When it seems like everything is breaking down, the time is ripe for a real breakthrough. In turmoil there is great opportunity.
When you have nothing left to fall back on, you'll figure out how to move ahead. What challenges you, improves you. Whatever challenges you to the extreme can push you into a breakthrough.
Training: 3 sets for times: Run 800 m @ 80% rest 3 min Row 800 m @ 80% rest 3 min
post times to comments goal is same time for each set of runs and each set of rows
These guys are kind of a big deal in Saskatchewan. Training: A1. Back Squat @ 40X0; 4-6 x 5; rest 20 sec A2. DB Walking Lunges @ 20X0; 8 steps/leg x 5; rest 120 sec A3. Weighted Chin Ups @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 20 sec A4. Kipping Chin Ups - chin over vertical plane; 20 x 5; rest 120 sec B. GHD Sit Ups - 2 hands overhead @ 3131; 15-20 x 5; rest 60 sec
post loads and notes to comments
competitor comments i thought i would post: "One memory from the weekend still sticks with me. I was warming up for my heat on Sunday upstairs on the mezzanine level. I had my Ipod on and was trying to get my quads working again. One of the heats started and all the athletes began doing their chin ups. They finished one by one and went down the stairs and as they went, the spectators switched their focus from the chin up bar to the floor below. I continued my warm up and as I was moving around I realized that every athlete from the heat had moved down the stairs except one. A woman was still on the chin up bar trying to get her first 30 chin ups. She was doing singles and failing more reps than completing. I realized that not one spectator was watching her, it was just her and the judge. I watched for a few reps and then felt compelled to move closer and cheer. She struggled with each rep to get her chin over the bar but never once walked away from the bar. She would just chalk up and try again. She never did complete the chipper on Sunday due to the fact that she could not do the chin ups. It struck me after the heat was over. She woke up that morning as sore as the rest of us. She got out of bed, fueled and drove to the event just like the rest of us. She warmed up the same as the rest of us and when the 3.2.1 GO was announced she began her effort. Watching how much trouble she had with chins, she must have known that she would not be able to complete that event but she still showed up and tried. Anyone who doubts what this community does for people's self esteem should come to an event and watch as I found ordinary people performing extraordinary efforts. To show up knowing that in the end you may not finish 1st or even finish but still be willing to try your guts out is absolutely amazing!
I asked my Dad his thoughts on the event just before we left to come back. He had two revelations for me, he said that these competitors must be the most honest people in the world because he could not believe that people would leave their purses, bags and personal items all over the place without a worry that anything would be touched. He remarked that it showed true focus on why everyone was there, to be a part of the competition. His second revelation for me was that I ran like a princess and if I would have run faster I would have had much faster times. That is my Dad, honest and always willing to point out the fact that I would have had 4 goals instead of a hat trick if I would have hit the net on the last shot."
You can achieve anything you want in life if you have the courage to dream it, the intelligence to make a realistic plan, and the will to see that plan through to the end. - Sidney A. Friedman
14/30 qualifying as dawgs Dave X and crew from East current (Steve Howell) and original dawgs young man and sterling from BC
congrats to all on full efforts for those moving on from this weekend; lick your wounds, go back in the cave and come back out on Sat, Apr 3rd...no questions for those who have moved on previously, Tues-Thurs, Sat-Sun is still the plan..will lay out a more formal plan soon - goal is peak for late May - will see how things play out for scheduling to have an early May plan for peak as well for those who gave full effort but did not advance; use your learnings as fuel; the measure of an athlete is how they respond; REST for a few weeks and DO NOT post back here until you have taken these few weeks completely off; today you will think i'm crazy, as time goes on, you'll understand....too many times i've seen athletes not heed this advice and its 3 years past and they still "just do not have it"; when you jump back in, peak again with everyone for end of May and then mid July...play along...and learn some more post your ONE favorite moment of your qualifying weekend to comments; this weekend or past; i want to compile them
here is mine... I try not to single people out but I will; I do this b/c of efforts given this past weekend; I cannot be there to witness all of them; but I did see one moment that captures what we are and what we do; seeing Erik Luber (maybe 135# BWT at best) ask me what he thinks he should do scaling wise for the power clean (155# - his PR for 1RM was 160), burpee, run workout was inspiring....we thought he should squat clean all of them...after discussing a cluster strategy he decided to not just attempt but complete all power cleans at 155# - 25 reps and finish the workout...i cannot say anymore only that he has inspired me...that was my favorite moment (besides seeing my wife get uncomfortable and learn more than she ever thought she would - i love her for that in itself)
Training: A. OHS - 3,3,3; rest 5 min b/t attempts - this is for a 3RM B. AMRAP Thrusters in 7 min - 95#/65# rest 120 min C. 5 rounds for time: 5 power clean - 155#/105# 10 burpees 200 m run
post scores to comments (i.e. A - 225, B - 108, C - 6:08)
Big Dawg Mantra I know you... I know you're bigger, faster and stronger than me. I know your Fran time is lower, your 5k is quicker and your deadlift is heavier. I know you have 1,000 views on YouTube. I know you're a "WOD" warrior.
