New Year's Eve 2009

coming soon...

Q and A with John Thrush I though was pertinent

How important is it to modify training based on individual weightlifters?

It is infinitely important. This is the heart and soul of the art of coaching. Anybody coaching at any level beyond a beginner does this untold numbers of times a workout in many obvious and many not so obvious ways. There always needs to be structure in training. You have to have a plan – you can’t just shotgun your way in the gym. You come in with a plan of what you want to get done both in terms of exercises but also generally in terms of where you want the athlete to go in terms of percentages that day, if possible. But that’s where the journey gets interesting. The coach has to have the perception to try and discern the optimal training situation for that day, that moment. The better he is, the better the athlete will be ultimately.

A. Build quickly to a tough but not 1RM in the Power Clean - take no more than 7 minutes; rest 60 sec ONLY after last set before B
B. 1-10 CTB chin up ladder for time; rest 60 sec before C
C. AMRAP DB Burpees in 2 minutes - 25/15#/h

post loads for A, time for B and reps for C to comments
work on speed through the middle for the PC
risk failure on the CTB chin ups in late sets
chest to deck on ALL burpees, even with DB's; jump with arms at sides and DB's in hand, please.

Dec 30, 2009

Training Schedule till Jan 27th:
Dec 30/31 - singles
Jan 1 - off
Jan 2/3 - singles
Jan 4 - off
Jan 5/6/7 - singles
Jan 8 - off
Jan 9 - double
Jan 10 - single
Jan 11 - off
Jan 12 - single
Jan 13 - double
Jan 14 - single
Jan 15 - off
Jan 16/17 - doubles
Jan 18 - off
Jan 19/20/21 - singles
Jan 22 - off
Jan 23 - one day Big Dawg championship series # 3; for locals this competition will be held @ CF Natural High in Okotoks - the site for the Canadian CrossFit Championships
Jan 24/25/26 - rest
Jan 27 - resume training

For those peaking in Feb for competitions - i will be providing 2 different workouts from Jan 19th onwards. I do not suggest competing in the Big Dawg series # 3. For those competing in early March, compete and resume on Jan 27th and we'll lay out a plan for that time at the end of January.

3 sets:
12 SDLHP - 125#/80#
Row 90 sec @ 90% effort
rest 2 min
3 sets:
12 db thrusters - 35/20#/h
AMRAP Double Unders in 60 sec
rest 2 min
3 rounds as fast as you can:
20 box jumps unbroken - 20/14"
25 sit ups

post reps of doubles and notes to comments
do not time the last couplet
welcome all new dawgs, competition shirt short list coming

X Mas 2009 - REST

Rest until Dec 30th.
Be active, participate in some sports, have fun, nap, rest.
I'd recommend staying away from the gym.
Dec 30-Jan 22 is a quick phase, then a rest after the Jan 23/24 comp.
It seems most who are athletes participating in CrossFit will have a good prep post competition in January for another peak for mid March, except for those in the US Northwest and US Mid West.
For those folks, e-mail me @ and we'll chat a bit about that one.
Take the attitude that this break is a mental lesson in slowly backing up into your cave where you'll recover, grow, lick your wounds and get everything in place for the gruelling next 6 months. You and your fellow athletes will gather as a pack and dominate in whichever task you choose to participate in.
We will be making special competition T shirts for sporting events for 2010 to represent.
Post to comments your thoughts on what should be on the shirts for wording.
My expectations are high for this group.

Christmas Eve 2009

My dog Red's X-mas gift for me...

for time:
Row 500 m

post time to comments as well as avg watts for distance divided by your BWT in lbs
(i.e. 1:26, 2.8)

Dec. 22nd, 2009

Satisfy Your Dreams

Have you become addicted to limiting beliefs?
Do those limiting beliefs soothe you and comfort you while at the same time holding you back?
In the short term, it can be much easier to tell yourself you can't do it.
Yet when you look at the big picture, it's much better to go ahead and do the work of achievement.
You can comfort yourself today by believing that your lack of progress is not your responsibility.
However, you'll soon be paying for that short-term comfort with long-term regret.
For your dreams are calling to you, and they'll never be satisfied until you do something about them.
You have what it takes to reach them, and they know it.

