(Hannah and I mixing shadows at Laguna Beach today)
part 1:
As many sets in 5 minutes:
Power Clean x 1
Split Jerk x 3
rest 2 minutes
As many reps in 4 minutes:
Alternating Pistols
rest 2 min
As many rounds in 3 minutes:
5 burpees
5 chin ups
rest 4 hours
part 2:
Row 2500 m
- 1st 500 m @ 60%
- 2nd 500 m @ 75%
- 3rd 500 m @ 90%
- 4th 500 m @ 90%
- 5th 500 m @ 100%
post total score for part 1 (i.e. total COMPLETE sets + total reps + total COMPLETE rounds) and notes on part 2 to comments (watt avg in rows should reflect the %'s prescribed per 500 m)
We have lots of water in Vancouver for you. Housing prices are a little out of whack but there is lots of ocean. Alberta snow storm in May.. life is too short.
See you in a few weeks.
Jason "Rumble"
OPT I dont know why you said that about reflection, but it is just what I needed to hear!
The stresses of work, family and still having to train through does take its toll!
Also, just to let you know I am working hard in my little barn full of home made equipment up here in the Highlands of Scotland, following your wods on my own day in day out....thank you!
Littleredhead- these little barns full of homeade equipment out in the country and quiet areas are producing monsters of fitness with this programming...its scary to see what "monster" will be showing up to the games this year, that was training out of a little barn filled with homeade equipment....that is why i love this sport...
Part 1
5 sets
45 pistols
7 rds.
10 mins rest
Part 2
completed the row in 9:25. not a good idea to do w/ 10 mins rest but that was the only way for me to get it done today.
I went for broke in the C&J and missed a jerk early so that put me behind. right leg on pistols is weak.
Late May
Part 1
6 sets
51 pistols
6 rds
Awesome workout. Fast recovery during the breaks.
Rowing this afternoon.
Part 1:
9 rds
63 pistols
7 rds
No time for Part 2 today.
11 rounds
83 pistols
6 rounds
part deaux...
Late May Part 1:
9 + 64 + 6 = 79
part 1
scaled weight up to 205lbs
10 sets
66 reps
6 rounds
8 Rounds
32 Reps
6 Rounds
C&J scaled to 155# unfortunately... otherwise my score would have been 1
74" / 196.5lbs
Part 1:
3rds @ 175 (had to drop to 155 after 3 rds) +2rds @1 155lbs
52 Pistols
5 Rds 5 Burpees
Rowing later today
That is a power clean PR for me so I am very happy with that - my Split still needs a lot of work, having a 7'1" wingspan on a 6'2 body is awkward for jerking. I end up getting it within like 3-4inches of lockout and pressing the rest, makes consecutive reps very difficult.
5 Rounds
107 Pistols
7 Rounds
110# felt heavy today during the first part.
10 rounds of clean/split jerk
90 pistols
6 rounds pull up/burpees
total: 106
not much left in the tank at the end.
Part 1:
9 rounds
7 rounds(CTB pull-ups)
11 + 70 + 0
I have video of pistols... I thought it was going to be easier but the c/j killed the quads.
Even though I had tonnes of gas, I didn't do the third round because of shoulders and arms really hurting bad today... Didn't want to risk it.
I have video of pistols I will post.
Part 2 8:56.2
watt averages and % based on last 500m
228 (66%)
269 (77%)
305 (88%)
289 (83%)
346 (100%)
% are a little off, went based on feel...
Just watched Nathan compete live it was friggin awesome and i LOVE that he wrote "UNBROKEN" on his back in huge letters - nice work Big Dawg way to represent!!!
Now that i am insprired i will go hit this WOD and pray my knee holds up.
