early March:
A1. Dead Lift - 1,1,1 - 70% effort for all 3 sets; 180 sec
A2. Ring Dips - 15,15,15; 180 sec
20 double unders, 5 breaths x 10
5 sets of 10 unbroken knees to elbows
late March:
part 1:
as many rounds/reps in 20 minutes:
Row 300 m
AMRAP Ring Dips
AMRAP Push Ups
rest 6+ hours
part 2:
for time:
30 box jumps - 20"
10 chin ups
30 box jumps - 20"
20 chin ups
30 box jumps - 20"
30 chin ups
post loads, times, rounds, reps and notes to comments
DO NOT add loads to gymnastics met con - goal is speed and high output; if you can do it unbroken, then do it as fast as possible
Egads! Oh well, I'm loving the earlier posts these days.
quick question on the gymnastic wod,
Are you attempting to complete as many reps as you can for each movement and then proceed to the next movement?
Thank You!
Good news and less than good news. First off...very happy to make it to the finals in the 60m so top 8 in the world is nice after a long layoff. Thanks James.
Didn't have a fast enough time to qualify for the semis in the 200m and the less than good news is after my best start and most relaxed and fastest 50m I pulled my hamstring and hobbled across the finish line.
Crap that sucks Trevor but congratulations on doing so amazing!! I feel your injury pain trust me.
late march, part 1: 6 rounds + 41m, 140 reps (15/13/16, 7/9/8, 6/7/8, 5/7/6, 5/6/6, 4/6/6)
Great job Trevor and sorry about the injury!!! Rest up and you will be back at it.
Part 1:
7 rounds- 129 reps
rounds looked like this:
Thanks Pete for pushing me through this one :)
GHD`s from yesterday= 90 reps total
Nice job on yours Ang, you kicked my butt :)
Part 2 later tonight
Late March
5 Rounds + 300m Row
Total Reps: 124
Move to next exercise when I broke or Range of Motion broke down.
(fell off wall,hand missed ground/off rings, not fully extended/ resting on knees)
All rows were under 1:45/500m Pace
HSPU form went downhill very very fast!!
PWM - 30g CHO -yams/apple sauce, 40g Whey Protein
Balanced PFC meal 1 hour later.
Any Suggestions??
I am competing next weekend.. Anyone think I should start following early march from last week and go from there?? Or should I just stay on the late march schedule?
Thanks Guys and goodluck to everyone!!
Jaymes, yes, James
Top 8 Trevor? Way to go! It wouldn't be a report from Trevor without an injury, though!
covino, go back to last sat/sun and start to wind things down from that day onwards following early Marchers..
folks, i'd love to provide a more detailed approach to everyone on their comps...just ask questions and someone will be able to point some things out for you...
remember, its not necessarily the program but what you PUT INTO the program that matters..hard work pays off
Meters rowed=1930
Rounds 6 + 130 m row
Total reps- 150
-right shoulder better today, but got sore in later rounds
Way to go Trev! Sorry to hear about the injury...
Late March Part 1:
Total Rowing = 1862m
Total Reps = 121
I made sure that as soon as I finished one exercise I went right into the next. HSPU were done at shoulder width with no kip... this position is the most difficult for me.
Part 2 to come...
Late Marcher
Part 1
7 rds and 166 reps.
I wasn't exactly sure whether to truly do AMRAP to failure or whether to come close and allow for more output overall.
My first few rounds were
10hspu, 10 ring dips, 15 pushups and then more broken from there. My actual AMRAP would have been more like 22 or so handstands on the first round. After the first few rounds, I was pretty much going right to failure (which wasn;t taking very long!)
Just so I'm clear in the future, should I have truly done AMRAP, basically to failure or very close (and subsequently have gassed out) or was it more appropriate to game it a little at the start to maximize overall output?
For HSPU i usually do it from the paralletes? Is that the standard?
Late March
Part 1
5 rounds
Total Reps = 126
Disappointed with performance.
It wouldn't be a report from Trevor without an injury, though!
party video
Late March
Part 1:
6 Rounds and an 80M Row. Total reps = 119
1:00 13/13/11
1:03 6/6/8
1:02 4/6/7
1:04 4/6/6
1:01 4/5/7
1:02 3/4/6
Rows felt fine, happy with them. Happy with first round but after that it sucked. First round of HSPU were strict then the rest were kipping. All ring dips were kipping.