Day 24 Training:

part 1:
7 rounds for time;
245#/165# Dead Lift x 10
50 double unders

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
As many rounds in 15 minutes:
10 burpees
10 push ups
10 ring dips

post time for part 1 and total reps for part 2 to comments
(i.e. 6:23 and 240 reps)
chest to deck, NOT belly to deck for push ups and burpees
arms come to full extension at the start of every ring dip rep and the end of every rep

Mon, Dec 21st, 2009

Day 23 Training:

part 1:
Clean and Jerk - find your 1RM

rest 6+ hours

part 2:
21,15,9 rep rounds for time;
Thrusters - 95#/65#
Chest to Bar Chin ups

post 3 scores only.
your BWT in lbs, your highest load for C & J and your time for the couplet
(i.e. 170#, 265#, 3:33)

Rest - Sun, Dec 20th, 2009

When i get away, i completely shut it down.
I love what i do; but i know that i need rest time in order for me to be creative and a director.
What are you passionate about? Are you ACTUALLY setting yourself up to ensure that you put the right time and proper energy into what you love to do?
When you spend time thinking...most times its done in 4 different areas (automatic mind 1st, sensory mind 2nd, creative mind 3rd and director's mind 4th...this is in higher order from one to another). One must spend time in and be knowledgeable of each.
Most spend it in automatic mind, run by the day to day, no awareness, no noticing, no ability to stop and "smell the roses".
If you truly want to get to the next level in whatever you do, you have to ensure you take time to learn in each area.
I'll give you a personal example so you can understand where I might spend some of that time right now in a day.
Automatic Mind - walking Red, eating breakfast, breathing
Sensory Mind - watching folks workout at OPT, analyzing movement, reading, researching
Creative Mind - writing programs, business strategy with Leighanne
Director Mind - think tanks with business strategists, discussions with exercise physiologists, naturopaths, osteopaths, executives, clients
I instruct everyone on a different path as we all have different lifestyles and paths; but when someone says that they have a "goal"; I have to ensure that they are spending the right time where they need to if they want to get to that "goal".
The path there, another discussion, but at least that will leave you with some awareness as to where you might want to be.

Sat. Dec 19, 2009

Day 22 Training:

part 1:
For reps:
1 min AMRAP Box Jumps - 24"/20"
1 min AMRAP wall balls - 20#/14# to 10 ft
1 min AMRAP Toes to Bar
1 min AMRAP Push Press - 75#/55#
1 min AMRAP Burpees

rest as needed

part 2:
For time:
Row 5K

post total reps for part 1 and total time as well as power ratio (total avg watts over 5K divided by BWT in lbs) for part 2 to comments
(i.e. 345 reps, 19:01 (1.45 power ratio)

Friday, Dec 18th, 2009

Day 21 Training:

7 rounds for time:
7 unbroken hang squat clean
7 unbroken HSPU
(the HSC weight starts at 95#/55#; you add 10# per round, i.e. 95 1st round, 105 2nd round...; the HSPU are thumbs under shoulders); unbroken means when you pick it up off the floor, it cannot touch the floor again until all 7 reps are done

post time to comments
double tomorrow

Wed, Dec 16th, 2009

Day 20 Training:

A. AMRAP Dead Lift - 315#/200# in 75 sec
rest 3 min
B. AMRAP Muscle Ups in 150 sec
rest 3 min
C. AMRAP Double Unders in 225 sec

post total reps to comments
(i.e. 12 + 15 + 300 = 327)

Dec 15th, 2009

Check later today for more information regarding the new OPT CCP coaching program

Day 19 Training:

A. Power Clean - build to a 1RM
B. Bench Press - build to a 1RM

post ratio of power clean to bench press 1RM's to comments
(i.e. 255/255 = 1.0)


congrats Dutch

Sunday, Dec 13th, 2009

Day 18 Training:

A1. Overhead Squat @ 32X1; 3 x 5 - 80% effort; rest 90 sec
A2. Supinated Chin Ups @ 40X2; 3-4 x 5; rest 90 sec
B1. BB Forward Lunges @ 20X0; 5-6/leg x 3; rest 75 sec
B2. Clap Chin Ups @ 10X0; 6-15 x 3; rest 75 sec
C. DB Back Extensions @ 2020; 10-15 x 3; rest 90 sec

clap hands at top of chin up
post loads and notes to comments
bench mark workout on Dec 15th
post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30g prot/10g carb
12-14% - 30g prot/20g carb
below 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)

