early May:
part 1:
A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 6,6,4,4,2,2; rest 180 sec
A2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 6; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Walking Lunges @ 10X0; 6/leg x 3; rest 120 sec
B2. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 20 x 3; rest 120 sec
rest 4+ hours
part 2:
5 x [1 min for as many rounds]:
4 burpees
15 unbroken double unders
rest 3 min b/t rounds
late May:
A1. Back Squat @ 40X0; 3-5 x 5; rest 180 sec
A2. Weighted Chin Ups @ 21X0; 1-2 x 5; rest 180 sec
B1. DB Russian Step Up @ 1110; 12-15/leg x 3; rest 60 sec
B2. Kipping Chin Ups - chin inside vertical plane; 25 x 3; rest 60 sec
C. GHD Sit Ups 2 hands overhead @ 2121; 20 x 3; rest 120 sec
post loads, rounds and notes to comments
double tomorrow for early May
Would the May 15-16 NW regional be considered early or late?
Yelvi, if you were doing late may you would be set to peak may 29-30th, I'm pretty sure you don't want to peak 2 weeks after your comp... If you do early may you would be peaking for may 7/8(I assume) which would be a week early... I think your best bet would be to work a week behind the blog go ensur you peak at the right time... Just my 2 cents
Using early may...
Not sure about second round,
Is it (4 burpees+15 DUs)/repeat/repeat.. for a minute, rest 3min, 5 sets?
jeff k, yes
A1. 245, 255, 265, 280, 295
A2. 100, 104, 106, 109, 111
B1. 44, 49, 54x13/leg
b2. unbroken
C. unbroken
high bar back squats, supinated weighted pullup's
Early May: Denver Regionals May 1-2
A1 BS: 70/80/90/100/110/130kg (286#)
A2 C2B: 20x6: First 2 rounds were unbroken, after that I got to 10-12 before breaking. No chalk and smooth small bar made this one difficult today. I'm happy that I hit all 120 of them with no misses!
B1 WLunge: 70/70/70#db's
B2 GHDSU: 20/20/20
Pampered the legs just a bit as the right thigh still knotted a bit in the full squat. Kicked it up just a tad in the last round and it felt good. Refueling for Part II.
late may
A1. 235, 245, 255, 265, 275x3 (messed up my breathing on the last set)
A2. 65, 70, 75, 75, 75 (all doubles)
B1. 35x15, 45x12x2... tough keeping tempo at the bottom
B2. amrap strict pullups 13, 9, 9 (had to do this at goodlife, there was nowhere to kip without losing teetch)
C. first time with a GHD - did 15x4sets
Early May (8th&9th)
Had a chance to workout in an actual box with bumper plates so took advantage and worked on the Snatch: worked up to 90kg then did WOD:
A1. 100kg, 110kg, 120kg, 127.5kg, 132.5kg, 137.5kg
A2. unbroken, unbroken, 17/2/1, 14/3/2/1, 10/3/3/3/1
B1. 24kg/hand, 24kg r hand/32kg l hand, 32kg r hand/24kg l hand
B2. 20, 20, 20
Rested about 5 hours
Part 2:
2 rds+burpees, 3 rds, 2 rds+burpees, 2 rds+burpees, 3 rds
Thanks for the reply DJ. I guess Ill do late May for this week and then come back to today's and start the early May programming next Saturday. I think that sounds right?
Late May
A1. 125-135-135-145-135 all x 5
A2. 25-30-35-35-35 all x 2
B1. 25lbs in each hand, 14" box x 15 all sets
B2. UB-UB-B last set was hard, crazy forearm burn
C.All unbroken
Notes: OPT or anyone who reads this that wants to help. When I do squats Rippetoe style I can do a significantly higher wieght. I did them with highbar(up high on my shoulders) today and a narrower stance but they are way harder for me this way. Should I do both styles? or just focus on one. Any advice???
Late May. Regionals are May 15-16 so I'll follow late may until about two weeks out and then peel off and do early mays taper unless Coach reccomends otherwise. Did this for Sectionals and it worked out well.
A1. 235/245/255/260/260 Stayed at 260 despite getting 5 because couldnt maintain tempo.
A2. 75/80/85/90/90
B1. 50/hand for all.
B2. All UB
C1. All broken.
Love this stuff. 260 for 5 is a PR, even at tempo.
Early May:
part 1:
A1. 245, 245, 255, 255x3, 265- I had nothing in the tank on squats, still sore from deadlift, I shut it down before last set
A2. all unbroken, all very easy
B1. 70/hand, 75, 80
B2. all unbroken felt good
3 + 2 burpees
2 + 7DUs - one trip up on DUs
3 + 2 burpees
3 + 3 burpees
3 + 2 burpees
First day back since last weekends sectional. I backed off a tad today, wanted to introduce body slowly back to this intensity.
