30 L Pull Ups in any fashion or set/rep format (skill work)
rest 2 min
60 knees to elbows in any fashion or set/rep format (skill work)
rest 2 min
90 GHD sit ups in any fashion or set/rep format (skill work)
rest 2 min
300 double unders in the least number of sets within 10 minutes
(i.e. 10 sets of 30, 1 set of 150 then 3 sets of 50, 1 set of 300...)
lowest number of sets taken to get to 300 wins
rest 3 min
3 rounds for total reps;
AMRAP Push Ups; rest 20 sec
AMRAP Double Unders; rest 20 sec
post notes on anterior chain gymnastics skill work, set for DU's and total reps for AMRAP work to comments
post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 30g prot/15g carb
8-12% - 30g prot/30g carb
below 8% - 30g prot/45g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 25g prot/15 g carb
12-14% - 25g prot/25 g carb
below 12% - 25g prot/35 g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 45-60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
I love The ANVIL!... Rory, bro, the shirts came in!... they r pretty sweet!...
Well that just takes all the fun out of guessing now, don't it?
So I'm just going to rub my calves with broken glass NOW to prep myself for what's to come...
it might not b, but it sure reminds me of it... if it is though, don't b sore bc u didn't get it first geoff... ur always free 2 guess b4 clicking the link!...
Cripes! My buddy lee snapped during warm up 2 days ago and the replacement is not here yet. I'm screwed. I'll try to splice and do my best. I ordered 2 so I'll have a spare from now on anyway. Live and learn.
Can I by a vowel?
My guess would have been Garage Crossfitter but there are no gun racks on the wall hahahahaha okay I'm just jokin'...
L-ups - 6 perfect form sets of 5
kte's- 20/29/37/44/52/60. 20-30 secs rest btw.
ghd- 90
du's-300 in 5 total rounds - 83/64/49/55/49. wanted 4 rds but the 3rd set crushed that possibilty.
pushups - 40/11/13 = 64
du's 60/22/29= 111
total reps =175.
humbled yet again. I consider pushups and du's to be strengths. There was just no power for the pushups after all the previous work.
Geoff 1
Garage 0
L-Pull Ups- Still very difficult, broken into 5s, dropped legs each time, and used as momentum on way up- but still progression from last time I did these.
K2E- Sets of 6s, practiced using kip, as apposed to the double kip?
GHD- 15, 15, 20, 20, 20
DU- 5 sets
L-pull ups: 10/9/6/5
K2E: 30/30
GHD: 15/15 + K2E 20/20
DUs: 19 sets
My lower back was feeling extremely tight from yesterday, was debating not going. L-pulls and K2E seemed to fix that problem like magic. Could feel the GHDs aggravating lower back, so did more K2E instead.
Goal for the 300 DU was 30 every minute. First three rounds were garbage, took 11 sets. After that all rounds of 30 unbroken. Imploded on the push ups.
L-up's: 6x5 on the minute
K2E: 4x15 1min rest b/t sets
GHD: 1x24, 3x23 1min rest b/t sets
DU's: 12,53,84,29,22,110pr
pu's/du's: 37/43,17/36,11/44
pwo: 30p/63c whey/refuel
broke the rope handle on the first set of skill work du's. AMRAP was nasty.
Team, I've uploaded a few videos of yesterdays workout and one a few weeks ago. Looking forward to todays workout.
Yesterdays WOD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOw8iy0Yvko
PS+DU WOD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YHxz3wYV_o
L-pullups: mostly sets of 5, done on the rings.
K to E: focused on doing these fast w/o double kips
GHD: sets of 10
Double unders: think I mis-read this a bit. I did sets of 5 reps(woohoo!) unbroken; didn't count the reps if I couldn't make 5 straight. Got 17 sets for 85, but easily did around 200 reps total.
AMRAP: 40/9;11/7;8/4 Total=79
PWO: 30p/45c Chicken basil sausage, yams, applesauce
4x200m @ 90% All 25-27
20 Minute ab work with team
Rest 15 minutes
LPU 13-7-6-4
K2E 10-10-15-15-10
GHD 15-20-25
Only did 60 because of the ab work before.
