sat, may 1, 2010

May 8/9

A. Power Clean Cluster - 1.1.1 x 4; rest 4 min
B1. Russian KBS Heavy x 20 x 3; rest 2 min
B2. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0; 2-3 x 3; rest 2 min
C. Row 500 x 2; rest 3 min b/t efforts
(for rows - 1st 100m is 60%, 2nd is 70%, 3rd is 80%, 4th is 90%, 5th is 100%)

Late May
Power Snatch - 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
3 rounds for time:
12 power snatch - 115#/80#
12 burpees
12 box jumps - 30"

post loads, times and notes to comments
double tomorrow for late May only

thurs, apr 29, 2010

I had the pleasure of listening to John Ratey, MD tonight about his book Spark. Great talk, very genuine person who is passionate about making change. He presented some valuable information about the primal pattern of play and its role in neural development (sometimes more important to the brain than food). He gave this clip as an indicator of how researchers have seen it every where, here it was captured. I have seen polar bears and been within feet of them at the "dump" in Wabush, Labrador where i grew up; they are 1000-1400 # of anger when hungry as a prelude....

early May:
A.Hang Power Snatch - tech work, build quick to a tough 1; rest as needed
B. 10 high speed burpees; rest 90 sec x 3
C. 20 high speed DU's; rest 20 sec x 5

May 8/9
4 sets for times:
12 unbroken hang power snatch
5 muscle ups
Run 200 m @ 95%
walk actively rest for 3 minutes EXACTLY
(choose weight for HPS to ensure no breaks but high neural demand)

Late May:
A. 10 Thrusters; rest 1 min x 5 sets - build load per set; higher total than Apr 21, 2010
(constant movement is required, no pausing at rack or overhead)
B. L Pull Ups @ 2110; 5 reps x 6 sets - weight yourself as needed; rest 3 min b/t sets
C. GHD Raises @ 1010; 15 x 5 sets; rest 90 sec

Wed, Apr 28, 2010

early May:
A. Split Jerk - 1,1,1; rest 5 min
B. 2 x [Run 30 m @ 95% accelerating throughout; walk back x 3]; rest 5 min
C. Row 200 m @ 80%, 5 x OHS - 115#; rest 4 min x 2

May 8/9
part 1:
A1. Front Squat @ 30X1; 3 x 3 - 80% effort; rest 10 sec
A2. 25 chin ups; rest 3 min
B1. High Hang Squat Clean - 3 x 3 - 80% effort; rest 10 sec
B2. 20 GHD Sit ups; 3 sets; rest 3 min

rest 90 minutes

part 2:
Row 25 sec @ 100% effort; Rest 2 min x 4
rest 5 min
Row 25 sec @ 100% effort; rest 2 min x 4

late May:
A. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 8 sets of 2 reps @ 60% 1RM; rest 60 sec
B1. Hang Power Clean - 3,3,3,3; rest 180 sec
B2. Med Grip Bench Press @ 30X1; 6,4,2,6; rest 180 sec
C1. KBS - 25 unbroken x 3; rest 20 sec
C2. Ring Push Ups @ 21X1; rest 180 sec

Tues, Apr 27, 2010

pain for over 7 minutes at end, went 23:44 increasing wattage; 319-358 w for last 7 minutes; HR @ 184-192 for last 4 minutes; VO2 max - 78.9, highest RER - 1.08
The cool idea behind the orthomitochondrial medicine is that it is using a souped up metabolic cart measuring a more functional terrain besides the basics above.
What comes from it is more knowledge in terms of making machines with the precise prescription based on the starting points; key things re-iterrated - one must diagnose first, i.e. assess, DO NOT guess!

competing next weekend:
A. Power Clean - 1,1,1; rest 5 min
B. OHS - 115# x 8; 0 sec rest, 25 unbroken double unders; rest 2 min x 4
C. Run 400 m @ 95%; rest 4 min x 2

