mon, jan 3, 2011

the new sun, is still the same sun
the more advanced you get; the more simple is becomes; post your 1 goal for 3 different areas you "will" capture in 2011! (ONE per area)

1. nutrition
2. physical performance
3. lifestyle


Casey S. said...

1: Stay consistent with my eating and really pay attention to how it is affecting my performance.
2:Conqure my old shoulder problems so I have SOLID internal rotation and can do dips... eventually get a muscle-up. Also continue being dedicated to learning and becoming a better coach!
3:Try to stay off Facebook more and to decide if grad. school is the best next step for me!

Kyle F said...

1. 90/10 Paleo
2. 300 lb C&J
3. Prioritize family, workouts, and work. In that order.

Ersatzworld said...

1. Drink less beer and eat less sugars.
2. Row faster, lift heavier, do first handstand push-up and first muscle-up.
3. Read more books, watch less TV.

derb said...


1: cook more so I cheat less
2: back squat 300
3: get atleast 8 hrs of sleep 4 days a week(bady steps)

NW said...

1: Help my family move towards a paleoish diet.
2: 250# C&J, BW press - I know, not 1 but both are important to me :)
3: Be more social (less of a loner haha)

Flight simulator this AM in beautiful cancun! 13:21. Around a 5 minute PR. Forearms smoked!

Nathan H. said...

1: Continue to build my awareness and relationship with food through daily tracking and reflection, working towards transcendence over the next years.

2: Compete in the 2011 Games.

3: Develop balance between training/ leisure and recreation/ business/ relationship/ spiritual and be able to focus on what I'm doing presently without regard for yesterday or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

1. Figure out if Paleo/IF are right for me. Just figuring out what diet maximizes my performance.

2. C&J 300# and make it to regionals.

3. Find a job closer to family and gf so that I can do more than work and workout on weekdays.

slow jerf said...

1: Become more sensitive to stimulus/response relationships in my diet.
2: Surprise myself in the cardio/mental endurance domain. (ex. sub 7 2k row, 6 minute mile.)
3: Whenever and wherever I can, I want to leave people thinking "That guy's great," and never "That guy sure THINKS he's great."

joey warren said...

1. Cook more in creative healthy ways
2. Have fun through hard work
3. Spend more time than ever in pursuit of my career

Rory Hanlin said...

1. Eat as few MRE's as possible while in Afcrackerstan
2. Make a serious commitment to working on weaknesses to prep for the 2012 games
3. Mitigate all the negative crap that the Army throws at me

Bin said...

1. Find a balance of a longevity-ideal diet and one that allows me to enjoy food
2. Get strong, get mobile, and work towards longevity and being "able" in life.
3. Find a balance between work, workouts, and people.

ryandrew11 said...

1. improve weekend/holiday habits, meaning less late nights, alcohol and poor diet
2. muscle up
3. continue to maintain a healthy work/life balance

crossfitkel said...

1. read and take in as much knowledge as I can handle on nutrition....then take that new found knowledge and put it into practice.

2. Really focus on increasing work capacity....get stronger and faster.

3. Get my career in order so that by 2012 I am a gym owner.

NCovino "CFRedline" said...

Overall Goal is Balance

1) Build a better relationship with food.. get away from emotional eating and think in terms of fuel for performace.
2) Get stronger - squats, press and deadlifts- overall strength!
3) To focus more on my family
(they all live North, so I need to make a better effort to stay in touch)

Brandon said...

1. Customize post-WOD fueling more effectively to aid recovery instead of a one size fits all approach
2. Deal with two major goats: DUs & Cleans
3. Stop doing work, family, other outside stuff @80-90% and commit fully to those things that are truly important.

Anonymous said...

Dial in and understand exactly what I need to run at full strength. Especially PWO.

Get real strength and balance it with my speed. I will be squatting.

Take another small step toward mastery in being a father, husband, coach, athlete, operator, business owner, friend and human being.

Joel B. said...

1. Nutrition: Do a better job at dinner on shift. Whether that means skipping a portion of the shift dinner and supplementing with food I bring or finding another solution such as doing my own meals. Bottom line, no grains at shift dinners.

2. Strength gains while maintaining work capacity. Strength is biggest weakness. I have specific numbers I'd like to see that I believe are achievable.

3. Lifestyle: Be smart about implementing the program (BD) for me and not trying to make up missed work, or do multiples when my young ones and wife need/want my attention (weekends). Keep the multiples to weekdays that I am off shift to positively affect my family (experiences, time etc...) life, work life, AND recovery.

Anonymous said...

This is Nate.

1: Spend more time studying it and making appropriate changes.
2. Place top 5 at the 2011 Crossfit Games
3. Do well at school and hone in on what God has for me. Continue developing personal business ideas and plans. Continually grow closer with my wife.

