Gluttony and Sloth - Love it!
part 1:
3 sets:
Unbroken Set [Power Clean x 6/Push Jerk x 4/Thruster x 2] - 115#/80#
breathe 5 times
Row 350 m @ 90%
rest 4 min b/t sets; speed is intent in set
rest 20 min
part 2:
3 sets;
15 burpees
15 toes to bar
15 ring push ups
15 back extensions
rest same time it took to complete previous set; speed is intent in set
post notes to comments
10 days to go...
P1. Screwed up watch so no good time. Rows were 1:10, 1:11, 1:10.
P2. 3:41, 3:49, 3:40. Spent a decent amount of time running between stations. I'm stuck with a really crappy gym for the next 10 weeks.
Can't wait! Who here is competing/attending in Jacksonville next week?
Congrats Kat and Chad!
P1. 2.01, 1.56, 1.59
All UB
P2. ~3 min per round but subbed V-Ups for T2B as hands are tender from PUs yesterday. Those are much harder than expected!
Ring Pushups after V Ups were difficult.
Total time - 15.42
Working time - 9.42
Guess I need to cut my callouses so they don't hurt so much from pull-ups. Yes, I know, sooo sexy.
Side note, I have decided to not compete at regionals. Too much going on as I am moving to Ottawa in June and I had to prioritize. Honestly, I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders now. I am happy with my decision.
Also contributing to that is I do nto feel ready. I do not want to compete when I cannot execute all the movements. (Muscle Ups, HSPUs, minimal ring dips)
Take another year in the Dawg Pound and I will be golden. Already seen so much improvement, so much more to come. Thanks for the great programming Coach. :)
Thanks coach!
The link posted is to my blog.
Check out this link to our website
Single digits wait starting tomorrow.
Good luck to all competing!
Part 1
(Total Time/ROW)
Part 2
(1:55, 2:56, 3:09)
Burpees and Back Extension were always unbroken. First round was unbroken minus 3 ring push ups. Last two rounds had hard time on T2B and RPU.
This is my first post and second week following the programming. I'm competing at the games this summer in the affiliate cup representing TJ's Gym from northern california. I'm excited to have a coach to follow leading up to the games. My training has been so fragmented over the last 4 months. While my body performed well at regionals my mind was a complete mess. I was breaking down mentally and emotionally on the last day of competition at the southwest regionals. I know my physical fitness can improve over the next two months before Carson, but I have so much to gain mentally in this sport. Hoping to find that here.
Melissa C,
Angie and I will be moving to Ottawa form Montreal in June as well ;) Hopefully we'll eventually be able to hook up for some big dawg workouts!
I totally understand your decision to not participate in the Regionals this year because I too have pondered the thought of not going. With the work transfer, the selling of our old place and having to find new digs and with everything else going on it feels as though training has slipped down to third or fourth on the list of priorities. And that really ticks me off because training is usually always at the top of my list. Proper sleep and nutrition as well as focus during the workouts has been extremelly difficult to come by. I've decided to participate in the Games anyways, mostly for the experience and to meet several of the other big dawgs.
I share your feelings and thoughts about going into the Games not feeling as though you've been able to give it all you've got. I think that the attitude of always wanting to give it all weve got is a characteristics shared by most if not all Big Dawgs.
I'm glad that your decision has taken some stress off of you. We are looking forward to possibly training with you in Ottawa in the upcoming year.
Coach and Dawgs,
Thanks for getting me through sectionals. Since then I've been doing a combination of this programming and my own to focus more on some of my weaknesses (running) But with regionals in 10 days i'm putting the tapering down back into Coaches hands.
Today's wod
P1 1:48, 1:50, 1:47
P2. 1:45, 1:43, 2:20
All unbroken except for last set of Toes to bar.
Part 1 - 2:03, 2:05, 2:10
BB complex was "easy", the rowing is what got me every time. Kept the intensity high.
Part 2 - 2:09, 2:11, 2:13
Fatigued in the T2B... was doing them 10-5 each set. Core just broke down. NOT happy with that as they are usually a strength of mine. I will take it though after the push on the rows earlier.
Melisa C: tough decision, yet it sounds like you are at peace with it. Hope to see you again in the future!
Thanks for the photo James. You were a huge push for us to take charge and just do it. THANKS!
