early May:
part 1:
Run 800 m x 3 @ 100%
rest 7 min b/t sets
rest as needed
part 2:
for time:
10 power snatch - 135#
30 burpees
20 power snatch - 115#
20 burpees
30 power snatch - 95#
10 burpees
late May:
part 1:
A1. 40 wall balls (20#/14# to 10 ft) unbroken x 4 sets: rest 180 sec
A2. 30 unbroken chin ups x 4 sets; rest 180 sec
rest as needed
part 2:
as many rounds in 16 minutes:
12 HSPU (hands elevated on 45# bumpers - medium grip)
25 AbMat sit ups
20 x 2 pd/1.5 pd KBS
post times, notes and rounds to comments
Early may:
Confused.. I made i mistake and rested 3 min between sets! Sorry!
1. 3 min
2. 3.25
3. 3.20
Late may, part 1:
A1. No ball or height at home, did thrusters with empty bb instead (20kg/44 lbs). 40/40/30/40. Broke the third round because I was not feeling my shoulders anymore. Changed technique into more legdrive. Fourth round was a pain - higher tempo, but finished.
A2: No place to do kipping chinups in, subbed to strict chinups. 10/10/10/fail(8)/rested 3 mins/10.
Rested ~1 hr.
Part 2:
Subbed HSPU's to 4. (PR is 7). Only had a 1.5 pd kbs at home :(
5 laps +4 HSPU. HSPU's was 1+3/3+1/unbr/unbr/unbr/3+1
Felt really tired during the second part, I think my nutrition today has been a little bit too low. HSPU's felt really good tho, never done so many reps with so little breaks.
Rested yesterday after a party this friday... Going after Saturdays WODs today:
part 1
A. 2x170kg deadlifts
B1. 3x70kg, 3x75kg, 3x80kg, 3x80kg, 3x70kg, 3x75kg
B2. 17, 11, 10, 11, 10, 10
C. 3x18 GHD reaises (45 degree bench..)
D. 3x18 40kg russian swings
Like the DL! Been feeling weak in this lift for awhile, but now things are clearing up a bit (3x160 last week).
Practised tech in PC because tech breakes down with 80+kgs. Really must learn how to stay in heels and not jump wide with feet (bend those darn knees instead!).
Put in some swings with raises because the 40kg KB yelled for attention.
I think I got food poisoning after yesterday's first workout. Couldn't keep anything down, major chills etc so I had to skip the part 2 runs. Feeling better now but definitely don't have the juice to do today's WODS either. I haven't eaten anything in close to 20 hours.
I'll have to hit these up tommorrow.
I decided to only do Part II today due to time retraints with our house being shown (we are selling it). After part II i had a few more minutes so i banged out 2 sets of WB and CHINS with a 15 min rest between wods
Part II
3 rd + 4 hspu
* HSPU done on 3.5 inch 45# bumpers, wow those were way harder. Situps and swings unbroken.
Part I
40 x2 WB unbroken
30 x2 CHINS unbroken
early May:
so dusty in Iraq :( nasty headwind with dust on the 2nd one.
Late May
A1.UB, UB, UB, 19/13/8
A2.UB, UB, 27/3, 21/5/4
After breaking 3rd rnd of PU's I lost all focus
REST 1 hour
3 rnds +10HSPU
HSPU all strict first set was good then all singles and doubles
I absolutely fell apart on a workout last Sunday, I'm suspecting that I may be experiencing some overtraining. Took the whole week off, starting some active recovery this week. Doing the workouts at a very moderate pace.
Early may workout:
3:40, 3:30, 3:20
Nice, easy pace, but I still struggled.
Part 2: 18:25
Really took my time on this one, and it still crushed me.
I'm going to keep taking it pretty easy this week, next Tuesday I will try full speed again. I swear I will stop filling rest days with other workouts, and skipping my post workout carbs. I don't ever want to feel this way again.
late may part 1
a1. ub, ub, 21+19, 26+14
a2. ubx4 (didn't do COVP though)
that's all i have in me today, rest and recover hard until tuesday!