Oh yeah i did a 170# PR 1RM on my bench yesterday ooooooouuuuuuuu
Part 1 - total: 72
59 with 10lb DB
*5 complete rounds + 1PC + 1SJ did not count PC& SJ in total
Part 2
1st 500@60% - 160W, 2:09
2nd 500@75% - 178W, 2:05
3rd 500@90% - 259W, 1:50
4th 500@90% - 250W, 1:51
5th 500@100% - 238W, 1:58
Total time: 9:53
75% was not gaged adequately - did not push hard enough
90% was estimated too high and crashed at 100%
rested 10 min
500m row sprint 1:30:3
no time for a full part II today, pr on 500m is 1:26
notes on part 1:
-1 rep away from 6 rounds on pc,sj wod, need to bend back leg more.
-i was very happy with 50 reps on pistols, right hip much more flexable and stronger since last time doing these, therapy is helping.
-burpee, pullups, fast easy, not even gassed.
-500m row, strong for only 10 min rest.
Haha thanks lisa!
Two wods down. Chose to dk the floater in the first heat to maximize rest time.
8:00am : broken up as necrssary 20 shoulder to overhead @185, 40 burpees jumping over a small hurdle every rep
11:00am: tire flips and pole carry: 6:55
seemingly competitve times, but not sure.
After the weekend is over ill write a full review of the workouts and my diet strategies.
Part 1
10 rounds
38 Pistols (weakness - had to use band for assistance)
6 rounds (2 pull-ups shy of 7 :( - wish I pushed harder to get these in)
Total: 54
Part 2
ave watts/500 - 144,155,184,186,220
Should have gone harder on all - had lots left at the end. I'll know for next time...
forgot oly shoes made a and b pretty tough in running flats but adapt and overcome. memory card filled half way through section 1 but first 3 rounds on FB later.
Wow ladies there are some great numbers out there today Christy - smokin, and Melissa holy hell on the pistols!! Nice job sHELLy on the clean and sjs that is awesome.
8 rounds
50 pistols
6 rounds
Still a little tentative with the knee on the spit jerks and had to go really slow with the pistols but felt ok it is now aching so i will go ice and take my supplements and rest up for the row. And friggin pecs are killing me from my stellar bench pressing yesterday - but totally worth it!!
Keep pushing Nathan you ROCK!!
Crash n burned on last part. Worked hard, though.
Give 'em hell this weekend, Dawgs!!
My word is 'incal' which is where all the action is!
Lisa M -
BIG congrats on your 170# BP - thats insane! Nice work.
I was lucky to get home just in time to watch Joey's performance with Barber on his right. I'm not sure what the rules are for that floater but he beat Barber by like 5-10 seconds. Keep it up dawgs!
7 (missed 3rd splt jerk)
7 (this hurt)
= 104
Did a 205 split jerk today. Was easy. Feeling confident of shoulder.
Glued to live feed Joey and Nathan are doing awesome - go Big Dawgs!!!
part 2 in watts
0+80+7 = 87
I skipped the C&J. I tried a few and my left shoulder was on FIRE.Think I may have tweaked it from Bench press and all the shoulders stuff last week. I did not want to really injure it so I pulled the plug, glad I did. Pistols felt good:) and burpee pullups were fine.
1 hr rest before part 2:
Did not do this properly at all, thanks for the help Mizar, next time I will be on the ball. I felt good at the end and at least I got a new PR for my 500m row which was my 100% row at the very end, haha. Did it in 2min 08 sec, old pr was 2min 14 sec. Will be cool to see what it is without 2000m done before.
Melissa C,
I had no idea you wrote me to ask to train together :( My friend told me at training today, I did not look back at the blog after I wrote on it the other day so I must have missed it, so sad. Next time you are in Montreal or Ottawa we will train forsure!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that way I know I will get your message. CU Soon.
12... Felt solid and aggressive
103 pistols. I HATED these as a gymnast, starting to get over that mental side now.
9 rounds
Part 2
Total row time: 9:14
Screwed up recording the wattage.
Felt solid. Misjudged the first 90%, but managed to pull out a balls to the wall 100% interval.