Part 1
PC/PJ/Thruster's felt good. All took 30-33 sec. Had to walk about 25 meters to the rower. Times were 1:10, 1:14 and 1:15. Tried to stay within 90% percieved effort.
Part 2
Waited 10 minutes after Pt. 1
1:50, 2:25 and 2:35
First set was totally UB, felt good. I couldn't maintain a kip to string the toes to bar together in sets 2 and 3. Push ups got hard on set 3 but managed to keep everything UB except the toes to bar.
Part 1
Barbell stuff was good, really fast ~15 seconds. Rows felt good, 1:05/1:07/1:07
Part 2
1 round at 2:51 then shut it down. Just didn't feel it today and hand is sore. Icing now.
Part 1
Took only 5mins rest due to class starting
Part 2
1:24 (Did knees to elbow here by accident)
1:37 (Toes to Bar Broken; couldn't get my kip working right)
DNF... Ran out of time
Shoulder was clicking and hurt but everything else was feeling good.
oppps i thought we were posting notes and not times....so i didnt really pay attention to total time in the first section
second section times were all between 2 and 2:10, i know that much because of needing to know the rest interval.
i thought today was a fun day.
All good. Rows were 1:39-1:40 avg
1:53/2:30/3:13 - speed was not possible. T2B broken in rd 2/3. Ring Push-ups broken in all rounds.
Congrats Chad and Kat. You will do fantastic. Love the logo. Hope to see you guys soon.
Marcus - I can say that the biggest thing I have gained from this programming is the mental game. I found at sectionals that yes, I was physically able to do all of the wods, the mental battle was the hardest. Thanks to this place, I was able to conquer that. Welcome, you'll love it here.
Pete - oh I am so excited to hear that! The one thing I know I will miss is training with other people. I am going to be at the Merivale YMCA as they have all the equipment I will need. We will def have to hook up once you guys get there. I hope to moving end of June.
Ref the training/diet/etc. now that I have decided not to compete, I can just train for the love of training.
Kat - I pondered this for awhile and finally decided that I have to chose my life over competing. Just not the time for me. I'll be watching and cheering for you at the GAMES and will see you next year for sure.
29 yom 178lbs
part 1 totals - 1:48/1:50/1:46
rested 11 min
part 2 - 2:08/3:12/3:29
all pushups broken
rounds 2/3 t2b broken
Congratulations Chad & Kat!
I was hoping to see the "Action Brandt" cartoon character in the photo though.
Congratulations Chad & Kat!
I was hoping to see the "Action Brandt" cartoon character in the photo though.
-17 sec row steady 1:38/500m.
-18 sec row steady 1:40/500m.
-19 sec row steady 1:40/500m.
*For the cleans & 3 first jerk, kept my feet hip wide appart and on the 4th jerk land shoulder wide to be ready to drop directly in thruster for 2. kept rowing @ 90% capacity felt good.
All unbroken,
did TTB on fat bar 2 first rounds it was a good challenge but I cut my hand open this morning doing breaky and it start to bleed after first round so took more like 5 min b/t first and second to clean and change tape + lost count on that one.
Second round 2:00 and 3rd round 1:58. whent steady and didn't push to exhaustion today because work 6am to 9pm today :)
Part 1.
barbell felt light and fast.
Rows were about 1:11.
Part 2
all unbroken.
hands at temples.
Congrats Action and Kat! I hope to see you all at the games this year.
part1- rx`d
rd 1- 1:45 2-1:55 3- 2:04
4min break(short on time)
part2 rx`d
rd-1 4:04 2- 3:44 3-3:38
3 hrs later swam for 30 mins worked on front stroke.
-wasted alot of time on part1 getting into rower.
-my toes to bar was slow and needs alot of work.
Part 1
BB complex ave 24 seconds row around 1:20
Part 2
2:31/2:21/2:42. Sh%# the bed on T2B horrible today and ring pushups were a little sad too
smokin times for part 2 Kat awesome
Melisa you know how sad I am that you are not coming but I know it is what is best for you. We will miss you but will be ready to kick ass next year!! The sucky part is with your move you will be in a different sectional.
p1: Speed was hard on weights. No drops, but some short pauses @ rack for pj and thrusters. 5 breaths was perfect for transition. Felt recovered after each 4 min rest.