DU 300 reps in 8 sets
AMRAP: 40/15, 20/44, 13/18
Total: 150
LPU: 10,10,7,3
K2E: 25, 10, 10, 10, 5
GHD: Used a ball as replacement, I think I saw Unit doing this
300 DU: Huge improvement here. I was able to complete these in under 10 minutes. The most I got straight was 30 or so
Total: 142
L pullups used light rubber band assist at ankle but concentrated on trying to hold legs up as much as possible. 9/5/5/3/3/3 the last sets of 3s i did with no assist and bent knees
K2E these absolutely kill my shoulders i am old and inflexible OUCH did sets of 10
GHD don't have one so have bosu ball balanced on chair not very efficient can't really use hams and gluts as you can in machine
DUs got my new buddy lee thanks Trevor at OPT!!! still suck at them but the rope helped best round was 47 finished strong with last three sets of 30s had some terrible moments in between. Still trying to find best location around my house to do these
9/34 PUs were deadly this round!!
Thanks Geoff i am looking forward to Monday!!!
LPU: 6 sets of 5
KTE: 15, 15, 10, 10, 10
GHD: 20, 20, 20, 15, 15
DU: Unknown number of sets. Best set was 38. Worst was 3.
Total: 157
I asked this before but got no response. How do you measure a jump rope for your height. Im 6'3" and I think the jump rope I use is too short, but I have no way of knowing. I might be looking for an excuse for sucking at double unders.
L pull ups-3 reps x 10 sets, worked on straight legs & feet above hips
K to E-15,10,10,10,10,5 varied grip
GHDs-13s, then 12, alternated btw Games standard & alternating single arm.
DUs-6 sets, wanted 4.
Push ups - 30,10,5
Both were tough.
-L-ups 6 sets of 5 strict reps
-KE 3 sets of 20 reps, 1 min rest
-GHD 6 sets of 15 reps, 30 sec rest
-300 DU: 60,70,84,55,35- 5 sets, should have been 4
DU+pushups= nasty combo, the muscle fatigue from pulling shoulders back for double unders, (which is the key to my success with them) really makes pushups difficult, the front deltoid was completely wrecked and my traps coming into this workout were tight from yesterday so the tension created from double unders made for a nasty headache....
Sub kipping pu's; 1:54 (in 7's)
K2e's: 8:11. Slow, chipped away (in 2's by end)
Du's: took 12 sets
Push ups: 11/6/4
Du's: 7/33/14
My shoulders are done
l pullups
GHD situps
300 DU's
about 20 sets (felt like I could not find rythym)
135 reps
L-pullups: 5,5,10,5,5
k2e's: 15,10,10,10,10,5
GHD's: 30,25,15,10,10 (touched 10" box with both hands)
300 du's in 10 min: 4 rounds
previous PR on unbroken du's is 75.
AMRAP: Total - 204
pushups: 40,20,16
du's: 18,60,50
pushups deteriorated quickly. 20 sec rest went by so fast. so pissed that I caught my foot on first round of du's. total could have been closer to 240.
L's in 9 sets, huge focus on legs.
K2E in 3.
GHD in 6.
Doubles in 5 - 1st miss on the 4th set so almost did it in 4. Finished with a minute to spare, arm was fine.
30/3 (f$%k), 12/52, 7/21. Made myself stop on the push-ups if I started pausing at the top.
Push-ups. Yeah.
Brent: great job on the videos. I knew the shirt would come off in the 2nd round.
Step on the middle of the rope in the instep of 1 foot.
The ends of the rope should come between the armpit & the top of the shoulder. This is the end of the rope, not the end of the handles. If you are at DUs, use the armpit length (shorter). If you are still mastering the DU, go with the shoulder height length.
L-ups: first 20 sets of 5. Last set broken up
K to E: mostly sets of 10 until about 40 then last 20 reps broken up
GHD: sets of 10 all the way through.
DU's: had a heck of a time with these. Was going to attempt sets of 20 but ended up just trying to get through as large sets possible....ended up 10 reps short at the 10 min mark.
AMRAMP: total 97...Du's killed me, shoulders done.
Going to take few off as were travelling through the Pacific NW. Looking forward to coming back hard next week!
L-PU: 6 sets of 5. Knees above or level with hips but I can't seem to keep my feet up. I am still improving at least.
K2E: 15 on bar-no kip
15 on bar kipping--finally figured out how to kip with no double swing.
15 rings no kip
15 rings kipping
GHD: 4X20, 1X10--double hand touch on floor. pretty slow, but no tempo like 4020 or anything.
DU's: 50 (= old pr), 17, 55 (pr), 69 (pr), 49 (splice repair job broke...had to repair), 5(!), 45. Easily under 10 min.
AMRAP PU: 29, 15, 13
AMRAP DU: 40, 28, 39
Total: 164
Only one workout today (ironically, after all the talk of doubles yesterday!).
L-Pulls: 3 sets of 10. FULL extension at the bottom, chest to bar at the top.
K2E: 10 kipping then 10 strict for three sets.
GHD Sit-ups: Not available here. laid parallel to a bench with feet wrapped around and hips on the edge. Completed sets of 10 at 2020.
