sumbit best caption to comments
congrats Derek!
early March:
for time:
50 push ups
5 squat clean - 135#/85#
40 push ups
5 squat clean - 145#/95#
30 push ups
5 squat clean - 155#/105#
20 push ups
5 squat clean - 165#/115#
10 push ups
late March:
10 sets:
10 CTB chin ups
10 ring dips
(rest 30 sec)
rest 10 min
AMRAP Double Unders - 3 attempts, rest as needed b/t attempts
post times and reps to comments
just found this wow what a resource!!
Are you doing any programming for the regionals as well?
Early March:
I tried so effn' hard to get close to Unit's time on this WOD Feb 7th. Still 3 minutes off!
Unit you are one tough benchmark to hit!
Late March
Part 1: Total time: 14:01
Working time: 9:01
First 4 sets all unbroken, then CTBs in sets of 7/3 and Ring Dips 5/5
Part 2: Unbroken Double Unders 99 (PR) on 1st attempt. Used a slightly weighted nike rope.
first workout in a week due to moving. Felt great though.
Hey Dawgs
I'm back for good.
Definitely got uncomfortable the last 4 months. My body is wrecked from field training, so it will be a slow, steady increase of intensity over the next few weeks. I'll be back on the Big Dawgs programing soon.
First WOD back:
Long Warmup
High Bar Back Squat 225 3x8
Press 155 3x8
Row 500 @ 80% x2
Its good to be back in the community. I missed you guys.
Late Marcher
Part 1:
Rd Start Finish Reps
1 0:00 0:31 0:31 10,10
2 1:01 1:31 0:30 10,10
3 2:01 2:35 0:34 10,10
4 3:05 3:43 0.38 10,5/5
5 4:13 4:56 0.43 10,4/3/3
6 5:26 6:21 0.55 10,5/5
7 6:51 7:50 0:59 10,5/3/2
8 8:20 9:13 0:53 10,5/4/1
9 9:43 10:33 0:50 10,5/4/1
10 11:03 11:47 0:44 10,5/5
Total time 11:47, Working time 7:17
Felt good about this WOD, CTB were all unbroken and all rounds below 1 minute - need to work on ring dips which fatigued rapidly.
Part 2 was another story: 27,35,35
These were the highest from MANY attempts. Pissed I didn't break 40.
Welcome back Rory.
Early March:
went with 115/125/135/145#
Rest 90 minutes, then participated in a fundraiser for lung cancer, Climb the Carew Tower (45 floors) in 7:25 (PR, last year 7:38)
Early March...
I performed power cleans at 155, 165, 175, and 185. Push-up endurance was the limiting factor.
Early March
Started at 75#
Push-ups have been hard since my shoulder injury.
Welcome back Rory!!! your one of the reasons I found this blog so thanks. Good luck at regionals!
late march
gymnastics felt hard today
9:51 working time - pullups broken after 6th round, dips after 2nd round
double unders 56, 64, 68... about 20 off a PR, i think i still have "60 unbroken" stuck in my head from the other day, got a bit too excited around 60
good to see rory back in the mix
Welcome back, Rory!
1st 2 sets unbroken
last 8 sets broken
DU- 62,58,12
90sec rest between
Welcome back Rory
Here's my prediction btw:
Canada 5 USA 2 with an E.N.G.
GWG by Perry, rebound goal off of a great play by Getzlaf.
Welcome back Rory.
yesterday's PART 2 : 3:23. I'm sure this was MUCH tougher after yesterday's PART 1. Good gut check WOD either way. first row 1:06, burpees unbroken, back on the rower at 2:11.
CTB/DIPS- 13:11 total time = 8:41 working time.
DU's 105(PR I think),82,80. 4 mins rest in BTW. Cuse v. Nova game was unreal atmosphere.
C'mon the U.S!
Caption: apparently Mike wasn't taking part in the fist bump sit-ups for time
Great to have you back Rory. Where's RobO at?