This combination has always killed me. My "JT" time is brutal.
Part 2 tonight, will hopefully redeem myself.
Mario, I believe the standard for HSPU's is to do them on rings...
7 rows 1.06-1.09 + 300 meters
HSPU 4,4,3,3,2,2,2
MU 2,2,2,2,2,2,2
PU 10,10,10,10,10,10,10.
Subbed MU for dips with a old Rugby torn bicep flaring up after last ring dip effort.
Focused on quality of movement and speed stopping at -1 on HSPU and MU. Struggle street on pushups toward end . BWT stuff is in my kitchen...but went with a plan before and stuck with it so overall happy.
Late march
Part 1:
Row 300 m = 1200 meters
HSPU - 21/15/12/10
RD = 15/11/10/8
PU = 32/22/22/17
Total = 195
Intensity/focus wasn't there. Stress from midterms I think has gotten to me.
late marcher
Part 1:
Total: 108
Despite comparatively low numbers HSPUs felt good and consistent. However these really sapped any ring dip or push-up I had left in me. Did crown to floor, biceps to rings, and chest to deck.
Did AMRAP, not AMRAP(-X), no gaming. Not sure if this was the intention, but it said as many reps as possible, so that is what I did every round.
late march, part 2: 5:34
Hit a wall on last set of pullups which took me 1:40+... Still have had the feeling all day that I am stronger, faster and more capable of handling volume than ever.
Insane numbers/round Wes!
Late Marcher:
Part 1:
5 rounds - total reps = 205
Each round:
HSPU's sucked and deteriorated quickly. Felt that reps were more important than number of rounds. And each additional round was penalized by doing an extra 300m row. So, kept a 4min/round pace to ensure enough recovery between movements to maximize output.
Oh man, the schedule for todays double is back to back this afternoon. Good job Brian.
James, my Mountain Sectionals possibly others are competing on the 20th and 21st. At what point do you recommend that I jump back to the early march program?
Notes: HSPU hands 18" apart and no admat under head(made these much harder), RD bicep to rings and PU chest to deck
Thanks for your input.. and Thank you for everything.. You have done so much for me and this community. I can't express it in words. To be willing to give up so much of your time (for free) to program for athletes around the world and really ask for nothing in return except hard work says volumes about the kind of person you are. I think I speak for everyone when I say you have done so much more than you ever needed to do or were expected to do and We appreciate it! Thanks coach!!
5 rounds / 165 reps
Head was better today but still felt it during the ring dips, but I'm really happy it got away at the end of the training.
Early March...
A1. 315, 335, 335
A2. unbroken
DLs and RDs were smooth and fast. Cut the DUs down to five rounds, only two of which were unbroken. KTEs were fast.
Late Marcher
Part 1
7 rounds/ 201 reps
Row - 1:00/1:02/1:04/1:06/1:07/1:08/1:08
HSPU - 11/5/3/4/2/1/1
Ring Dip - 17/12/10/10/9/9/8
Pushup - 20/18/14/14/12/11/10
HSPU's were horrible. I used to think of these as a strength until I learned proper form...big difference.
Late Marcher:
Congrats Trevor! That is an amazing accomplishment!! Speady recovery on the injury!!
5 rounds/73 reps
Rounds went as follows:
HSPU were kipping. Form on my reg pushups has improved significantly.
Lulu I really appreciate your encouragement. It really helps and you always seem to know when I am having a tough workout :) Thank you!
Early march
A1. 295 all sets
A2. Unbroken, easy
DU's all unbroken sets except small slip up on set 4
3:45 or so on time for DU's
KTE 5 sets unbroken took about a minute rest
feeling good, ready for the weekend!
Nice work Trevor!!
I totally feel your pain on the injury issue. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!
Neither WOD for me today.....
Shoulder is a mess so I ended up doing bike sprints. Tried to do a combo of box jumps and running but both aggravated the shoulder. WTF!
It has finally sunk in that I NEED Cuskelly's help so I'm biting the bullet and making an appointment.