May 8-9:
A. Dead Lift @ 12X0; build to a 1RM -5%; rest as needed
B1. KBS - 2/1.5pd x 20 unbroken; rest 10 sec
B2. Clap Push Ups @ 10X0; 15 x 3; rest 3 min
5 suicides - 3 min rest b/t each
(place 1 cone 10 m out, 2nd cone 20 m out, 3rd cone 30 m out; SPRINT to 1st cone and back, then 2nd cone and back, then 3rd cone and back; rest, repeat for 5 sets)

late May:
5 sets for total working time;
100 double unders
20 burpees
rest 3 min

post loads, times, and notes to comments
double tomorrow for May 8/9 competitors

Mon, Apr 26, 2010 - REST

Thanks to Ben for introducing me to the BSc Gear. He mentioned I should try them out. I did the research, looked promising (those Aussies know a lot in terms of performance; and if those tough mother@#$%ing footballers are wearing it, I'm in) So its been a few months and I am recovering better. I take intricate detail of recovery - numbers and diagnostics, and all is better, better than the previous 3 years; that makes me happy. The main thing I noticed was the help in systemic inflammation from previous high CNS demanding training sessions; I seem to handle it better now. So thank you Ben and here is an embarassing "thx mate" back at ya for your work.

Sun, Apr 25, 2010

Every year since I have been in Calgary, we have been teased by this nice weather...EVERY YEAR for the whole month of April, then WHAM...this year I told everyone that it was coming...well here it is; BUT, feel good, b/c it is the last one, sunshine and champagne coolies from here on in

early May:
part 1:
for total reps:
AMRAP Burpees in 1 minute
rest 3 min x 5
(jump with hands at sides at top)

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
A. Split Jerk - build to a tough 1 quickly; rest as needed
B. [Hang Power Clean x 1/Push Jerk x 5] x 5; rest 3 min
C. Reverse Med Ball Toss - 5 sets of 6 reps; rest 2 min b/t sets
(start ball b/t legs, throw backwards forcefully over head as powerfully as possible; jog to retrieve, repeat 6x/set)

late May:
part 1:
Row 500 m @ 50%
Row 750 m @ 75%
Row 750 m @ 90%
Row 500 m @ 50%
Row 750 m @ 90%
Row 750 m @ 75%
Row 500 m @ 50%

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
A. SA DB Power Snatch @ 11X1; 10-12/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
B. SA DB Push Press @ 11X1; 8-12/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
C. DB Walking Lunges @ 10X0; 20 steps x 3; rest 90 sec
D. 1 arm DB Row @ 2010; 10-15/arm x 3; rest 90 sec

post reps and loads and notes to comments

Sat, April 24th, 2010

Some take home nuggets from the conference I am attending, 5 hours in of 30:
- high mid section BF scores were comparative to poor Oxygen utilization scores; so if I start testing this we now have another parameter to go on (54% of healthy subjects showed poor utilization)...what is good utilization - coming...
- I have to reanalyze my views on fuel usage and where NAD sits on the Krebs cycle and how it is impt in the process...where once I thought there was no use
- it has been shown over and over that EOMD (early onset mitochondrial dysfunction) is the primary cause of mitochondrial decay, aging and degenerative disease, NOT because a lack of antioxidants; which in some cases for example have been shown to increase chances of cancers (Vit E, beta carotene and a few others isolated)
- Dr Frank puts it this way - "each cell is like New York City; there is a lot of shit going on in a small area all interrelated; there are regulators like police and fire; there are stimulants like street performers and Broadway and there are lipid based walls like the rivers, waterways and boundaries; criminals (bad shit) and cops (good shit) need each other to survive in each cell, i.e. free radicals vs defenders; its only when the criminals out number the cops (decreased oxygen utilization at cell level) that there are problems....more to come on this
- the less efficient the process of oxygen utilization is, the more free radical damage occurs; how does one get better at this...coming...; of course the normal line up causes this to happen like 1. toxicity and infections, 2. stress, 3. nutritional deficiencies, 4. hormonal deficiencies, 5. decreased fitness...but having a test to see where the O2 utilization is will help speed this recovery...will test during exercise on Monday
- DR Frank showed what the cell wall looked like after binging on Oreos...(NOT GOOD)...on a side note, i've seen this over time with folks who are at the top of the stress scale and are still binging every few weeks or once a week (cheat meals) - be careful, that shit is in your cell walls for 6 MONTHS!!!!, not a few you want to get to the next level, you have to be tight for a period of time

early May:
part 1:
for score:
Row 1000m
(BWT in #/avg watts is score)

rest 60 minutes

part 2:
3 attempts:
Squat Clean x 5 touch and go
rest EXACTLY 3 min b/t sets
(highest total for 3 attempts in # is score; no rest at top or thigh or floor)