Late marcher
CTB/DIPS - 13:45 total time = 9:15 working time
DUs - 106 (PR), 74, 58
All PUs unbroken, but dips really killed me, broken after round 2. I really need to learn how to kip the ring dips, I always just end up swinging all over the place if I don't do them strict. Biceps to rings at bottom, full extension at the top.
Stoked to finally crack that 100 DU mark. I knew I could do it today, I've been ready for the last month or so. I know I have more in me though, 150 is my next goal.
Welcome back Rory! Looking forward to seeing those inspiring numbers you will put up.
Part 1. did 9 rounds by mistake (11:03 total for 9) 7:02 working time for 9rds
Part 2. 72, 142, 70
broke 4th round of ctb's and 5th round of dips. felt very little power in the pull and push this morn.
Welcome back Rory.
Late Marcher
Pull Up/Ring Dips-unbroken.
Done on 12 inch climbing hang board. I hang the rings over the top of the board which works alright but it took 10 seconds to move the rings back and forth between the pull ups. So while it was "unbroken" its not like I didn't catch a few breaths during the process.
Double Unders.
Today seemed like a good day to shorten my rope by 2 inches and it paid off with a PR.
Welcome back Rory. Like everyone else, I look forward to seeing your inspiring numbers.
Welcome back Rory!
@ OPT @ 10AM with K & Gord
10 CTBs unbrkn (8 butterfly & 2 Katrina style)
first 5 of 10 RDs unbrkn. 5-10 brkn
10 min rest
DUs 74,10,71
Go Canada
Late March:
Part 1-
Total working time: 23:02
Lost focus on CTB chins on rds 4-6, but ring dips were the killer. First 3 rounds unbroken at 0:33/0:37/0:45 - then down 2:30 - 3:00 per round.
Part 2-
79, 81, 59
Was upset with 59 on third attempt - lost focus again. nearly 5:00 rest between attempts.
Oliver, my 8 year old son, and i each did a 1 rope climb penelty for miscounting the rounds this morning.
Mike- My shorts are shorter!
Chad - No! My shorts are shorter!
Mike - Nuh-uh! Mine are!
Chad - Well lets get as close as possible to measure
Good to see you back Rory!
Late March
part 1
9:20 working time
part 2
* ctb pullups just seem to crush me
* felt really heavy and slow on the ring dips
Mike: ....really chad? are you sure about this?
Chad: Yeah totally, this is how you play patty me.
Mid march
Man I sucked at that one
Took yesterday "off" to focus on sport specific training.
Late Marcher:
Part 1. Total time: 18:10
Part 2. 34, 28, 35
Felt slow in general today.
Rory... gd 2 have u back bro... we need 2 catch up... will give a call if I get more than just a couple min of free time 2day...
rock out...
Late Marcher that lost track of time for Part 1,oooopppssss.
Part 1: All sets except last 2 unbroken for the pull ups.
Ring dips I did 5 instead of ten because of shoulder, all sets unbroken except last 2
Part 2: I would like to thank Mizar ( Master Yoda) and Ang for counting these for me and getting me in the ZONE.
120, 45, 140!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) New PR by a 80.
Holy shit that was hard good on all you guys that killed this These are two if my goats so I am really happy that I managed to do all 100 C2Bs and they felt good. Ring dips sucked and were slow as molasses.
Working time 19:43 ouch!!
Late March, at the fire hall.
All pull-ups unbroken but not CTB due to inadequate set-up. Did chin breaking the plane, hands about 18-20" apart. Dips started to break at round 4. This roughed me up pretty good.
DU's-62,4,71. Didn't really have it going today...
"Chad provides the filling for the Knuckle Manwich."
Good to have you back, Rory!
Grant I hope katruna style pullups are considered desirable technique!
Great pic! Almost as humorous as the one of Geoff and Chad holding hands after every rep counts last year!