Part 1:
11 + 69 + 6 = 86
I wanted 70 pistols in worst way, I was in the hole on rep 70 and time ran out....
Rest 4 hours
Part 2:
Total time 9:08
Wattage / Heart Rate
216W / 138
234W / 145
296W / 156
271W / 161
330W / 170
I just couldn't hang on to the 90% pace of 300 watts for 1000 meters.
Thanks for the update Nathan, keep up the great work. The Unbroken on your back was easy to spot!
Keep it going Joey & Nathan. Colin, don't let up. Things can change in a hurry.
Day one here in Sweden at the European Regionals is over and from the staffs point of view I got to see some Dawgs compete.
Corbin sits at 17th after the first 3 events after having a tough time with third WOD involving 10x10m 80kg overhead carry, and Jenny Jacobsen is in 6th, battling back after a hard first event (2,4km run).
Part 1
10 Rounds
37 Reps
6 Rounds
VERY happy with part 1. Wanted 8 rounds and thought I was shooting high but ended up with 10! Did 2 rounds in a row then 5 breaths before putting my hands on the bar again, then single rounds with 5 breaths.
FIRST PISTOLS EVER! Never been able to do pistols before and finally got them today! I was nice and warm so I think that played a large factor. Anyways, would have been happy with just 2 reps. Right leg is stronger for sure. Failed about 5 times on my left.
Wanted 7 rounds but I'm ok with 6.
Diet has changed over this past week and I'm certain it has lead to this results, very happy. Part 2 later tonight.
Part 1
8 rounds
9 rounds
= 99
Ankle rehab day 8:
As many sets & reps in 5 min of:
-1X Clean pull 185lbs (up to collar bone)
-3X strict press 135lbs (from rack).
*score 8 1/2 rounds*
2 min rest
Tabata bottom to bottom:
2min rest
As many sets & reps in 3 min of:
-10 clap push ups
-5 CTB Pull ups
*score*:5 1/2 rounds
5min rest (could not take more time off today).
-60% 2:07.4 watt:169
-75% 2:05 watt:179
-90% 1:51 watt:256
-90% 150.6 WATT:259
-100% 145.2 WATT:301
-Restrictions :Still can't put hard pressure during dorsiflexion, no running, , D-U,... (sensitive heel & Achilles tendon).
-Improvement : Explosive ankle extension @ about 75%. Balance on one foot for extended periods while trow ball on the wall.
Cure and get stronger every day :).
Coach, am I taking to much room on the blog ?
Part 1
5 rounds
58 reps
5 rounds
Part 2 (just over 3 hours rest)
10:45.5 total time
Super happy with today. I unfortunately had to take a week off because I had gotten sick and then this week I was working 2 jobs and not at home from 6am to 10pm. I think that was good though.. I was just itching to get back to the gym.
110# was my 1RM for split jerk, and I managed 5 rounds at 110! I'm ecstatic.
I have always done pistols to a target because I don't have control at the bottom and today they were all full ROM, ass to ankles, no target. yes!
I struggled a little with gauging my efforts on the rower.. I dislike the rower greatly and for some reason always feels like a lot of effort (haw-haw).. probably underestimated today.
sorry for the long post but I needed to happy dance. thanks Coach!
11 rounds
6 rounds
96 total.
nice work today kat!!! and god job lisa on the PB!! thats a huge lift!!
Late May:
4 sets + 2 failed
92 reps
7 rounds
103 Total
- missed 2 other sets on the 3rd split jerks
watts avg
Total time 9:13
-percentages are all a little high was just going by feel.
never done free standing pistols, started with a 10lbs bumper for balance then realised i could do them without, so half and half, glad to finally get em.