During 20 minute rest, stumbled upon a Tim Lajcik quote: "Make your conditioning an offensive weapon". I pondered the meaning of this during part 2.
p2: Splits were interesting- 2:29, 4:05, 3:09. Burpees and Back Xtn were fast. T2B fell apart on 2nd set, but came back on 3rd set. Ring pushups pretty broken on 2nd & 3rd set.
Part 1 - 1:42/1:42/1:43
Part 2 - 1:55/ just under 3:00 i think/ 3:12
watch malifunction for 2nd set, this is a quesstimated time. felt better today than yesterday... muscle fatique on the pushups was typical and what slowed me down the most. Toes 2 bar were tough but managable...
Way to go Chad and Kat--what happened to "the other" name--KACTION? Just kidding.
Part 1
Barbell movements unbroken and easy
Rows avg 1:38-1:39
Much better recovery than Sunday with the extra minute
Part 2
All T2B broken - grip fatigue
Everything else unbroken
Did "Annie" with a client earlier - 7:11 (a 4+ minute PR) so all in all a really good day.
Part 1
Part 2
Have had a tough go with the past couple of months. Life circumstances have really interrupted my training, and my energy has suffered as a result. Recovering from some injury to boot. Have been undecided about competing, but have decided to step down from the individual comp and step up to our affiliate team. Given all circumstances, I would be humbled to post here with the Dawgs, as a good community of tough CrossFitters is something I could really use right now :)
Part 1
Part 2
Burpees and Pushups were tough-- did a zillion burpees this week. T2B broken every round.
Sarah Dunsmore
We're very fortunate to have some great athletes following the programming that James has laid out for us.
Seeing Gillian and now Sarah posting is awesome.
They will raise the bar for all the gals, just as Rory and Unit did for the guys when they first started posting.
Welcome to the Dawg Pound!
Part 1:
1:52, 1:53, 2:11
Part 2:
2:50, 3:14, 3:46
James, thanks for the thought you are putting into these WODs. I've been a .com guy for about 2 1/2 years and your programming is superb. You have really brought a lot of the fun back.
Part 1
2:04/2:05/2:06(rowed at a 1:50 pace)
Part 2
2:20/2:23/2:35(T2B really slowed me down everything else was UB. I have alot of trouble keeping my rhythm with these.)
Part 1:
1:37, 1:44, 1:43
row times: 1:01, 1:08, 1:07
rest 20 min
Part 2:
2:29, 3:53, 3:51
Not as fast as I'd like to be on the complex. Part 2 was just horrible. Burpees and BE's ub and easy. TTB were and always have been extremely difficult for me. My kip is fine when I'm fresh but when tired it goes to crap. Ring Push ups were tough as well. I'll continue to make this a part of my warmup. My length is great for rowing but not so much with gymnastics. All fun though!
Part I:
Good to do this as I realized some 'stuff' about damper setting for this kind of row. Also realized that it took me too long to pick up the pace in the first 75-100m. Some good awareness today...
Part II
Hands are pretty sore from yesterdays PUs, so changed this a bit and only did 2 sets. Focused on speed of movements, but 2nd rnd of ring push ups were slow/broken.
Melisa C...
Wish you peace with what must have been a difficult decision. Glad to hear you felt some stress relief once the decision was made.
Welcome Gillian
Oh yeah....Congrats Chad and Kat!!!!
Part1 1:50 1:43 1:55
Part 2 2:13 2:36 3:13
All unbroken except for last set of ring push-ups. Plus I just realized I did knees to elbows instead of toes to bar.
The bar complex was fast and explosive but the following row felt heavy in the legs.
P1. 1:39/1:48/1:50
P2. 3:26/3:34/3:26
Have yet to master the continuous kip on T2B. Had to spend a lot of time on the bar.
Sarah Dunsmore and Gillian,
Welcome aboard! Sarah, you don't know me but I was at the same level 1 cert you were in last year at CrossFit Charlotte. I remember you laid down a killer Fran time. I have been following your progress since and was thrilled to see your performance at the games last year. I think you will find the motivation and the challenges of this site very rewarding. And the women on here are fire breathers, so you will fit right in.
Part 1. Total Time / Row Time
1. 1:50 / 1:08
2. 1:49 / 1:08
3. 1:45 / 1:08
Part 2.