Nice Dawgs:-)
Coach your now on my hit list :-o
Geoff I miss honding hands with you after our workouts, they are softer than Katrina's :-I
Welcome back Rory.
Was at another level 1 cert (invited) this weekend. Gotta tell you that I felt like a OPT fueled machine.
Sat workout as usual Fran. Haven't done her in awhile and had tabata squats & loads of usual squats in the legs but did her in 3:06 (big PR). Didn't even push that hard, and had more to give! Thank you for making me a better athlete Coach!
Today: First did cert WOD (7 SDHP, 7 pushups in 7 minutes - 15 rounds)
10 minutes rest then
10 sets of the CTBs and RDs. Work time per rounds:
0:30, 0:33, 0:57, 1:34, 1:34, 1:35, 1:48, 1:47, 1:48, 1:29. Total working time of 13:35. Ring dips hard after all the pushups.
Jenny worked beside me and she's always an inspiration!
Hey Big Dawgs just got down hitting a WOD in the Anvil with Rory, Rob Corson saw your shout out and thought i would take a few and write in. will be around for a few weeks and then incognito for 2 months again or so.
Coach seems alot has changed around here but looks good all these new faces. Keep up the good work big dawgs.
Late March:
Part 1: First 2 unbroken for pullups rest broken.
Ring dips broken all kinds it was like a free for all sucked big time haha.
Part 2: 47-42-10(major fail lol)
That's my brother in that video!! He got 1st in his division at that compeition... Yeah buddy!!!
Total= 13:28
Working 8:28
Dips were horrible today, no rythem with kip, CTB unbroken but hard
83,58,22 (no focus today)
GO USA!!!!!
Went to CrossFit Kitchener today and didn't follow late March ... good to be around some people and competition while working out!
Max Weight Thruster in 10 Minutes:
Hit 235, probably could have got 240 with a little more time.
Rest 45 Minutes
Midwestern Sectional Final WOD
5-4-3-2-1: Calorie row, box jumps(24), HS snatches(75), wall ball, hspu
Total was 264. Would have been happy with 280+. Should have turned on my box jumps earlier, finished with 20 touch and go really fast, felt easy. Could have done a few extra wall ball too.
5:37... was very pleased with this because I would not consider push ups or squat cleans to be my strengths.
Late march:
Working = 19:54 w/ 30lb vest(BAD IDEA!)
153-121-128(rested 4 minutes between)
Well using a 30lb vest was a horrible idea. All of my CTB pull-ups were unbroken, by my dips were horribly horribly horribly broken.
With the DU's I didn't have a goal but after my second set I decided I wanted to total 400. In my last set I was at about 70 and that voice in my head started to tell me I wasn't going to reach my goal but I was able to tell it to shut up. I was very happy about this
Total: 18:38
working: 13:38
Pullups unbroken through 8 rounds. left shoulder a bit tweaked from yesterdays c&J.
Ring dips unbroken through 3 rounds. after it went something like 4-3-2-1 and 3-3-2-2
Arg! i want to keep going but hit muscular failure and thats it have to stop.
Off to watch the Game.
whoops forgot to post the double unders.
Stoked on these. shortened the rope each round by about an inch. Dont know if the last round the rope was too short or if i was just fatigued.
Messed up on my math, my total working time was 18:54 w/ 30lb vest
Part 1: Didn't record time. oops
Part 2: 56 reps
Not happy with DU's. Well below my PR.
Late March:
I compete on March 13th and 14th, so after tomorrows rest day I'll be going back 7 days and following the early marchers.
Today I subbed Hang Power Snatch @ 73lbs for the CTB Pullups because my shoulder is still bothering me. Playing it safe.
11:00 min total time; 6:30 working.
Doubleunders burned. 121 - 67 - 86
I had a few practices after the 121 experimenting with rope length. eventually went with a single knot. But the first set was still my best.
CTB/RD - ist set unbroken, dips were hard today.
Dbl unders were a bit of a disaster today.
