for time; throw all of the following movements/exercises into a hopper/hat/underwear drawer/whatever and honestly pick out in the order they come the fashion in which you do this workout; your path is your destiny, have fun!

135# power clean x 10 reps
30" box jumps x 25 reps
10 muscle ups
Row 400 m (10)
25 GHD Raises
50 double unders
25 toes to bar
20 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
15 DB split jerk - 30#/h

post the path and your time to comments
toes to bar - hanging from bar, touch toes to bar with minimal arm bend, bend at hips only, you cannot touch down to reset unless fractioning; full extension of knees at top of power clean and box jumps, body perpendicular with floor at top of GHD Raises (NOT sit ups), ass to grass on wall balls, damper 10 on rower, arms come to full extension at bottom and top of muscle ups


Ryan G. said...


- G.H.D. Raise
- Wall Ball
- Box Jump
- Row
- DB Split Jerk
- Double Unders
- Power Clean
- Muscle Up's
- Toes to Bar

What is the sub for Muscle Up's?

DeeJay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bso said...

Copied and pasted into a list randomizer (http://www.random.org/lists/) - easier than finding anything in my underwear drawer at 5 in the morning.

1. 20 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
2. 30" box jumps x 25 reps
3. 135# power clean x 10 reps
4. Row 400 m (10)
5. 15 DB split jerk - 30#/h
6. 50 double unders
7. 25 toes to bar
8. 25 GHD Raises
9. 10 muscle ups

bso said...

Ryan... assuming you have rings or at least a bar to do muscle ups on, it probably depends on your level of development.... classic sub is 4 pull/4 dip.... but you would probably do well to watch this video and pull one of the drills from there.

OPT said...

remember, you do not choose the path you want, as they come out of the hopper, that is the way you do them..in that order...

Geoff Aucoin said...

Ahhhh, we're going back to the old school with that pic. Good times.

My word is 'hooty.' I'm thinkin' Blowfish.

PTS said...

My randomized path with subs for lack of equipment in ()

row 400m(40 SDLHP 45lbs)
50 DU's
135lb power cleans-10 reps
30" box jump-25 reps
25 toes to bar
15 split jerk (65lb barbell)
(10 jumping MU's)
25 GHD raises
(30 wall balls-12#ball, 10 ft target)

11:30, toes to bar took the most time

Geoff Aucoin said...

Row 400 m (10)
30" box jumps x 25 reps
10 muscle ups
20 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
50 double unders
135# power clean x 10 reps
25 toes to bar
15 DB split jerk - 30#/h
25 GHD Raises


Box Jumps and Toes-to-Bar painfully slow, MU's and P Cleans slower than planned.

Sam Edwards said...

i need some help please. after yesterdays wod its apparent that i need to add some strength. would throwing in some strength work, say 3x5, pre or post wod be asking to much. or do i need to focus primarily on strength training. any advice would be very appreciated.

Geoff Aucoin said...

Sam, it's early in the game for you. If you've got enough to commit before or after one of these WODs to work on strength then go for it, but strength will come along with the work capacity. Just keep at 'er, it's early.

Sam Edwards said...

i have been crossfiting a year plus now and my strength seems to be going no where. you think eating more( only about 2500 cals right now) would play in my benefit?

Geoff Aucoin said...

What have you been doing to increase your strength so far, Sam?

rwcorson said...

power cleans
toes to Bar
wall balls
DB split jerk
GHD raises
Box jumps

Sam Edwards said...

just the crossfit.com.. im now seeing alot of my times suffer because of it. i was wanting to be able to compete at the qualifier in may, but i am starting to second guess it. now i am going to start eating big, concentrating on the OPT blog, and if possible maybe throw in some strength focused lifts if i can manage. what do you think?

Optimum Performance Training said...

My path:
ghd raise
split jerk
toe 2 bar
Time - 12:41
The combo of ghd raise/pclean/bj was really tuff.

DeeJay said...

Muscle ups
Double unders
Power cleans
GHD raises
Box Jump
DB split jerk
Wall balls
Toes to Bar

14:16 - over 3 mins just for the toes to bar...

Steve said...

- wall ball
- pc
- row
- mu's
- split jerk
- ttb
- ghd
- bj
- du


Chad Action Brandt said...

Double Unders
GHD Raise
Muscle Ups
Wall Ball Shots
Power clean
Db Split Jerk
Toes to Bar

GHD Raise did me in big time over 2 1/2 min. I need work on these! Everything else went like pie and ice cream! Love toes to bar!

Sam Edwards said...

box jumps
double under
split jerk
wall ball
toe to bar
muscle up


DeeJay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bso said...

1. 20 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
2. 30" box jumps x 25 reps
3. 135# power clean x 10 reps
4. Row 400 m (10)
5. 15 DB split jerk - 30#/h
6. 50 double unders
7. 25 toes to bar
8. 25 GHD Raises
9. 10 muscle ups


Gord said...

wall b
toes to b
split jerk
ghd r
box J

Time 15:21

tweaked shoulder and neck real good during mu's. Hopefully nothing some ice, massasge and rest will not fix.

Love the format of this wod. Very cool idea James!

Todd Dyer said...

pulled the order out of my cat's tree
15 db slit jerk
30" box jump 25 reps
135 power clean x 10
20 wall ball
25 toes to bar
10 muscle up
25 ghd raise
row 400 m at 10
50 double unders
time = 10:50
box was only 29 inches
wall ball only 8 ft ceiling but I throw it hard into the wall
everything else as rx ed

Geoff Aucoin said...

Nice work, fellers!

I decided today would be something of a 'cheat' day for me and I've discovered THE best cheat cookie for me; Scotty Hagnas' pumpkin cookies. They can be found in Dec 2007's Performance Menu and frig they are some shockin' good. I think I've eaten about 24 of them and I'm getting no swelling of the hands & feet or any insulin spikeage. I even had a beer and there's been no issues so I'm loving life! Woo!

Sam, sounds like a plan!

Just so everyone knows, my WOD was way harder then any of yours.

Brent Maier said...

Time: 11:51 as RX'd

1) 30" box jumps x 25 reps
2) 20 wall balls - 20# to 10ft
3) Row 400 m (10)
4) 10 muscle ups
5) 50 double unders
6) 25 toes to bar
7) 135# power clean x 10 reps
8) 15 DB split jerk - 30#/h
9) 25 GHD Raises

The rower fights hard at 10. DU's were clumsy. DB split jerks with alternate legs hurt me pretty bad. Split them up into 3 sets. GHD raises were tough but manageable. My hamstrings JUST healed up from the 50 GHD raises we did a week or so ago.

Anonymous said...

8:29 + 1:00??? Unfreakin beleivable! I guess I am going to get the screw-ups out early. Shut my watch off during the power cleans and noticed just before I started my double unders. Did the power cleans straight through with a drop each time so the time added is probably no more than 30s.
My order was:
box jumps
GHD raise
Toes to bar
power clean
double unders
split jerk

Went straight through on everything except double unders.

Anonymous said...

I lied. Broke up toes to bar also.

Garage Crossfitter said...

at 6am
toes to bar
power clean
split jerks
box jumps
ghd raises
row 400
50 du
20 wb
10 mu

starting with toes to bar made my grip hard for power cleans and jerks. then ghd raises toasted my hams for rowing and then rowing hurt my du's. ha good wod though.