A. Power Clean/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk - x 5; rest 180 sec
B1. KBS heavy x 15 reps x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. HSPU close grip @ 21X1; amrap x 3; rest 90 sec
C1. GHD Raises @ 2020; 12 x 3; rest 60 sec
C2. Toes to Bar - 15 reps x 3; rest 60 sec
post loads and notes to comments
post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30g prot/10g carb
12-14% - 30g prot/20g carb
below 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)
Holy crap, James is the tall guy of that group. A very awesome group I'd like to listen to!
Heavy KBS... Bring on BUBBA!!
Hi team.
Are the hspu close grip on parallettes or close hand placement? Distance? Or do we just roll with what we can do at that tempo..
Rosko (Australia)
"B2. HSPU close grip"
Parallettes are not mentioned so don't use them. Close grip is about shoulder width.
What are opinions on kipping TTB when doing these rep ranges and not in all-out met-con? They are considerably easier on the abs of course.
A. 115,135,155,165,165-(failed sj)
B1. 70lbs,80lbs,80lbs
B2. 9,10,9 (all partial reps)
C1."goodmornings" 85lbs x 3
C2. 15 x 3 broken
Ryan B.
A. 155, 166, 177, 201
B1. 71 lbs, 88 lbs, 88 lbs, all unbroken
B2. 9, 8, 6
C1. 12, 12, 12
C2. 15, 15, 15
A- 145,160,175,185,195
b1 70lbs all unnborke
b2 4,4,3
c1 all unroken
c2. all strict unbroken
everything but HSPU felt good and explosive.
A. 115,125,135,145,155
B1. 2pd unbroken
B2. 3/4/3
C1. 45# goodmornings
C2. Broken and grip fried but done.
Missed the first two days of this cycle letting a pulled ab heal. Not sure how it popped up. Felt fine with t2b so I'm good to go!
A. 147,157,162,167,172fx2 on push press.
B1.2.5 pood 10/5,10/5,13/2
It took me a few reps to get used to Buddy.
B2.all 12s, still trying to get the tempo on concentric, usually too fast.
C1. 3,3,2.
These were hard.
C2. 15,15 with quick tempo, 6,2,2 at fast tempo the singles @ slow tempo to finish. Gassed on these near the end of the 2nd rd.
Thanks Geoff for your help to get the fast kip going.
A.190,195,200,205,210f on sj
gave up the weight belt for all but the last set of A.
A: 80kg, 82.5kg, 85kg, 85kg (pressing at top in jerks), 82.5kg (f - couldn't get the jerk to work anymore)
B1: 32kg, 32kg, 32kg (didn't have heavier)
B2: 10, 6, 5 (that close grip really kills my HSPUs!)
C1: 12, 12, 12 (45degree bench)
C2: 15 (no kip), 10/5 (no kip), 15 (kipped)
No kids at home tonight. The freedom, the freedom!
a1. 85, 95, 105, 115, 125 got the clean, failed the rest of that set.
b1. 1.5 pd, attempted 2 pd on 2nd set, and wasn't good.
b2. blue band asst. set 2 added 5# weight to legs, set 3 added 7#. 10, 10, 7 for reps
c1. 5#, 7#, 10#
c2. s2 sets unbroken, last set 9 and 6 reps
trying to figure out how much assistance the blue band gives. i think about 20-30 pounds. wanna work up to unassisted.
A1= 135, 155, 165(f on split), 165
B1= 1.5pd. 2pd, 2pd all unbroken
B2= 4,5,5 depth needs to be better
C1= unbroken but no added weight, was I supposed to?
C2= first 2 sets unbroken, last broken x3
HSPU's still tax my sore shoulder, so I will proceed with caution. On a good note, 35 consecutive DU's during WU, PR!
A1: 155-165-175-185-190F (PP fail).
B1: 80-80-85 (dumb bell)
B2: 9-6-5. Hands were under shoulders.
C1: all 12s using my homemade version.
C2: 15-15-15 unkipped.
GHD is on the way!