Tripped up at 79, rest 2 minutes, 14 tripped, rested 1 minute, 98 tripped, I wanted to redeem myself so I rested 2 minutes, 95 more, arms spent.
Late Marcher:
Part 1
14:03 working time
CTB's all unbroken. I did tear my hand pretty good though. Only the first set of ring dips were unbroken.
Part 2
30, 9, 12
The DU's were definitly a little frustarting since I knew I had the conditining to do more, but just tripped early on in the last 2 attempts. Stayed a bit and practiced a few extra sets of DU's after the WOD.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you....
Part 1: 6 first rounds unbroken.
Part 2: 58-3-85
(Since wenesday, my head has been pounding at the back so I'll rest take care of that, I'll be back.)
GOLDEN BABY!!!!!!!!!!
late march
pullups all unbroken felt fast and ez
dips unbroken up to round 7 then broken up
total working time 10:55
DUs 4 min rest between sets
168, 63, 155
late March
Part 1: Did not time WOD... all sets unbroken
Part 2: 91, 79, 104
Early march
4:26 felt great
Your my hero banging out 168 unbroken DU's
Mike says," Get off me Gingy! I don't want to play patty cakes!"
Late March Wod.
1st 2 sets Ub, then broken for the rest, ring dips were strict until last 5 sets then were kipping. Have trouble keeping BF kip CTB, plus CTB get tough. Didn't time working time was approximately 10min.
DOuble unders weren't great. 28,30,18
Part 1 ; 14.49 work time.
First 2 sets unbroken then ring dips...ordinary.
Part 2: 38,69,86 PR!
100 here I come.
38/6'2"/198 (Late Marcher)
"Chad, DUDE... What did you eat for lunch man?!"
Part I: 3rd round on was broken. Very tough today. Either I'm broken down or this combination was incredibly hard.
Part II: 88/80/70 - Was on par for 100+ and felt good but lost concentration for a sec. New PR but no where near what I'm capable of.
Welcome back Rory & Rob...
Hello, just starting up with the program. Read the FAQ, could not find any guidance re: early/late march. Guessing it has to do with sectional timing?
Anyhow, did the early march WOD:
turns out I suck at PSU.
Late March:
Total working time 11:03
not happy w/this very ugly pullups had to redo about 10 total for not touching chest.
Double Unders
never done max set before so Big PR just couldn't recover obvoiusly.
Early March-
Congrats to USA, your hockey team did you proud.
Late March
8:02 total working time
CTB unbroken Ring dips broken from 4th set on
DU 91,33,37
3min rest b/t sets
Late Marcher
All C2B unbroken this was real tough the last few sets
I began breaking on the ring dips and started kipping after the first few rounds
DU's: 40, 49, 20
Although I wanted to be able to put up bigger numbers I cant complain as this is a huge improvement from where I was, and the fact that I am able to do them efficiently without looking like a flailing monkey is good to.
dammit dammit dammit! and i was all set to tell you canadians that at least you got the gold in ice dancing. son of a bitch! congrats.
Part 1: 27:30
CTB unbroken but the ring dips crushed me today. Last weeks ring dips went well. No idea what happened today.
Part 2: 24, 33, 33
Start/Finish working time
00:00/00:22 = 00:22
00:52/01:13 = 00:21
01:43/02:05 = 00:22
02:35/02:57 = 00:22
03:27/03:54 = 00:27 (5,3,2)
04:24/04:56 = 00:32 (4, singles)
05:26/06:01 = 00:35 (3, singles)
06:31/07:12 = 00:41 (singles)
07:42/08:29 = 00:47 (singles)
08:59/09:46 = 00:47 (singles)
All CTB unbroken, dips broken s per above
working time = 5:16
really need to work on my kips with ring dips. The reason for the singles is that as soon as I tire I have almost no kip.
Staying off the jumping for a bit till my foot heals, wokred on some strict paused AMRAP pressing for 3 sets at 95 lbs instead.