I know you, but you don't know me.
You don't know what's in my head, what's in my heart, what's in my soul. You don't know that pain is my ally. You don't know that sweat and blood are my training partners. You don't know that I'm unbreakable.
I know you train in your temperature controlled gym with the tough sounding name while I'm training in garage exposed to the elements. In the heat and in the cold, in the humidity, rain and snow, I'm forging mental toughness. I'm tempering my resolve. I'm fueling my passion. I'm getting ready for the day that we meet.
I know your 1,000 YouTube views won't mean shit in front of 1,000 spectators. I know when the heat goes up I go big and you go home.
I know you don't know me...but you will. - Dave X
Training; A. OHS @ 30X1; 1,1,1; rest 5 min B. Thruster skill work - 5 min work on breathing and speed C. Run 200 m @ 95 percent: rest 5 min x 3
Training: A1. Back Squat @ 30X0; 1,1,1; rest 3 min A2. Chin Ups - 20 unbroken x 3; rest 3 min B. Hang Power Clean @ 11X0; 3 x 3 - build to 80%; rest 2 min C1. GHD Sit Ups @ 2021; 15 x 3; rest 30 sec C2. 50 double unders; rest 30 sec
A1. Press @ 10X1; 1,1,1; rest 3 min A2. KBS - 2/1.5 pd x 15; rest 3 min B. 55% 1RM Dead Lift @ 11X0; 2 reps x 6 sets; rest 45 sec C. Run 200 m @ 80,90,95%; rest 3 min b/t efforts
post loads and notes on how the weights/runs "felt" to comments
Training: A. Dead Lift @ 10X0; 1,1,1; rest 5 min - build quick and not to a 1RM B. Bench Press @ 20X0; 1,1,1; rest 4 min - build quick and not to a 1RM C. Run 200 m @ 90%; rest 3 min x 3 - effort and technique high
"They are not called "treadmills" for nothing. The term treadmill brings to mind the epitome of drudgery. Drudgery began with the advent of agriculture and marked the transition to what we now call "civilization". (See Daniel Quinn's books for the full implications of "civilization".) Drudgery intensified with the industrial revolution and reached its apex with Frederick Taylor's scientific management, a well-intentioned breakdown of human actions into mechanical movements. Workers expressed their humanity and rebelled. But the model lives on in the world's gyms, driven by the seductive appeal of the technology and the precision measurements it produces. How would a four year-old react to being asked to do a 30-minute session on a treadmill? How much fitter, both physically and mentally, he or she would be if given free rein and good company in a forest!" - Evfit As many rounds in 10 minutes; Power Clean x 1 - 155#/105# Front Squat x 2 - 155#/105# Push Press x 3 - 155#/105# 15 GHD Sit Ups
what things are you doing on a day to day basis that is for the greater good? or do you believe that one should sacrifice things in order to make this happen?
i was involved in a good discussion this weekend on what one can do to create change; to change policies; to change the "rules" of the game; how does one go about doing this?...when will one have time to make this happen?
are you willing to compromise, move aside, give up...in order to give in some way?
Terry teaches us how in a small way; with a small vision and glimpse into what can be, you cannot be sure how powerful this can become. I was 8 years of age when i participated in my first Terry Fox Run, i still have the poster....why?...because Terry affected everyone with his glimpse into what can be and his vision for change
what are you doing today for no reason behind it that is making a change?
from Mel Siff - mental prep (autogenic training) before heavy loads: 1. Introductory drills — tuning in to a state of impending rest or calm. 2. Relaxation, feeling heat and relaxation in arms, legs, pelvis, back, stomach, chest, neck and face. 3. Regulation of respiratory and cardiovascular processes 4. Building confidence, a feeling of satisfaction and a positive attitude towards heavy loads. 5. Mobilization and working-out of aims in the execution of the planned training tasks. 6. Arousal.
