100 CTB chin ups for time


Hixy said...

Hello OPT

Are you doing the WODs posted on this site yourself? If yes, how long have you been doing them?

Do you sometimes add anything to them? Can you give any examples?


Geoff Aucoin said...

Hixy James is following CF.com these days. If you need to add to these WOD I'd suggest skill or strength work in an area that needs improvement.

Hixy said...

Thanks for your reply, Geoff.

What's the difference in the outcome of following the WODs on this site, the one on CF.com, navyseals.com and cathletics.com?

How much strength work would be too much? I was thinking of adding 5x5 bench press twice a week, 5x5 squat twice a week, 5x5 deadlift twice a week and some ab work twice a week.


bso said...

Why don't you just play along and find out? If your next 3 months of training must absolutely be dialed in perfectly, then maybe you should pay someone to make the appropriate plan for your work capacity and goals.

But, in any case, the method of finding out how much strength work is too much is to add a little less than you think you can handle, test for 2-3 3/1 cycles and evaluate the results.

Gord said...

I am out for this one. Neck, trap and shoulder still in spasm. Hope to catch up with you guys soon.

Todd Dyer said...

Time= 8:40
these are getting easier

Optimum Performance Training said...

8:40 as rx'd.
did 9, then 3's until 84, then 2's, then 1's.
This could also be called 100 torn callous' for time. It's a good thing I can drive with my knees.

Mack said...

Last 10 took me forever. Failed last one 4X.

bso said...

Must have double clicked the start/stop button because the timer showed .06 seconds. Judging by the clock on the wall I was somewhere between 8 and 10 minutes.

Brent Maier said...

Time: 9:35

Hands are a bloody mess. First 18 were fast. Broke the remaining up into 3's, 2's and 1's. Had to makeup 2 failed pulls.

Go Steelers!

DeeJay said...

9:11 as rx'd

Steve said...

- 9:46

Trevor Salmon said...

2 failed reps
hands torn on rep 98
maybe a little too conservative in the breaks between reps in order to not fail.
15 to start then 5's until around 40 then mostly triples followed by doubles for the last 20 or so.
Elbow a little sore to start but held up nicely.

Chad Action Brandt said...

A little under the weather last few days, wanted way lower but did not have anything in the tank.
Way to work guys!

Alvaro said...

I like to see what you guys are doing! I timmed Brett and as always very inspiring. He did it in 5:02 and he was suffering after 56 or so. Now that I took a one on one with Brett for the Butterfly Pull ups, I will try this one soon.
Nice work guys!!!

Dave X said...

Nice interview the other night OPT on CrossFit Radio. I can't believe the host of the show screwed up the "OPT" WOD and did 500M rows x 10 sets in addition to all the other movements!

rwcorson said...

started conservatively with 4, then 3s to 76, then 2s to 90, then 1s.

Ryan G. said...

Time- 10:31

- Left hand tore on 96 ... Bahh!

Geoff Aucoin said...


To paint a nice, descriptive picture of the (painted, thin and bent at both ends) pull-up bar at my hall you could say it's about 7' off the ground in a room that's only 8'. I'm 6'4" so when I'm hanging my knees are picking up dust bunnies.

I'm thinking I could use a do-over as I was pretty much doing singles from about 15 on. Of course, I COULD ESTIMATE a time of around 8:39 if I was to do it at OPT.

I'm calling this workout "James' Crackberry WOD" as his thumb would get too tired to make any elaborate WODs on that tiny little keypad.

Geoff Aucoin said...

And check out James' interview on CrossFit Radio, really good stuff!

Garage Crossfitter said...


9:40 - blah i was way too conservative in the beginning, i had alot left in the tank at the end..hands in perfect shape