Dec 12th, 2009

WOD 1:
Power Snatch - find your 1RM
rest as needed
WOD 2:
1K Row sprint
rest as needed
WOD 3:
Tabata Mash:
Push Ups
Box Jumps - 20"/14"
Anchored Sit Ups

post like this to comments:
1. 165#
2. 3:09
3. 375 reps

Rest Day - Fri, Dec 11th, 2009

Thursday, Dec 10th, 2009 - Prof Peskin's thoughts on fish oils part 1 - part 2

"If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished."

Day 16 Training:

part 1:
On the minute every minute for 7 minutes perform 5 squat clean thrusters - be fast and aggressive; you must choose a weight that will challenge you mentally on the last few sets; it has to be the same weight every set and it has to be unbroken (you cannot let go of bar)
rest 3 minutes EXACTLY
On the minute every minute for 5 minutes perform 10 challenging chin ups (if you can do 10 chest to bar easy, do them weighted, if chin ups alone are challenging do them); they have to be unbroken
rest 1 minute EXACTLY
On the minute every minute for 3 minutes perform 25 unbroken sit ups - unanchored, hands at temples

rest 8+ hours

part 2:
Run three 5 minute blocks
2 minutes rest b/t blocks
In each 5 min block of running you must maintain a pace "just below" your threshold; there can be no ups or downs in intensity; the goal is to keep the pace high and challenging and maintain it for 3 blocks (the distance covered and speed per block must be identical - this will allow you to judge your intensity)

post loads and notes for part 1 and notes on effort for part 2 to comments

Wed, Dec 9th, 2009

Day 15 Training:

A. Dead Lift - build to a heavy triple quickly; rest and then take no more than 3 more sets to build to a heavy but not 1RM; rest as needed b/t 1's
B1. Press Cluster - x 5; rest 120 sec
B2. KBS - 25 unbroken x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
C. DB External Rotation - 4-7/arm x 3 sets; rest 45 sec b/t arms

post loads to comments as well as differences in feel of DL's this session
cluster - perform 1 rep, unload and rack weight for 10 sec, reload and perform another rep..for five reps total per set; weight should be just higher than your regular 5RM press overhead; double tomorrow

post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30g prot/10g carb
12-14% - 30g prot/20g carb
below 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)

Rest/Reflect - Tues. Dec 8th, 2009

What are your 3 top priority training goals for 2010?
Post the 3 and ONLY 3 to comments, put it out there!
This is for everyone. This is important. This is for you.

Mon, Dec 7th, 2009

Day 14 Training:

A1. Front Squat @ 30X0; 2-3 x 5; rest 10 sec
A2. AMRAP Chin Ups; 5 sets; rest 240 sec
AMRAP extra ROM HSPU in 1 minute; rest 10 sec
5 max vertical jump and extend; rest 10 sec
25 unbroken GHD sit ups hands overhead; rest 60 sec
4 sets

(increase your normal ROM on the HSPU on parallettes, plates, you choose, increase your negatives distance, or find ways to make it harder; take 5-7 seconds in b/t max vertical jump - fully extend body at top height)

post loads for A1 and reps for A2 as well as notes on the gymnastics to comments; post your highest jump in inches if your measuring

Sunday, Dec 6th, 2009

Day 13 Training:

A1. Hang Power Snatch @ 11X1; 2-3 x 6; rest 120 sec
note-drop weight to floor b/tr reps if needed
A2. Bench Press @ 30X0; 3,2,1,3,2,1; rest 120 sec
note-wave load; 2nd 3,2,1 is higher effort and loads than 1st 3,2,1; waves higher than last week
B. Dead Lift @ 11X1; 50% 1RM; 10 sets of 3; rest 45 sec
note-focus on speed on concentric
C1. Dips @ 30X0; 3,3,3; rest 90 sec
note-full depth, try same load for 3 you did for 2 last week
C2. GHD Raises @ 2020; 15 x 3; rest 90 sec
note-change hands to ensure you get all reps, make them harder than last week

post loads and notes to comments
point out your differences in A1 this week to last week
single tomorrow

post wod fuel male:
above 12% - 40g prot/10g carb
8-12% - 40g prot/25g carb
below 8% - 40g prot/40g carb
post wod fuel - female:
above 16% - 30g prot/10g carb
12-14% - 30g prot/20g carb
below 12% - 30g prot/30g carb
eat a balanced PFC meal 60 min after post wod fuel for everyone (P=protein, F=fat, C=carb)

