, "They're really only admitting something that's been known."
In 2003 the National Cancer Institute (NCI) became one of the latest added to the list of scientific bodies that had found a substantially increased risk of several types of cancer amongst combined OC users, citing a "significant increase" of the risk of breast cancer, as well as an increase in the risk of cervical and liver cancers. Despite this admission, no significant steps have yet been taken to protect womens' health and to curb the use of combined OC's.
The IARC press release further confirms the NCI's findings, declaring that: "Previously, combined oral contraceptives had been determined to be carcinogenic to humans, but only primary liver cancer was specifically implicated. The Working Group concluded that combined oral contraceptives alter the risk of several common cancers in women. They increase a woman's risk of cervical cancer, breast cancer, and liver cancer." (yikes!)
Despite the immediate danger to the nearly 100 million women worldwide who are regularly ingesting the newly-defined 'carcinogenic' contraceptive pills, the IARC did not recommend that the regular prescription and easy availability of combined OC's should undergo any review. In this the IARC parallels the National Cancer Institute's study concluded with the recommendation that, instead of the obvious remedy of decreased use of the medically dangerous combined contraceptives, women should undergo frequent mammograms and Pap tests, to discover and curb already developing cancers.
See the IARC release:http://www.iarc.fr/ENG/Press_Releases/pr167a.html
Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
5 rounds:
20 pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
rest EXACTLY 3 minutes after each set of squats
post total time to comments
chin above bar for chin ups
chest to deck, not belly to deck for push ups
sit ups as you wish, just ensure body parallel with floor at top and shoulder blades touching at bottom
hip crease below knee at bottom of squats and extend legs AND hips fully at top
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
next 3 day split will have a triple on the 3rd day - Saturday, May 30th
Lactate Run Training - Mon May 25th, 2009
Find the nastiest hill
Run up it for 45 sec as fast as you can - think power and drive
Walk down - 3 minutes, 15 seconds rest
repeat this 6 times
2 min after you have completed the last set including the 3:15 rest sprint run for 5 min on a somewhat flat surface - think finish line when gassed
post Heart Rate in beats/minutes; start counting at 5 sec after you have finished the hill run; count for 15 sec, times by 4 for those who need help with that - post bpm for all 6 sets and bpm 15 sec after 5 min sprint...wear a polar or some other monitor if you have one (i.e there are 7 bpm scores to post)
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
Power Endurance - Sun May 24th, 2009
95#/65# Dead Lift
95#/65# Hang Power Clean
95#/65# Front Squat
95#/65# Push Jerk
post time to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
big dawg holla
Fri. May 22nd, 2009 - gymnastics day double
for time;
5 rope ascents
20 GHD sit ups
4 rope ascents
20 GHD sit ups
3 rope ascents
20 GHD sit ups
2 rope ascents
20 GHD sit ups
1 rope ascent
20 GHD sit ups
rest 4+ hours
part B:
5 rounds for time;
7 muscle ups
21 push up burpees
combine total time for part A and B as score for day
13' rope ascent from ass, feet allowed
perform 7 strict towel chin ups/ascent if no rope
arms at full extension at bottom and top of muscle ups
chest to deck and jump to touch object 12" above max reach for burpees
good luck to all those participating this weekend, rock it!