A1 175(6) 205(4) 225(2)
A2 50(2) 60(2) 70(2)
B1 15lb DB/hand x 2
B2 unbroken x 2
C 15 x 2 at tempo
It feels good to be back...
Late May
A1. 125(5)-125(5)-135(5)-140(5)-155(3)
A2. 25(2)-30(2)-35(2)-40(1)-45(1)
B1. 15lbs in each hand, 16" box x 15 all sets
B2. UB-UB-B (20-5)
C.All unbroken
A1. 185/195/205/210(4)/210(4)
A2. 55/67/73/75/77.5
B1. 20hd/25hd/30hd(12)
B2. unbroken X 2/ 15-6-2-2
C. 1 break per set
Part 1:
A1. 14" box squat; 135, 145, 165, 175, 185, 195
A2. all unbroken, 2 sets regular kip, 4 sets butterfly
B1. 35, 40, 45
B2. all unbroken at tempo
Part 2:
2 + 6 DU
2 + 7 DU
1 + 13 DU
2 + 8 DU
Tripped up twice on round 2 and a three times on round 4.
late may
changed it up some today to work on snatch.
power snatch + ohs + snatch: 135 155 175 185
snatch: 195(ties pr) 200f x 3
A1. 275x5 285x5 295x5 305x4 315x3 (high bar)
A2. 50x2 55x2 60x2 65x2 70x2
B2. pull ups unbroken
C. ghd sit ups unbroken
skipped the step ups since i did the snatching. 60 sec rest between pull ups and sit ups. surprised at how good the snatch felt so i went for a pr. probably could have gotten it with a different progression.
First day back at it after SD sectionals last weekend.
A1 (in kg's): 100x6, 110x6, 120x4, 120x4, 130x2, 130x2. Had some problems coming forward on toes and keeping chest up when I started to get tired.
A2: Did 15 CTB reps after set 2, 4, and 6 of squats trying to avoid messing up my torn hands any more
B1: 45lbs, 50lbs, 53lbs. Not too difficult.
B2: 20, 20, 20. Hard time forcing myself to stay at that tempo.
26 511 190.
Back squat - 255 -5 , 275 5 ,295 4, 315 3 320 3
Weight chins ups- 1.5 pod 2 2.0 pod 2 ,3.0 pod 1 3.5 pod 1,4.0 pod fail
Step ups -40 12 and then 45 for 2 sets 12
Kipps- ub, broke at 22 and ub good for me
Ghds felt good all unbroken
Very good day happy to be back and happy to see everyone
Thank u
Late Marcher:
Hahahaha. Wish I was at the CCP...
first day back since BC Sectional
A1: 200x5/210x5/220x5/230x5/243x5
A2: 70x2/72.5x2/75x2/77.5x3/80x2
B1: 30# for all 3 sets
B2: Unbroken/20+5/20+5
C: Subbed for regular sit ups.
Late May
Warmup with the early May burpee and DU for 3 minutes
Snatch Balance work
A1. 275(4)/315(4)/325(4)/335(4)/345(3)
A2. @16kg 3/3/2/3/3
B1. 45#/hand x 12/leg x 3
B2. all broken
C. No GHD-anchored situps working on speed.
Notes: High Bar today (earlier this week was low bar) felt great as did the weighted pulls. Step ups harder than I would have thought.
First day back since sectional
Late may:
A1. 205-215-225-235x3 245x2(high bar)
A2. 70-80x2 90-100-100 x 1
B1. 30-30-30 x 12.....almost positive I did these wrong. My computer wouldn't open the video up on the OPT site
B2. 25 x 3 unbroken....I am assuming this was suppose to be normal butterfly?
C. 20 x 3 unbroken
Feels good to be back. Surprise how much I was able to back squat today, especially at tempo
First OPT workout ever, stoked to be on the programming, definitely have a lot of catching up to do to get to you animals!
Late May:
A1. 185-205-225-235-245 (all for 5)
A2. 25(2)-35(2)-45(2)-45(1)-54(1)
B1. 45 x 12/25 x 12/25 x 12...backed off after the first set, wanted to work on form, had to search google for demonstration (cant believe how locked up forearms were for pull-ups)
B2. 15-10, 12-8-5, 15-10...Wasn't sure if this was chin breaking vertical plane or if we could butterfly, so i just worked on regular kip, no butterfly
C2. Only did 15x3...First time doing GHD's and was a tough tempo with arms overhead
Cant wait to hit it tomorrow, awesome numbers everyone!
