Who is the FITTEST Canadian alive?
Be Real!
Let life know who you are.
If you have to hide yourself to get what you want, do you really even want it?
early May:
part 1
A. Hang Squat Clean - build quick to a tough 1, not a 1RM effort
B1. Front Squat @ 30X1; 2-3 x 5; rest 20 sec
B2. 25 unbroken chin ups; rest 4 min - 5 sets
rest 2+ hours
part 2
10 min row warm up @ 50%
6 sets:
3 min @ 80-90% effort
3 min row @ 50% effort
(rest 10 min b/t sets 3 and 4)
10 min row cool down @ 50%
(goal is same wattage average per 3 min, you're working hard here but not gassing)
late May:
A. OHS @ 4211; 3-5 x 5; rest 4 min
B. Snatch Balance - 3 x 5 - 80%; rest 90 sec
C1. DB Back Extensions @ 1010; 20 unbroken x 3; rest 90 sec
C2. Powell Raises @ 3010; 6-8/arm x 3; rest 90 sec
rest 15 min
AMRAP Burpees in 30 sec; rest 90 sec x 3
post loads, watt avg's, loads and reps to comments
single tomorrow for all
double on sat/sun for all this weekend
Hey guys - I'm back picking up @ March 27th. I have spent my time since the Sectionals getting some of my (major) weaknesses under control, and that required me to step out of programming for a little bit. My flexibility (shoulders mainly, but hips, quads, and back also) were severly limiting my squats, specifically overheads, which in turn killed my snatch, etc. I have also spent the past month outfitting my own home gym, which is almost ready! (Living in Columbus, OH with Rogue makes things easy) I am excited to get back to coaches programming, and I have kept up with the site everyday religiously and look forward to getting back on track with the amazing athletes that train here, and hope to compete better with my main weaknesses way more under control.
on the snatch balance, 80% of what? max snatch balance, max snatch or something else?
Late May
A. 5x50kg, 5x60kg, 5x65kg, 4x70kg, 2x70kg
B. 5x40kg, 3x45kg, 3x50kg, 0x55kg (wtf!), 3x50kg, 3x50kg
C1. 20x10kg plate, 20x10kg, 20x10kg
C2. 8x6kg, 8x7kg, 8x8kg
Burpees: 16, 14, 15
Notes: I am HORRIBLE at snatch balances! It's strange that I can actually snatch barbells really being this weak in in receiving the bar... Need to do something about this.
OHSQ fried shoulders, but felt really strong in the legs/core. Shoulders that gave up.
Something has happened to my burpees. Felt good again today, as well as this sunday. Getting effiency in movement dialed in.
Late May. All in KG's.
A. 40x5, 50x5, 60x5, 70x4, 70x4
B. 40x5, 50x5, 60x5, 65x4, 65x4
Rest 1 hour.
15/15/14. Missheard my time-taker on the last round, thought he said that time was up but he said hold out for the rest of the time. I had ~5 seconds left.
C1. Did good-mornings instead. 10x unbroken on 60 kg, lowered to 40 kg. 20x unbroken + 20x unbroken. I've already started cramping (1 hour after workout).
C2. 7 kg's. 7 reps / arm all three sets.
A. 95x5, 105x5, 135x5, 155(f*), 155(3)
B. 65x3, 85x3, 105(f*), 105x3, 105x3
* was not present...
C1. unbroken
C2. 8x3, 8x3, 8x8 - all sets at 10lb
AMRAP Burpees. 17, 17, 17
ken c, 80% effort, not 80% of loads..i.e. little tougher than just skill work but not hard enough where tech is not 100%...
28 5'10'' 171#
Late May
A: 110x5 121x5 132x5 143x5 156x3
B: 140x3x5
C1: 20# for all sets
C2: 15x8 17.5x8 17.5x8
AMRAP Burpees- 14-15-16
Wow! Hoping the crew in Calgary doesn't have the weather we are getting here in Lethbridge! Over 20cm of wet snow last night and its still going. All this snow managed to put the entire city without power since 4am. Everything is shut down... Sad to see how much we rely on our technology now. Off to cook breakfast on the BBQ haha
got it. thank you.