JHo said...

1. no sugar or gluten
2. snatch 110, cj 135, run 2 miles sub 12
3. wife first

Anonymous said...

1. Continue my 90/10 primal and edge toward 95/5.

2. String together more MUs and get strict HSPU.

3. Stop stressing over the things I can't change and sleep more.

tyler l said...

Little delayed in my posts 1/1- cgbp-255....215/255; .84, flight sim 10:49; 1/2 17:39; 1. Less artificial sugar 2. Improve Olympic lifts 3. Work towards finding out what I want to do with my life

DSC Staff said...

1 - less alcohol. a lot less.

2 - continue to work on my back squat, as the improvements that i make there continue to benefit other areas as well.

3 - less procrastination. more proactive. more organized with daily things.

David said...

1. Hit my target weight of 177 and stay there, currently at 183.

2. I have a list of goals to hit this year but the most rewarding will be to hit a bw snatch.

3. Reduce my overall sense of stress. I don't have a stressful job, my family is great so why do I let the little shit bother me?

Brent Maier said...

1) Continue to build consistency not for myself but my family as well without crossing the fanatical line while juggling a hectic life of work, family, kids activities, crossfit.

2) Add some diversity this year and include do more of the sports that are so enjoyable for me, camping, rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, etc. I've shunned some of that because of time and risk of injury. I have finally come to terms that Crossfit has fully consumed my lifelong 23 year old passion for the Martial Arts. The entire family is doing Crossfit consistently now, that is one passion I had to let go of.

3) Learn how to become a better father and husband. My kids are 10 and 13, we have so little time. I don't want to live a life of regrets once they are gone.

JHo said...

Who am I kidding? I am gluten and sugar dependent. I am recanting statement one. New statement on nutrition: Find balance between eating as a pleasurable and communal experience and fueling performance and longevity.

DeeJay said...

1. Take a packed lunch that meets my current nutritional needs to work every day with 1-2 cheat days per month. This will require me planning out my week and prepping food on Sunday evenings. Weekend nutrition will also be good.

2. Compete in the 2011 CrossFit Games

3. Learn to balance my family, work, training and leisure so that I don't miss a training session up until the CrossFit Games

Garage Crossfitter said...

Nutrition- Spread the word to as many people as I can about proper nutrition. Continue building my army of primal eaters through blog posts, college discussions and possible public speaking.

Physical- Continue to monitor the 3 H's, even if that means training less and continue to hammer my flexability and mobility while understanding how that relates to specific lifts and longevity for this brutal sport.

Lifestyle- Continue to focus all my POSITIVE energy (i will never forget that convo james) on my gym and continually LEARN.

Brian Maier said...

1) maintain 80/20 paleo(less cheats)
2) devote time DAILY to mobility exercises. flexibility an issue for me.
3) Reduce the amount of stress and clutter in my life.

Anonymous said...

Hey Coach,

I have a competition in indianapolis january 15th (the great lakes invitational). They released the movements for the comp, but not the workouts. What I was wondering is should I focus on those movements the next 2 weeks or just keep following the blog strictly? Hopefully I'll make a good showing for you all. Thanks!

Heavy Evy said...

1. Learn more about why I'm eating paleo, get to an OPT cert.

2. "Push through the suck", so I make it to regionals....or further.

3. Spend more QT with Mrs. Heavy Evy.

PTS said...

1. track foods and how they make me feel and perform, rather than just eat his because it's good for you. ---hope this makes

2. unbroken 2.0 in sub 10. I absolutely loved this WOD and want to improve on it.

3. be a good example for all athletes at my gym. be a good father.

last year we posted 3 training goals. I hit 2 of them early in the year and just missed the last towards the end of this year. 2010 was a good year in training.

Vic said...

1. Be more consistent with my diet, I have a tendency to eat really clean then slack off at times.

2. Continue to grow as a crossfitter, improving my strength and technique for all movements.

3. Grow as a husband, father, friend and maintaining balance in all aspects of life.

StacyJ said...

1. Master meal planning. Efficiency = best success here for me.

2. Regionals: top 20 as individual /qualify for Games as team member

3. More quiet time - unplug, turn everything off - just be (Mary not Martha)

Paul Klein said...

1. Even less alcohol than last year, limit it to special events only.

2. 210lb snatch

3. Do other enjoyable things more often, like karting, rock climbing, hiking etc. It doesn't have to be barbells and rowers all the time.

Julian Cruz said...

1.Find out what works best for my performance and health.
2.Give a 100% during every training session.
3.Create a good balance with family,training, and school.

NW said...

At the hotel gym, no free weight bench, but did CGBP on the smith machine, 265#. Doesn't really give any insight into anything(i don't think) but figured I'd post anways.

so PC was 190/265 = 72%

Marcus Filly said...