Covino24 (or anyone else who has input), my sectionals are the same weekend as yours... I read what OPT said about going back to last Sat/Sunday and winding down with early marchers WODs, but I am having a hard time understanding. Are we suppose to start today and do Early Marchers last Sat/Sun. or so we wait until this upcoming Sat/Sun to switch back to early Marchers last Sat/Sun? It seems odd to switch to early March Sat/Sun today, because then we will run out of Early March programming a few days before our competition. Sorry if that all sounded confusing. I hope my question makes sense.
5 full rounds, time ran out on last round of push-ups. Total reps were 139, all rows under 58 sec. Focused more on reps than rounds, turns out 4 minutes/round was pretty good time management for me. HSPU dropped off like crazy, many pauses at top of ROM for those and push-ups.
Anyone who is coming on board now with a competition in March needs to stop questioning what program to do, it's too late for that now. Do something, anything, don't hurt yourself and taper off your training the week before. This isn't a site for last-minute fine-tuning, it's a long-term commitment.
Late Marcher:
Part 1.
6 rounds + 50 meters
141 reps
57.9, 1:00.4, 58.9, 1:02.4, 1:02.0, 1:10.3
5(PR), 4, 2, 2, 1, 1
11, 9, 10, 6, 7, 8
15, 14, 14, 12, 9, 11
Part 2.
4:56, last set of PUs broken (10, 5, 5, 10)
Early March:
A1: 300-300-300
A2: 15, 14-1 (lost balance on the last one), 15
No DU's, did C2 (20 sec work/15 sec rest x 8)
Late March part 1:
6 rounds
@ OPT @ 7AM
BW 175.5#
5 rnds + 200m row
HSPU 7/4/2/1/1
RDs 15/10/7/7/6
PUs 15/10/11/11/7
Late Marcher...
Muscle failure was definitely there..
6 rounds for 170 total reps...
still sore from those rings dips this weekend
5 rds + 1 row + 1 HSPU attempt, failed
119 reps
My HSPUs were terrible. None after the 1st 2 rds.
Late Marcher
Part 1
6 rounds
= 152
*just didn't have it today chest is still sore from the rind dip/pullups
Late March
Part 1
Toral Rounds: 6
Total Reps: 164
Row 300m
HSPU; Ring Dips; Push Ups
12; 13; 10
7; 11; 7
7; 11; 6
7; 11; 8
6; 11; 8
5; 11; 8
Part 2
on the ring?! are you kidding me! thats sick. ill do it though. just not today haha
Late March Pt1.
BWT = 183#
7 rounds:
46 R Dip
64 Push-up
Total - 149 rep in total
Nice job robin with your 4th place finish!
Late March part 2:
No box, so piled all our bumpers up until I got to 20" a little more narrow than I would have liked, but made for great accuracy! Had to break the 30 pullups into 3 sets of 10. Arms are exhausted now!!
'Anonymous', he is kidding. HSPU standards are off the floor on this planet.
When are my hspu's ever going to get better gd fn things!!!
didn't read the do not load gymnastics part and stood staring at that damn wall praying for one gd hspu... gave up on last round and went right to ring dips.
5 rounds 91 reps
seems quite pathetic compared to everyone else but rows and ring dips felt good. Figured i would max out on pushups since my hspu's were not going to get me any reps. would be interesting to go into this workout knowing whether rounds or reps were more important then i probably would approach it differently.
Ali definitely go see Geoff he is amazing and worth the cash at this point so close to sectionals. I think he should give us an OPT discount!!!
5 rounds, 98 reps - did two more reps for good measure after the timer went off
No rower and can't run so subbed close grip upright row 15 reps with the bar each round
I think (hope) the rows were what was causing me to fatigue so quickly. HSPU and ring dips are not great movement for me so I'm fairly pleased with today.
Early March:
A1. 315 for all 3
A2. All UB
DU's and K to E's felt fast and strong.
NC/SC Sectional WOD's were released this morning. WOD 1
For Time:
400 Meter sandbag (60/40lbs) run (25 meter turnaround)
20 Sandbag (60/40lbs) squats
300 Meter sandbag (60/40lbs) run (25 meter turnaround)
30 Sandbag (60/40lbs) squats
200 Meter sandbag (60/40lbs) run (25 meter turnaround)
40 Sandbag (60/40lbs) squats
5 Rounds For Time:
275/155lb Deadlift, 6 reps.
