Chad - mommy hour, and the ideas about day care were sweet!...we WILL be doing this in the new spot in Okotoks for sure!
Josh - love the idea of recording the emotions and workouts together, i always ask that of clients but in the facility it is a great idea
DJ - happy a possibility for there!
Trevor - short term memberships defintely increases the acessibility for teh ENTIRE community, great idea
Brent - "make the community aspect important"...could not agree more
Hixy - love the idea on free technique classes...we do not do enough of this!
Sifton - love the accountability tracking on clients it!
Gummo - "create it like the garage I train in at home"...i think we all could not agree more to remain in line wiht how this was started
Ross Blake - laptops in area for .com or just CF viewing...definite!
Mike Molloy - your atmosphere ideas are bar none spot on...i personally have learned this fron one on one training and into CF classes...well put
Leo S - coffee machine!!!!!!!!
Sterling - love the outdoor ideas...i'm sensing you know our pain in the winter?
dunkie - dig the great e-mail you sent and plans graphed out...serious dude, serious!
but the winner is one of the last entries - Katrina Burton:
reasons why (not b/c others did not say or do this but it was the inclusion of all)
- the marketing ideas - knowing where we are and what we do
- color schemes relative to welcoming atmosphere - what we need, do not need
- blinds for glass area - took the glass into consideration
- rules - love the coaching rules...know who does what!
- kids inclusion - i have a soft part for this
- scheduling...she was the only one who took into consideration the amountof people we wanted and how to schedule it!
- PT before classes..this is another great idea we do not do enough of...great!
Katrina...i know you might have my e-mail...but if not - - send your mailing address here and i'll send you the goods...well done!
Now to the other stuff...benchmark wod's to come...9 workouts....all CF named...starting Sat. Feb 21st...take these as tests...and tests only...tests are done to see where things are, these will be mental and physical...learn from them and move not hold attachments to them...remember to do them with purpose...give 100% for each one...HAVE FUN!
some good info from Sherry Rogers - listen up
Are anyone elses hands clammy or is it just me? Can't wait...
Congratulations Katrina!
Well done, Katrina. Cool name, too.
Bring on the benchmarks. Annieangiebarbarbaracindydianefranhelen.....
Those are some great ideas Katrina, I like the one about the colors of the gym.
nice work!
(ps-all you others folks ideas were very good too!!)
Thanks alot everyone! It was a combination of my vision for my future gymnastics club I'd like to own plus everything my coach and boyfriend, Chad, has taught me about CrossFit.
Glad you could take something out of it James!
Waitaminute! Chad is Katrina's coach? This is starting to sound like an inside job! James, I'd be suspicious if she orders her hoodie in XL!!!
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