A1. all unbroken
A2. all unbroken (chin over bar)
Late May
A1. 25/15, 15/5/10/10, 15/10/15, UB
Finally found a good groove at the end
A2. 10/10/10, 10/10/5/5, 10/5/5/5/5, 10/5/5 blood blister formed to finished with 10 ring rows to avoid a tear
*max pullups is 21 so 30 UB is a stretch
Rest 1 hour
Part 2:
HSPU to one ab mat, hands on floor
3 rounds + 5 HSPU
A1. 3rds unbroken. 4th rd 32/8
A2. 3rds unbroken. 4th rd 18/6/6
Only Part 2. Winding down for affiliate team tryout saturday
6 rds and 3hspu
HSPU with bands
Late May
A1. Unbroken (used plastic med ball)
A2. Did AMRAP instead since 30 is stretch - 26, 25, 25, 21, 20
rested 30 min ish
Part 2- 3 rounds on the dot. Just did HSPU to floor since those are still a struggle for me
Part 1:
A1. 40/40/40/30,10
A2. 30/30/30/30
Rest 30 minutes
Part 2:
4rds + 8 HSPU
part 2 from yesterdays late may:
5x1km run: 3:43, 3:47, 3:47, 3:51, 3:47
Consistent times, but still slower than I liked. And it was harder than I liked. Only second time running this year (first time 200m sprints the other week), so I guess it'll come...
I did two rds of Part 1:
A1. 34-6/20-20
A2. 20-10/16-14
Then I did the second event from my sectional in Jersey.
10 Front squat
20 double unders
8 Front squat
30 double unders
6 Front squat
40 double unders
4 Front squat
50 double unders
2 Front squat
60 double unders
My original time was 12:07.
Time today: 7:29.
Don't ask my why... This was the time I was shooting for last month, but I tripped over my dong the whole time.
Late May Part 2
4 rounds plus 6 HSPU
Rd 1: all strict
Rd 2: all strict
Rd 3: 6 strict, 6 kip
Rd 4: all kip
late may
part 1
A1. all unbroken.
A2. all unbroken.
part 2
since i'm terrible at hspu i decided to cut the rep scheme in half to keep things moving.
(6 hspu, 9 kbs, 12 sit ups).
6 rounds + 5 hspu.
very hard on the hspu. had to kip most of them. doubles and singles after round one.
late may part 2:
used 25lb plates.
1 rd plus 11 HSPU.
spent the whole time doing the HSPU's. Probably should have done regular HSPU's.
HSPU's have remained a weakness I just can't shake.
Pt 1.
All WB unbroken, 2 rounds pull-ups unbroken then 21/4/3/2 anf 21/3/3/3. I felt like 5 kinds of crap during this, not sure why. Tured?
Pt 2. (60 or less minutes later)
2 rounds + 5 HSPU. Goal was 3 rounds but what do you do. HSPU felt like max effort. Swings unbroken.
Rest day tomorrow!
Hahahaaha, holy crap. 'Tired' is more like it... I think I answered my own question. I am a turd.
Part 1:
A1: UB/UB/UB/33+2+5...last one hurt...shoulders smoked
A2: UB/UB/UB/26+4...almost had this last set...all chins COVP...
Working a day behind. Posted yesterday's wod there. Got 235x3 on my power cleans and very happy with that since my 1RM is 240. Thanks coach for the pointers on the video a week ago!
Late May
A1. All unbroken x 4 sets
A2. UB/UB/20 only/3...quit
Rest 20 min
3 rds + 10 HSPU
Late May -
part 1:
all unbroken untill last round of pullups, 20-6-4...
20 mins rest
Part 2:
2 rounds + 10 HSPU
Late May:
Unbroken wall balls really exposes my work capacity issues.
Rest 4 hours:
Part 2: 2 rounds + 4 HSPU
The wheels came off today, these were two really hard workouts for me.
Geoff, tured is how they pronounce "tired" here in the south so I knew what you meant!
early May:
part 2:
dinner break plus rest equals 6 hours total rest.
Splits: 4:19, 6:20(fml), 4:32
about 66,000 lb-ft of work
avg 72 lb-ft/sec
Hey Rory,
Are you prequalifed for regionals from last year?
28 5'10'' 171#
Part 1:
Holy hell, that sucked.
Part 2:
4 Rounds.
Part 1 was brutal as wall ball is a big weakness. Definitely a mental toughness workout.
Part 2 went pretty well. I actually got the first set of HSPUs unbroken. From there on out it was sets of 4, then 2,2,2...
Falling behind. If I don't get my basement reno done soon my wife is going to cut my...........gym card up.
Will be playing catch up on Monday.