12 Jumps 20" Box - Men over the box, Women on the box
1 Rope ascent - 20/15'
1 Rep max effort, ground to overhead - 10 minute time limit.
For Time:
60 Double-unders
30 Thrusters, 95/65lbs
30 Burpees
500m Row
30 Slamballs, 30/20lbs
30 GHD sit-ups
500m Row
30 Kettlebell Snatch, 24/16kg.
30 Overhead Lunge, 30/20lbs
60 Double-unders
I'm happy to see that they've included some rope climbs and running. The ground to overhead will be a good opportunity to go for a PR, just have to make sure I game it right. Any thoughts from the group?
Been seeing Geoff for the last 3 years-ish. I totally agree that he is worth the money especially so close to sectionals. I was just being stubborn thinking I could fix it myself with rolling.
I guess it's better that I concede now rather than too close to sectionals :o)
Appointment 8am tomorrow morning, hope he tells me it's just the usual issue and nothing more serious.
BAHAHAHAHA word verification = "press"
How ironic since it's what I am totally unable to do at the moment
Part 1= 171 reps, 5 rds
*all hspu done on rings without legs touching straps*
rested 15 min
part II
bwt 183#
late march:
Part 1
6 rounds and 126 reps.
All HSPU non-kippin. Head touched floor. Ring dips were kipping.
Part 2:
About .5 hrs later. Could not swing 6 hrs. due to work schedule)
Had to do all pull-ups on finger tips due to my shredded right hand that I am trying to heal before sectionals. This resulted in me dropping from the bar far more than I usually would have to.
Am planning to go back to last weeks WODs and start my taper with the early march WODs. I will start eiher tomorrow or on Saturday depending on how things shake out.
Man I'm happy I'm not a frog......
Congrats Robin.
6 rounds and 90 reps - happy with this since my neck didn't hurt during the HSPU.
marie, i'm in the oregon sectional as well. started yesteday following the early marchers from last tuesday. have been and will be posting on those days.
Just wanted to do a quick update on the Big Dawgs competition roster, as sectional season kicks into full swing this weekend. I have recieved a great response, with almost 40 people on the roster to date (although some notables are still missing). Just wanted to catch anyone who is unaware of the roster and would like to be included (even if you have already competed). You can reference my original posts to see what the roster is all about:
The roster can be downloaded at
Profile info can be sent to my email:
Also I want to thank everyone that has submitted their profile. This has been a really rewarding experience. It is great to give a little back to this awesome community and get to know people a little bit better.
Pt 2 in 4:21, only rested 4 hours. Everything straight until the last set of pull-ups, which blew up huge. Sub-4 well within reach for me here...
Had a huge energy crash about 30 minutes prior so getting up for this one sucked, but I felt fine during. Good test there.
PT 2: 4.47
Hour and a half rest - 12:28
Had to sub step ups to 20" box, alternating legs. Stress and concentration limiting stringing pullups together. Could not get more than 4 at a time and took forever to reset. Mostly happy I could finish that many pullups since I'm new to kipping.
Part2 : 2:36 (all unbroken but reverse, I started with pullups...)
Did some Oly lifting training with a coach in the AM.
Part 1: 6 complete rounds
17 HSPU (7 in rd 1)
68 Ring dips
72 pushups
157 total reps
20 min Rest
Part 2:
4:51. Off to work a 12 hr shift.
late march
part 2- 4:30
Late March
Part 2:
3:52 w/ CTB pull-ups
Early March
A1: 280
A2: unbroken
DU: all but 2 sets unbroken
KtoE: unbroken
Early March
A1: 295lbs x 3
A2: Unbroken x 3
DU's fast, only two breaks mid-set
Subbed Toes to bar for the last part, as those are going to be in my sectional this weekend.
Did 15x3 unbroken, trying to get used to finding a smooth rhythm on my kips. Started to click towards the end.
A1. 265/275/285
A2. 3x15 all unbroken
Double-unders; all unbroken
KTE: as RX'D
Feeling prepared for the weekend!