rest 2 hours

part 3:
As many rounds in 10 minutes:
3 muscle ups
3 Dead Lift - 315#/205#
3 triple unders

late May:
part 1:
A. Hang Power Snatch x 1/Hang Squat Snatch x 1/Power Snatch x 1/Squat Snatch x 1; rest 3 min x 5
B. Max Vertical Jump - 3 attempts/set in inches x 5 sets; rest 5 sec b/t attempts; 90 sec b/t sets
C. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 31X1; 4-6 x 5 - 90% effort; rest 2 min

rest 3+ hours

part 2:
5 sets for times:
20 chin ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats
rest 3 min

early May - post score, total weight in # for 3 sets and rounds/reps to comments
late May - post loads, highest max height achieved in inches and times for Barb to comments

Friday, Apr 23, 2010 - REST

(dawgs from East.....well east central)

Thurs, Apr 22, 2010

early May:
3 sets for times:
25 push jerk - 115#/80#
Row 500 m @ 90%
30 box jumps - 30"/24"
rest 5 min

late May:
Hill Runs:
10 min run warm up @ easy pace
8 sets of 25 sec sprints
Walk down rest for 3:35
rest 10 min b/t sets 4 and 5
10 min run cool down @ easy pace
(ensure hill is aggressive to ensure a grinding pace, not all out sprint)

post times and notes to comments

Wed, Apr 21st, 2010

early May:
A. 25 CTB chin ups - each set for time
(focus is highest speed possible per set - rest 3 min b/t sets x 5)
B. High Bar Back Squat @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 4 min
C. L Sit - amsap x 5 attempts; rest 90 sec b/t sets

late May:
A. 10 Thrusters; rest 1 min x 5 sets - build load per set
(constant movement is required, no pausing at rack or overhead)
B. L Pull Ups @ 2110; 5 x 5 - weight yourself as needed; rest 3 min b/t sets
C. GHD Raises @ 1010; 20 x 5 sets; rest 90 sec

post times, loads and notes to comments
triple on Sat and double on Sun for early May
double on Sat and Sun for late May

Tues, Apr 20th, 2010

The will to win is worthless
if you do not have the will to prepare.

early May:

A1. Hang Power Clean - 2,2,2,1,1; rest 3 min
A2. HSPU - amrap x 5; rest 3 min
B1. Clean Pulls @ 12X0; 3,3,3,3,3; rest 3 min
B2. Dips @ 31X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 3 min
C. KBS - 20 heavy swings overhead; rest 1 min x 3

late May:
A. 10 touch and go SDLHP to chin; rest 1 min x 5 sets - build load per set
B. Ring Push Ups @ 31X1; amrap x 5 sets; rest 2 min b/t sets
C. "flight simulator"

post loads, reps, times and notes to comments
double tomorrow for early May only

Sun, Apr 18, 2010

early May:
part 1:
Run 800 m x 3 @ 100%
rest 7 min b/t sets

rest as needed

part 2:
for time:
10 power snatch - 135#
30 burpees
20 power snatch - 115#
20 burpees
30 power snatch - 95#
10 burpees

late May:
part 1:
A1. 40 wall balls (20#/14# to 10 ft) unbroken x 4 sets: rest 180 sec
A2. 30 unbroken chin ups x 4 sets; rest 180 sec

rest as needed

part 2:
as many rounds in 16 minutes:
12 HSPU (hands elevated on 45# bumpers - medium grip)
25 AbMat sit ups
20 x 2 pd/1.5 pd KBS

post times, notes and rounds to comments

Sat, Apr 17, 2010

early May:
part 1:
A1. Clean - 2,2,2,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec
A2. Bench Press - 1,1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 180 sec

rest 6+ hours

part 2
3 rounds for time:
21 thrusters - 95#
7 muscle ups

late May:
part 1:
A. Dead Lift - build to a heavy 2, not a 2RM, quickly
B1. Power Clean @ 12X1; 2-3 x 6; rest 120 sec
B2. Ring Dips @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 6; rest 120 sec
C. GH Raises @ 1010; 18 x 5 sets; rest 90 sec

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
Run 1K, rest same as work time per set
repeat 5 times
(goal is same pace exactly per set, run @ 90% per 1K effort; if you run 1K in 3:25, the rest for that set is 3:25; if you run 1K in 3:40, then the rest for that set is then 3:40)

post loads, times and notes to comments



Even if it's not a particularly fashionable one, get yourself a purpose for this day, for this month, for this year, for your life. And be sure it's an authentic purpose, or there's really no value in following it.