Congrats Kat and Chad,
sooo sad I will not be able to meet you Melissa C, you are a machine and I think very capable of competing amoungst all of us, we will have to get together and train when you move to Ottawa:) Take care.
Part one:
All ub for complex, felt great at 80#'s
Rows were: 1min 26, 1min 27, 1min26
Entire workout: 1min 50, 1min 54,
1min 53
Part two:
The t2b's were horrendous and usually my strength but I could hardly hold onto the bar from yesterday, also pushup were pretty brutal which suprised me cuz they are usually OK. Humbling experience. Thanks Jackie for getting me through that!!!
That last one was supposed to be 2:59 not 2:29 ooopppsss.
Welcome Sarah and Gillian. Two ladies who I look up to with great admiration. You both are MACHINES so excited that you are posting here. WOOOHOOOOO :)
Part 1:
Complex time: 29s Row time: 1:06 Total time: 1:50
Part 2
I will reiterate from late last night a HUGE WELCOME to Gillian and now Sarah! James' programming is second to none and the community here Rocks. I will speak for all the ladies on here, i am sure, that we are thrilled to have two huge beasts like yourselves joining us as it provides huge incentive for us to chase you down... ha ha
Hey Sarah...didn't see your name at the end of your post until I looked again. Welcome!
OK, no more posts from me today.
Thank you so much for the welcome. As I said, I am humbled to train with you all. From a recent injury I am a little deconditioned, so I am excited to be motivated by such a stellar community. I have endless respect for OPT, and all the Dawgs too.
Glad to be here :)
25 yo / 199 / 6'3"
Part 1:
1) 1:50, 1:15.2 Row - UB
2) 1:49, 1:13.4 Row - UB
3) 1:42, 1:10.3 Row - UB
Part 2: (62 Meters of total travel between T2B and Ring Push-Ups)
1) 2:31 All UB and fast
2) 2:45 All UB, T2B a little slow, missed a few on rhythm
3) 2:58 T2B, Ring Push-Up's 10/5 each, rest UB
Felt great today, all around...have been studying AM or PM workouts, and I know people say to switch it up, but I am ALWAYS way stronger in the afternoons (and about 8-10lbs heavier), so I am going to be switching to PM workouts from now on.
Part 1 - Total Time/350m row
Closed eyes and focused on breathing; 4-4-8 technique.
breath in 4 counts, hold breath 4c, breath out 8 c.
Thank you Catherine for your advises, not only today but also during your yoga cessions... much appreciated.
Part 2
2:01, 1:49, 2:38
1st & 2nd set - only broke ring push ups
3rd set - mentally broke down at the 7th toes to bar
Congratulations to Chad and Kat!
Dreams are made to become reality... otherwise why would we dream?
Welcome to Gillian and Sarah and thanks for posting.
I encourage any other ladies that have been lurking or woding to start posting. I look forward to the level our females will grow to with the addition of two great athletes with games experience.
Part 1:
1:53, 1:49, 1:50
Part 2:
T2B & push-ups were slow and broken. Only did 2 rounds cause my arms didn't have anymore push-ups in them - and they were bleeding from the nylon burn I got doing Saturday's dips.
Melissa C - Too bad we won't get to see you next week. I know how you feel!
part 1:
:19 - 5 breaths - 1:02row (1:29/500m)
:18 - 5 breaths - 1:03row
:19 - 5 breaths - 1:03row
Congrats on the achieving your dreams Chad and Kat.
Welcome Sarah and Gillian. Good to have you both aboard.
Sarah, I'll probably see you down in Florida competing on your affiliate team.
Thank you for the kind welcome. I am in very good company. I have been a religious mainsite follower for over two years, glad I made the switch. The programming is outstanding!
Part 1:
1:37, 1:37, 1:40
Felt fast. Maintained 1:35-1:37 row
Part 2:
1:47, 2:37, 3:14
First round everything unbroken. Second and third broken on TTB and RPUs. Abs felt very fatigued for some reason.
Hey Sarah,
Just want to extend a welcome to you as well...would have done it in an earlier post, but didn't notice your post initially.
10min rest
Part 2:
Could not kip the T2B for the life of me. Abs just didn't want to engage today.
