James, thought you'd appreciate this. My response to the editor of a local
health mag that published 3 articles in the same issue that could all be
linked to a grain-based diet (Celiac-Spruce, Adult Acne, and Allergies).
Sir/Ma'am. I am writing regarding a strong, yet unmentioned connection
between three articles in your recent publication.
The first article dealt with Celiac in the Elderly. The second addressed
Folic Acid deficiencies and its association to Allergies. The third is
titled "Keys to Managing Adult Acne."
My comments, although they may not initially seem so, are directed at a
common ground between these articles. There is a pervasive methodology
within studies related to maladies to focus on symptoms even though
intending to identify sources. This usually stems from a narrow scope (i.e.
specialists attacking the problem) and the lack of a unifying concept or
approach to nutrition (Cordain). I commend the search for a vitamin and/or
mineral deficiency in identifying the cause of allergies. I commend the
identification of Celiac-Spruce in elderly (and its associated resultant
vitamin and mineral deficiencies). And I commend the discussion of Adult
Acne. However, there is a common link between these ailments that,
unfortunately, allows many other "symptoms" to become red herrings.
The USDA "MyPyramid," and its precursor "Food Pyramid" promote (as the first
step, or the base in each model) eating at least 3 ounces of whole grains
(breads pasta cereals, crackers, rice) every day. However, there are
serious impacts to the human digestive and immune systems due to grain
intake. These impacts correlate DIRECLTY with your articles.
There are 3 primary deleterious effects of grain intake.
1. Persistently raised levels of insulin and resultant insulin
resistance, hyperinsulinemia and onset of Syndrome X (aka metabolic
syndrome) and eventual Type 2 Diabetes (Wilford Brimely was once the
spokesman for Oatmeal, now he's the spokesman for Diabetes). Yes, in spite
of what the popular conventional wisdom promoted by Registered Dieticians
and the majority of Doctors, even "whole" grains will raise insulin
levels.that is, unless you eat a tablespoon of said grain. However, that is
not what we eat. We eat 2 slices of bread, a plate of pasta or rice, a
2. Phytate inhibition of mineral absorption and Lectin
damage/subsequent auto-immune dysfunction. Phytates are a seed's mechanism
to ensure timely (and eventual) germination. It does so by binding to
metals (namely zinc, calcium and magnesium). With grains as the stable of
the Western diet, we are primed for mineral deficiencies and their resultant
symptoms. The cure is to often take a supplement. However, without
reducing or removing grains, absorption of the dosage of that supplement is
hindered and the intended minerals go right out our back ends. So, by
fortifying grains with folic acid to prevent folate deficiencies, and
promoting the intake of grains, we have inadvertently primed ourselves for
osteoporosis, Vitamin B deficiencies and a multitude of other clinical
mineral deficiencies. Lectin (plant protein) damages the gut lining and its
means of macronutrient and vitamin absorption. Gluten is the most commonly
reference Lectin, and the clinical-level intolerance to it is called
Celiac-Spruce (reference your article). However, the lectin, like the
phytate, is a grain's method of ensuring the seed's survival. The lectin
reacts with every human's gut lining. At some level (sub-clinical or
clinical) we are all sensitive to its effects. The sub-clinical result is
leaky gut syndrome and the associated auto-immune dysfunctions as our body
attacks the proteins that leak through our damaged intestines. Some common
auto-immune dysfunctions are ALLERGIES!!!, ACNE!!!, asthma, arthritis, IBS,
colitis, Crones and ADHD (just to name a VERY few). It's also important to
note that the phytate and lectin content of "whole grains" (the consumption
of which is emphasized by the USDA) is far greater than refined grains (not
that they're any better for you).
3. The condemnation of fat and cholesterol as the causes of heart
disease have led to the increased consumption of carbohydrates (primarily in
the form of market-driven grains). This furthers an already problematic
imbalance of N-3/N-6 fatty acid and its resultant inflammation (now highly
recognized as one of the leading indicators of heart disease).
My point is this: humans have not effectively evolved to eat grains and
thrive. All 3 ailements in the identified articles can, for many--I propose
the majority, be minimized or eliminated with the removal of grains from the
diet, and an increase in animal proteins and clean fats. So many of modern
societies' ailments are directly tied to increased intake of grains
(hypertension, mineral deficiencies, auto-immune dysfunction, diabetes,
elevated triglycerides, high-count of small/dense LDLs...again, just to name
a few). There are a ton of great references that address this: Good
Calories, Bad Calories (Gary Taubes) is the definitive guide to the history
of our western diet and its connection to disease. Unfortunately, we live
in a nation whose food policy and guidance is economically driven by a
subsidized grain-based food industry. The connections are strong, the
impacts are clear. The common guidance to eat more grains and grain-based
fiber is just plain flawed at the physiological and evolutionary levels. I
guide my clients through the maze of conventional wisdom to the heart of
nutritional facts and physiological functioning...with consistent and
remarkably effective results. We get them off statins, hypertension
medication, Metformin and other Diabetes control meds. We regain lost
functionality, clear up skin disorders, minimize arthritic pain, increase
bone and muscle density...all by doing exactly what the USDA tells us NOT to
I'd be interested in discussing this with you and writing more if you are
Jeremy Gordon,
CrossFit Hampton Roads
health mag that published 3 articles in the same issue that could all be
linked to a grain-based diet (Celiac-Spruce, Adult Acne, and Allergies).
Sir/Ma'am. I am writing regarding a strong, yet unmentioned connection
between three articles in your recent publication.
The first article dealt with Celiac in the Elderly. The second addressed
Folic Acid deficiencies and its association to Allergies. The third is
titled "Keys to Managing Adult Acne."