A. 135(5)-155(5)-185(5)-205(3)-225(3)
B. 135-155-155-155-155
C1. Unbronen
C2. 10lbs
Late May
A: 75, 85, 95, 95, 95 (tempo was extra challenging at 95lbs so BK held me there to practice staying in the hole and driving out quickly).
B: 45, 55, 65, 70, 75 - started to get the speed on these toward the end (with BK's help)
C1: unbroken 10lbs, UB 10lbs, UB with better height 5lbs.
C2: 8 / arm with 10lbs
Burpees: 17, 17, 16 - felt slow and heavy. I honestly think it's because my abs are sore from doing Annie on Monday.
Late May
A. 65x5, 70x5, 75x5, 80x5, 90x5...should have increased by more weight than 5 pounds every time. All felt really strong.
B. 70x3 each time
C1. all unbroken weight held at chest 15#
C2. 10#x6 each arm every time
12, 11, 12
Felt like I was going fast...buttt looked at Melissa's burpees and thought otherwise haha, good job!!
Forgot to post part 2:
Early May:
Part 1: A-worked up to 205#-not heavy
B1.245x3, 255x2,255x2,260x2, 265x2
B2.unbroken, unbroken, 18/7, 19/6, 15/10
Rested about 2hrs 45 minutes
avg. wattage for intervals;
302, 297, 300, 300, 301, 301
Newbie to the Big Dawgs, been following the programming since sectionals, but figure I better start posting!
Late May
A. 85(5), 105(5), 115(5), 125(3), 135(3)
B. 85, 105, 110, 115, 120
C1 UB 15#
C2 15# 6
13, 13, 14
Thanks for having me Coach!! So far Its been a great switch for me!
A. 111/121/131/136/141
B. 111
C1. 25/30/35 - too lite
C2. 25/25
It's about time Andrea ;o)
A. 100,110,120,130 135x3
B. 95,95,105
C1. 15,20,20
C2. 15,15,15
burpees - 15,15,14
Late May
A. 45(5), 55(5), 65(5), 75(5) (I just figure out I did only 4 sets.. oups!)
B. 45, 55, 65, 70
C1 First 2 sets broken, last set UB
C2 First set with 10#, but I felt pain I my right shoulder... 5# for last two sets (8/arm)
Still not comfortable with weight over my head. Before today, my 1RM on OHS was 70#
15, 14, 14
Late may
A.) 115, 120, 130, 135, 140 all 5 reps. Thought the tempo was going to kill me but it was good. Went ass to grass for snatch/snatch balance practice.
B.) 80, 95, 105, 115, 120 nice and easy. Made sure I wore a shirt with a higher neck line so I didn't scrape up my neck when bringing it back down.
C1.) 10, 15, 15
C2.) 15# for 8, 8, 6
Power still not back on. It was fun training in the 1/2 dark. Made eggs and coffee on the BBQ this am. Can't wait for the power to come back on, this is alittle crazy!
Whoops forgot about the burpees... 18, 15, 14
Just did not have it today...I had no energy. I've been a bit too flexible on my nutrition the last couple of days and it's noticeable. I need to get back on track.
A: 205
B1: 205(3),205(3),205(3)
B2: 25 unbroken X 3
shut it down after 3 rounds so I can regroup later this evening for the row workout
38/6'2"/195 - Early May
A1 HSC: 60/70/80/90/100/110kg (242#) - Last one was easy!
B1 FS: 80x5/90x5/100x5/110x3/120kgx1 (264#) - I'm not sure what I was thinking but did all sets of 5 reps except for last 2.
B2 CU: 25/25/25/25/25 - Ouuu!
Resting for Part II...
So I've spent the 24 hours worrying about my back and regionals. The one piece of spine is tender to touch or stretch in the middle of my back. You guys may know the technical term for this. I've got these mental blocks like, what if they hit us with max DL and my back gives on a max attempt at regionals.. Today I pushed the "train it or break it" typical approach that has never failed me and it felt alright. My numbers were a little higher today because of it and I didn't hurt anything in the process.
I'm not sure I've ever done 5 rounds of 25 unbroken pullups before so this is a worthy accomplishment.