Part 2:
500m / Watt / % of max / Time
1 - 204 / 72% / 1:59
2 - 229 / 81% / 1:55
3 - 253 / 90% / 1:51
4 - 270 / 96% / 1:49
5 - 281 / 100% / 1:47
Time - 9:22, Avg Watts-245, avg S/m-24
Obviously my %'s were off to my final 100%, but I usually pull more like 310w @ 100%, but from 500m-250m I was totally gassed and my watts were around 180, had to pull 330+ to get it back up....
part 2
4 hours rest
row watt averages:
1. 203
2. 255
3. 300
4. 291
5. 321
tried to row first at 2:00 avg., 2 at 1:50, 3 and 4 at 1:45 and 5 at 1:40. i got 2:00.0, 1:51.1, 1:45.3, 1:46.3, 1:42.9. total time: 9:05.6. let up a little at the end of the 4th interval to get ready for the 5th.
Awesome job today "Big Dawgs"! Been glued to the live feed today.
Felt motivated to do a triple today:
WOD 1:
"Twisted 25" w/ 115#
800m run
25 OHS
25 burpees
25 ring dips
25 pushpress
25 pullups
25 front squats
25 T2B's
200m 70# sandbag sprint
Time: 16:28
3 hr rest
WOD 2:
AMRAP 115# hang power clean in 3min
AMRAP of KBS(1.5pood) in 3min
5 min to reach a single rep max DL.
No rest b/t movements
70 HPC
59 KBS
455# DL (tied previous PR)
felt good so tried for a new PR and hit 475# today..got it on video so I'll post it later...ouuuuuuuu!
30 min rest
WOD 3:
4X400m runs w/ 2min rest b/t
2min rest
As many rounds in 3 minutes:
5 burpees, 5 chinups
7 rounds
Part 2:(couldn't see watts while seeing distance, so did average 500)
Total - 9:39
Very happy w/ this especially the finally 500, I was right on the edge of falling off but managed to stay strong.
Lulu- no worries. I'm actually in Vaudreuil-Dorion at a Powerlifting comp so no trng today. But I am attempting a move to Ottawa so I would love a trng partner whenever we can hook up! Will send ya an email, but first I will see you at Regionals!! :)
Did running intervals from Wed, May 5th. Didn't have a watch so just ran 400m @ 50% then 400m @ 90-95%.
1st 800m - 3:19
2nd - 3:26
3rd - 3:35
4th - 3:28
Rest 10 min
5th - 3:22
6th - 3:24
7th - 3:24
8th - 3:23
A. 7 rounds
B. 55
C. 6 rounds
No rower at home so I ran instead. My watch broke so I tried to estimate 2 min for each part. I didn't feel like my 100% was much faster than my 65%. Did each part in succession so by the time I got to "100%" I sent have a whole lot left.
I haven't done pistols very often, form was questionable after 35.
8 rounds
45 Reps
6 rounds
4 hours rest
10:17 total time
120watts up to 342 for last 500m
186 avg. watts over 2500m
Joey Warren in 3rd Place right now at almost the end of the first day - go Joey ooooooooouuuuuuuuuu. Kill it too Nathan we are watching and cheering hard for you guys.
Part 1:
12 sets
7 rnds + 5 + 4
Will try to get in part 2 later tonight on the treadmill at the hall, no rower.
great job joey! stay strong and get MEAN!
your floater wod time that you put up here is great but not posted at the games. what's up? kill it tomorrow man. just go kill it.
Looks like today was my turn to feel like crap :( Never felt like this before and it's really not a good feeling.
I started the first part of the workout and stopped after only 4 minutes (did 4 sets). Had no energy, wasn't there mentally and I was not able to concentrate.
I felt the same way at work during the last week. I hope next week will be better!
Good luck to everyone competing this weekend!
Part 2
Time = 8:53.7
Couldn't record watts, don't know how everyone else did it? Musta taped it or had a partner to record?
I think they were something like this:
The 2nd 90% sucked, definitely wasn't 90%. Last 500 felt decent, really push hard though the last 250m.