part 1: 5 sets for times; 15 burpees 10 Power Clean - 65% 1RM 15 CTB chin ups (rest 3 min b/t sets; focus on speed of movements; no pacing allowed)
rest 2 hours
part 2: Power Snatch x 1/OHS amrap - 5 attempts for highest loads x reps rest as needed b/t sets (score=loads in kg x highest reps achieved for best set; ex. 80 kg x 15 reps = 1200 points)
part 1: for loads: A. Power Snatch Cluster - 1.1.1 x 7; rest 3 min B. 16" Close Grip Bench Press - build to a 1RM; rest as needed C. GHD Sit Ups - 20 reps x 5 sets; rest 30 sec (rest exactly 10 sec b/t attempts in A; 3 reps per set)
rest as needed
part 2: Run 10 min warm up, then.. Interval Runs: 30 sec @ 50%/30 sec @ 95%/30 sec walk x 8 walk 5 min, then... Run 30 sec @ fastest 400 m pace; walk 90 sec x 3 walk 5 min cool down
for reps: Running Clock CTB unbroken chin ups rest 2 min Running Clock Burpees (once you begin chin up set, you cannot break by coming off bar OR by hanging - i.e. you must be constantly moving; either constitutes a stoppage; chest to deck and jump with arms fully extended straight overhead at top of burpees)
post 2 scores of minutes achieved and reps in last minute to comments double Thursday
part 1: 5 sets for max weight used: Power Clean x 1 Front Squat x 1 Push Press Overhead to back rack x 1 Back Squat x 1 Push Press Overhead to front rack x 1 repeat sequence 7 times; weight cannot rest on ground in set rest EXACTLY 5 min b/t sets
rest as needed
part 2: Row Sprints: 60 sec @ 95% 2 min rest x 5 rest 10 min 30 sec @ 100% 2 min rest x 5
post highest load lifted for part 1 divided by BWT in # (i.e. 170#/170# = 1) as well as total meters in working sets in row sprints to comments
congrats to all dawgs who represented this weekend - remember "full effort is full victory"; be gracious in defeat and humble in winnings
i'm going to this, anyone else interested???? dates to come
my training past few days, some have asked so I'll post it:
Friday: AM Lynne-ish A1. Bench Press BWT - 170# amrap x 5 sets; rest 2:30 A2. 30 fat bar chin ups; rest 2:30 x 4 (BP-22,17,15,12), chins complete PM hockey (25 shifts - 45-70 sec per shift; 90-120 sec rest)
Saturday: "Leighanne" 10 rds on the minute; 175# power clean and jerk x 2 6KBS - 2pd (complete)
Sunday @ CrossFit Optimum Performance with some dawgs now out of COP; 3 min rounds: 20 unbroken wall balls 20 unbroken chin ups 20 unbroken double unders (every 3 min for 5 sets; failed on 20th rep on 5th round, Jay got me and finished rd 5; we were neck and neck in last rd and i pushed it to get done in 5th rd faster thinking i'd force a faster 6th rd for time to determine winner, that failed...live and learn; first comp style for me since Games, fun)
Monday: coming up in a few hours: tire flips + heavy axle clean and press + ring skill work
this week for all: tues - double wed - single thurs - double sat - double sun - double
early March: part A: 95#/65# squat clean x 5 x 3 sets + 95#/65# hang power clean x 5 x 3 sets + 95#/65# split jerk x 5 x 3 (work on speed and intent; rest as needed b/t sets and exercises)
part B: 3 sets - 10 chest to bar chin ups + 3 sets - 15 high speed squats + 3 sets - 20 anchored sit ups (work on speed of each movement; rest as needed b/t sets and exercises)
Running start run; 10 sec on @ 100%, run easy for 1 min x 3-6 sets based on how you feel
late March: A. Dead Lift @ 12X1; 60% 1RM; 8 sets of 2; rest 30 sec b/t sets B1. GHD Raises @ 2010; 15 x 5; rest 90 sec B2. Toes to Bar @ 1010; 15 x 5; rest 90 sec C. AMRAP Double Unders in 8 min
post loads, reps and notes to comments good luck to all dawgs competing this weekend, keep us in the loop; we'll be howling from afar
early March: A1. Dead Lift - 1,1,1 - 70% effort for all 3 sets; 180 sec A2. Ring Dips - 15,15,15; 180 sec + 20 double unders, 5 breaths x 10 + 5 sets of 10 unbroken knees to elbows
late March: part 1: as many rounds/reps in 20 minutes: Row 300 m AMRAP HSPU AMRAP Ring Dips AMRAP Push Ups
post loads, times, rounds, reps and notes to comments DO NOT add loads to gymnastics met con - goal is speed and high output; if you can do it unbroken, then do it as fast as possible
start early on the ReFuel! early March: A1. Press - 3,2,1; 120 sec A2. 15 CTB chin ups x 3 sets; 120 sec + Run 1K (1st 200 m @ 70%, 2nd 200 m @ 80%, 3rd 200 m @ 90%, 4th 200 m @ 100%, last 200 m @ 50% effort) + joint mobility work - 30 min late March: A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1; rest 180 sec A2. Seated Military Press @ 30X0; 3,3,3,2,2,2,1,1,1; rest 180 sec B. 2 hands overhead GHD Sit Ups - amrap in 30 sec/ 30 sec rest x 8
post loads and notes to comments
also post the percentage of highest 1 rep in A2 in relation to your close grip bench press 1RM (i.e. 300# CGBP and 200# SMP; SMP is 66% of CGBP) start with arms extended for A2, lower to clavicles, bench @ 80 deg double on Wed and Sat/Sun for late march folks