Early May peak (although not competing)
B1:24/32/32 KBs each hand
All weights in kilos.
Notes: Had to use a purple (smallest) band on chin-ups. Went bouldering last night and had absolutely no grip left. Messed up the tempo on top a little bit on second rep of last set of squats as almost lost balance.
Didn't do second part as still having some achilles tendon/posterior calf issues from practising back tucks without adequate warm-up last weekend.
following late May:
A1.205(5)/225(5)/245(2)...WTF?/245(4)/255(3)...(high bar)...I was a bag of hammers on the squats today...tempo beat the sh*t out of me...
B1.30(40#)/30(45#)/14+10(55#)...first time doing these...legs were good...grip gave out on last set...
B2. UB, UB, 17(4+4)...first 2 sets were fast and strong...grip was smoked on last set
C. UBx3
late march
A1. 95, 125, 145, 155, 165X3
a2. 30 # all sets x2
b1. 9# all sets
b2. not unbroken
c. unbroken
did not break as rx'd. had to speed it up.
i need to work on my pull ups a lot. i have been petty pitiful and discouraged at my performance this week in this area.
Late May,
A1.225x5, 230x5,235x4,235x3,235x3
A2. 75x2sup,80x2pro,90x2pro,95x2pro100x2pro
B1. 35x15, 40x15, 45x15
B2 All unbroken
C. Unbroken
No squat rack, so I had to improvise and use a dip station. Legs were tired today.
Everything but the squats felt good though.
Early May, Masters Div, Colorado
Part 1
A1 165, 185, 205, 205, 225, 225
A2 Not Unbroken 14, 15, 16, 16, 11, 13
B1 40, 45, 50
B2 Unbroken
Part 2 (not good)
2 rounds, 5/13,2 5/Unbroken
1+rounds, 5/15, 5/3
<1round, 5/7
1+rounds, 5/31,2 5/3
<1round, 5/7
A1. 225/255/275/285/295/305x1
A2. Just did these yesterday in CFC wod
so did 20/20/15 strict/10 strict/20 pullups/
20 pullups
B1. 40#/30/30 dropped weight to keep proper
B2. Seated situps at tempo 20x3sets (no GHD
at work)
Part 2
2 rds + 4 Burpees + 10 DU x 2
3 rds + 1 Burpees x 3
Early May: Part II
1) 3
2) 2+9 DU's
3) 3
4) 3
5) 3
Frantic workout. Finished all of these on the button.
Late May-
A1. 215,225,227,230,235
A2. 50,60,65,67,1x70
B1. 40# per hand, 15 all sets
B2. all sets slightly broken
C. 20x3
Squats felt really strong today, I didn't know if I should push my luck.
ext rot: 33lb 2x8 l/r
1x5 left
1x7 right
What exactly is " chin inside vertical plane"?
A1. 275 295 315 355 385 405. Felt good, but am I going to heavy on these? maybe I should video next time to have you guys check
A2. UB thru 4 rounds, then terribly broken
B1. 50 lbs
B2. UB on my brand new/ used beat up ghd machine that I found on kijiji
about 10 mins rest:
did 2 rounds per set, about 6 rds UB with the DU
Late May
A1: 185(5), 205(5), 225(5), 245(4), 250(4)
A2: 55(2), 65(2), 72.5(1), 75(1), 80(1)
B1: 16kg(15), 20kg(12), 16kg(13)
B2: UB, 15/10, 12/7/6
C: all unbroken
Squats felt great today, legs have recovered, should have started at 205 but only got to 210 a few days ago so really happy with 250. Tempo was great, "x" was getting a little slow at the end.
Weighted pull ups all pronated.
Rus. step ups were difficult. Couldn't hold tempo at 20kg so went back down to 16kg.
Grip was toast on kipping pull ups.
GHDs were tough but very happy I did all of them, head was going to explode at the end and pukie was there, but kept trucking through.
First day back after Sectionals...didn't feel like there was much in the tank to begin with, but it was good to get back into it and see people I haven't seen all week!!!
A1. 115/135/147.5/157.5/165...5 reps/set, tempo good.
A2. 25/27.5/30/35/37.5...2reps/set.
B1. 20#/hand and 20' box for all 3 sets.
15/14(right leg); 12/12; 12/10...should have done these on a lower box or dropped the weight as form was lacking. Felt so tired on these!
B2. UB/14, remainder broken/15, remainder broken...had NOTHING in forearms!!!!
C. UB/UB...tempo good, no time for 3rd set...
First Post, humbly approaching the pack...thank you for the opportunity to train alongside.
