Furthermore, we discussed how society perceives "living". Everyone asks, "so what do you do for a living". Our answers are - "I work at the hospital", or "I'm an engineer"....and of course Mom and Dad are always asking "but what are you going to do to make a living".
Question is, are we TRULY living. If so, should that not make us feel alive in each moment we are there doing the above. If not I'd suggest re-thinking what "living" means to you, and get rid of what your previous perceptions were of being alive.
Today is the day to change that.
5 sets for times:
10 OHS - 135#/95#
15 knees to elbows
30 double unders
rest 3 min
(keep intent and speed per set high!)
Late May
2:30 for total reps:
5 thrusters - 135#/95#
10 toes to bar
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps:
5 clean and jerk - 135#/95#
15 push ups
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps:
5 SDLHP - 135#/95#
20 double unders
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps:
5 Front Squat - 135#/95#
25 sit ups
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps:
5 Power Clean - 135#/95#
30 walking lunges
post times and total reps to comments like this:
(1:10, 1:11, 1:12 OR 510 reps total)
double Wed and Sat/Sun for late May
2:30 min is the max time for the reps right?
330 total reps
45,43,77,90,75. mentally weak on the overhead stuff.
roch... yes, each couplet is amrap in 2:30
Thanks Michael
It was kind of obvious but I guest also kind of early when I looked at it :)
may 8/9
(sub: squat cleans 60 kg)
1 - 1:58 min
2 - 2:15 min
3 - 2:20 min
4 - 2:21 min
5 - 2:45 min
A minor injury in my thumb is the reason why i changed from OHS. Maybe I should´ve changed to an easier weight instead? Kipping-KTE went well, almost unbroken all the way through as well as DUs (which is unusual for me). Squat cleans sucked the life out of me. Handstand practice this evening.
May 8/9
Used 65 kg OHS.
Round 1, 2:28
Round 2, 2:28
Round 3, 2:15
Round 4, 2:44
Round 5, 2:25
Good stuff. I've noticed that OHS for long sets, and k2e/ t2b are two of my most "perishable" skills before competition.
It'll be nice to work on them this week. I'll also throw pushups on that list.
Late May
total = 400
Just got home from the North Central Regional, Masters Division Games. Came in first in the first WOD (Double Under Helen), got crushed in the ME Thruster and placed 3rd in the final WOD (CTB Cindy). Followed a couple of months worth of OPT programming and it really helped. Thanks.
Good luck to all of the Dawgs in the remaining Regional Games.
Late May
33/36/80/74/77 = 300 total reps
Did something to my back on the SDLHPs, ouch.
Didn't push as hard as I should have, it was only 2.30min.
Reached failure FAST on the pushups and cannot string my kips together for the T2B. DUs, situps, lunges all UB and easy.
Weight was slightly challenging for thrusters and SDLHP.
Late May
345... Felt a little heavy, so most of the weighted movements were in singles.
Late May
Notes: Everything felt good except the situps...couldn't generate speed this morning. Long (15m) walk to bar for t2b; had more in me for this one. The rest went to failure and it felt outstanding.
Late May:
Situps and walking lunges very slow.
Hey Dawgs... I've posted videos of the events this weekend. Enjoy!
WOD 1&2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAWrscEIbtE
WOD 3: http://www.youtube.com/user/CrossfitBrent#p/u/1/jBx5HQjgH7k
WOD 4: http://www.youtube.com/user/CrossfitBrent#p/u/0/Fl8EqP7qJD0
Unit, remember that look you gave us in WOD 3. I captured mine for your enjoyment!
Late May total reps=266.
I knew when I saw this I'd have a hard time doing it justice at the firehall so I resolved to focus on a longer warm-up and then just pacing myself for the couplets. Other than not being able to drop the bar at all or kipping the K2E everything else was fine. I would have loved to do this WOD at OPT.
I'd say I was working at about 80% speed today, just to stay in the game and injury-free. Not fully recovered from last weeks baby-fest.
323 reps
- Heavy thrusters kill me every time
- No anchor or abmat for situps
Thanks for sharing, Brent, always fun watching you compete. Those slam balls were gross...
Jeff K., congrats on your performance. How many move on to the games?
20km biking
100m 80kg overhead walk (had to put down bar at 50m) - tried this bc it's in "my" regional this weekend: 4:27. Took it fairly easy, and had to evade bikes and people bc I was on public sidewalk.
late may WOD in the sunshine: 300 reps
Should have gotten more points if I hadn't had the slowest situps in the universe. Walking lungest KILLED me. Didn't see that one coming.
JeffK, I had no idea we had another big dawg there competing. I missed all the Friday events and was resting off and on all weekend so I didn't get to watch a lot of the team and masters division. Great job!
Unit, in my post, I meant the 4th WOD, not the 3rd. Those last 10 snatches were brutal!
Late May
Total Reps = 338
T2B destroyed my grip for the rest of the workout. Lacked hip drive for everything today and was just muscling it. Anchored situps, but felt slow today. Diet has been improving daily and starting to feel better but still room for improvement.