A: 135 / 155 / 175 / 195 / 205 (will start heavier next time)
B1: 70 / 80 / 90 (unbroken, subbed DB)
B: 8 / 8 / 6 (close grip is horrible)
C1: 12 / 12 / 12 (45 degree bench)
C2: 15 / 15 / 15 (last set broken, grip failed quickly)
Have been following along, running about a month or so behind. Just sort of feeling out the workouts (which are smoking my bags). Finally decided to jump into the mix on the current workouts. Last workout on the old schedule for me was 50 split jerks (165#, done day before yesterday). Left my shoulders feeling like mush. And what should appear on the day I decide to use the current workout? More pressing!
Either need to add weight to the GHD raises since I have to sub the 45 degree bench or rig something up that allows me to anchor my feet while kneeling on the floor.
A. Power Clean/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk - x 5; rest 180 sec
175, 200, 220, 230, 235(f1)
B1. KBS - 2pood x 15 reps x 3; rest 90 sec
B2. HSPU close grip @ 21X1; amrap x 3; rest 90 sec
6, 3, 3 (half-ROM onto kicking pad)
C1. GHD Raises @ 2020; 12 x 3; rest 60 sec (last two sets broken)
C2. Toes to Bar - 15 reps x 3; rest 60 sec (all sets broken into 10, 5)
A.165/175/185/195/205 (tried 215 but failed)
B1.70lb/70lb/70lb (heaviest KB)
C1. all on GHD
C2. Strict
This was my first OPT blog. Look forward to 'training' with all you.
Kept track of #'s today, right shoulder can't handle push jerks yet so I did 2 split jerks and changed the lead leg.
A1. Worked up to 187, felt okay.
B1. 2 pd, 2.5 pd, 2.5 pd all unbroken (and really hard)
B2. 5,3 (shoulder ow), 5 negative HSPU on low parallettes.
C1. 12, 8 (wrong setting, oops), 10 all with hands behind back, newer setting on bench felt better for ROM.
C2. All ubroken and kipped. No tempo is suggested so kipping is just better/smarter/cooler.
Mojo felt good today; fun working out with Grant and Kathleen again.
A1: 145, 155, 165, 170, 185
B1: 2 pood for all
B2: 3, 3, 3
Hands completely inside 21" mark. On all sets 3rd rep felt good, went down on tempo for the 4th and could not get up.
C1: complete
C2: complete
forearms pushed
A. 155,165,170,175,175 failed on last push jerk and split jerk
B1. 2 pood 15,15,15
B2. 8,7,6
C1. 12,12,12
C2. 15,15,15
A. 95#, then 115# for the rest, which made everytime. Never went for the 120# as the PP with 115# was really tough.
B1. 2 sets with 1.5 pood, 1 set with 2 pood
B2. 3/3/5
C1. no GHD raises as no GHD
C2. All T2B with no kip and unbroken.
A. 155, 165, 175, 185, 195
I think a 195lb push press might be a PR.
B1. 70lbs for all three sets (heaviest I have)
B2. 6, 6, 3
C1. 10lbs, 15lbs, 15lbs
C2. Unbroken
Here is a video of my toes to bar.
Is this considered a kip? If not, can someone please post a video of a kipping toes to bar? My turn over rate looks and feels very slow with these and I don't feel like I will win any T2B races. Any advice would be appreciated.
A. 132/142/154/164/176
B1. 8/7-- 10/5--5/5/5 -used the 2.5 pd. It was ugly
B2. 5/5/5
C1. unbroken...but hard time with tempo
C2. unbroken/unbroken/9,3,3
A. Up to 165, focus on power especially in push press, toughest part of the combination for me.
B1. all unbroken 2pd. Cant wait to try that one with buddy at OPT
B2. 4,6,5- tough tempo, I like the close grip work
C. all unbroken in both except last set of t2b. Mental lapse, frustrating.
A: 185, 190, 195, 200, 205 (Failed on the push press)
B1: 2 pood 15, 15, 15 straight
B2: 6,5,4 Put an abmat under my head because I don't have the full range of motion for these yet.
C1: 12,12,12 straight
C2: 15,15,15 straight
A:95/105/110/115/120PR with PP!!
B1: 1.5 pood all i have all straight
B2:4/2/3 to abmat
Q: are you allowed to bend your knees on the T2B?
I am really glad there was no isolation rhomboids etc today.
Love the pullup bars in the doorways at CF central they are awesome. Oh to live in a warm climate.
i just watched your T2B video and i will pass along a tip the Geoff gave me - use a supinated grip it makes them waaayyy easier if you want that!!