CP - Thurs May 21st, 2009
A. Power Snatch/Snatch Balance/OHS - 1.3.5 x 3 sets; 180 sec rest b/t sets
5 min rest including 3 min at end of last set
B. Dead Lift - 55% of 1RM - 8 sets of 2 reps; 45 sec only b/t sets
3 min rest after last set including 45 sec
C. Press - 5 x 5; 120 sec rest b/t sets
post loads to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; stress the quality proteins and fats (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Wed, May 20th, 2009
5 rounds for time;
135#/95# squat clean x 7 reps
21 chin ups
rest 4+ hours
part B:
for reps:
2 min double unders
2 min KBS - 2pd/1.5pd
2 min box jumps - 24"
post time for WOD 1, total reps for WOD 2, rest b/t wod's and fuelling strategies to comments
Power Endurance - Mon May 18th, 2009
21 thrusters - 135#/95#
Row 800 m
Row 800 m
21 thrusters - 135#/95#
post time to comments
ass to grass on thrusters, crown to floor on HSPU
you cannot come down from support from HSPU until arms are at full extension
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 40g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/35 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/50 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
there are 2 doubles in the next 3 day split, 2 on day 1 and 2 on day 3
CP Max Effort - Sun May 16th, 2009
A1. Front Squat - 3,3,3,3,3; 180 sec rest
A2. 15 CTB chin ups x 5 sets; 180 sec rest
post front squat loads to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/0g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/10g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/20g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/0 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/10 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; stress the quality in the protein and good fats
Power Endurance - SAt, May 16th, 2009
21 SDLHP - 135#/95#
Run 800 m
50 ring dips
Run 800 m
21 SDLHP - 135#/95#
post time to comments
bar must reach chin level WHEN hips are fully extended on every SDLHP
you cannot dip chin downwards or "reach" with chin to finish reps
bar cannot be dropped from chin level, you must have hands on bar from top to bottom
biceps to rings on dips; you must start each dip from full arm extension and finish each rep with full arm extension before next rep or fractioning
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 35g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 35g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 35g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
Anaer Power - Thurs May 14th, 2009
10 thrusters - 95#
20 chin ups
rest 2 minutes
thruster must be taken from floor, not rack
FULL SQUAT at bottom and full extension overhead at top with ear visible from side
chin OVER bar height for chin ups
post total working time to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 20 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 20 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 20 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
CP Volume - May 13th, 2009
A. Power Clean/Front Squat/Push Press - 2.3.4 x 5 sets; 180 sec b/t sets
B1. Chin Ups weighted - 3,3,3,3; 90 sec
B2. HSPU x 10 reps x 4 sets; 90 sec
C. SDLHP - 10,10,10,10,10; 60 sec b/t sets
D1. GHD Sit ups x 20 reps x 3 sets; 60 sec
D2. GHD Raises x 10 reps x 3 sets; 60 sec
post loads used to comments
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 45g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 45g prot/40g carb
below 8% - 45g prot/60g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30 g prot/20 g carb
12-14% - 30 g prot/30 g carb
below 12% - 30 g prot/40 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone; focus on the good fats
big dawgs competing this weekend...play with 1-2 sets of each movement at high effort...for only 1 set per exercise...rest up on thursday and friday...then the fun
Aer Power Endurance - Tues, May 12th, 2009
246 - PB for me...rest does that...
also...from CF Edmonton...
Inner city Challenge #2
We run a CrossFit competition every 4 months in Edmonton. We thought it would be cool to share the info in case any one from your club was in town or interested in coming up.
Saturday June 06
11am Registration
12-1pm- Scaled heats
1:30-2:30pm Rx'd heats
3-3:30 Awards
CrossFit Edmonton #101, 125 Carleton Dr (inside Superior Centre) St. Albert, AB
(780) 909-7985
as many rounds in 10 minutes:
7 knees to elbows
7 ring push ups
post total rounds and reps completed to comments
keep pace, speed and effort high
knees actually have to hit the elbows to be legit, not triceps
get deeper than normal on push ups
rings placed 2-3 inches from ground work well
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/35 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
Aer Endurance - Sun May 10th, 2009
rest same time as work time of 1000 m
Run 800m @80%
rest same time as work time of 800 m
Run 600m @ 80%
rest same time as work time of 600 m
Run 400m @ 80%
rest same time as work time of 400 m
Run 600m @ 80%
rest same time as work time of 600 m
Run 800m @ 80%
rest same time as work time of 800 m
Run 1000m @ 80%
post your estimated times of all 6 sets (write them down before you run) and also post your completed times to comments
AnGlyc Power Endurance - Sat. May 9th, 2009
Row 350 m
16 push up burpees
rest 90 sec b/t sets
do not hold off on row sprints
chest to deck and full extension of arms with jump at top for burpees
make rest time EXACT
post total time and more importantly times/set to comments
CP Capacity - Friday, May 8th
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @ 40x1; 5-8 x 5; 75 sec
A3. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 4111; 7-10 x 5; 75 sec
A4. Weighted Dips @ 4010; 6-9 x 5; 75 sec
post all loads to comments
warm up each movement well so that each set is taxing
DO NOT use the 1st 3 sets as a warm up
stick to the speed as rx'd
40X0 = 4 sec down, 0 sec pause at bottom, Xplode upwards, 0 sec pause at top
back at it...