It's all backwards i tell ya, all backwards!

Thurs, Apr 15, 2010

early May:
As many rounds in 10 minutes:
1 rep [Power Clean x 1/Jerk x 3 - 70% of 1RM C&J]
20 double unders

late May:
7 sets for times:
10 x 2pd KB SDLHP
20 clap push ups
30 pistols (15/leg alt'ing)
40 double unders
rest 4 min b/t sets
(ensure PERFECT form for all reps)

post rounds and times/set to comments

Wed, Apr 14, 2010

Who is the FITTEST Canadian alive?

Be Real!
Let life know who you are.
If you have to hide yourself to get what you want, do you really even want it?

early May:

part 1
A. Hang Squat Clean - build quick to a tough 1, not a 1RM effort
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 20 sec
B2. 25 unbroken chin ups; rest 4 min - 5 sets

rest 2+ hours

part 2
10 min row warm up @ 50%
6 sets:
3 min @ 80-90% effort
3 min row @ 50% effort
(rest 10 min b/t sets 3 and 4)
10 min row cool down @ 50%
(goal is same wattage average per 3 min, you're working hard here but not gassing)

late May:
A. OHS @ 4211; 3-5 x 5; rest 4 min
B. Snatch Balance - 3 x 5 - 80%; rest 90 sec
C1. DB Back Extensions @ 1010; 20 unbroken x 3; rest 90 sec
C2. Powell Raises @ 3010; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
rest 15 min
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec; rest 90 sec x 3

post loads, watt avg's, loads and reps to comments
single tomorrow for all
double on sat/sun for all this weekend

Tues, Apr 13, 2010

early May:
A. Power Snatch - 2-3 x 7; rest 240 sec
B. GH Raises with Bands @ 10X0; 6-10 x 5; rest 120 sec
C. Max Vertical Jump - 3 attempts per set x 5 sets; rest 5 sec b/t attempts, 90 sec b/t sets

late May:
A1. Split Jerk - 3,3,3,3,3,3; rest 120 sec
A2. L Pull Ups @ 2111; amrap x 6 sets; rest 120 sec
B1. Push Press @ 12X2; 4-6 x 4; rest 120 sec
B2. Toes to Bar - 15 x 4; rest 120 sec
C. DB Ext Rot @ 3010; 10-12/arm x 3; rest 30 sec b/t arms

post loads and notes to comments

Sun, Apr 11th, 2010

early May:
part 1:
A1. OHS @ 42X1; 4-6 x 6; rest 120 sec
A2. Med Grip Pronated Chin Ups + 1/4 BWT; amrap strict x 6 sets; rest 120 sec
B. HSPU skill work - 10 min

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
aggressive hill runs:
35 sec accelerating effort to top - 90%
Walk 4:o0 back down
8 sets - take 8 min break b/t set 4 and 5

late May:
part 1:
4 sets:
Row 400 m @ 80%
20 unbroken chin ups
rest 3 min

rest 10 min

4 sets:
Row 400 m @ 80%
15 fast burpees
rest 3 min

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
20,15,10,5 rep rounds for time;
Hang Power Clean - 155#/100#

post loads, notes and times to comments

Sat, Apr 10th, 2010

Chloe the luger

early May:
part 1:
7 sets:
5 muscle ups
10 touch and go unbroken Dead Lift - 225#/155#
(on a 2 minute timer; if you fail to complete the sets in 2 minutes, you rest the following 2 minutes then record how many sets you were able to complete on the 2 minutes - 7 is obviously the goal)

rest 180 min

part 2:
100 knees to elbows for time
(when you fraction the reps; you must perform 35 unbroken double unders in b/t the fractions)

late May:
part 1:
A. Dead Lift - build to a heavy 3, not a 3RM, quickly
B1. Power Clean @ 12X1; 3-5 x 5; rest 120 sec
B2. Ring Dips @ 31X1; amrap (-1) x 5; rest 120 sec
C. GH Raises @ 1010; 15 x 5 sets; rest 90 sec

rest 20 min

part 2:

post loads, times and notes to comments
double on Sunday

Fri, Apr 9, 2010

3 min apart b/t Calgary

Thurs, Apr 8, 2010

final standings

early May:

1-10 hang squat snatch unbroken ladder for time (aka - "HSSULFT")

rest 20 min

80 burpees for time (aka - "80 burpees for time")
{these must be done in sets of 10 unbroken, any pausing at top with double hop or pause at bottom at push up level or at any point in the movement requires you to start at that set of 10 again; if you perform each set of 10 purposely slow, I will know}

late May:
10 rounds for time:
R side:
SA DB Power Snatch x 1
SA DB Split Jerk x 1
SA DB Thruster x 1
SA DB Front Squat x 1
L side:
SA DB Power Snatch x 1
SA DB Split Jerk x 1
SA DB Thruster x 1
SA DB Front Squat x 1
(once you start a set with the chosen limb, you cannot put DB to ground or switch hands to regrip/rest/etc...; use 55#/30# DB)

post times and notes to comments
double for everyone on saturday and sunday

Wed, Apr 7th, 2010

OPT fueled kid gets first NHL goal

early May:

part 1:
A. Split Jerk - build to a tough 3 quickly, not a 3RM
B. Power Clean x 1/Split Jerk x 1 - 5 sets; rest 60 sec b/t sets - use 80% of CJ 1RM
C1. Weighted GHD Sit Ups @ 2020; 15-20 x 3; rest 90 sec
C2. DB Back Extensions @ 1010; 25 x 3; rest 90 sec

rest as needed

part 2:
aggressive hill runs:
30 sec accelerating effort to top - 90%
Walk 4:30 back down
8 sets - take 10 min break b/t set 4 and 5

late May:
A1. Back Squat @ 40X0; 2-3 x 6; rest 240 sec
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @ 21X0; 1,1,1,1,1,1; rest 240 sec
B1. DB Russian Step Up @ 1110; 10-12/leg x 4; rest 60 sec
B2. Kipping Chin Ups - chin inside vertical plane; 25 x 4; rest 60 sec
C. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 25 x 3; rest 120 sec

post loads and notes to comments

Tues, Apr 6th, 2010

"measurement of performance and metabolic adaptation is a prerequisite for improving training" - Steinacker, 2003 (conference I attended on Rowing, national level coach)

NEVER lose sight of where you have come from

early May:

4 sets - rest 2 min b/t sets:
15 touch and go power snatch - 60% 1RM
R0w 250 m @ 80%
15 touch and go power snatch - 50% 1RM

Rest 10 min

4 sets - rest 2 min b/t sets:
15 unbroken chin ups
75 double unders
15 unbroken chin ups

late May:
3 x 30 m accelerating sprints @ 90% from push up position
walk rest b/t sets
rest 5 min
Run 200 m @ 90%
Walk 3:15
repeat 4 times
Rest 10 min
Run 200 m @ 90%
Walk 3:15
repeat 3 times

post loads, notes and times to comments
post HR scores post 200 m intervals as well if you can, there should be 8 scores

Sunday, Apr 4, 2010

early May:
part 1:
A. Push Press @ 12X1; 2-3 x 6; rest 240 sec
B. KBS Unbroken x 30 - 5 sets; rest 1 min b/t sets

rest as needed

part 2:
2 x [run 3 min @ 90%, walk 3 min briskly x 4]
rest 10 min b/t sets of 4 intervals - 8 total intervals

late May:
A. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 10 sets of 3 @ 55% 1RM; rest 45 sec b/t sets
B. Tabata Push Ups - low score
C. GH Raises @ 2020; 10-15 x 5; rest 90 sec
D. Double Unders - amrap in 2 min; 2 min rest x 3

post loads and notes to comments

Sat, Apr 3, 2010

my brain on OPT CCP drugs...

early May:
part 1:
A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 6,6,4,4,2,2; rest 180 sec
A2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 6; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Walking Lunges @ 10X0; 6/leg x 3; rest 120 sec
B2. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 20 x 3; rest 120 sec

rest 4+ hours

part 2:
5 x [1 min for as many rounds]:
4 burpees
15 unbroken double unders
rest 3 min b/t rounds

late May:
A1. Back Squat @ 40X0; 3-5 x 5; rest 180 sec
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @ 21X0; 1-2 x 5; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Russian Step Up @ 1110; 12-15/leg x 3; rest 60 sec
B2. Kipping Chin Ups - chin inside vertical plane; 25 x 3; rest 60 sec
C. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 20 x 3; rest 120 sec

post loads, rounds and notes to comments
double tomorrow for early May