A 115 125 135 145 155(3)
B 115 125 135 145 145
C 25 35 40-easy
c2 15,20,20
Burpees 17,15,14
Notes: my right arm was weaker on powell raise today(pretty sure left is normally weaker). wide foot stance on burpees is key for speed/fatigue for me. wrists hurt like hell today. but felt great during wod, this wod was the perfect amount of volume for me.
awesome job on the WOD 2day!... way 2 push and come up with some big digs!...
does ur back hurt directly over ur spine/bone or 2 the side a bit?... what movements aggravate it?... any referred or shooting pain?...
Early May:
A. built to 215lb
B. 205, 215, 225, 235x2, 235x2
B2. all unbroken
10 min row warmup
rows felt good, especially compared to those damn hill sprints-
1st half total m = 4596
10 min rest
2nd half total m = 4583
10 min cool down
Going to do this workout tomorrow and tomorrows on Friday cuz I am leaving for Florida Fri at 2pm :) Will skip Sat and start on Sun there, doing the wods my coach made up for me at Crossfit St.Petes, Yeah fun and sun!!!
Be back with you big dawgs in a week
Early May:
A: built to an easy 130kg/1 (have it on video, will post later)
B1: 130kg (#286)/3 for all sets
B2: all unbroken. Ripped on my last set on the 4th rep, but was NOT going to stop. After I finished, my training partner said I actually did 28 reps. But who knows :)
Part 2 later.
A. 152,162,167,174.5,184.5 - climbed up too slow
B. 111lbs for all, too light but I felt like I was learning this skill all over again.
C1. 20,22.5,27 - too light
C2. 20,22.5,25 - ow
Shoulders, elbows and wrists crushed but I survived the last 2 days. I've been experimenting with cold therapy and icing after WODs and it seems to give me some relief so I'm going to go with it.
Looks like the Canadian Regionals has released some info. 2.5 day event; bring the pain!
late may -
A. I can't remember, worked up to 245 x 2
B. 132-152-152
C1. 30-45-55
C2. 20x8x3
Burpees - 15-15-14
A. 5/115, 5/125, 5/140, 4/150, 5/155
Started a bit light
B.2/95, 3/95, 3/100, 3/105x2
Kept it light really need to work on anything to do with the snatch
C1. UB/5, UB/10, 15,5/10
C2. 8/15, 6/20, 5/20
Burpees 14,15,14
Late May
A. 145, 160, 170x4, 170, 175x2
B. 135x4, 135x3, 135, 135x4, 135
C1. 10lbs / 15lbs / 20lbs
C2. 15lbsx8 / 15x8 / 20x7
Burpees: 14, 15, 14
My overhead squats felt like ass tonight. I was swaying like a tree in a hurricane on the lowering portions.
I really struggle lowering weight from overhead back to the starting snatch balance position. It was the limiting factor in part B. It puts a ton of stress on my shoulders, any suggestions?
Oh yeah, burpees were 14,14,14.
A1: 185, 225, 235, 245x4, 245x4
B: 225x2, 205x4, 205x4
C1. 25 all unbroken
C2. 25 x8, 6, 20 x6
Burpees: 14, 15, 14
I just realized I read part B wrong and did 5 sets of 3-5 instead of 5 sets of 3. I really need to work on my reading comprehension.
Hey guys,
I was pretty excited about this and wanted to share it with my big dawg family.
LuLu i just saw that and was about to mention it - those big numbers won't surprise any of us here but still pretty cool to see you represented on the main site!
Also pretty excited/nervous about the Canada Regional competition info.... need to try to catch an earlier flight into Calgary, I'm due to get there 1:38pm on Friday!
part 1:
A- 245
B1- 225(3)/ 235(3)/ 245(2)/ 245(2)/ 245(2)
B2- COVP/C2B/COVP/C2B/COVP [all felt pretty ez and smooth]
part 2:
was a nice day outside and only had 30min b/f having to head into work...
did 30min of running [3min on 50%, 3min on 80% x5], felt refreshing to get some vit D and UVB... ha
A. 115,120,3x125,125,3x130
B. 125,4 setsx130
C2.20#x8 reps
Burpees- 12,13,13
late may
A. 165x4 170x3 175x3 180x3 185x3
B. 135 135 140 140 145
C1. 10 15 20
C2. 15 25 25
burpees: 15 16 16
ohs were hard at tempo. felt weak on the snatch balance at first but it got better. i think my max snatch balance is 185 but that was over a year ago.
