"CF Total"
Back Squat 1RM
Press 1RM
Dead Lift 1RM

post total to comments
(i.e. highest 1RM of BS + P + DL = total)


DeeJay said...


DeeJay said...

Squat-375lbs (PR)
Press-182lbs (PR)
Deadlift - 474lbs (PR)
Total - 1031lbs (PR)

Sweeney said...

Is someone very happy today Deejay?

Nice work!

Gord said...

dl-318 (not good)
total 742

PTS said...

total on 8-15 = 820
total on 11/24 after doing SS = 900

today Squat 290
Press 145
deadlift 422(PR)
total 857

squat and press way down from last total, deadlift up slightly

Ryan G. said...

Total - 888

Squat - 310 Press - 200
DL - 378

- I did Bench Press due to shoulder issues. Personal best on all lifts.

Rory Hanlin said...

Squat- 460
Press- 235 (PR)
Deadlift- 575 (PR)
Total= 1270

I thought I could have PRed squat but I lost 465 at the bottom. I'll get er done next time.

DeeJay said...

Rory your a beast!

Hixy said...

Nice scores everyone! You're all very strong!

Rory, how can you keep such a high CFT while crossfitting? Do you add strength work yourself or are you by nature a monster?

OPT, I was wondering what the difference is between the WOD on this site and the one on the main site?
Will the outcome be the same? Metabolic conditioning, strength, agility, etc.
Does this site include more olympic lifting on the WODs than the main site?

Anywho, nice work everyone. I can't wait until I'm done with my strength cycle and start on this routine!


Matthew said...

S= 350 (PR)
DL= 390 (PR)
SP= 175 (PR)
Total: 915

Very happy today

Matthew said...

Rory says, "Who is your Daddy, and what does he do?"

He's just a beast by nature.

Rory Hanlin said...


Crossfitting and strength are not mutually exclusive. In fact, this total was 15 pounds better than my last total with a month of OPT WODs and a little Oly lifting practice on the side.
Although I drop it if it negatively affects recovery.

If you want to get your Total up, I suggest buying and reading Starting Strength and Practical Programming for Strength Training by Mark Rippetoe. Everything you want to know about creating a S&C program is in both books.

Do Rip's program (including nutrition, most people neglect this) for a few months and watch your numbers sky rocket.

Hope this helps

Chad Action Brandt said...

Total = 870

Nice work you guys, wow!
Squat never felt fully solid today

Anonymous said...

didn't do as well as my last attempt(945 total), fairly new to crossfit and a first time post here:)

26 yrs old.

deadlift 440lb.(465lb.PB)
squat 325lb.(cambered bar) PB
Press 165lb.(175lb. PB)
Total today: 930( last attempt 945)

all in all not bad, better next time!!!

bso said...

Squat 305 (PR)
Press 160 (PR)
Deadlift 385
Total 850 (100 point improvement since Nov 28/2007)

Geoff Aucoin said...

Well this didn't go as planned; the villagers in my district were calm this afternoon so I could pay all of my attention to the lifts but it just weren't happening.

S-300 (felt way off)
DL-325 (~90lbs less than Feb last year)

Stopped early on deads as I was trying the new 'Coach Rip' technique that I learned from watching Brett teach it in CF class. Form felt good but it felt like a different lift. 325 felt brutally heavy, all the same, which means my numbers for squat and dead are way down from last year. This pissed me off so I did 10 sets of 2 reps with 225lb deads, 45 sec rest between sets (working on speed and form). That was actually the best part of the workout.

Sweeney said...

Squat: 312lbs(PR)
Press: 137lbs(brutal)
Deadlift: 374lbs(PR)
Total: 823(PR)

Derek said...

First workout in a week, been sick and still not 100% but still did ok

Total = 825lbs (PR)

Brent Maier said...

Squat: 152.5kg (336lbs) *PR*
Press: 85kg (187lbs)
DL: 201kg (442lbs) *PR*
Total: 965lbs *PR*

Last Total PR: 933lbs (5/30/08)

Press - I've got a PR on the S-Press of 90kg in 12/08. Tonight I couldn't pull it off in 3 attempts.
DL - I have been stuck at 422lbs for a long time. I felt like I could have pushed a little further but didn't think it was worth the risk. This is fantastic!
Squat - I mentally shut down just as I cleared the hump of the 155kg attempt.

4 PR's in 4 days by a considerable margin, is anyone else keeping count?

Mack said...

265 / 187 / 412 = 864

frickin squats

Gord said...

Hey Aucoin,

I also was attempting to use the technique you are referring to. It is a totally different set up for me and it feels different but solid. I understand the different lift feeling you are referring to. I was disappointed with my results also (60 lbs below my pr). Rip commented it takes different people different time periods to "get it". he said some PR at the cert, others take a few times to dial it in but you will be stonger in the end.

Geoff Aucoin said...

Thanks Gord, I've plateaued so I thought I may have to dial it back a bit before I can start adding substantial weights again with new form.

Steve said...

Press - 165
Squat - 265
Dead - 365

Total - 795

Squat and Deadlift up this week!

Trevor Salmon said...

great numbers everyone. Last post for a bit as my Naturopath
has "strongly" recommend 2 full weeks of zero activity.

Todd Dyer said...

squat= 315
press= 147.5
deadlift= 340
Total= 802.5
need to work on this

Optimum Performance Training said...

BS - 329
Pr - 162.5
DL - 422
CFT = 913.5
All lifts were PR's.

Garage Crossfitter said...

back squat 315(pr)
Shoulder press 165(tied pr)
Deadlift 360 (tied pr)
Bwt 172
Crossfit total pr by 45 lbs, pumped!
Took 1.5 hours to complete, 4 min breaks between sets, took good notes throughout entire workout so i can go back and reread them next time i do a total, this wod is one of my most intimidating and hard workouts for me. Thanks OPT

Dave X said...

BS: 305 (315PB)
SP: 155 (165PB)
DL: 350 New PR (330 PPB)

Total: 810

Slightly frustrated with BS & SP numbers, but very happy with DL.