Late May
Thursters and SDLHP were kinda heavy...T2B were hard to get a kip going and pushups are a MAJOR weakness!!
Other than that the sit ups, DU, lunges were all UB
Late may
33, 45, 86, 80, 87
Total= 331
Thrusters and SDLHP were very heavy at 95#! First sets unbroken and then singles, where as all the other weights were completely unbroken.
Reading the Alchemist! Really taking a good hard look at what I am doing.. am I happy here or am I just settling for what is easy and comfortable.. take a look at yourself and see if you really are happy!
late may
= 348
push-ups were broken and the sit-ups were slow... abs are so sore from the GHD sunday!!!
late may:m/40/5'8/188
video of rounds 3 and 4 on FB later today
what a difference a week makes.
Really impressive stuff Brent. Great job.
Late May
336 total
Slow on the TtB
Squat clean and jerk
Unanchored sit up
May 8/9
1:31, 1:22, 1:15, 1:19, 1:21 rx'd
2:17, 2:07, 2:06, 2:39, 2:03 rx'd
Now this workout is right up my alley loved it - and knee felt ok just was quite tentative with the sdlhps because that is a bad position with heavy weight.
44/42/80/90/100 = 356
Ouch abs were sore from GHDs yesterday but situps were still fast but T2B slow. Hard to do DUs in my oly shoes but I think i need to practice in case it is necessary at regionals.
thrusters and cj wods were the hardest, the rest was fast and easy
covino24- the alchemist is an awesome book, i am reading The Power of Now currently, great book too
Brent: Very inspirational, and as been said so many times before: Great effort!
Late May
Late May
= 402
Felt recovered before every round.
Hey is it supposed to be squat clean for late may second couplet?
Lisa - too funny I thought the same but did the opposite. There's an oxymoron for ya! I lifted in reg shoes as I thought it would make T2B harder and DUs harder and figured in case it is at regionals, get used to lifting in reg shoes.
Late may
scaled up to 155 fof all weights
total: 364
May 8/9:
1:05, 1:04, 1:05, 1:05, 1:13
Last set of kte broke at 10 and 12. Grip was dead. Everything else unbroken. Have it on video and after reviewing it have to say a lot of my ohs did not have full extension. That dissapoints me, I should know better.
I took Sunday off instead of yesterday, the thrusters, push-ups and SDLHP felt slow. Over all felt pretty good. My legs were rubber by me second set of lunges.
Brent... I'll have 2 watch those vids later... thanks again 4 the wonderful hospitality!... I had an awesome time... I can honestly say it's been a long time that I pushed myself in a workout 2 the failure that occurred on that last WOD... I learned a lot from the 'no pace, just push and go all u have' mentality... and just let myself go... in the moment of each rep without much thought of the next... and it's truly at the edge of our own limitations that we learn the most abt ourselves...
I still laugh abt Brian... 'hey guys, let me just do another 10 unbroken snatches at 145 and show u how ez it is!'... haha!
anywho... took yesterday off 2 toss some javelin... felt like eating a 45lb rod loaded with weight 2day...
early may... did all sets straight (5 rounds for time)
late may-
44/41/55/72/82 = 294 total
push ups and du's weak
late may
54 57 80 88 75
total: 354
did it outside to get used to the heat. about 85 degrees. tough one.
Late May
Male 32/5'7"/175
= 407
Double Unders were frustrating when I didn't have much shoulder strength and kept missing them.... Also T2B and situps were tough due to destroyed abs from the GHD Situps. Front Squats felt like I had no weight on me though.
Late May
38/44/76/82/79= 319
Had a frustrating knot in the jump rope moment, and found out I can't do double unders that well in Oly shoes. Fast recovery between sets.
Late May
Total= 346
Everything felt good SDLHP were heavy for me they were broken everything else Un Broken.
Did squat clean & jerk , and anchored situps
Late May:
40, 45, 80, 80, 105
SDLHP were difficult after 1rm deadlift yesterday >_<
Southwest Regional Workouts announced:
I loved the video Brent just awesome and i really liked the "background" music courtesy of your son! That last WOD looked just brutal - well done.
Melissa that is funny, I needed all the stability i could get for my knee otherwise i would have probably done regular shoes but obviously for completely opposite reasons - lol
Nice work Mike BrOPT!!
Unit - take some time off man!! I know that OPT would tell you to go lick your wounds for at least a week!!
Late May:
317 Total reps
I recovered before each round, but promptly fell to pieces once I started up again. I just wasn't feeling it today.
I loved the videos Brent. The look on your face at "the moment" is classic. You and Unit can be very proud of the effort that you put out. You guys set the bar for the rest of us this month.
late may:
sit-ups unanchored...walking lunges were tougher than expected.
Late May
Totral: 271
SDHP were very heavy for me...
Those were great videos bro. Awsome effort and determination. Really inspiring performances!
Late May:
48,45,55,65,70 = 283
2 annoying things during this WOD.
I stopped my watch a few times by accident during the rds. So I guesstimated the times for 3 of the 5 rds.