A1: 80/88/98/103.5/108.5
B1: 1 set with 1 pd, 2 with 2pd, but very broken
B2: a lot of trouble with these today--traps/upper back not working well. Done to abmat-2/1/0
C2: 1st set unbroken, last 2 broken because of weak grip today
a. 135,145,155,165,165 (f s/j)
b1. 2 pood, all unbroken
b2. 5,3,4. Hand placement and 1 sec pause at bottom really got me.
c1. 12,12,12
c2. 15,15,12+3
A. 95/115/125/135/140
B1. 60/65/65 all sets unbroken. It wasn't very long ago that 10 reps at 50# was fugly. :o)
B2. 10/8/6 *all sets done to a sit fit disc on top of a 5# plate.
C1. No GHD so did my own version.
C2. These got the best of me today....all done but not unbroken.
A complex: 60/70/80/85/91kg (200#)
B1 KBS: 75/90/100# (Last round unbroken but tough)
B2: 6/5/5 at temp
C1: 12/12/12
C2: Unbroken
All sets of GHD's were kipping except for the last 7 which were slow singles without touchdown. I am so sore from the powell raises. Wasn't sure how I was going to get through A1 but it turned out all right once I got started.
A. 195, 205, 215, 215, 225
B1. 70lb KB, 80lb DB, 90lb DB all unbroken
B2. 7,5,5 (measure distance bewteen shoulders, middle finger just inside of line)
C1. all unbroken (best these have felt)
C2. all unbroken no kip at slow tempo
still felt very sore today, but felt good during workout
A1. In kg 55-60-60-65-70
B1. In kg with db 30-35-35 last 2 sets broken at 10/5
B2. scaled to 10kg bumper with Kip 5-4-3
C1. on incline bench/ roman chair 12-6/6-6/6
C2. Strict unbroken
Welcome Stroud! I used to follow your blog all the time. Did you stop updating it?
A- 155 / 185 / 197 / 205 / 217
B1- 2pd is all I had... unbroken x 3
B2- pinky inside shoulders... 2 / 4 / 3
C1- 185lb RDL... same tempo... unbroken x3
C2- all unbroken x3... softball grip...
Paul, those aren't kippers. Kipping toes-to-bar are quite fast and almost violent looking with the shoulders and forearms doing a lot of the work. Pop your hips like you'd do a pull-up but keep your arms straight and kick your feet up right away instead. I'd send you a video but I'll be damned if I can find one right now.
Please don't ask me to explain this any further because it's really something you can't put into words well, just give 'er.
About 3/4 of the way through, there's a bit on kipped KTEs. I think you'll see pretty quickly how to apply it to TTBs.
Hope this helps ...
Complex: 115, 125, 135, 145, 155
KBS (2pd) 15, 15, 15
HSPU: 1, 1, 1
GHR: 12, 12, 12 (w/band)
TTB: 15, 15, 15
a1. 175, 185, 195, 205, 225(F on PP)
b1. 78#, 83#, 83# thats all the weight i've got.
b2. 12/10/10
c1. consecutive
c2. new skill here, broken groups.
Super impressed with the rate & types of training involved in OPT's method.
I'm looking forward to seeing what types of gains I'll be able to make with his method.
A. 135# / 155 / 175 / 195 / 195
B1. 2 pood unbroken x 3
B2. 6 / 5 / 5 , head to ab-mat
C1. 8# ball on first set, then no weight to make sure I was going up with a 2 count
C2. Unbroken. Still working on the pace. If I go too fast, I start swinging so much I almost fall off the bar
A: 195(FPP)/195/195(FPP)/195/205(FPP) Push Press the weak link here
B1. 100lb KB all unbroken
B2. 4/4/3 Pinkys inside shoulders
C1. 25#/25#/35#
C2. 15 Slow UB/ 10 Slow 5 Fast UB/10 Slow 5 Fast UB
Not sure about last time I did 1RM for Push Press but 195 lbs is definitely a PR. Failures came from not staying erect directly underneath bar. bad habit of leaning back and not keeping solid midsection when weight gets big. 205lbs is also a PR for Push Jerk
A: 95/100/105/110/115*
*1st attempt clean unsuccessful so waited 2 minutes and then completed except SJ came up short
B1: 1.5 X 3
B2: Blue band 6 3.75 2.5
C1: 12 X 3
C2: 12 [forgot it was 15] 14 [grip] 10/5 [grip]
A:142/152/154/164 (ned to re-focus on staying back on my heels)
B1:2pd as Rx
C1:Rx (thanks for the tips Geoff)
C2: Rx
A. 135/145/155/165/175(x) (struggled here and was off my best)
B1. 80/80/85
B2. 12/10/10
C1. No GHD, modified
C2. Rx'd
A. 65, 75, 75, 75, 80
B1. 1.5 pd broken into 2 sets
B2. Can't do HSPU...did handstand work and held my first handstand by myself for 5 sec! If only Rory were here to see...