Will so miss you at Regionals Melissa :(
Wow looks like lots of us are moving to Ontario!! at least now we can look forward to competing together at sectionals next year!! Wish you all the best in your move, and remember if you ever need a place to stay when you're travelling through you are ALWAYS welcome!!! ( and Willy too!)
Felt good today, a little sore today I am in basic training also, so did like 300 push ups in PT yesterday which made the ring push ups interesting!
I am in the opposite position as Melissa, just moved to Ontario about a month ago, and am in Basic Training in London, so it didnt look like I was going to be able to go to Regionals, but they have just granted me leave so I get to go!!! totally excited!
Part 1
pc/pj/thruster row felt good! I was a little concerned, but it felt fast and strong.
10 min rest
Part 2
oof...I still have some work to get back even to where I was before. t2b, and even rpu were broken. sad. it still feels good to work out on this programming again though.
part 1
*barebell complex felt fast and easy, rowing felt really good as well.
part 2
1:42- all unbroken
1:40- all unbroken
2:09-only had to break push ups 8/7
congrats to chad and kat!
welcome gillian and sarah
Part 1: 1:55, 1:52, 1:53. Kept about a 1:34 pace on the rower for each. Deep-deep inhale and exhale for each breath.
Part 2: 2:28, 3:36, 3:41. Couldn't get any kind of rhythm on T2B and crashed hard after first round. Did back extensions (not hip extensions) so wasn't going for too much speed on them.
Part 1
felt strong and fast. I was a little surprised, but it went well.
10 min rest
Part 2
pretty sad. Had to break on t2b and ring push ups. I have a some work to do to get back even to where I was. Still great to be back on this programming! It will come.
congrats CAB and Kat... it's awesome 2 c dreams become reality!...
Sarah and Gillian... welcome!... great 2 have y'all aboard... this place is as gd as it gets!...
Part 1:
1:47/1:51/1:46...rows felt just right
Part 2:
2:02/2:39/3:09...whoa! felt like a bag o'shite in rounds 2 and 3...had fun nonetheless!
congrats Katrina and Chad! exciting stuff!
part 1
part 2
part one felt fast and easy, part 2 did not, T2B where broken terribly
Part 1:
bar/row: 23s/1:10,20s/1:10,19s/1:09
cleans and jerks felt quick, thrusters not so much.
Part 2:
all felt quick except for ttb; kip timing off.
i agree funbobby... i had fun today too.
very cool that more dawgettes are posting!!! welcome!
today wasn't feeling it. had to wod after work and normally wod in the am.
Part one - unbroken and rows were 1:14, 1:14, 1:13 (had to run approx. 10 breathes to the rower)
Part two- T2B and RPU b r o k e n.
3:30, 3:37, 3:45
felt good
All UB except ring push ups,
around 2:40 each set
Pulled something in back/shoulder area Saturday so I have been resting the last few days. Decided to give it a try today scaled weight down and took it easy.
Chad and Kat, congrats love the logo gonna have toget there sometime and pick up a tee-shirt.
Part 1: Tried a higher dampner tonight only time the rows, all were $:10. BB felt ok light still feel bit awkward with the barbell at times.
Almost didn't due part2 was feeling really sick, but I went throught the trouble to set up the rings so I sucked it up. My rest between sets were 2:00, 2:20, and if there was a 4th st my rest would have been 3:00.
Stuggled with T2B tonight were very broken, pu's broke once i 3rd set, everything else was fine, but man I feel like the shat....5hrs sleep, and some bad choices @ Timmy's today likely the reason.
Part 1:
BB felt fast. Rows felt strong and faster than mondays 350m at 90%.
10 Minutes
Part 2: 1:58/2:47/2:47
First rd felt great all UB. 2nd and 3rd rd had a complete meltdown at Toes 2 Bar. Same as Nathan H, felt light abs were on fire. Otherwise UB. I think not getting anything in my stomach prior to this early morning wod left me dragging. I ususally work out on an empty stomach but this morning I felt drained doing it.
Part 1:
felt pretty good..barbell stuff was really quick..I would say around 20 seconds and rows were 1:21/1:26/1:27
Part 2:
did one round and stopped...didn't feel very well at all
part 1
1:45 1:46 1:46
part 2
2:09 3:09 3:11
t2b broken in round 2 and 3. ring push ups broken in all rounds.
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