Central East Region Sectional Qualifier workouts got released this afternoon:
7 Reps - Deadlift 225 Men/155 Women
11 Reps - Weighted Vest Burpees 30LB Men/15LB Women
5 Rounds For Time!
Sandbag Sprint(s)
Distance, # of Sandbags, Weight in Sandbags to be announced at event
Row 500M
15 Reps OHS 95LB Men/65LB Women
Row 500M
15 Reps Toes to Bar
2 Rounds for Time!
Will be announced after WOD 3 Final Heat!
55 weighted vest Burpees will get interesting!
Hi Coach
26/5 11/190
workout 1 completed at 11:00
Sorry only had time for 13 minutes because I had to get back to work and I wanted enough time for part 2.
Total working time
1 -8/21/18
Total row 970 meters
thank you
Part 1:
5 Rounds of 300 meters
Total= 165
Part 2: 4:00 on the dot w/ COVP pull ups.
Feeling pretty on point today.
In other news, my OPT "Unbroken" shirt arrived along with some ReFuel. I pretty much ate the package ala yesterday's picture... not nearly as adorable with my ugly mug.
What do you guys think about heading in to the Gym tonight, and hitting up some stuff from the WoDs for sundays sectional?
1 rd of WoD #1
15 OHS, 15 Toes to Bar
Late March
Part 1: 9am @ CF Kinetics in Halifax
7 rounds - Suck at HSPUs
Rest 7 hours, drive to New Brunswick
Part 2: CFB Gagetown @5pm
5:55 with 24" box
2 WODs, 2 Provinces :)
March 7th:
325 / 335 / 345
Ring dips unbroken
Double unders unbroken
K2E unbroken.
Deadlift felt great, 345 is my current PR and it went up like 70% should. Can't wait to do a max attempt.
Part the first:
5 rds + 300 M + 165 reps
Part the second:
Unbroken box jumps and chins were in sets of ten.
Just came back from 3 long weeks of vacations... Ouch! Wasn't easy today.
Late March:
5 Rounds/80 reps
Part 2: (45 min after part1)
Late March
Part 2
With 21" box. I'm ok with this time. Would have been very happy with sub 4. All box jumps were great but missed a couple and had to repeat. Pullups felt slow. Unbroken until last round (10, 5, 5, 5, 5).
Did HSPU's for the morning workout with no kips and strict form, shoulder width for the hands. No prob for the cheering Ang, you are sooo good to me all the time :) Thank you for supporting me also, yeah team.
Part 2:
4min 56
I think I should switch to regular kipping pullups for these types of wods. I get super tired with my butterfly pull ups and think that the regular ones would be more efficient. Will try this next time.
Late March:
Part 1: 5 Rounds/160 reps
Part 2: 4:26
part 2:
Pretty disappointed with this. No mental fortitude today. Chins done on 2" bar, chin over horizontal plane.
Part I: (wrist = fisted HSPU's)
Part 2:
Part 2:
last set of pullups took 2+ minutes.
Off to my flag football game now!!!
Part 2:
4:34 - all unbroken until the 11th pullup in round of 30 then imploded
took yesterday off cuz knees- felt a lot better today- tried to push extra hard today
6 rounds
COVP pullups all unbroken except last set 25-5
Late Marcher
Part 2
Part 2;
* everything was unbroken and going well till the last set of 30 chins went 10/5/5/5/5 arms and shoulders are toast.
Awesome job dawgs who went sub 4 on part 2!
Part 2: 6:12
crappy only had a 22" box and had to do my box jumps one at a time because my calf/achilles is still buggered so no rebound at the bottom. The good part is my knee felt good so now if calf will heel should be good to go!!!! PUs were in sets of 10. There are definitely some impressive numbers and times out there.
Late Marcher
Part 1
- Rounds: 6
- Row Times: 58.9, 58.9, 59.3, 59.7, 1:00.0, 59.6
- HSPUs: 10, 2, 1, 4, 3, 2
- Ring Dips: 11, 10, 10, 7, 6, 4
- Push Ups: 15, 11, 10, 5, 7, 5
- Total Reps: 123
- PreWO: 16g BCAA-G
- PWO: 40gP/45gC (Shake: ReFuel, MRM Metabolic Whey)
- 60 min later: chicken breast, 1/2 apple, almond butter
- 2.5 hours later: Cocochia Bar
- Rows felt good and pace was maintainable
- 1st Round of HSPUs were great...all strict and unbroken. Fell off the wall before failure on sets 2 and 3. Kipped through remaining sets.