Late may:
A1. Unbroken
A2. Unbroken
Part2: 5rounds 2/3
Early May:
2:38, 2:45, 2:50
Was sticking to a pace for this. Aiming for 37-38 second 200m. First one probably could've gone 10 seconds faster going ALL out. The 2nd and 3rd were with everything I had. Feet burned badly.
Left rotator cuff was very sore today (bench press?). I didn't want to push it with snatches, so I kept it simple and fast.
30 Doubleunders
30 Burpees
40 Doubleunders
20 Burpees
50 Doubleunders
10 Burpees
Glad tomorrow is a rest.
Par 1:
A1. unbroken
A2. unbroken
Part 2:
5 rounds + 7 HSPU
Bania, what unit are you with?
Early May:
Where's all the early May posters? It's getting lonely in here.
not enough time to split part 1 and 2 up today.
part 1:
7min rest
part 2:
12:50....bad idea to do these back to back.
Early May:
part 1: at high school track
2:14 (I think a PR), 2:32, 2:41
just tried to hang on the last 2 sets- 7 min rest never felt so short
rest 3.5 hours
burpees felt hard, didnt feel quick, breathing very hard, felt good to go hard though- nice BURNER!
Part 2:
3 rounds + 3 HSPU
...great WOD!
Warmup: 10 hour drive from Salt Lake
Part I: 10:29 (2:36/4:20/3:33)
5 min rest
Part II: 3:20/3:09/3:00 - Incline @ 2
I'm not happy with the times but I am happy I wrustled up the strength to get these done after such a long drive. Any other day I would have taken today off but I can't afford to take any days off just 2 weeks out. Back is still hurt but hanging in there.
Late May
Part 1
A1. UB/UB/UB/28-12
A2. 19/18/20/20 (max is 22 so I went for max effort each time)
Part 2
3 rds + 2HSPU - not rx'd.
Notes: Pullups felt great and I am making progress. Never had rounds like this.
I also dealt with a HUGE mental block with HSPUs today. I have always scaled them for workouts, but today I decided to do them head to floor with no plates or mats and I got them done. Ugly kips and a slow pace, but I will take it. A great way to end the weekend - thanks so much coach!
I spent all day driving in the car, didn't have time to get to the WOD's today.
Haven't posted this week as I tapered a little bit to prepare for my gym's Affiliate Cup tryouts. We used the Military Online Qualifier WODs:
1. 3 rnds of 7 FS @ 185 and 7 MU
2. 5 rnds of 10 DL @ 225, 10 BJ to 24", and 10 TTB
3. 150 DU, 30 thrusters @ 135, and 30 CTB PU
Happy to say that I made the cut with a total time of 25:38. Pleased with my performance, especially with the FS and thrusters - those are weak moves for me - especially at those weights - but I felt pretty good throughout.
Thanks again James for the tremendous programming - these events would have crushed me had I attempted them pre-OPT back in November.
Part 1:
A1) 33/7; 21/7/12; 20/2/18; 5/4/2/1/7/13/8
A2) 30(yah, my only unbroken set); 20/4/6; 10/10/4/3/3; 7/5/3/2/2/2/2/2/2/3
Part 2: one hour later
hands on 55# plates and used band for assist on the HSPUs so I could actually get my head to the floor
3 rounds + 12 hspus + 25 sit ups
Part 1
A1. 40/40/40/34, then 6 singles
A2. 30/30/30/30
Part 2
4 rounds + 10 HSPU's
(HSPU's off of 4 inch plates)
Rested 3 .5 hours and seriously needed 5-6 hours between these two.
No gym access today. Still ramping up from break.
90 minute soccer game, rested 30 minutes, then,
A1. Max pullups on outdoor bar, 3min rest
A2. Matching number of burpees, 3 min rest. 4 rounds
13, 14, 20, 21
A Co 1-504, 82nd Abn in Ramadi. Some of us are here, others are at Al Asad right now.
Early May
Part 2:
I'll be damned, that is my old company in the deuce. Its a small world. I think I remember you coming into the unit. You are 3rd PLT right?
Stay vigilant over there
Yes,small world indeed. They drafted me into 2nd plt fall 08 :( I miss 3rd. Where you at now??
Working from behind here...
As warmup did 1 round of 40xunb WB, 30xunb pullups then
part 2 as Rx'd: 3 rounds+2 HSPU. Shoulders died on me (go figure..)