late may
A. 35 kg, 40(4), 41(4), 42(4), 44.5(2)
B. 25 kg, 25, 30, 35(2), 30
C1. 10 kg (no DB ha to use plate)
C2. 10 lbs, 12(7), 12(6)
Burpees - 14,15,14
OHS felt good. My Snatch balance is HORRIBLE. must practice this more in my warm up. Back extensions were too light. Really focused on tempo and form on the Powell raises. Burpees were fast..I could hear Gord's voice in my head "small jumps, small jumps".
On that note, I am going to be in Calgary this weekend and would love to make a trip to OPT for a workout this Saturday. Wondering when is a good time to be there? Not really sure how the schedule works...thanks.
Very humbled from yesterday, so kept things light today
A. 165
B. 135
C1. as rxd with 45# DB
C2. as rxd with 15# DB
Burpees= 15x3
A. 90, 100, 110, 120, 120
B. 95 for all
C1. 15, 15, 15
C2. 12.5, 15, 15
burpees- 12, 13, 13
Early May
Part 2:
Watts are still a bit weird to work with for me. So I tried to keep a 1:50 or so for all 'on' intervals and a 2:05 for all 'off' intervals. I ended up being closer to 1:55 and 2:10 by the end.
Warmup: 2483
quick break to stretch
Workout 8826 meters
quick break to get water and eat half a banana
Cooldown: 2251
Total: 13560
Average watts ended up being 246 on, and 145 off.
Longest row workout I've ever done!
Late May
A. 175/185(3)/185(4)/185(4)/185(4)
B. 135
C1. 20/25/30
C2. 20(7)/20(6)/20(6)
Burpee's: 14/15/15
Notes: I wanted 195 on the OHS but I could not get 5 at that tempo.
Early May - Part 2
Holy shit!
Joey...bring on the hill sprints anyday...beats the hell out of 56min of rowing.
Coach...thanks for taking me out of my comfort zone on this one.
warmup: 2272m
1st half: 4719m (ave. watts 231)
2nd half: 4672m (ave. watts 223)
cooldown: 2250m
Total meters: 13,913
Total calories burned = 920
The entire 10min cooldown, I'm asking myself "WHY"?
Late May
A: 135, 155(4), 155, 165(4), 165(4)
B: 135, 95, 95, 95, 95
C1: 15lbs for all
C2: 15lbs for all
Burpees: 16, 16, 17
My left shoulder really limited me today, I need to get it checked out and get some physio on it probably.
OHS were tough on the wrists too, moved in my grip and felt better. The tempo was definitely not easy, but happy I stuck to it.
Snatch balance at 135 was more like a push jerk into an OHS so dropped down to 95 and really tried to drop under bar. First time doing these, got better each rep.
15lbs was the only set of dumbbells I had, probably a solid weight though.
Happy with burpees, first 10 felt fast then laboured a bit pushing up off the ground.
A. 145/155/165(3)/165/175(1)
B. 135.
C1. 20/25/30
C2. 15/20(8)/20(8)
A. Felt good. should've done 170. 175 is the most I've had in an OHS.
B. fast, good form.
C1. really felt it in the glutes.
C2. good weight and tempo.
15/16/16 felt good. good speed.
A. 90(3), 100(3), 110(5), 115(2), 115(3)
B. 75, 80, 85, 90, 95
C1. 20, 25, 30
*will admit I took 2x2second pauses at the bottom with the 30# DB. That hurt!!
C2. 12(8), 12(8), 15(6)
D. 12, 12, 12
**2 of my least fav lifts, OHS and snatch. Obv because they are my weakest.
Did 'A' and 'B' of today's WOD in a training session with Brett. Lost my notes, but I remembered most of the numbers...
A. Worked up to final set of 110x5 at tempo. I really need to be more mindful of a more thorough warm up for these .
B. 65, 75, 75, 75, 80 (got to go up in weight...must have done something right hey Brett!?).
C1. 20/30/40 all UB...could have gone higher...started too low.