- Kipped all Ring Dips
- Surprised how much these kicked my butt
Part 2 after 7 HOURS REST
- PreWO: Cocochia Bar (mentioned above about 3.5 hours prior to WOD) and Greens First drink about 1 hour prior
- PWO: 40gP/45gC (Shake: ReFuel, Jarrow Protein), 8g BCAA-G
- 60 min later: rotisserie chicken, asparagus, apple sauce, mac nuts
- Flew through Box Jumps unbroken and fast.
- 1st two rounds of Pull Ups Unbroken.
- 3rd round of Pull Ups Broken into 10, 10, 5, 5.
- Couldn't get ButterFly kip going and my time suffered. I really wanted to be sub 4. I know I have 3:45 in me with a nice fluid ButterFly kip.
Consult with Orthopedic Surgeon tomorrow morning for the Meniscul Tear/Cyst.
Late March
Part 2
All PU unbroken. Box jumps are what killed the time.
Part 2
4:36(all unbroken til 12 rep on last set then very broken)
part 1@ 5:30 pm
5 rounds
HSPU: 15-4-3-3-1 (26)
Ring Dips: 16-14-14-13-12(69)
Push ups: 16-16-12-18-16(78)
Total: 173
part 2@7:30 pm
didn't think I'd have to break the pulls ups but had to on 3rd set (15-5-5-5)
Part 2:
All unbroken except third set of pull-ups divided into 2 sets of 15.
Used the butterfly kip the whole way through and then switched to a regular kip for my last 15.
Part I: 5 Rounds
HSPU: 19-5-3-2-2
RD: 24-15-10-10-9
PU: 15-15-12-10-12
15 Min Rest
Part II: 5:39 (1:05/1:55/2:39)
Part 1: Total 163
A1. 235.
A2. unbroken
all unbroken but third set. tripped. felt a little burn in the shoulders.
KTE unbroken.
Late March
Part1. 5 rnds 140 reps
6 rows
Part2. 4:20 COVP
Was going good until last set of chin ups
part 1
5 rounds - 217 reps
1- 12 / 17 / 25
2- 10 / 15 / 22
3- 7 / 14 / 20
4- 4 / 14 / 20
5- 2 / 15 / 20
15min rest
part 2
all BJ unbroken, rds of 10 & 20 pull ups unbroken, then.....holy##$$^$#*&^ hit a huge wall, 3,2&1s.
Left shoulder barking the whole time.
part 2 5:52
3:10 for part 2...sick
Everything felt good today... dips were fast, double unders improving even more. Ready for this weekend.
Part 1: 6 rounds/76 reps
Late Marcher
Part 1
7 rounds
24 total hspu
50 total ring dips
42 total pushups
Part 2
3:53 all pullups unbroken, box jumps went unbroken until the last 5, felt real good before during and after part 2.
Late March
Part 1
6 rds + 65m row
132 reps
Part 2
Notes: Part 1 felt great. ROM improving on HSPU. Done to a 1.5" bumper plate...lowest since shoulder dislocation last year. Rows fast and easy. Strict ring dips until last rep of each round.
BJ's were hard today, esp. after the FS yesterday. No lift and had to break the 30&20 rounds. All out on the pullups and I died halfway through the 30 round. Ended with doubles and triples.
part two
not bad until round two when pull-up were broken at 15 and then again in round 3. Box jumps were not that bad. This workouts was surprise made my lunges burn
Part 1
Row / HSPU/ R. Dip/ PU
Total reps = 170
Part 2 - 3:11
Part 1: 6 rnds + 3hsp, 111 reps
Rows: Avg 1:11 per round
HSPU: 12,5,2,4,3,3,3k = 32
RDip: 10,6,6,6,5,5 = 38 mostly kip
pups: 12,7,6,4,6,6 = 41
4hours rest
Part 2: 4:05
Stumbled on rep 27 last set, otherwise unbroken. COVP Chins, broke the 20, and 30. Having trouble keeping rythem on butterfly, worked post wod, and had some break throughs, bit more warm up pre wod would help. Ugg so close to sub 4!
I was waiting to see what Brett Marshall would get on part 2, told my training mate that he would be pushing the 3min mark.....dammmm!