1. Cook more for myself and others
2. Conquer my back/hip dysfunction
3. Stay balanced in my family and relationship life while opening up a new gym this year

Jesse J WellRock said...

1. The most important thing for me would become very In-tuned with the rhythms of my body and hunger and eat based on that and to intelligently feed my body based on my training(type) and the amount of rest I get.To Eat with Positive Intent and give thanks. I love eating paleo and don't desire cheats but I can get a bit obsessive with the grams per day of each Macro.

2.To Improve my olympic lifts. The Snatch. I feel that as my snatch goes up all other things I do in my training will have no choice but to improve and it is such a beautiful movement when done fluidly.

3.I will set aside 30-45 minutes every day to meditate and visualize. I strongly believe that meditation(any form) is key to creativity and after all we create our lives. Also I have never had a negative experience after visualizing it first... such a PRICELESS skill to own.

I want to wish the entire community a Happy New Year and I look forward to all of our posts becoming reality. This community is very positive and determined. It's quite remarkable to have a group with such focused energy. Love it!

Steve said...

Dead Lift;
Set 1 @ 139kg x 5
Set 2 @ 157kg x 3
Set 3 @ 176kg x 1+ (+7)
Set 1 @ 61kg x 5
Set 2 @ 69kg x 3
Set 3 @ 78kg x 1+ (+1)

From Dec 26th
A. All unbroken
B1. All unbroken
B2: All unbroken
Rowing: 6,408m

*skipped clean dl and ring hspu's
*subbed rowing for airdyne

Paul Smith said...

Yesterdays WOD Part 1:


Took way to much time between Squat Cleans and PU. Really want to do this one again.


1. Keep better track and records of what I eat and how I feel. Have not done a very good job with this in the past.

2. Where to start. To keep this short I will just say that my main goal for this year is to work on increasing my lactic threshold and pushing through the pain. It seems every year I set goals for strength and that is what I will tend to lean towards. So this year I want to focusing more on my conditioning goals.

3. Studying for CSCS exam right now and would like to start doing some Sport Specific training with, at the very least, the local Rugby Club here in town.

Dave X said...

1. nutrition:
I want to stop feeling guilty if I don't happen to eat 100% clean 100% of the time.

I became obsessive about weighing and measuring and knowing how many grams of fat were in one avocado. I began to feel that I had sabotaged my entire month's worth of training after eating a corn flake.

I need to be more comfortable with the choices I make and not freak out when I'm only 99%.

2. physical performance
I need to be more "present" during training and believe in the system I follow and my skills.

I've lost my perspective about CrossFit; about what it is and isn't, and I need to study other fitness systems and understand how it can spice up my training versus it being my main course.

3. lifestyle
Nap more.

Jon Sinclair said...

1. When those treats come out, like home made cookies... I will still always try one... but my goal is to keep it just one and not turn into five.

2. 400# Deadlift and working on competing in the World police fire Games this year in new york.... so training for that.

3. Find ways to include my girlfriend and new dog into my athletic lifestyle. I'm as happy as can be when I get to the gym when I want... now to make it better I want the important people in my life with me.

Stephen B. said...

Dec. 28 workout:

Part 1: 10:39...all sets UB except 1 break in DUs in 3rd round (44/6)...first time doing this workout so nothing to compare to

Rest 30 min

Part 2:

221 reps...ring dips slowed me the most

Nutrition: greater discipline with regards to following a strict paleo diet (less cheating)
Performance: 300 cals on 300fy
Lifestyle: greater consistency with regards to sleep habits...8-10 hours/night on a regular basis

Trevor Salmon said...

1. experiment with more variety of vegetables.
2. compete in World's Master's Track and Field Championships
3. take a vacation.

Kent said...

On Holidays in San Diego and went in to Invictus to get in yesterday's Unbroken 2.0 and who did I see?

None other than OPT himself working out some DB squats, row sprints and HSPU on paralettes. Nice work coach. Looking strong.

Unbroken 2.0

1. Be creative and have fun with what I'm eating. I love to cook and eat paleo, just need to add variety.
2. Olympic lifts!!!!
3. Sleep.

unit said...

unbroken 2.0- 8:57
5 min rest
30min run- ~3.8mi... relaxing

1. fewer bars... more real food
2. CF games... and represent OPT
3. more time with my son, family and soul mate


r Gaines said...

1. 90/10 paleo
2. Give 100% when I'm in the gym
3. Have more fun with all parts of my life

Stephen Flamm @ CSC said...

1. Consume >0 vegetables each and every day.
2. Achieve balance as outlined by OPT between DL/BS/FS/BP/PC/PU/PS/scapular movements.
3. Develop and implement business systems for my gym to allow for greater free time throughout the week and at least 2 full weeks of vacation.

Justin McIntosh said...