Late May-
A1. All unbroken
A2. Unbroken,unbroken,29+1,15+8+7
this one hurt, grip went out on third set
2 rounds + 17 sit-ups
I needed about 5-6 hours between workouts, I only had 60 minutes.
Late May
Part 2: 3 rounds
HSPU became the limiting factor on this. Swings and sit ups were unbroken and didnt seem so bad. Didnt do part one due to having a soccer game in the morning. I didnt know if it would be better to do both work outs after the game or not.
Does anyone know exactly when "late may" is supposed to be peaking? My Regional is May 29-30 and I was going to pick back up w/ big dawg program but didn't know if it was to peak that weekend or the weekend before? Thanks
Late May
Did these for unbroken rounds:
four rounds of 20 ub wall ball (14 lb, 10 ft)
kips: 20, 16, 14, 14
I used to know a ton of dudes in the 82 (went through the first 3 phases of the SFQC in 02, but was too immature at the time to see it through).
And was with 1/18 INF when I was deployed in 06-07, ETSd feb 08.
And as Rory said, stay vigilant.
A day behind due to scheduling issues as usual:
A 21/19, 23/17, 18/12/10, 20/18/2 damn dropped it by accident i so wanted to do 20/20
A2 26PR/4 23/7, 20/10, 13/7/10 ouch
Ouch my forearms are fried and my damn lats!!
Wall balls have come a long way it was a struggle for me to do 10 in a row - also am doing them with 16# because that is all i have so i am hoping it will pay off if they come up at regionals and it is a 14# ball
Lisa M....I was wondering where you were???? Great job with the 16# ball!
Hey Michelle
I was on holidays in Phoenix so wasn't able to do all the WODS and did't post a couple times because i was on the golf course - hee hee!! Glad to be back and get diet and workouts back on track.
Where is Ali???
working behind a bit :^(
sat WODs
A1- 225/230/235/240/245/245/245
A2- 275/285/295/305/315/315/315
10min rest
B- 7:55
last 7 MUs took 3:30... painful
15min rest
attempted the metcon for today... no gas or pop, so called it off as i didn't feel i could keep the intensity as needed for performance improvement; thus decided to run the 800's:
2:39, 3 min rest
2:33, 3 min rest
DB Ex Rot 25lbs ea x8
Powell raises 25lb ea x8
trap raises 20lb ea x8
Micheal - if you follow late May you'd be right on track. That is when the Canadian Regionals are as well.
Late May.. did this wod today (Monday) cause I was very sick yesterday and feeling a bit better today!
Part 1.
A1. 35 wall ball UB (14# to 10 ft target)for first 2, 20 the third round, 30 the fourth
A2. 12 pull ups UB (kipping) for all 4
pretty okay with the wall balls as i have never done the 10 ft target before, only 8- a lot different!
rest for 10 minutes approx
part 2
4 rounds, 12 HSPU
sit ups all UB
HSPU were in green and purple band but did use plates
1.5 pd KB swings broken 12/8 or 10/10
Late May Day Behind.
Part 1
A1: unbroken
A2: UB, UB, 25/5, 18/7/4/1
Notes: wall ball were great, happy with them. all covp, grip toast after 3rd round.
Part 2 (4 hours post)
3rds + 6 HSPU
I'm ok with this, wanted at least 3. HSPU were definitely limiting factor, everything else unbroken.
late may day late (studying)
part 1:
A1: 30UB, 30UB, 30UB, 17-5-4-4
A2: 12 UB pullups x4
should have done ~15 PU.
scaled WB to 30 reps (1st time using 10ft target, that sucked). good number. had to dig deep to keep it unbroken, and the last set the wheels fell off.
part 2 (approx 20 min later):
4 rounds exactly
(HSPU in green/purple bands but on 45# plates)
feel like i have no gas. poor eating and sleep lately due to exams (it's all coffee and late nights).. can't wait till it's over.
late may, a day behind:
A1. 40 wall balls UB x 4
A2. scaled to 20 chin-ups. 1st and 3d sets UB, others broken into 17-3 and 10-10.
rested 9 hours (went to class)
I did not do part II because my HSPU are not there yet -- to abmat are pretty easy but full-range gets me to failure pretty quickly. Instead I spent 45 mins doing negatives from plates, then head-to-floor singles, doubles, and one triple (a personal best).
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