And a low roof in the office gym made the double unders pretty annoying and not very doable)
Did my yearly fitness test for work on yesterday's rest day, so I stepped it back a notch today and focused on getting good reps in.
Late May:
I was so happy with this result cuz I was super scared of the weights for the thruster, SDHP and front squat. All my weaknesses but I have gotten stronger, yeay.
T2B,DU's, sit ups and walking lunges all UB. Need to keep at my push ups, they killed me and so did the SDHP, I had to really work hard at those. Had a great training at Crossfit L'Usine!!! Will be there on the weekdays and they are so great, good vibes all around :)
Is that in Gatineau Lulu?
There is one in Gatineau owned by the same people but I went to the one here in Montreal :)
391 total reps
not happy with the last one, every other set felt good.
Late May-
Ireally need to work on cycling ttb.
May 8/9
Cut to 3 rounds due to wrist pain in OHS position; 3rd round did 10 front squats instead of OHS
1:40, 1:38, 2:03 (jump rope broke on 3rd round so had to grab another one)
29 yom 178lbs late may
1. 45
2. 48
3. 75
4. 80
5. 93
total - 341
sub: single-leg (right) rope-skips for du's. still avoiding explosive work on ankle.
reps: 432
may 8/9
all rounds b/t 1:04-1:10
Southwest Regional got some tire flips and log carries!
2nd workout is OPT style
Today's early may:
Joey, it's looking good man. See you in the top 4! :)
Ankle Rehab day 6:
2:30 for total reps: 51
5 thrusters - 135#
10 toes to bar
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps: 60
5 OHS 135#
15 push ups
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps: 55
5 SDLHP - 135#
12 GHD sit ups
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps: 80
5 Front Squat - 135#
25 sit ups
rest 5 min
2:30 for total reps: 100
5 Dead lift - 225#
30 walking lunges
Modified total 346.
324 total.... putting weight over my head was brutal, last 3 couplets felt good though.
good to see the top dawgs killing this one (steve and michael f. 400+, deejay not far off) and of course rory scaling to gorilla weight!
Late May
Total: 346
Felt much better on this than expected. My 95lb lifts are improving! I had never done SDHP with that weight and reallllly felt that.
Lulu - just asking as I am moving to Ottawa soon (hopefully) so thought we could train together. Will be in Mtl this weekend though.
334 total
sure expected more out of a couple of the rnds! 2:30 went by quick!
I'm back. Did today's WOD in a training session with Brett. Great session...great to have the coaching after 6 days off. Those thrusters were SO hard...tough mentally too...had to really dig in. Found last round hard too...couldn't hook grip PCs due to thumb and 2nd round of WLs were slowwww. Brett kept telling me to keep moving...I thought I was??? ;)
nice work Lisa M and Jenny!!!
Late May
35, 41, 80, 79, 75
Total: 310
Late May
Michelle great to have you back and looking strong.
Jenny nice work today those are some serious Big Dagette numbers sweeeeeet
Late May:
60 - squat C&J's
90 - anchored s/u's
Total: 380
5min rest
30 muscle/ups for time: 7:45
23/150(I know I am getting huge)
Late may
91(anchored sit-ups)
total = 407
I needed this WOD mentally. I was also happy w/ performance considering I drove 10 hour round trip today to move all my stuff back from NY to NJ. So GC,David,PTS I am no longer a NY big dawg I am a NJ big dawg so I hope you guys will still talk to me at the regionals.
On another note I have been sleeping on an air mattress for the last 3 weeks, I finally have my bed back. I am so hope I could cry.
Early May:
Everything around 1:10. Starting to feel good.
Total 281
Early May, but adapted workout to practice the Central East Regional Affiliate Cup events:
A. snatch, build up to a heavy single; 175 (PR)
B. 60 minute deep tissue massage
C. 5:00 elevated HSPU practice; 15 spaced out reps with hands on 45 lb. plates
I played around with the split snatch today, and it led to a big PR. After a very shaky power snatch at my previous PR of 165, I easily split snatched the same weight before moving up. 175 required a little press-out, but I'm certain I could get it cleanly and maybe an extra 10 with the press-out. We'll see Friday...
Nathan, top 4...Yes indeed! I'll see you down there... Goodluck!
I measure energy for a living......
and it has me doing todays training in a tiny little small town gym in Northern AB.
Total Reps: 307
low ceilings and a cramped gym really "BF'd" me on this one, but got the stimulus, so I'm happy with that.
Late May:
Dealing with hamstring pull from Sunday, so subbed 45# bar for weighted movements
41, 60, 101, 64, 74
Total: 340*
Notes: Felt good to move; no setbacks on leg.
thank you for that insight...i've been painting for 16years and i love the way it makes me feel alive...
Late May: 300
Thrusters actually felt good which was a shock due to the weight. SDHP were really tough though.
Late May:
Total 412
Did not feel great going into this one despite a solid rest day yesterday. 135 felt good on O Lifts but heavy on FS and SDHP.
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