Late May
A1. 225(5),245(5),255(5),275(4),285(3)
A2. Double overhand (I'm weak here) 45(2),47.5(2),55(2),57.7(2),62.5(1)
B1. 20lb DBs/24" box - 15,12,12
B2. Unbroken butterfly
C. Unbroken, a little too fast on the tempo as it took 1:50 to complete each set. Like the pause at bottom and slower concentric -feel more control through the movement now. GHDSUs have been a dreaded exercise in the past.
A1. 225/235/245(3)/245(3)/245(3)
A2. 85 x 5
B1. 30's/30/35
B2. Unbroken
C. Unbroken
A1. 305/5,315/5,325/4/330/3/330/3
A2. 40/2,45/2,50/2,55/1,55/1
B 1.20inch box 25x3x12
B 2.UB,UB,17/3/5
Love training at CF Calgary,cannot help but having a dig every time ya walk in the door with the awesome talent the crocodiles are up here.Finally starting to feel good ,enjoyed the sesssion today although had to brush the GHD becuase of time issue.Hearty thanx to DeeJay for offering to get me there even though he wasn't working out and Rob for some key tips on relaxing while kipping. Invaluable advice, thankyou.
Had to improvise a bit today due to being out of town and limited equipment
early May:
part 1:
A1: 175(6) X 6 at tempo....no squat rack so had to take from floor
A2: 20 X 6 ....all rounds broken. Had to do strict on gravitron machine...no pullup bar.
B1: 70lbs/hand X 3
B2: subbed k2e's 20 X 3...no GHD machine
part 2:
2 + burpees (tripped up midway through d/u's...so pissed...not enough time left to finish round 3)
A1. 185(5), 205(5), 215(5), 225(5), 230(5) - lack depth on last set.
A2 60(2), 80(2), 80(2), 80(2), 80(2)
B1. 35(15), 35(15), 35(15)
B2. unbroken, ub, ub
C1. broken, unbroken, ub
B1.44/hand x 15,12,12
C.K2E 20x3
A1. ( kilos)
Did not have much time to rest in between..
A2. Unbroken - all other sets broken
B1. 22 kg
B2. Unbroken
part 2.
1. 2 rounds+burpees+3 DU
2. 2 rounds + burpees + 4 DU
3. 3 rounds
4. 3 rounds
5. 2 rounds + burpees + 5 DU
early may
A1. 265,265,285,285,315,315 concentrated on keeping tempo all the way through
A2. 20x5UB 19 +1
B1. 53, 70, 70
B2. 20x3UB
2rd+4+7 DU
A1. 225/225/245/245/265/265
A2. Unbroken x 6
B1. 70/75/75
B2. No GHD did toes to bar, broken on 2 and 3 made it to 12
A1. Power Clean to Front Squat: 235x3(x2), 235x4(x1), 235x3(x1)(rest 120)
A2: alt grip: 90, 95, 95, 95 (all x2) (rest 120)
B1: 45x15 all, 45 sec rest between legs
B2: all complete, straight grip
C: 3x15, rest 60,
Notes: time and equip constraints. still sore from last time around with the GHDSU so didn't push for 20, would have done more harm than good
A1: 245(5), 255 (4)x4
A2: 40(2),45(2),53(2)x3
B1: 12x3-1 pood kb each hand
B2: Broken
C: Broken
BS felt good on this as did the weighted chin ups. Russian step up was new to me, probably could have used a little more weight. Tried to mix up the pull ups between butterfly and kipping. GHD's felt decent for the first time as well.
29 yom 185lbs Late march
A1 205/225/235/245/250
A2 25/30/35/40/40
B1 - 20lbs DBs
B2 - 1&2 unbroken 3rd Broken
C - unbroken
A1. 205(3), 205(3), 205(3), 205(3), 205(3)
A2. 20(3), 20(3), 25(3), 30(2), 35(1)
B1. 25(15), 30(15), 35(15)
B2. 20-20-11 (hand started to tear open)
C. all UB
A1. 5/185, 5/205, 5/225, 3/235, 3/235
A2. 2/70, 2/75, 2/80, 2/85, 1/90 pronated grip
no rest between A1 and A2, 1min rest between sets
B1. 15/20, 15/25, 15/35
C. UB,UB,UB, 1 min rest
Didn't have time to rest as RX'd, first time with russian step ups on to 20 inch box started to light
early May:
A1: 185(6)195(6)205(4)215(4)225(2)225(2)
Right knee MCL testy.
A2: First 2 CTB unbroken, 3rd broke at 18, 4th adjusted technique and did 20. Stop.
Ran out of time.
Burpees and dbu's tonight.
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