Early March
A1. 285
A2. Unbroken and fast, no kipping
Double unders felt good till 8th set, then shoulder fatigue set in.
KTE felt easy
Late march
5 rounds
Row 300 m
HSPU - 19-7-8-7-6= 47
Ring Dips - 12-6-6-4-4 = 32
Push Ups- 15-12-12-8-5= 52
Part 2:
Part 2
time - 4:20
started breaking in the middle of second round of BJ
Late Marcher
Park 2: 7:35
TOTALLY went about this WOD wrong.. I thought that I was going to gas out on the box jumps so paced myself way too much.. next time I am just going to give 'er from the start. I am very happy with how much my pullups have improved and can now do sets of 10 unbroken!!
Welcome back Emilie!!! It was great to workout with you again :)
part 1. 5 rounds, subbed sdlhp 30 reps @ 70 for row
105 reps
part 2
Early marcher:
A1: 295#
A2: unbroken
DU: unbroken
K2E: unbroken
Part A
5 rounds- 174reps
Row- .59-1.05
Posting day after, don't remember specifics. Push ups saved me though
Part B: 5:10 only had 1 hour rest between workouts
Hey guys I've looked around and I guess I'm just stupid or can't find it in the search function. I currently don't compete in anything I'm just a Dad who likes working out and pushing myself. I've followed the basic powerlifter/bodybuilder workouts for years but my goals have changed. I want to get leaner and more athletic and these are the types of workouts that will help get me there. My question is what workouts should I follow if I never plan on competing? should I just pick one and stay with it each time or vary between the two on a given day? I don't want to mess up the programming so any input would be appreciated. Thanks!
Late March
Part 1
5 rounds
HSPU - 15, 7, 8, 7, 5 (42)
Dips - 15, 10, 10, 10, 10 (55)
Push-ups - 15, 10, 11, 10, 10 (56)
Total reps 153
Rested 7.5 hours
Part 2
Notes: Part 1 - No rings, so did regular dips.
Pushed hard on Part 2 and crashed during second set of pull-ups. Last set of pull-ups almost took as long as first two rounds.
Part 1
5 rounds + 1 row
rows were 56 - 59 sec
hspu - 7,6,4,3,1
rd - 9,7,7,7,6,5
pu - 13,14,15,16,14
Part 2
A day and a bit behind
Part 1 6 rounds + 91 reps--HSPU atrocious, not many reps to be had there!
My week was a little messed up....
I'm posting this on Thursday...
Wednesday I had IMS treatment on hip and around SI Joint so no double WOD for me. On Wed. evening kept it light and did 6 rounds AMRAP HSPUs (5/6/6/7/4/2). Did WOD 2 from Wednesday (box jump/chin up)Thursday morning and it was awful!!!!
6:59 (box jump/ chin up)...Not sure what to say...This (thurs.) is day 4 for me and I felt like i had no strength in my legs and arms right from the beginning. Was going to do Thursday's WOD tonight, but I feel quite depleted so I'm going to pass. Glad Friday is a rest day...
Thanks Rob and Geoff...
Late March
Part 1
Scaled to 15 minutes due to reaching muscle failure on the HSPUs.
5 rounds
6, 3, 1, 10s negative, 10s negative on HSPUs
8, 4, 5, 2, 3 on ring dips
12, 10, 7, 7, 6 on pushups
Part 2 (5 1/2 hours later)
Scaled to 10-10-10 on box jumps so I could get some practice on 30" jumps for the sectionals.
Couldn't kip on pullups because of the wall-mounted pullup bar.
Part 2: 5:37 had a hard time breathing--maybe it's because of a small cold I have, but box jumps weren't as good as usual.
Ugh, not pretty. Can really feel the sub-par nutrition this week. Motivation to get back on track.
HSPU/Dips/Push Ups
Part 1:
row 1800m
total reps: 155
rest 4.5 hours
wod 2: 5:24…all pullups CTB…box jumps unbroken until 27th rep of round 3…didn’t gas, just screwed up timing. pullups unbroken until 11th rep in second round...expected them to last longer...they feel stronger every time, though...
mid marcher
A1. 365
A2. straight thru
did 10 unbroken sets of du's w/ 5 breaths b/t. had 4 restarts
k2e's felt fast
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