Late Marcher
Part one was a major challenge for me today. Everything was broken. I was not able to get up on the ring dips at all today so switched to regular dips about half way through. All in all though I am very happy because instead of getting angry, loosing my focus & letting it ruin my workout, I swallowed my frustration and got through the workout. Working through that anger and frustration is a big step in the right direction! I can only see my focus improving from here!
DUs: 27-34-37 (PR) I am slowing starting to get my rythem!
Thank you so much Mizar and Lulu for all the encouragement and DU tips :)
Lulu your last set was 143 actually!!
Early March
First hi-rep pushups in ages. Good to be back.
late march
Not timed sorry only for the rest parts
Unbroken until set 6 for ctb bars and dips
Set 6 ctb -rep 7
Set 7 same
set 8- rep 6
set 9 -unbroken
set 10-rep 6
Dips- broken at set 6
Double unders not done sorry I skied all weekend.
Late March
10:55 not Rx'd.
Notes: switched to regular chins after 2nd set to keep speed and intensity at the level I wanted today. Ring dips broken after 1st set. Happy with effort.
DUs are still bad, but I am starting to figure out how to breathe and maintain rythym. Continued practicing after the 3 sets and got into 20/30 multiple times which is a huge improvement for me.
"I'm pretty sure this is NOT two man luge"
Waddup dawgs! Still a few days behind, doing the PC-PJ+KBS-WOD today. Just wanted to share this:
Not one caption, but a few in combination with some bad ass music from a canadian ;)
Early March
Push ups were the limiting factor. Cleans were easy.
Sorry I gotta play catch up here..
2/27 part two time - 3:44
2/28 first four rounds of pull ups and dips were unbroken.. the rest were broken... grip is still pretty torn so I guess I was sort of protecting it.. I could have done a few more unbroken.
Dbl Unders weren't that great.. Couldn't find my tempo at all -
47, 37, 36
girl in the red: "if u remain quiet... and keep still... from this position u can observe the elegant mating habbits of the Canadian trainer... this is a rarity in nature 2 see 2 albinos of the species engaged in such a majestic display"...
Early March
Surprisingly push ups got tough quick. As always, squat cleans sucked the life out of me.
BrOPT + C.A.B. = Co-OPT
Late Marcher
12:16 total time
CTB were much better than the RD.
DU's: 74, 5, 78
Previous PR was 57.
early March.
push ups became very tough.
I'm so glad we decided to do this. It's so empowering not to hide anymore!
did 5 C2B and 5 ring dips on this one. wasn't feeling 100% in the am and the thought of doing 100 ring dips wasn't making me feel any better :) and didn't time.
amrap du - 170, 100, 70
Late Marcher
Late post...
- Most PullUp sets were unbroken, but there 2 or 3 in there where I came off the bar at 8.
- Ring Dips were broken after round 2.
- DUs: 36, 94, 80
- I actually tripped at 7 and restarted on the round where I got 94. I tripped at 1 and restarted on the round I got 80. I was too mentally unfocused on each of those starting attempts.
caption: What happens when you ask Coach for a suitable sub for rowing.
Late Marcher
15:21 - Best chest to bar pull-ups to date. Got the first ten unbroken and was super psyched. Did 10 sets of 5 ring dips instead of 10 (at trainer's request) so that I could focus on both depth and speed. This is a weakness of mine.
DU's: 72, 82, 92 (was hoping to break PR of 100 but another day, soon I hope).
Late march:
15:20 total working time, all except 2 or 3 sets of chin ups in the middle round were unbroken. I realized after I broke A couple of sets that all I really need to do is man up and I can get the sets unbroken. Ring dips were brutal from 3rd round on
DU's - 58, 61, 78
MRI results in...lateral meniscus tear and a 3x2mm meniscal cyst in the lateral meniscal tear. Also...possible bone bruise and/or microfracture lateral tibial plateau.
Damn...waiting for orthopedic consult and then surgery now.