1.5 X BWT Dead Lift x 8 touch and go reps; 0 sec rest
75% BWT Power Clean x 8 touch and go reps; 0 sec rest
1.5 pd KBS x 15 continuous reps; 120 sec rest
5 min rest after all sets
3 rounds for time;
15 ring dips
12 pistols
9 L Ups
post BWT, loads used and time for met con to comments
biceps to rings on dips, ass to grass on pistols, legs straight on start and finish on all L Ups
post wod fuel - male:
above 12% - 30g prot/20g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25 g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25 g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 25 g prot/35 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone
everyone had PB's in different ways this weekend, on the timer, on the weights and in the head
a lot of things were overcome
copy and save this pic...it is a dedicated group of soldiers in the search for elite fitness...and on that path we've developed friendships, training partners and champions
Todd - your finishing kick on Jackie was all i needed to see about your character, it truly defines the warrior you are
Mack - your perseverance through some tough times and still having the balls to show up says a lot about you, here's to meeting in a few weeks to turn it around
Michael - not much else to say, you make me proud, i could not have a better brother (well I could i guess, but not at this moment, hehe) you are on the path to some wonderful experiences that i cannot wait to see both as a coach/older brother and competitor..lots of love
Rob S - all PB's on the weekend, and "being there" and not just being there was the key, well done, it takes a lot as we have talked about to be in the moment...big kudos!
Geoff - i love you, your continued passion although sometimes dramatic will get you where you want to go in this sport, it just may look different year to year...i know you'll continue to battle...remember that the measure of the CrossFit athlete is not in one or two weekends but many, many workouts and skills...you my friend are the champion for this...well done
James - nice hair...nice sippy cup....
Rob C - as you'd say, "some good learnings"...all in all, thank you for being a leader to this blog in numerous ways, everyone look to Rob to help in prep, he always "shows up"...others can learn from that
Sweeney - i could see in your eyes that you were "OK" with things..in my eyes and the others in this pic, you have gained HUGE respect...and coming from OPT the place, not the person, that is a large gift that you should take away from this weekend as that takes a lot of persistence...so well done, you should feel like a champ
Gord - your attitiude is infectious...things would be boring if you weren't kareeming off the fat bar and landing on your head...you have changed from a scared fighter to a true warrior...the person i want on my side in battle,, kudos
Trevor - although no participation this weekend, you were my right hand man for a tough up and down emotional battle...thank you for your patience...i will continue to help you achieve what you and i are searching for in "peace"
Lauren - i could not be more proud...only few know of your battles last year up to the games and not "getting it done as planned"...for this shows the heart of a champ...the measure of a person is how they respond to walls and obstacles...and you kicked the shit out of what was placed in your path...well done
DJ - blue jays???? ....come on!...i see a lot of me in you...and everyone should be scared...there's work to do
Grant - i'll speak on behalf of everyone at OPT and the dawgs...both you and Kathleen keep us doing the things we love to do...thank you for that...both of your passion towards this sport we love amazes us...i know you will always be there to fight..and for that as mentioned with Sweeney above deserves in my mind the awards and accolades...b/c coming out is not your style, you both battled like OPT warriors i'd want...thank you, thank you, thank you!
if someone did not make the photo and is participating, i apologize but that's all i got for energy right now...i'm wiped
OK...back at it tomorrow for 1, then off for 1,... then 3 and 1 with some sweet changes in energy system programming per 3 day cycle to get the boys prepared for May qualifiers and everyone else to serious levels of progression in this sport of fitness we love