for loads:
Clean and Jerk - 5 sets of 1; 240 sec rest b/t sets
4 min rest
AMRAP Chin Ups x 3 sets; 180 sec b/t sets

Total Score = highest weight lifted with clean and jerk in pounds plus total chin ups for 3 sets
(i.e. 235lbs+45reps+39reps+40reps=359 is total score; highest score wins)

post weights/reps and total score to comments


Geoff Aucoin said...


Gord said...

score: 283
c & J - 195
chins 32,27,29

Gman said...

clean only 198
chins 35-35-21
Total 289

Rob Sifton said...

C&J 145
Chins 48,31,20
Total = 244

Geoff Aucoin said...


Pleased with C&J, could have gone higher there, but pull-ups were way down from my projected numbers. Wanted 40 reps on the first set. Grip was failing, maybe needed a better warm-up.

rwcorson said...

C&J - 188# ties PR, attempted 193# on last set, I need to drop more on split jerk
Pull ups-39,24,19 These went in the tank fast & hard.
Total - 270

Sweeney said...

Score: 254
C&J: 174lbs - I just couldn't drop under the bar today
Chins: 30(slipped off the bar),30,20

DeeJay said...

C&J - 273 (PR)
Chins - 25/18/14
Score - 331

Sweeney said...

DJ: You are a brute!!!

Todd Dyer said...

c+j 209lb. failed on the jerk twice at 210 lb. need to work on it.
chin ups 40+35+30 forearms gave out
total= 209+40+35+30=314

Trevor Salmon said...

Physio treatment on elbow/forearm/shoulders so C&J and chins out today.
Back squat - 273 failed at 278
4 min rest
3 sets of hanging K2E 23/15/10
awesome work everyone. Holy Crap DJ!

Brent Maier said...

C&J: 105kg (235lbs)
PU: 40/21/17 (wide OPT grip)

Total: 312

Not one of my better performances tonight on c&j. I'm happy I got 40 reps on round one.

I'm back to work now and so are the kids. It's back to a full time dad with less free time. I'll be posting my workouts between 6 and 8 every evening.

Great job everyone!

Chad Action Brandt said...

could not for the life of me Jerk 200#, not getting low enough on the Split Jerk!

Optimum Performance Training said...

168 as a C&J but I did 183# for a SqClean Thruster.
PU's - 33/20/14
Died on the last set on PU's.

Garage Crossfitter said...

40 22 21 pullups
not a good day.

Dave X said...

C&J: 205
Total Pullups: 51
Score: 256