Did anyone see the mainsite "warfrank" WOD? 75 MU's, good one! I think this is going to be the year where we see everyone continue raise the bar.
2 add 2 above...
'observe as one can tell the difference between the genders of the species... the male flails his hands in a dance of domination... in attempts 2 impress the female... and it becomes fairly obvious that the female is unimpressed with the display of this less-than-dominant male'...
ok... I'm done... couldn't help it... 8^)
Late Marcher:
PU/Dip: 9:47 working time
Pullups all unbroken. Dips broken round 4-10.
Double Unders: 111, 85, 76
Not fatigued, just a momentary lapse of concentration on all 3 sets. Felt good though. 111 is a PR.
AMRAP DU's 29-65-35
Shoulder injury getting better but still not allowed to push it.
Caption: "I spy with my little eye something that starts with ___"
early march
push up/squat clean: 7:48
did deadlifts before. 332211: 365 375 385 395 405 415. push ups hard. cleans were fine.
total time: 15:56 min
working time: 10:56 min
Late march
Chin/Dip: 17:20 total.
DU: 69, 98, 101
Notes: All chins were 10 chest to bar. 10 dips first 2 sets, 8 unbroken thereafter.
Late March
CTB/Dips: 11:40 for 4 rounds, including rest periods.
Had to scale due to muscle failure on both movements. Haven't done either in a while plus I'm still carrying extra weight from CFWF.
DUs: 44/21/39. Not bad seeing how I haven't worked them lately.
14:54 working time, had to do on Monday instead of Sunday. Dips were very slow last 3 rounds
Had to make this one up on Monday.
-Chest to bar unbroken
-Dips broken for sets 6 to 10
Total working time 9:05
Rested 10 mins
DU's 3, 113 (PR by 53), 27,
(kept practicing 51,27,42,18,35,41, then 5 sets of 20 unbroken)
Looks like the 748 DU's it took me to do the three sets of 60 unbroken a few days ago have paid off.
Did the 5 sets of 20 unbroken to work on my consistency. As I move on, I'll keep increasing my sets to 30, 40 etc). At least now I know that I have it in developing the consistency is the next challenge!
Early March
3 hours sleep and very little warm up
late Marcher
part 1 total time - 15:05
working time - 10:35
DUs 25,109, 39
Pullups unbroken in sets 1-6 then REALLY broken with sup grip to keep my hands from tearing
Dips broken after round 2
Thank you Martin!
CTB pullups, all unbroken except one round.
Did 10 ringdips the first 5 rounds, from there I scaled down to five.
Forgot the time but I think my total working time was about 15 min.
Late march:
12:22 min
3 min between 7-8th round because I had to make some space for pilates-ladies. Jeez.
Late March
Working time 17:18
Double Unders - 56, 87, 67
Notes: No rings at gym, so subbed regular dips. Only first two sets were unbroken for pull-ups and first three for dips.
CTB-Ring Dips Rx but didn't get final time. Started breaking pull ups at set#6
50,88,50 not good today!
late March:
total time 16:28
working time: 12:28
all CTB unbroken...ring dips unbroken for first 3 rounds, then broken
10 min. rest
amrap DUs
81/114/105...300 total...happy with this...wanted 150 consecutive but it didn't happen...wasn't gassed or near muscular failure on 114, just messed up timimg...get 'er next time!
Coming off the stomach flu so did a modified wod:
5 rounds AQAP
10 C2B
5 ring dips
it's only gay if you have eye contact
mid marcher
135/145# used. no need to go heavier at this point.
Im feeling great.Ready to rock this thing!
mid marcher
straight thru on the first round of pushup's and then 10 or less the rest of the way. all squat cleans unbroken, felt fast. happy with the intensity today
Mid Marcher
hate pushups. Cleans unbroken and solid.
10 min rest
Then Flight Simulator time= 10:43
Did yesterdays early this morning at 7 rounds. Arms are smoked today from both. Ready for this weekend.
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