C1. Back extensions at tempo unbroken
C2. subbed GHD sit ups unbroken
A. 135#, 135#, 155#, 165#, 175#(f), 175#
B1. 2pd. (unbroken)
B2. 6, 6, 5
C1. 12 x 3
C2. broken
no refuel but PFC within 40 min.
A. 155, 170, 185, 190 (fail on PJ), 190 (fail on PP)
B1. 2pood...all unbroken, all felt good
B2. 5 (fell off b/t reps 4 and 5), 5 (straight through, rough going up on rep 5), 5 (had to kip for 5th, then fell off)
C1. All unbroken...tempo started to hurt on round 3
C2. All unbroken...round 3 was challenging
Feel pretty good and I can feel my right knee, but I think the WOD/activity/FoamRolling helped
PWO: 40gP (MRM shake), 10gC (mashed sweet potato w/ cinnamon).
50 min later: chicken, apple, almond butter
a. 135, 155,185, 195, 205 failed on push jerk
b1. 2pood unbroken
b2. 4, 3, 5
c1 as rx'd
c2 as rx'd
A1: 145/155/165/175/185
B1: 2 pood x3. All unbroken
B2: 8/6/5. My biggest weakness right now.
C1: Unbroken
C1: Unbroken
A.185,195,205,215,225 - made clean, but failed push press.
B1. 32kg KB, all unbroken
B2. 6,6,6
C1. Unbroken
C2. 15,15,9-6 <-Tried fingertip grip and had to readjust
A. 105/115/125/130/135
B1. 1.5 pood 3x 15
B2. 3x5 assisted
C1. unbroken
C2. unbroken
anyone have drills to help improve handstand Pushups...?
A. 105/115/125/130/135
B1. 1.5 pood 3x 15
B2. 3x5 assisted
C1. unbroken
C2. unbroken
anyone have drills to help improve handstand Pushups...?
A. 165, 175, 180, 185, 190 - had a bit more in me
B1. - 80lb KB all unbroken
B2 - 7, 4, 3 (damn tough with narrow hands)
C1 - Unbroken
C2 - Kipping, unbroken
Obviously a bit behind...
A. 65/75/85/85/85(fpp)
B1. 1 pd 15/10,5/5,5,5
B2. 5/5/5 - spotter assisted
C1. unbroken
C2. broken - felt difficult today, will continue to push
A: 225.4, 225.4, 246.4, 246.4, 246.4 (Failed on the split jerk), 246.4 (Failed on the jerk).
- Spent a long time warming up and did a few sets with 225.4 trying to find a good starting weight.
B1: 32kg, 32kg, 32kg
B2: 5, 4, 4
- 32kg is the biggest I've got. Pinkies inside shoulders.
C1: Unbroken
C2: Unbroken
A: all at 225, except last set at 235
B1: 75 lb dumbbell
B2: 12, 8,6
C1: unbroken
C2: could only manage 10 slow at a time.
My wife and I recently attended the Black Box Summit. Your no nonsense approach to what you do is appreciated. Your presentations were truly inspiring! We learned so much from you and have taken on your challenge immediately. I have already incorporated some of the things you talked about when working with my clients. Thank you SO much for taking the time to share with us out of your busy schedule!
MUCH respect,
David and Wynter Weaver
Inner Icon – Changing Fitness Perspective
A. 110/130/135/135(failed PP)/135(Failed PP and PJ.. stoppped)
B1. 50/65/70lb
B2. Inclined Push Up.. 11/6/5
C1. Toe touches.. alittle too easy
C2. Struggled... did about 8 T2B/6/4
Im loving these WODS..
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