C2. 10x8/ 12.5x8/ 15x6
no burpees today
Great bio Lulu!!!!!
@CFC w/ TLaw
A. 185
B. 135
C1. UB w/45lb DB
C2. 15lb DB
Burpees 16x3
Notes: I am toasted from yesterday and today...had zero pop for OHS and SB...this is only WOD I have done where the burpees were the best part! However I could not go faster...
Part II: Row from hell
Warmup: 2450m (182 avg watts)
First 3 rounds: 4829m (252 avg watts)
Last 3 rounds: 4700 (238 avg watts)
Warmdown: 2391 (177 avg watts)
Total Meters: 14,370
Unit, picture yourself arching really hard on a heavy bench press. The highpoint of that arch is the spine that is hurt. When I lay flat on my stomach and arch up by straightening arms and leaving hips on the ground, it feels like there is a chopstick wedged in the spine. It's not a sharp or intense pain, more of a dull hotspot that indicates a weak link. I'll feel it on any pull from the ground like a clean or deadlift. It's a hard one to explain but I'm trying to work mobility far enough it's stretching it but I'm not irritating it. Foam rolling and going to take motrin for 4-5 days just to reduce swelling if any. Typically I dismiss pains like this but when your dealing with your spine and heavy lifts, it's playing with my head.
Tough row tonight. I didn't expect it to be so long and grueling.
I really wish I had seen the "rest 10 min b/t sets 3 and 4"
A 95/105/125/135/140
all 5s except last set was 4 now mind you had to do this on a smith machine because the little dinky gym here does not have a rack and cannot drop the weights. It was good for tempo and depth though. I am not sure i could have gone that heavy at home.
B 65/75/85/85/85 failed on the 3rd rep of last set
C1 12.5 pounds for each on 45 degree extension thingy totally different was all low back not hammies or glutes
C2 10/12.5/12.5
Burpees 12/13/13
holy crap Kat those are lightning burpees!! I couldn't go any faster.
looking forward to getting home and back to normal diet and workout stuff. But am totally loving my suntan!!!!
Felt pretty good tonight
A.) 135 /5,155/5/175/4/185/3/193/3
B.kept this light and fast but I felt good
C.) 40 db
20 reps three sets fast
D.) super slow
10lbs 8 rep side, 3 sets
13,16,17 -could have went way faster
all around feeling pretty good.
Late May
A. 135/165/185/205/225(f-3)
B. 135/145(2)/155/165/175(f-2)
C1. 25#x20x3
C2. 25#x8x3/arm
Notes: Tempo very tough last set of OHS. Lost balance twice on the snatch balances (2nd and 5th set). 175 is pushing it for me right now, even though I have a 1RM of 200+. Just seems like I am slow getting under the bar.
Back Extensions were brutal today. Hamstrings/glutes are burning.
Burpees felt good and fast. I don't know if I can go faster than 14 in 30s right now so I am happy.
C1.10#/handx20, 15#/handx20,15#/handx20
C2.10x8, 20x8 (lost form), 15x8 (strict)
OHS squats felt really solid.
Snatch Balances felt good. Wrists are getting really sore.
Not sure if my burpees can get much more efficient than this but it was good to go as fast as possible to see how to make these quicker.
a. 5 x 105/ 115/ 125/ 135(4)/ 135
b. 3 x 75/ 85/ 95/ 105/ 105
c. 5# dbs held overhead 3 x 20
d. 6 reps x 10#, 6 x 15, 8 x 15
skipped burpees (resting ankle injury)
Catching up for being out of town for work.
A. 111x5,131x5,141x5,153x5,163x4
B. 11x2,88,88,98,98
C. 25#,40#,40#
C2. 12#
Burpees: 16,16,15 sectionals standards
Have been very strict with ROM/tempos since sectionals, and have had training partner watch/not count reps if not up to snuff. OHS felt awesome tonight, gotta be the shoes. Never did SB so just worked on the movement.
early may-er...
did part 2 2day... a couple days l8...
total m
Late may for now:
A: 155,160,170,180,190x4
B: 115,135,155
C1: 20,30,40
C2: 30x8, 30x8, 32x7
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