Ken c,
I think theyre inputting scores backwards. And because I was in the first heat my score is being inputted last lol. Lame. I think ill be in 12th overall.
No part 2
Haven't been eating and sleeping well last couple days no energy for part 2 today. Need to get things in order.
I just want to say that Colin Jenkins, Joey Warren, and Nathan Holiday all kicked some serious butt today. It was fun to watch the big dawgs compete against such a talented crew of CrossFitters from Cali. Nathan had the words "unbroken" written in huge letters across his back which looked pretty mean. Not sure of their overall finish bc I think they are still uploading times. Here is the link however to the scores. http://scores2010.crossfit.com/scoring/p/127/
part 1:
9 rounds
7 complete rounds + (5 +3)(COVP chins)
Part 2:
*at 60%, I find it hard to keep the pace from fluctuating too much as any bit of pull seems to send the pace time way up...I'll work on this
**not sure about this number being exact as I wrote watts down on a piece of paper but lost it...sure about other numbers though
Nice work today Nathan, Joey and Colin...Good luck tomorrow dawgs!
Part 1:
No time to rx rest, 20min rest
Part 2:
10:19 total
Percentages don't line up very well.
I opted for pt II from Thursday but I just did half of it. Turns out that I need to do more running work but it really hurts the ball of my right foot. I'm going to have it looked at ASAP.
I was looking for you after the muscleup wod! Thanks for your help man, you totally had me focusing on those damn powercleans.
Part 1
5 Rounds
37 pistols
6 rounds.
Left leg crapped out after about 10. Right was fine. Was one rep short of 7 rounds on the burpee/PLU evolution
Row time 8:13
Avg watt around 340
Splits went:
NW regional next weekend, going to drop back to last weeks' May 8-9 programming. See you guys on the other side.
Deejay 9 rounds for the first evolution is SICK
Late post...in Banff most of the weekend for daughter's dance competition...Did this Saturday at OPT.
10 rnds complete (failed on 3rd SJ of 11th rnd and earlier in WOD lack of focus caused me to fail after 1st SJ of a rnd, so just bailed on that rnd and continued).
88 pistols
6 rnds completed
first time since Sectionals I haven't felt fearful about injuries during a WOD and that was a good feeling!
Crazy weekend @ SW Regionals and Mother's Day...playing catch up.
Part 1
8 rds scaled up to 185
53 pistol box squats to a box at parallel (can't quite get the freestanding one yet)
5 rds
Totally gassed on the last couple rounds.
Part 2 tomorrow along with Sunday's Part 1.
Part 1
5 rounds, 1 PC-2 SJ
5 rounds, 3 burpees
Wrist really hurt on the split jerks. Pistols still new to me so the practice is nice. Hand was still healing from tearing ealier in the week, could have done more rounds had I not been trying to avoid tearing more.
7 rds
68 reps
7 + 5pull ups
Total= 82
Part 1:
8 Sets/52 reps/7Rds Total 67
Disappointed in burpee chinups. I could have completed the 8th rd possibly but didnt realize only completed rds counted so got weak instead.
Part 2:
133 watts(38%)
Completely misjudged the 60 and 75% efforts.
Done 5/10 as part 1 (w/something from 5/9 as part 2)...
Last 500 was brutal; everything else felt great.
A friend recently turned me onto this site. I don't think I'm particularly close to you guys...I'm in New Orleans...but I appreciate the variety you post in workouts and my goal is to get to a point where I can do your workouts as RX'd. I've been an avid crossfitter for several years, but I was getting stuck in ruts and not progressing...need coaching but few options are available locally.
I did part one of this workout Monday 5/10/10.
Warmed up with a 2mi easy run, focusing on forefoot form.
8 Sets @ 135#, 72 pistols, 3 full sets and 4 burpees.
C&J: 11 rounds + 1 power clean
75 pistols total
6 rounds +5 burpees
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