1. Figure out my PWO diet.
2. 2 parter: 300lb C&J and a Sub 12:00 two mile
3. 8 hours of sleep a night for once.

AJ Moore said...

1. Continue to stay 21st century HG
2. Place at the 2011 crossfit games representing OPT
3. Finish credits and prep for GRE

Pete @ CSC said...

1. Prepare and pack MORE food to eat after training sessions to refuel more efficiently.
2. 30 consec HSPU. PR currently 10.
3. Presence and efficiency. Being present in each area of life at the appropriate times: family, friends, work, practice, business, etc.

Ross Blake (AUS) said...

1. continue to track food responses
2. 300# back squat
3. implement better wind down strategies at end of day

yesterdays training:

part 1. ub2.0 27:40
some changes due to travel

rest 30min

part 2. @ 5min/km

Steve said...


1. Eat clean whole foods day to day.
2. Represent OPT at the 2011 Crossfit Games
3. Connect more with family and friends

Dunsey said...

These are certainly not the goals I thought I would have had, but here they are!

1. Assess a different nutritional focus each month. This will be an intuitive process based on fluctuating needs. One focus each month.

2. Follow OPT consistently :)
Also, prioritize the fluidity of my muscles, my recovery, and my flexibility. Stay internally focused and calm... have a good balance between my crossfit and yoga/meditation practices.
Individual competition is not really my goal this year. I would much rather participate in a team effort.

3. I am currently in the process of answering a specific battery of questions about myself and my goals/aspirations/desires. I plan to use the next 3-4 months to answer those, and then start taking steps to actualize them. This will involve a deepening in my relationships with important people in my life; at the same time, it will be a highly internal process, centered around maximizing self care.

Dunsey said...

Oops, that wasn't one goal per area.

Poly said...

1. Find MY diet. Whether or not that includes non-paleo foods.

2. Mile run = Deadlift.
For example, 5.5 mins & 550lbs

3. My wife is due with our second child in March. I will commit every day to become smarter, healthier, stronger, and happier so that I can provide all the care, love, and time my children need for as long as they need.

Oh, and I as well plan to spend more time with Mrs. Heavy Evy this year.

Stahl said...

1. Full Paleo + raw dairy - fewer cheats
2. Compete in (and be competitive in) the OPT-palooza coming in fall of 2011
3. Move towards identifying and integrating my "bliss" with my career (i.e figuring out what that would look like).

Anonymous said...

I already live by the 90/10 rule of clean paleo eating however my goal here is to dial into individualized eating for performance and recovery, being more thoughtful about nutrient timing and quantities and above all wellness as well as a leaner body to compete with!

2. Muscle ups and HSPU....they are on my horizon

3.Spend more time with all the people I love.

Siu said...

1. Drink at least 64oz of water every day. Current status = 0oz = bad.

2. Sub 27min 5K. I'm very slow and I would like to be less slow.

3. Journal more. I feel more peace when I put pen to paper.

Anonymous said...

1. Continue to educate myself, to be able to help others and fine tune my diet as well as my families.

2. Continue improving on all aspects of training.

3. Spend more quality time with family. Get gym set up and start training clients.

Patrick "Phatty" Vuong said...

1. Eat more whole foods, more often. Cook more, buy more grass fed-organic.

2. Work on holes, correcting imbalance, improve mobility, trigger point therapy. Work out less. huh? Better recovery practice. Educate myself daily.

3. More sleep, turn off computer earlier.

Lauren said...

1. Maintain a daily food log to be more aware of how nutrition effects my recovery, energy etc.
2. Compete in the 2011 CF Games
3. To have my friends/family over to my house for a yummy paleo meal at least once a month.

crossfitkel said...

Unbroken 2.0
the squat cleans were the worst part of the entire workout. just learning to breathe correctly to go right into unbroken is a new concept for me. loving it though.

rest 75 min then

Half Cindy:
13 rounds+ 8 pushups
pushups were broken up in round 11.
heartrate was back up very quickly.

Soren said...

1. Make nutrition work to a more sustainable revenue
We eat pretty clean, know what i can handle and not. Might do a few experiments

2. Getting as close to 100% as possible

3. Start my own OPT inspired gym!


Soren said...

1. Make nutrition work to a more sustainable revenue
We eat pretty clean, know what i can handle and not. Might do a few experiments

2. Getting as close to 100% as possible

3. Start my own OPT inspired gym!


Lars said...

1. Eat dessert less often, and eat more veggies.
2. Continue to improve my mobility in my torso, shoulders, and hips.
3. Spend more time reading and time for myself, family and friends

Arjuna @ Calibrated Training Systems said...

1. Eat Primal all but 1 day a week
2. Complete King Kong in under 8min
3. Recognize that there are more important things in life besides competing at the Games. *though it would be nice*