show some muscle...

as many rounds in 20 minutes;
2 muscle ups
8 KBS - 2pd

post rounds and fractions completed to comments


PTS said...
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Geoff Aucoin said...

That is a really cute pic, James! Another mini-Leighanne!

Gord said...

13 rounds

started failing at mu's at about the 12 min mark.Needed longer breaks to ensure attempts were made.

PTS said...

haven't practiced MU's in 2 weeks and was randomly able to get my first one so I decided to do the workout

muscle-ups were not from complete hang position they were from a standing slightly bent arm position, so I'm not sure they are considered legit. Rings were at 76 inches. I am 73 inches.

completed 7 rds and 2 MU's using 55lb KB with 10 reps.

Ryan G. said...

2 L-up's
12 Pushup's
8 KB Swings
13+2 total in 20 min.

May have been 14+2, can't remember if I clicked my counter on the last transition. Sub'd due to shoulder.

Chad Action Brandt said...

13 Rounds PR + 2 Muscle-ups
Muscle Ups: No fractions
HSPU: Fractions starting 9th Rd
KBS: No Fractions

New PR for me, old score 10rds

James your daughter is adorable!!!

rwcorson said...

I'm a day behind.
CF total
290.5 BS PR
139 SP
421 DL PR 850.5
This is the 1st time I've gone over 800, so I'm very pleased.

Anonymous said...

subbed in

6 chest to bar pullups for the muscle ups

12 rounds

felt real good

*thanks Steve for the help on the kips

Sweeney said...

14rds + 1MU

bso said...

11 rounds + 2 muscle-ups

I like to sub 34" box jumps for the 2pood kb swings on this one.

PR by 3 rounds

HSPU are getting better, but are still the limiting factor. Tried them with feet over racked bar this time and liked it better than the wall.

Derek said...

Did 8 pull-ups and 8 dips for MU

Pathetic 7 rounds

DeeJay said...

10 rounds + 2 MU (PR - last time 7 rounds + 1MU in nov 2008)

Brent Maier said...

Today: 14+2MU *PR*
Last PR: 14 (3/18/08)

It's not a PR by much but it is a PR. HSPU's take it out of me.

MUs: Singles w/o failure
HSPUs went something like this:
1-4) Unbroken
5-9) 2's
10-14) 1's
KBS: Unbroken but painful

Brent Maier said...

Oh yeah James, CUTE picture!

Mack said...

6 PU & 6 ring dips for the 2 MU

12 rd + 2 dips

unit said...

couldn't w/o yesterday [on call]... so 2 WODs today...

CF Total [28/M/6'0"/190]
DL - 475 [tried 500, pr is 485]
SP - 190 pr
S - 385 [ugly...]

total = 1050

the following mods...
no adequate rings... did muscle ups on a pullup bar, also, no heavy KB, so used a 70lb DB for the swings...

17rounds + 2 MU, 4 HSPU...


Geoff Aucoin said...

13 full, this could be a PB. I really paced the 1st 10 rounds and I didn't look at my watch until then (over 5 minutes left) so that may have worked well instead of rushing through. MU's turned out at the bottom and unbroken until round 8 (better grip) but everything else straight through. Used 75lb DB for swings, and did forehead to floor HSPU. Yuck.

Geoff Aucoin said...

Oops, not a PB but not a bad effort for a firehall WOD. PB is 14 + 1 MU.

Steve said...

Used bar Muscle Ups

12 rounds

*anytime Sean, looking forward to the next one

Anonymous said...

18 + 1

Anonymous said...

Cute picture, love it!

Todd Dyer said...

rounds = 16
felt good

Garage Crossfitter said...

No failed mu's
hspu broken starting rd 8
swings unbroken with 70lb kettlebell

Everything felt real good, especially cardio and swings, but hspu took alot of time for me. touched forehead to the floor.

Dave X said...

13 rounds with 3 ring dips/CTB pullups subs and 1.5pd KB.

15 rounds was my previous best from 2/12/08 but I know I did jumping dips and jumping pullups like a mutha in that WOD. None this time around. Slower, but much stronger.