DU - Five sets. Almost passed out on the fourth set. Not sure what happened.
Push-ups - 80/40/50
DU - 41/36/27
Total - 274
Dontpanic, my comment should have said, "if you are efficient at DUs, have the shorter, to the armpit length of rope."
Brian, nice work on the DU's.
Steve, your push up numbers are incredible. You are a machine.
15 set of 2. wanted all reps to be as close to perfect as I can get
K to E-
2 sets of 15
3 sets of 5 with 10 sec break
5sets of 3 with 10 sec break
did 18 sets of 5. I was very happy about this. as this is the most I have ever done in 1 seesion with out any back pain.
Skipping- took 13 sets to do the 300
pushups 41,19,15
Du 15, 7,5,
I did the double hand touch for the GHDs, too, just to add some spice. Ow.
rwcorson, Thanks for the reply. When I step on the rope like you said, the ends of the handles come up to about my sternum. I think I need a longer rope.....much longer.
L-Ups - 10,10,10
K2E - 30,30
GHD - 15,15,15,15,15,15
DUs - 9 (48,34,38,54,18,45,27,35,1)
Push-Ups/DUs - 34/8,13/8,12/30
It all fell apart during/after GHDs. Major headache during/after GHDs. Felt strong before GHDs, and wasted after.
L-ups: 4 (8/8/8/6)
K2E: 4 (22/15/12/11)
GHD: 2 (60/30)
300 DU's: 8 (69/19/42/45/36/36/36/17)
Damnit, I just ate and I forgot to do the AMRAP.
Dontpanic, no problem.
My suggestion is to start with a longer rope (if using one you can shorten, buddy lee) and progressively shorten it as you improve.
28 / 6'0" / 192
L-PU - 15 [120 sec rest] 10 [60 sec rest] 5... sloooow and strict...
K2E - 43 / 17... goal was 50 in a row... i'll have to keep workin at it...
GHD - 6 x15 w/ 60sec b/w sets... games standard w/ double touch...
300 DU - 3 sets [110 / 107 / 83]
45 / 81
25 / 54
25 / 62
Total ~292
Yesterday's workout in early am: 27:45 Very slow--wallballs were the main problem. I have to jump a lot to hit that height. Squat cleans slow and steady--getting much better, tough weight for me (115# is max 1RM).
Today's in PM:
L-ups: sets of 3
K to E: no fast kip at all, big slow swings: 10/10/8/8/7/7/10
GHD: 9 sets of 10--gave me a headache and was dizzy.
300 doubles: 7 sets, was aiming for 6 but knee pain came back, so I had to roll out in between sets: 58/25/50/50/50/44/23
Push-ups/Du's: 30-44/12-33/13-25 First set of pushups was really easy, then a bit of a drop off.
Steve, that's a s%$t load of push-ups!
L-ups: 6 (5/5/5/6/5/4) wasn't pushing too hard, really focused on form.
K2E: 5 (15/11/15/11/8) experimented with recruitment pattern for movement
GHD: subbed the weird sounding situps with knees splayed flat and feet anchored 1 (90)
300 DU's: 14! (11/13/20/23/19/30/16/23/29/20/16/31/13/16) would have good rhythm but jumprope is heavy and arms/shoulders would get tired and fail
47 / 32
21 / 19
17 / 14
Total ~150
feel like my DU's are really getting better. limiting factor now is endurance and fatigue. my jumprope is heavy and beats me up after a while. prolly need to order a buddy lee jumprope but don't want it breaking on me. tried rouge fitness jprp's but are too short, even when let all the way out, plus if the handles aren't held parallel to the ground when used they tend to get held up. too light to feel.
shoulders and arms were fatigued going in, and afterwords were completely f'n smoked.
getting over the cold and today felt better. feel a lot better both physically and mentally.
Holy crap some of you big dawgs pushup numbers absolutely blow me away i don't even think i can count that fast in 20 seconds - wow amazing job!!!! definitely shows me i got a looooong way to becoming a big dawg.
oops, apprantly i can't read instructions, and documented the time of the first 2 parts instead of set/rep format, am re-posting for personal future reference:
pull ups - in sets of 9 then sets of 7, very short rest in between
k2e's: 10, 5, then 2's; took a few sec rest in between sets; these still need work
GHD's: 35/25/10/5/5/5/5 about 5 breaths rest in between sets
du's 12 sets (first 2 were 55/45 then down hill from there!); took conservative rest, used up almost full 10 min.
Push ups: 11/6/4
Du's: 7/33/14
had an appt to get to so warm up was very rushed.
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