My comments, although they may not initially seem so, are directed at a
common ground between these articles. There is a pervasive methodology
within studies related to maladies to focus on symptoms even though
intending to identify sources. This usually stems from a narrow scope (i.e.
specialists attacking the problem) and the lack of a unifying concept or
approach to nutrition (Cordain). I commend the search for a vitamin and/or
mineral deficiency in identifying the cause of allergies. I commend the
identification of Celiac-Spruce in elderly (and its associated resultant
vitamin and mineral deficiencies). And I commend the discussion of Adult
Acne. However, there is a common link between these ailments that,
unfortunately, allows many other "symptoms" to become red herrings.
The USDA "MyPyramid," and its precursor "Food Pyramid" promote (as the first
step, or the base in each model) eating at least 3 ounces of whole grains
(breads pasta cereals, crackers, rice) every day. However, there are
serious impacts to the human digestive and immune systems due to grain
intake. These impacts correlate DIRECLTY with your articles.
There are 3 primary deleterious effects of grain intake.
1. Persistently raised levels of insulin and resultant insulin
resistance, hyperinsulinemia and onset of Syndrome X (aka metabolic
syndrome) and eventual Type 2 Diabetes (Wilford Brimely was once the
spokesman for Oatmeal, now he's the spokesman for Diabetes). Yes, in spite
of what the popular conventional wisdom promoted by Registered Dieticians
and the majority of Doctors, even "whole" grains will raise insulin
levels.that is, unless you eat a tablespoon of said grain. However, that is
not what we eat. We eat 2 slices of bread, a plate of pasta or rice, a
2. Phytate inhibition of mineral absorption and Lectin
damage/subsequent auto-immune dysfunction. Phytates are a seed's mechanism
to ensure timely (and eventual) germination. It does so by binding to
metals (namely zinc, calcium and magnesium). With grains as the stable of
the Western diet, we are primed for mineral deficiencies and their resultant
symptoms. The cure is to often take a supplement. However, without
reducing or removing grains, absorption of the dosage of that supplement is
hindered and the intended minerals go right out our back ends. So, by
fortifying grains with folic acid to prevent folate deficiencies, and
promoting the intake of grains, we have inadvertently primed ourselves for
osteoporosis, Vitamin B deficiencies and a multitude of other clinical
mineral deficiencies. Lectin (plant protein) damages the gut lining and its
means of macronutrient and vitamin absorption. Gluten is the most commonly
reference Lectin, and the clinical-level intolerance to it is called
Celiac-Spruce (reference your article). However, the lectin, like the
phytate, is a grain's method of ensuring the seed's survival. The lectin
reacts with every human's gut lining. At some level (sub-clinical or
clinical) we are all sensitive to its effects. The sub-clinical result is
leaky gut syndrome and the associated auto-immune dysfunctions as our body
attacks the proteins that leak through our damaged intestines. Some common
auto-immune dysfunctions are ALLERGIES!!!, ACNE!!!, asthma, arthritis, IBS,
colitis, Crones and ADHD (just to name a VERY few). It's also important to
note that the phytate and lectin content of "whole grains" (the consumption
of which is emphasized by the USDA) is far greater than refined grains (not
that they're any better for you).
3. The condemnation of fat and cholesterol as the causes of heart
disease have led to the increased consumption of carbohydrates (primarily in
the form of market-driven grains). This furthers an already problematic
imbalance of N-3/N-6 fatty acid and its resultant inflammation (now highly
recognized as one of the leading indicators of heart disease).
My point is this: humans have not effectively evolved to eat grains and
thrive. All 3 ailements in the identified articles can, for many--I propose
the majority, be minimized or eliminated with the removal of grains from the
diet, and an increase in animal proteins and clean fats. So many of modern
societies' ailments are directly tied to increased intake of grains
(hypertension, mineral deficiencies, auto-immune dysfunction, diabetes,
elevated triglycerides, high-count of small/dense LDLs...again, just to name
a few). There are a ton of great references that address this: Good
Calories, Bad Calories (Gary Taubes) is the definitive guide to the history
of our western diet and its connection to disease. Unfortunately, we live
in a nation whose food policy and guidance is economically driven by a
subsidized grain-based food industry. The connections are strong, the
impacts are clear. The common guidance to eat more grains and grain-based
fiber is just plain flawed at the physiological and evolutionary levels. I
guide my clients through the maze of conventional wisdom to the heart of
nutritional facts and physiological functioning...with consistent and
remarkably effective results. We get them off statins, hypertension
medication, Metformin and other Diabetes control meds. We regain lost
functionality, clear up skin disorders, minimize arthritic pain, increase
bone and muscle density...all by doing exactly what the USDA tells us NOT to
I'd be interested in discussing this with you and writing more if you are
Jeremy Gordon,
CrossFit Hampton Roads
That was very well written, I am going to link this on my blog to show all of my clients. Thanks!
Nice work Jeremy, good on you. We all need to keep challenging what is put out there to the public...
By the way, all big dawgs, Jeremy from CrossFit HR is graciously working on a new online store for OPT... stay tuned for it's official launch coming very soon. Thanks so much Jeremy!!!
Amazing read; really well done, Jeremy.
excellently written and informative. Great job Jeremy
Great read Jeremy. Thanks for putting the time in to write that out.
Thanks Jeremy. I'll be linking to this as well.
Very well written. Unfortunately there is a good chance it will fall on deaf ears. As with so much of the writing in this blog, I will begin to do more research on my own. Jeremy, OPT, all members, thanks for all the good info. From hot Arzona, USA.
Very well written and great information Jeremy. Thank you!
well written Jeremy!... thank u!...
Great article you got here. I'd like to read a bit more concerning this topic. Thank you for giving this material.
Joan Stepsen
Wise geek
Good shaare
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