nice adrenal article - like the supps and his take, if folks can understand that it is complex its all good
another perspective on CF
congrats to all dawgs who represented this weekend - remember "full effort is full victory"; be gracious in defeat and humble in winnings
i'm going to this, anyone else interested???? dates to come
my training past few days, some have asked so I'll post it:
A1. Bench Press BWT - 170# amrap x 5 sets; rest 2:30
A2. 30 fat bar chin ups; rest 2:30
x 4 (BP-22,17,15,12), chins complete
(25 shifts - 45-70 sec per shift; 90-120 sec rest)
10 rds on the minute;
175# power clean and jerk x 2
6KBS - 2pd
Sunday @ CrossFit Optimum Performance with some dawgs now out of COP;
3 min rounds:
20 unbroken wall balls
20 unbroken chin ups
20 unbroken double unders
(every 3 min for 5 sets; failed on 20th rep on 5th round, Jay got me and finished rd 5; we were neck and neck in last rd and i pushed it to get done in 5th rd faster thinking i'd force a faster 6th rd for time to determine winner, that and learn; first comp style for me since Games, fun)
coming up in a few hours:
tire flips
heavy axle clean and press
ring skill work
this week for all:
tues - double
wed - single
thurs - double
sat - double
sun - double
Some great articles thanks for forwarding that on. I would definitely be intersted in attending that seminar so keep me posted.
"Full effort is full victory" is going to be my mantra in these last couple weeks prior to the NY/NJ sectional. I've been feeling stronger than ever and i feel that only thing lacking right now is the difficultly finding that extra gear when the wod gets really tough.
I know that to make the top 30 will be a real slugfest for me but I have to just take in the pain and live in that zone for however long I can. I want this so badly.
I'm one of the "dawgs" out here at Crossfit Optimum Performance (COP) and I used to post as "YoungManRubmle" for the better part of a year on the site. I along with Sterling "Surrey" am now training out of Crossfit Optimum Performance in Vancouver, BC. We were so lucky to have “OPT” come for the day, which involved flying in and out on a Sunday to give a chat and crush a WOD with our new community. The day was a huge success and was a lot of fun. This my first time meeting James and for those “dawgs” who have never met him before it is pretty inspiring. Couple that with having a chance to do a WOD with him… let me tell you "all you want to do is not embarrass yourself ...I myself was nervous as $h!t. Great experience!
If any dawgs are ever in the Vancouver area look us up at and come hit up a WOD with us!
Thanks again James it was an awesome day.
A million thanks James for coming to C.O.P Sunday and inspiring and motivating... You are a special cat!!!
James, we are all in your debt for what you did for our community yesterday. It was a real treat listening to you speak, and an honor to crush a tough WOD side by side. You inspire and motivate among the best of them.
The most relevant thing I took away from your speech was the importance you placed on goal setting, something that has been lacking in my CF training. You've motivated me to step my game up, set some real goals and be accoutable to them.
If all goes well at Sectionals we'll be seeing you in Calgary in a few months time. Hopefully COP has a good crew there to represent.
Thanks again for everything.
Pete Kendrick
In keeping with the spirit of your post, thank you so much for the programming that you provide us, as well as the words of wisdom. Thanks to both I was able to perform better than I ever expected at my sectionals last weekend. The progress that I have made in the few months that I've been following your site has been amazing.
I found myself in 15th place going into the last workout, in position to qualify, but had a relative weakness exposed in heavy clean and jerks and fell out of the top 20. While it was disappointing to not make it, it was an amazing experience to lay everything on the line and to know that I have the capacity to reach that next level.
I was proud to sport my OPT 'Unbroken' shirt this weekend, and privileged to meet and talk with some other dawgs, Stephen Flamm and Rainer Hartmann, both great guys and great athletes. Thanks to everyone else for your words of encouragement as well, lucky to have found such a great community.
Wow! that was a special day that I will always remember. Finally getting to meet someone, who you have, well looked up to in awh, for years and then you walk in the door and he's standing there in real life, it was almost surreal for myself.
James it was such an honor, to meet a Canadian legend and pioneer of your OPT program that is light years ahead of the world.
To workout yesterday right beside was a memory I will never forget.
It was very cool to meet you and I can't thank you enough for everything you do for us all.
I look forward to meeting you again somewhere along this excellent journey!
I just wanted to share my appreciation for your programming. I competed in the Deep South Sectionals this weekend and finished 10th which moves me on to regionals! Everything felt solid throughout the whole weekend, except running, and all thanks goes to you. I had full confidence in all the workouts b/c I felt comfortable with the movements and the reps. I could not have come close to doing this had I not followed your programming for the last 8 months. Again thanks for everything you do and the time yo put into it.
One question- I cramped up real bad on the run wod (5 rounds- run 400m, 25 pullups) This was our 3rd event of the day. But as I've said before I've cramped up fairly easily recently especially on the few run workouts we've done. Only other time is on high rep box jumps. Any suggestions on how to prevent this?
I'm going to be adding running into my programming so any suggestions on how to add that in would also be beneficial. Again I can't thank you enough for getting me to Regionals!
OPT, James, big thanks for coming down yesterday to our "little box" and giving us a great, inspirational talk. You are truly one of the pioneers of the CrossFit community and a rare individual that will advance this sport to places it's never been.
Sincerely, Patrick
Yelvi and I are back from the AK Sectionals. We took 4th (yelvi) and me 5th. We both pr'd on the C & J by 15 and 25 #'s, with a good showing in the 2 mi. run and the last wod. We are both pretty happy with the results considering the venue, competitors, and style of workouts ( hip dominant, favoring the larger athletes).
Morning Events
1. Max Clean and Jerk
2. Vertical leap
3. Max Watts on Concept 2 rower
Two Mile outdoor run
Afternoon WOD
4 rounds for time of:
6 Chest to bar pull-ups (3 for women)
6 Ring dips (3 for women)
500 meter row
6 135# Thrusters (95# for women)
We did the best we could.
Time to jump back into the training.
It was an honor and pleasure to finally meet you this past Sunday. I can't thank you enough for the visit and inspiring everyone in our box to be great in all facets of life, not just CrossFit.
If you need ANYTHING, holler, we owe ya!
I definitely want to go to that symposium! Thanks for posting.
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