Friday, Dec 4th, 2009

Day 12 Training:

part 1:
20 sec AMRAP hang squat cleans - 95#/65#
40 sec rest
20 sec AMRAP GHD sit ups
40 sec rest
x 4
rest 5 minutes
30 "jump and switch" lunges
30 back extensions
rest 1 min
x 3

rest 20+ minutes

part 2:
60 sec AMRAP Double Unders
30 sec rest x 10

post total reps for part 1A, times for part 1B, total reps for part 2 (and compare to Rhiannon score if you've done it before) as well as your best 5K row time to comments
1A - 68
1B - 60,59,59 s
2 - 634 (rhiannon - 624)
5K row - 18:46

two hands overhead for sit ups, hands at temples and elbows OUT for extensions, switch lunges is a lunge in place with a jump at top, switch legs in the process; Sat off day, Sun single

Thurs, Dec 3rd, 2009

I took this photo (stairs to my basement in where OPT started) in 2004, and seeing I had some time to reflect on this hot winter night.... It was moments before the last trip up these stairs to get the last piece of equipment off the Atlantis order that had come...i think some plate mates...and i captured the moment because I knew afterwards I would be in for a doozy of a time for the next few years. Many have doubted and disagreed the path that I have taken, but I NEVER flinched. So I pass on to those who have some obstacles in their way (mine at the time of photo was being more than broke, quitting my job and risking it all) that when you put your mind to a goal that you truly believe in, become a finisher. In the end, you'll see that it will not matter what place you finished, but if you give it your all on the trip, the results are amazing!

Day 11 Training:

A. Dead Lift - build to a heavy triple quickly; rest and then take no more than 3 more sets to build to a heavy but not 1RM; rest as needed b/t 1's
B1. Press Cluster - x 5; rest 120 sec
B2. KBS - 21 unbroken x 5 sets; rest 120 sec
C. DB External Rotation - 4-7/arm x 3 sets; rest 45 sec b/t arms

cluster - perform 1 rep, unload and rack weight for 10 sec, reload and perform another rep..for five reps total per set; weight should be just higher than your regular 5RM press overhead

post loads and notes to comments as well as your latest best 5K run time; if not lately, your PB and last time it was done; double on Friday.

Training Schedule till X-Mas 2009

Dec 3rd - single
Dec 4th - double
Dec 5th - off
Dec 6th - single
Dec 7th - single
Dec 8th - off
Dec 9th - single
Dec 10th - double
Dec 11th - off
Dec 12th - triple
Dec 13th - single
Dec 14th - off
Dec 15th - single
Dec 16th - single
Dec 17th - off
Dec 18th - single
Dec 19th - double
Dec 20th - off
Dec 21st - double
Dec 22nd - double
Dec 23rd - off
Dec 24th - single
Dec 25th - Dec 29th - off
Dec 30th - start phase 2

I know there will be differing dates for the sectionals for the qualifying process for some Big Dawgs; just wanted to let everyone know that I am aware of this and will do my best to ensure everyone is prepared for their individual goals/competitions...even if you are not competing, it is imperative that you still follow cycles in your training plan...there has to be a purpose...and an end line in sight that scares/excites you!

Wed, Dec 2nd, 2009

Gluten Free Apple Crisp

2 cups blanched almond flour
½ teaspoon celtic sea salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup grapeseed oil
¼ cup agave nectar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
5 medium apples, peeled, sliced, then chopped in half width-wise

1. In a large bowl, combine almond flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg

2. In a smaller bowl, combine oil, agave and vanilla

3. Stir wet ingredients into dry

4. Place apples in a 2-3 quart glass baking dish (a mixing bowl or an 8x8 square)

5. Sprinkle topping over the apples

6. Cover and bake at 350° for 50 minutes on low rack

7. When apples are soft and their juices bubble, remove cover and bake 10 more minutes to brown crisp

8. Serve warm

Serves 6 - reference